Question of the Day, Nov 2

If you were supreme leader, what would you do with the public school system?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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Mike Murray
Mike Murray
November 2, 2017 1:43 pm

If I had the magic wand?
Get the Fed’s out of the schools 100%. No funding, no regulation, no court rulings.
Get unions out of the government workforce 100%.

November 2, 2017 1:51 pm

Abolish the dept of education, teachers unions, and stop and return all federal transfer payments back to individual states.
Allow the states to kick problem children out of school.
Allow states to fire under-educated teachers.
Mandatory cuts in admin staffs across all school systems to eliminate waste and bloat.

i forget
i forget
November 2, 2017 1:53 pm

‘Supreme Leaders’ always do the same thing with ‘public school systems.’ If I were SL I’d necessarily be like other SL’s : a corrupt POS. The q telegraphs the misbegotten notion that if only Mr. Smith could get to Washington, be swallowed into the belly of the great fish, he could & would cut his way out from the inside, killing the monster myth & creating the hero myth.

Myth, math, meth…& the games people play.

But…if I could retain all the hard-wons even as I took a time machine back, I’d skip school, from grade to high, to college. That whole thing is a box canyon.

  i forget
November 2, 2017 2:15 pm

“I’d skip school, from grade to high, to college”

I think its fairly obvious that you skipped school. A LOT of school.

Where do you get your meth from?

i forget
i forget
November 2, 2017 2:35 pm

What’s ‘fairly obvious’ to one who didn’t skip any (or much, or not enough) school – one who was instead skippered, had their ride hijacked – is just as obviously contained in a comment such as yours.

My method came with the package. As did yours. Each is stuck•y, indeed, in just that way.

  i forget
November 2, 2017 2:54 pm


i forget
i forget
November 2, 2017 3:11 pm

Unhooking the qmark (possibly): Chromed bumpers, RiNS. Pavlovian photographs burned into wee little brains that were predisposed to being branded.

November 2, 2017 3:36 pm

i forget before and after commenting.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 2, 2017 2:00 pm

The Chicago teachers are some of the highest paid teachers in the nation and go on strike every time their contract is up for renewal. Any teacher who would go on strike should not be teaching children.

In the 70’s the US had the best public education available in the world. Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Education and it has been downhill ever since.

November 2, 2017 2:16 pm

Return it to local control.

November 2, 2017 2:21 pm

Get the federal government out of education all together. Get rid of teachers’ unions. If any part or level of government is going to fund education it should be in the form of vouchers. Each child gets a voucher for the same amount of money regardless of age, IQ, physical and/or mental disability. The parents and/or child (depending on age and circumstance) choose their school and pay any extra above the voucher.

November 2, 2017 2:22 pm

Waaay to many things to list. My Top 5.

1. Eliminate tenure.

2. MERIT based teacher pay.

3. Eliminate 75% of “administrative” positions. (combine redundant school districts also)

4. Bring back the McGuffy Readers.

5. Bring back corporal punishment. Make Friday’s “kick you in the fuck” day for the really bad kids.

November 2, 2017 2:25 pm

We home schooled.

First I would use a D-11 Cat, drop the blade, and scrape off the medium security prisons called schools. The I would crush the fucking school buses for scrap (I know this sounds cruel to the Somali’s and super fat women who drive the buses – but it must be done).

I would give vouchers to all, and abolish the public school system. Public schools are basically babysitting. With a ‘proper’ education you can learn everything you need by 9th grade. Those that can go on to college, or a vo-tech.

I am so fucking sick of bumper stickers like “Teachers make a difference” well who doesn’t make a difference? Does Roto Rooter make a difference when you can’t flush your shit?

Bill Sturka
Bill Sturka
November 2, 2017 3:39 pm

“My Child is an Honor Student at Roto-Rooter Tech”

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 2, 2017 2:27 pm

Abolish it, and let markets and voluntary choice supply the appropriate amount of education.

November 2, 2017 2:31 pm

Abolish it.

November 2, 2017 2:33 pm

On a potentially possible level, make English the only language used in all of our schools.

You want our free education, you learn our language first.

November 2, 2017 2:33 pm

I would assemble a panel of board members from the most successful private schools, and allocate all of current education funding to them and have them expand and take over existing public schools. Funds would be continually reallocated based on which schools performed the best and under whose model. Needless to say a lot of troublesome students would find themselves on a permanent vacation. They can go chimp out on the chicago streets for all I care.

November 2, 2017 2:35 pm

Exterminate it. By whatever means necessary. Until the notion of “public” – i.e. State controlled – education is universally regarded with the same visceral revulsion as pedophilia the world will not be a decent place to live in.

MN Steel
MN Steel
November 2, 2017 7:59 pm

Cluster bombs from B-52s, followed by napalm.

Nuke from orbit.

Wait, what was the question about? Schools?

Plan still in efect.

Tom S.
Tom S.
November 2, 2017 2:38 pm

1) Bring back “Reform Schools” with a vengeance: If your loud-ass undisciplined punk kid isn’t interested in learning, then pack his or her ass off to reform school, which would be some kind of boarding school hell-hole of strict discipline. If they can straighten up, they can earn a return to the GP.

2) Make maximum school size of 300-400 students: If a school is bigger than that, the kids just become faces in a crowd – not individuals.

3) All schools above grade 6 should be separated by gender, with no – NO – opposite gender staff at any school. Teachers for these students should be recruited from combat-experienced military veterans. If the students can’t take that – see option #1 above. Add 90 minutes of PT per day (note: playing kickball and shooting hoops is NOT PT).

