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Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
October 17, 2017 5:17 pm

I’ve come across a few YouTube videos in which young black men directly say “it ain’t white folk shootin’ black people. It’s black people shooting black folks.” Now, these are young people who have views on these issues and who decided to make their publicize their issues. I’ve seen no evidence they’re from top universities or have extensive life experience (they are mostly young). Some are “urban” and others “preppy” in dress and demeanor.

But their views are rarely if ever accepted on “standard” news. It is always, instead, a narrative of white oppression and marginalization of blacks and of other people of color. The horrible conditions many blacks are in today are the legacy of slavery – an institution which has been illegal for 152 years. And conservative scholars – black and brilliant – like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell point out that in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, all the way up to the 1960s, black marriage rates and rates of blacks growing up in two-parent homes were far higher than today and that rates of blacks being born out of wedlock were lower than today.

If more time has passed between then and 2017 – given we’re farther in the future from the end of slavery, not to mention years & now decades of affirmative action and other ‘corrective’ measures…. why is this all happening? How is this the white man’s fault?

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Modern Chronicler
October 17, 2017 5:37 pm

Welfare rules

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Modern Chronicler
October 18, 2017 12:47 am

Modern says, “The horrible conditions many blacks are in today are the legacy of slavery – an institution which has been illegal for 152 years. ”

No, the horrible condition of many blacks today is due to the government welfare system and public school systems. At the turn of the century, many blacks were doing OK compared to now. (In fact, many people of all races in the South were only doing OK.) But by the 1950s, black were doing even better. When welfare came along, the government basically put them back on the plantation and made public school attendance mandatory. The result is what you see now.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
  Vixen Vic
October 18, 2017 7:18 am

No. I said that’s what the “standard” view is, one of whites oppressing nonwhites. In the same paragraph I mentioned Williams and Sowell. Seems to me you didn’t read to the end.

October 17, 2017 5:38 pm

Toss in black rappers that exploit these kids for a buck…

October 17, 2017 5:40 pm

If the trend continues, this country is totally screwed in 40 years.

John Cray
John Cray
October 17, 2017 5:49 pm

Two comments
(1) Its racist to provide these facts ‘sarc/’.
(2) I worked with a~60 year old man who had gone bankrupt. We were working on a contract basis. He told me his life’s story, his wife had gone to ask public assistance when they were dead broke, it was an low amount. When asked how to increase it, the government employee told her start to have children. He said what is a woman in her late 50s supposed to do when told to have children?

October 17, 2017 6:29 pm

From some Thomas Sowell research:

• As late as 1910 more than two-thirds of the black population of Chicago lived in neighborhoods where most residents were white.

• In 1950, 72 percent of all black men and 81 percent of black women had been married.

• Every census from 1890 to 1950 showed that black labor force participation rates were higher than those of whites.

• Prior to the 1960’s the unemployment rate for black 16 and 17-year olds was under 10 percent.

• Before 1960, the number of teenage pregnancies had been decreasing; both poverty and dependency were declining, and black income was rising in both absolute and relative terms to white income.

• In 1965, 76.4 percent of black children were born to married women.

Johnson, his “Great Society”, the Vietnam war, the war on drugs, guilt-ridden worthless white liberals, and the democratic party all SHIT on the black community in ways that Malcolm X and Martin Luther King both tried to point out (not to equal extents). No shock, BOTH ended up being assassinated by the powers that be(nefitted) from all these “programs.”

October 18, 2017 9:11 am

It’s funny how it is so much easier to see the way black people have been played, when whites have been played just as cunningly and few realize the depths of it.

October 17, 2017 6:31 pm

The Left can’t as easily exploit people from functional homes.

I look at the blacks, and see people being let to slaughter by the pied-piper of the Left. So few of them seem to realize they are being used by people that see them as a disposable tool – and even fewer grasp that once used, they’ll have no further value to their exploiters.

Amusingly, the blacks would be better off if the Left loses, because the Right probably won’t genocide them as the Left intends to. Deport them to Africa, or maybe move them onto reservations, perhaps – but not likely the unrestrained genocide they would face at the hands of the Left.

October 17, 2017 10:07 pm

They don’t call it genocide in America. Here we call it the DRAFT. Just look at the numbers of “colored” dead in Vietnam versus white (versus their percentages in the population).

October 17, 2017 6:36 pm

You can’t legislate morality. Immorality you can…

October 17, 2017 7:24 pm

I jes new dey wus kangz I jes be newin it.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 18, 2017 1:06 am

That casket is dope, yo.

I got a buddy that would totally do that if the livery was Pabst Blue Ribbon instead.

October 17, 2017 7:36 pm

Black people listened to and got hoodwinked by stupid liberals, now white people are having the same thing happen to increasing amounts of their families, not to mention the opioid crisis.

The old ways of personal responsibility, manners, strong family unit, etc. have not gone out of style.

That Brother will get no interviews on liberal TV as white liberals need to keep blacks on the ideological plantation or Dumbocrats will never win another election.

The more common sense a person has, the more they lean Libertarian. Why blacks don’t embrace, and especially naturally embrace, the party of pure freedom is beyond me. Florence Nightingale Syndrome?

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 20, 2017 12:42 am

Blacks embrace the Democrat Party, Public Education, the Black Culture, Liberalism, Sports and Entertainment over Education, Politics over Individual Achievement, numbers of children over quality of children, drugs and crime etc. Everything Blacks choose takes them backwards while most Whites choose wisely; the inequality will only increase.

  rhs jr
October 22, 2017 8:18 am

Although not the original source, Peter Drucker, famous business / leadership consultant has a quote “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. That business expression applied to this subject, says it will be very difficult to change current Black Culture. For the record, Black Culture is multi dimensional like all cultures so there is more than one variable to address. The real challenge is changing the reinforcing mechanisms from our politicians, media, and entertainment, they are more powerful in message than religion, education, and ‘facts’. (IMHO)

For example, look at the middle east, trillions of dollars, decades of wars, thousands of US military deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, the culture needle has not moved much.

October 22, 2017 10:57 am

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast”.

I don’t recall ever reading that anywhere.

It’s a great quote full of deep and even hidden meaning.

Thanks for posting it.