Leftists Are Too Uneducated To Understand Why Betsy DeVos Is Education Secretary

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Yesterday, The Huffington Post (an outlet Free Market Shooter loves to hate) posted an article titled “How Betsy DeVos Became The Most Hated Cabinet Secretary”.  Predictably, the article was just as out of touch as its title implies:

“All the time,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). “This is true in town halls, when I’m walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, when I go into the grocery store. People come up to me to talk about Betsy DeVos. There’s just no comparison. I’ve never had this happen with any other Cabinet secretary.”

“There is no one in America more unpopular than Betsy DeVos,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.). “To have somebody who scorns public education, who never went to a public school, her children never went to a public school… to be in charge of public education is an outrage.”

But HuffPo is hardly alone; if you do a Google news search for Betsy DeVos, nearly every result is a negative one:

The majority of the criticism surrounding DeVos is centered on her lack of experience, and tendency to cut funding and entire education programs.  Unsurprisingly, most of the criticism emanates from out-of-touch liberals who still can’t seem to figure out how President Trump won the 2016 election… and the same liberals can’t seem to figure out how DeVos got the job in the first place.

News flash, leftists: Betsy DeVos is the Secretary of Education because the Department of Education has been a disaster for decades.  Government spending on education is producing disturbingly poor returns; DeVos is in place solely to stop the department from wasting even more taxpayer dollars.

This author has covered the high expenditure of US education spending in the past

This is not hyperbole – the US spends approximately $115,000 per student, which is fifth globally, behind only Austria, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland.

…and noted that money is not the cure to the problem:

But throwing money at the problem has not led to increased performance, as the Pew Research Center recently analyzed – our students score similar to the Slovak Republic, which spends less than half, at $53,000 per student:

What a surprise – a PISA report has noted the following:

…among OECD countries, “higher expenditure on education is not highly predictive of better mathematics scores in PISA.”

In the worst cases, public schools produce students graduating high school at elementary school education levels:

According to the IEP report, the 12th grader reads at a 5th grade level; does math at a 4th grade level.

“It’s not supposed to happen,” stated Able. “I don’t want him to fall out into the streets.”

Unsurprisingly, this occurs in the worst inner city schools, which are precisely the ones who are supposed to be helped by federal spending and guidelines:

Baltimore’s community is absolutely stunned after ‘Project Baltimore’, an investigative reporting initiative, which was launched in March 2017, by Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. asked this question:  How can a high school with zero students proficient in math, have one of the highest graduation rates in Baltimore City?

Project Baltimore is investigating Northwood Appold Community Academy II, or NACA II, after teachers “contacted us saying grades are being changed so students can graduate”. The school is located in East Baltimore City, Maryland where nearly 1/3 of African Americans have zero net wealth.

In a stunning interview from one of the masked educators who uncovered this possible great theft of education.. They said, “grade changing. Giving out diplomas to students that did not earn them.”

Another teacher told Project Baltimore ,“if you are changing grades and you’re allowing people to walk, of course, that is what your numbers are going to look like.”

We found six seniors who failed a required foreign-language class, yet every one graduated. Another student graduated after being absent or late to school more than 100 days during the year, and had a first quarter GPA of 0.000. 

It should be pretty easy to figure out who is angriest at the DeVos-led education department’s cuts…

…you guessed it: the same unionized educators who have failed their students by allowing them to graduate far below their global peers, in spite of receiving more dollars than the average nation.

Of course, instead of figuring out a way to get more bang for education bucks, liberals have been focused on attacking the semantics of President Trump’s criticisms of excessive education spending.  Politifact, which liberals claim is “least biased” when it is really anything but, went after Trump just as his campaign started to get popular back in February of 2016:

“We spend more money than anyone else any other country in the world by a lot,” he went on to say. “And yet we’re number 28 on the list … So we’re 28 in terms of quality. So that means we have 27 countries ahead of us, and yet in terms of cost we’re No. 1 by far.”

Additionally, the United States was not the top spender. Luxembourg, Switzerland and Norway each spent more per pupil than the United States. In the case of Luxembourg, about 66 percent more per secondary school student.

In fact, the United States would have to increase per student spending about $8,000 per year just to match Luxembourg at the high school level. To spend quadruple what Luxembourgers do would require a $70,000 per student boost.

Trump said the United States spends more on education per pupil by a factor of four and gets poor results.

We rate his statement Mostly False.

So Trump said that the US was no.1 in education spending, when it turns out they’re actually no.5, behind several far smaller European countries, and their overall performance ranks somewhere in the 20s, not necessarily 28.

How can anyone listen to Trump, all he does is spew lies, give him sixteen pinnochios for that statement!

Even Politifact couldn’t hide from the truth; when Trump cleaned up his statement further along in his campaign to reflect the US not being right at the top in education spending, there were forced to rate his claim as “True.”

