New Business Hysteria

new business hype

New Business Hysteria {a look into}

As a local website proprietor for a dozen years, I have a lot of published history to examine (personally). From the days of “new business hysteria” to a more pragmatic approach such as “what do you need?” It’s worth talking about.

make your house look like a restaurant

The business landscape changes – so what?

I think of most folks who live in any modest city (along with whatever work commute they have) as a “Petrie dish.” It’s true that many city residents have a solid four block radius in their lives. It probably represents a solid 80% of their exposure to the world.

You have your condo, apartment, or brownstone – in which you likely spend at least 40% – 60% of your life in. Then another 25% at work (if you’re employed), and the rest “out and about.”

Much of that “out and about” is (logically) near your humble abode. Some employ Uber to go outside the box. And other love to explore what NYC has to offer.

But for much of your time – that “Petrie dish” remains relatively constant. Except when one business closes… and another opens. That is “profound,” relatively speaking.

But in the grand scheme of things, it’s how life is exactly. We all die. And many of us spawn offspring. A new generation.

Is it really that exciting?

make your coffee at home for penniesSay one “Main Street” Bar / Restaurant closes. And then four to six months later – a “NEW” one opens. Why do people get so excited?

Is it the ruffle in the feathers of the ordinary?

“Wow, my Petrie Dish has a new member! Let’s check it out!”

Or, as we’ve come to realize in the past five years, is it just “another outlet to get us to pay a lot more for things that we can do for ourselves at home?”

Are people’s lives so low and meaningless – that they need to go to these places to spend their money?

Sure, I understand “human curiosity,” to see what the deal is… but new business hysteria (i.e., “we GOTTA check this place out!) has escaped our realm of logic today. When you are self-sufficient (and a superior cook), “going out” to pay exorbitant money for stuff you can do with ease at home for a mere fraction of the cost is senseless. Bloody outrageous, as they’d say in Britain.

It’s a combination of ego, laziness, and boredom I suspect. And ignorance probably has a role as well.

Just because it’s there – what does that mean?

Back in the day – we were also victim to the new and (perceived) exciting. Like a Rock Climbing Wall Gym that is will open later this year or early next year. I have no desire to climb rocks – why would I all of a sudden want to visit that place because it’s “new?”

Same thing with restaurants. While we RARELY eat out these days (it’s a money pit – cooking at home is king), so many people – to this day – get “amped up” about a new restaurant. Please explain why I don’t get it anymore. There is NO NEW FOOD. It’s been the same forever!

Kitchens have all the same basic instruments. Stoves. Burners. Pots and pans. Chefs. Prep areas. Ingredients and spices.

Cooking is so ancient and fundamental – why would anyone find “excitement” in it?

In fact – our Zero Carb post indicated that food should only be fuel – never entertainment. Perhaps that is why America is probably the fattest country in the world.

Sure – capitalistic endeavors / supply vs. demand

Hey, I’m not essentially knocking these businesses. If they have customers, by all means. There are many people way too “busy” to cook for themselves (because they have 30 hours of “binge watching” to catch up on. Who wants to interfere with that?)

But the excitement and hype surrounding ANY new outlet that opens kind of makes us squint (in dismay) a little bit.

Because the “ease” factor that has risen to the top here in humanity makes us understand why densely populated urban centers are democratic. “TPTB” absolutely WANT everyone in urban centers. Easier to control.

Not that we wanted to get political with this piece whatsoever – but it’s the entitled class. It seems that hardly anyone wants to just do things for themselves anymore – even if that means paying a premium at some (psychologically induced) “fancy” place.

I doubt your stomach knows the difference between a $85 steak and a $3 pack of chicken thighs. It’ll grumble equally when both of them have been digested. (Your tastebuds will be a long-forgotten memory – unless you took 100 photos of your face – which is still useless!)

Check ’em out (on your own time)

My final bit of advice is – to restrain your desire to rush to any new business ANYWHERE. Let them settle into the landscape.

In fact – it might be prudent to wait at least a year or two before stepping foot inside. Let the (idiotic) market decide first. If they’re still in business – maybe, perhaps they have something going right. As long as it’s not “social media” they’re relying on – then there is a chance.

This is exactly why we’ve shifted from pointing out each new place – to just trying them out as we feel like it.

The premise is entirely different (i.e., voluntary vs. “must do!”)

But we still have a hard time paying a premium for stuff we can do ourselves for a fraction of the cost. We’ve already said that ambiance should always be free.

new business hype

About Hoboken411

We’ve been “blogging” as Hoboken411 since before Twatter and Fakebook infected the masses. Back in 2005, it was all about politics and other bullshit in and around Hoboken, New Jersey (and the tri-state NYC area in general). But since those social media “apps” have amazingly coerced the majority of the populous to “blog for free” (to make Fuckerberg insanely wealthy) we’ve taken a slightly different approach. We talk about whatever the fuck we feel like talking about (including some things in Hoboken). But our main objective is to slap the “mentally-enslaved morons” (as Mark Dice eloquently says) upside the face with a dose of reality. We know full well that most people won’t be receptive to our ideas all the time. But feathers get ruffled to this day still – which means (as they say in the medical industry): “It’s working!”


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August 10, 2017 11:45 am

Good article with some interesting perspectives and humorous commentary. But . . . being a “citYzen” in a “petrie dish” is an increasingly “tenuous position” considering the increasingly ominous geo-physical, economic, financial, social and political “events” occuring. When “the Quickening” witching hour/critical mass point is reached and good ‘ol “entropy” AGAIN takes a big crap in “petrie dish” and the “medium” becomes fetid/toxic/unsustainable” – do ya REALLY want to be there?

August 10, 2017 3:23 pm

Maybe I need to read the article again. I read the whole thing, thought about it and still can’t figure out why the author is perplexed or possibly annoyed about sheep being sheep. They’ve been programmed. It’s just what they do. It’s why some people can get rich rich selling pet rocks, fake dog shit and fidget spinners.

I personally can’t recall ever being “excited” about a new business opening up in da hood. I did get a bar that opened in a building that sat vacant for 18 years about 1.5 blocks away from my house. I think I stopped in about a year after they opened. Nice place, cool owners. Pints ranged from 5-8 dollars. I could (and did) buy the same beers to stock my own 8 keg kegerator at home in 1/6th barrel (5 Gal.) kegs for about $1.25 per pint.

August 10, 2017 11:34 pm

I have to admit, when reading a piece earlier about Applebees closing 135 locations, the hope occured to me that the one 1.5 miles away would be closing. Even though I’ve only eaten there once in 4 years.