Take note, even the nations above the US in education spending have scant military budgets, who are all but reliant on the US to “free-roll” their national defense from their global adversaries… though some of them seem to be doing a decent enough job of allowing migrants to destroy their nations from within.  The fact of the matter is, Betsy DeVos likely got the job precisely because she knows nothing about education.  Clearly, more education spending is not the answer; it is far beyond time the department learned to actually educate students, instead of throwing taxpayer dollars at the problem.

But don’t tell that to Trump’s critics such as the aforementioned Elizabeth Warren… they’re too busy criticizing Trump, ignoring their own hypocrises for the sake of politics, instead of trying to figure out a way to get more out of taxpayer dollars spent on education.  

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 26, 2017 7:10 am

Always amusing to see Warren portrayed as an ‘injun’ – that 1/1000 injection of Native American genes (maybe) bought her a few advantages over others more deserving.

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 26, 2017 7:46 am

“…All the time,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). “This is true in town halls, when I’m walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, when I go into the grocery store…”

I doubt Pocahontas even knows the way to her nearest grocery store. That’s for ‘the unwashed masses’ to do…

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

October 26, 2017 7:55 am

Several people selected the Dept. Of Education as the most evil entity in America. An excellent choice.

BD is a YUGE supporter of Charter schools, and home schooling. No doubt, this pisses off many many State Skool lovers. Anything she does is bound to be an improvement.

But, I’m not a big fan. Why? One word. Amway. The Devoss family built their fortune on a SCAM … a pyramid scheme that benefits few, and fucks up many.

I worked in their home town, Grand Rapids, for about a decade. Cheap ass motherfuckers!! They bend over suppliers and rape them good and hard … and then expect you to thank them for the experience.

I had Amway as an account … selling them software, hardware, and services; mostly computer networking stuff. On a small $10,000 sale I’d be lucky to get $100 commission. Cocksuckers, one and all.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 26, 2017 8:52 am

I think mlms’s should be illegal. Just my opinion.

  Mary Christine
October 26, 2017 12:48 pm

I think we should educate high school students well enough that they laugh at MLM sales pitches and move on with their lives.

I remember the first time I got suckered into one of those stupid “meetings” during college.

Never again.

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
October 27, 2017 2:43 am

Must have been a big guy to have forced you to sell your stuff to them for such low commission.

  bigfoot was here
October 27, 2017 7:21 am

Is that sarcasm I detect?

Have you ever been in sales?

Sometimes your “territory” might be geographical. You get to pick & choose whom to call on.

Other times your “territory” might be Assigned Accounts. No choices there.

Amway was my assigned account. In fact, they were so huge, there were four of us assigned to them. Contracts were pre-arranged with Amway and the company I worked for … “X” dollars for this, “Y” dollars for that, etc. …. all negotiated by Amway at barely break-even pricing.

So, yeah, I was “forced”.

So, why did my company agree to such raping? Sheer volume made it worthwhile for THEM. The “prestige” of being an Amway ‘partner’ … useful for marketing propaganda on our sales brochures. Volume incentives from our own suppliers. Everyone made out OK except the salesperson. We were but indentured whores begging for an occasional blow job, figuratively.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 26, 2017 8:00 am

I could not agree more with President Trumps decision to bring someone from outside the public education arena to command control and scrutinize just exactly what we as taxpayers are getting for our money and start cutting money to failed programs and systems that appears to only bleed cash with dismal results !
My criticism for President Trump is , why did he not bring outsiders for most of his other appointments ? Any of the people from the circle jerk revolving door Wall Street K- Street and Corporate CEO’s . Not to leave out the big wart on the ass of the financial community Goldman Sachs ! Any person connected that received a TARP bail out or benefited from it should be disqualified

  Boat Guy
October 26, 2017 8:11 am

“I could not agree more with President Trumps decision to bring someone from outside the public education arena….”. So would you support her appointment as Secretary of Defense based on her outsider credentials?

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 26, 2017 8:23 am

That is exactly what the EU member states have done. Russia surely must be ordering huge supplies of new underwear for their troops.


October 26, 2017 8:31 am

Trump doesnt view that department as being disfunctional. He loves the DoD and wants to make it bigger. So its kind of a loaded question.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 26, 2017 9:25 am

Specious argument apples to oranges . Hillary Clinton was pathetic but so intelligent she could not remember shit under oath now there is qualifications to rise to the top in Washington DC

  Boat Guy
October 26, 2017 12:24 pm

I don’t know what testimony you are referencing, but Reagan holds the “could not remember shit under oath” record.

“In all, Reagan said “I don`t recall“ or “I can`t remember“ 88 times in the eight hours of testimony….”

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
October 27, 2017 2:46 am

A big “yes.” The outsider might “bring the troops home” where they fucking belong, only fewer of them. Insiders will never ever do that.

October 26, 2017 8:45 am

““This is true in town halls, when I’m walking down the sidewalk in my neighborhood, when I go into the grocery store. …..”

I’m surprised Warren actually does her own grocery shopping, out there among the commoners without a cadre of armed guards around her as a buffer between them.

October 26, 2017 8:53 am

Trump, Betsy DeVos Hire Disgraced “Blackwater” For Africa Black Ops

Trump’s “Betsy” Will Stun You, Maybe to Death (updated)

Oh yeah, good old Betsy owns her own army that is the army of the shadow government, investigated for human trafficking and killing civilians around the world. Her brother may run the army but she owns it. The leftist understand her type of army all too well.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 26, 2017 10:45 am

BL…..just know that Gordon Duff will never say anything positive about Trump or his Administration. I’ve read enuf of his rants to not waste my time.



You are a blind fool if you think these people are honorable, Gordon Duff or no Gordon Duff. Do you approve of human trafficking KoKo? Spend some time on youtube with the subject of Blackwater. Plenty of docs that Gordy had nothing to do with and I guess CONgress investigated Blackwater long before Trump because they are boy scouts………right? Well like it or not KoKo good old Betsy is Blackwater and you can pooh-pooh that to cover for your dear leader who put the shadow army leader and GS in place in the cabinet. The stoopid it burns…………..

October 26, 2017 12:39 pm

Awesome articles. Especially the 2nd one. I hope people read it. Betsy Devos is more dangerous than I imagined.

Ms Freud often asks me why I don’t want to move back to MI … one son lives in Grand Rapids, the other in Grand Haven. I’ll have her read this article, asking her to pay attention to the Dutch Mafia. Those Dutch Reformed Church fuckers control that part of the state. If you’re not one-of-them … you’re a nobody. Clannish to the max. W. Michigan has gorgeous scenery, but the GR/Holland area is a horrible place to live. In many ways, worse even than NJ. I’d chew my own dick off before going back there!

October 26, 2017 3:38 pm

They won’t read the articles, they get paid to blow Trump. The first article was a Daily Beast piece but KoKo was too busy puffing on something to notice. Fukkin maroon.

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 26, 2017 9:02 am

Trump should have just terminated the Jimmy Carter disaster known as the Department Of Education.

That would have kept the socialists and Never-Trumper’s in the Senate too preoccupied to be as effective at blocking the promises that he got elected on like stopping immigration, building the wall, repealing (not replacing – REPEALING Obozocare), draining the swamp, etc.

If we could eliminate just one federal program, it should be the DOE.

It turns out state worshiping, mindless little snowflakes by the millions every year…

Exactly how valuable to an employer is someone that needs ‘trigger warnings’ in case there might be an opinion uttered in their presence that’s different from their own? Let’s not even get into this infantile nonsense about their safe spaces complete with coloring books, and stuffed animals to sooth their little feelings?

They’ll be living off of mom and dad for a long time.

With a federally controlled education system rather than one left to the states, counties, and local communities Jimmy Carter took a page right out of Hitler and Lenin’s playbooks:

“…When an opponent declares: ‘I will not come over to your side.’ I calmly say – Your child belongs to me already…” – Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

“…Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted…” — Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924)

It can’t be fixed. Terminate the DOE.

It’s as easy as zero funding…

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

October 26, 2017 9:05 am

As I recall the ‘Department of Education’ was created as part of a deal with Jimmy Carter to get the educrats support. I don’t really care how local communities run their public schools as long as it is paid for out of local tax revenue. NO FEDERAL DOLLARS.

If Baltimore wants to hire grinning idiots for teachers and thieves as administrators to run its public schools/underclass feeding centers let them. Its their money. Of course they will have to decide, and soon, how to fund their public sector pensions, police, public works etc. AND their so called schools on their own. It should be fun to watch the fight when the money runs out.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 26, 2017 11:23 am

Everyone thinks that the purpose of government spending on education is to educate children. No, no, no. Like nearly all government spending, the purpose of spending the money is to get it into the pockets of your supporters.

For education spending this means sending it to teachers and unions to pay for their support of D candidates. For defense and finance it is to insure well paying jobs for public officials when they leave government.

When we understand this fact, the purpose of government becomes much clearer.

October 26, 2017 11:35 am

And Republicans are too unprincipled to have followed through with their promise to abolish this Unconstitutional department back in 1994.

October 26, 2017 3:17 pm

The Columbia Public School system (Columbia, MO), which I unhappily support as a tax donkey, seems to function mainly as a daycare center. The school system offers after-school structured activities, and feeds some of the kids three f*cking meals a day. Do these kids even have parents? I would like to know how many illegals are being “educated” on my dime.

October 26, 2017 8:46 pm

Government monopoly schools are a cross between a daycare center and a day prison….nothing more. Education is what most (but not all) private and homeschools are doing.

October 26, 2017 6:26 pm

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October 26, 2017 6:34 pm

That’s a “keeper” nkit. That meme says it all.