4) No more than 4 levels of employees i.e. Teacher/Asst., Principal/Asst., Administrator, Superintendent. And cap the % of budget spent on administration.

5) Increase drastically the minimum number of school days and hours – no more long summer vacations. This will increase by ±40% the amount of time in school. Use the other extra class hours to eliminate grades 11 & 12. Those years should be used for learning a technical skill or working to make money for college.

  Tom S.
November 2, 2017 4:44 pm

Tom: You are 100% correct. All year schooling where they do not do the data dump and take 3 months to relearn the past year lost in a haze of doob smoke. Take several 2 week vacations in the middle of seasons versus a three month siesta……

November 2, 2017 2:53 pm

I would do nothing.

The teacher union drones are killing themselves, we should expect more demands, gnashing of teeth, wailing, crying, more demands and finally silence, just like a two year old temper tantrum.

November 2, 2017 3:03 pm

End compulsory attendance. Teaching youngsters to use force to achieve some egalitarian goal is immoral.

November 2, 2017 3:50 pm

I would tear it down and paint it black. Then I would rebuild anew. My first national appointments would be Stucky as head of Cultural Re-education and Derp as Chief of Security. Of course, their offices would be at opposite ends of the hall.

November 2, 2017 3:51 pm

1.. Deport all the blacks and mulattos back to Africa, all the indians/mestizos back to Mexico or Central America, and all the muslims back to the Arabian peninsula. This would solve at least 90% of our problems.

2. Deport any remaining Democrats with more than $1 million in assets to central Africa – without their assets. This will be most of the communists.

3. Burn the teacher education system (where new teachers come from) to the ground, and start over with a system designed to weed out the garbage. I’m actually serious about this one.

3. Have all the remaining communists, homosexuals/lesbians, and feminists employed in education fired, and deported to central Africa.

4. Have any of the educational publishers that are problematic, shut down.

5. Invade Canada, and do the same thing there.

6. ???

7. Profit.

November 2, 2017 3:55 pm

Eliminate, of course.

When parents take their children out of the system and do absolutely nothing to intentionally educate their children, the children’s test results are only slightly (one grade level) below the people who spent twelve or more years in the system.

I would argue that even this gap is merely a reflection of the fact that the system teaches to the test, whilst “free range” children learn more general knowledge. Of course, if the parent actually does try to educate the child, the results are far above anything the system can produce.

There’s no reason to further invest in an idea that has utterly and totally failed. I demand a track record of success before I endorse a large scale project. Education doesn’t have that record. It has nothing. All ideas like “if we were just tougher” or “if we taught more valuable material” are purely speculative. The only demonstrable track record of success is when the educator knows the child well enough to understand his interests and abilities and can adapt accordingly, like in homeschooling or an apprenticeship.

What education does have, is a record of raising employment, by forcing children from the labor force and directly employing a massive bureaucracy to manage them. I reject the idea that stealing children’s jobs is good for them. Historically, children were a major portion of the labor market, it gave them a social position and leverage, therefore, personhood, it gave them a straight out income, and it allowed them to feel useful and engaged. The whole, off of the farm into the schoolyard movement was always pushed by people who wanted to take those jobs for themselves, and it continues to serve in that role, at the massive cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars per person, the destruction of the family (because the children are no longer productive, their parents end up not liking them, and of course the children then learn to hate their parents.), stifling of the proper entrepreneurial work ethic (because children are trained that they’re barred from all opportunity, and they’re only chance is to sheepishly obey the system and hope it works out.) and endless misery, since the system has no interest in the children and no incentive to care if they’re bored, confused, unable to get along or etc.

i forget
i forget
November 2, 2017 4:06 pm

Yes. Box canyons are the opposite of free range. Propaganda, indoctrination, is the biggest part of the CAFO systems. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, borging I’s into we’s, reduces drover overhead. But, just to be gild the lily surer – anal retentive control freak cowards can never be sure enough – drones overhead…..

  i forget
November 3, 2017 12:51 am

I’m guessing a BAC of 2.2 – 2.4

November 2, 2017 4:22 pm

1. End Federal involvement and funding. It’s a State/Local issue.
2. End Compulsory Education after a locally determined age. If a kid acts up enough, kick him out. School is there for those who wish to learn, and whose parents want them to learn.
3. Enable minors to enter the workforce at a locally determined age (12-15), at a below-minimum wage for a period of time. The goal is to have them apprentice, learn marketable skills at reduced cost to employers.
4. Ain’t no such thing as a union of government workers, including teachers. Funding, Wages and Administration is 100% State and locally determined and supported.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 2, 2017 6:22 pm

Teacher must pass a competency test to maintain their license . They must also demonstrate a proficiency in their specific subject thru a national standard of testing like an SAT . Should they not complete these requirements satisfactorily , 30 Days retest Fail and you are out and if you have 10 or more that’s it for retirement locked in to be released at 65 or higher depending on social security regulations . Welcome to reality

November 2, 2017 8:43 pm

Fire all teachers with less than an ACT of 29-30 or SAT of 1400. IQ does matter. Then pay them appropriately.

November 2, 2017 9:21 pm

Teachers do indeed make a difference . However, the raw material with which they work is the most important ingredient. In the St. Louis area, the Parkway School District is one of the best performing districts. Even if it is corrupted with progressive thought. The St. Louis School District is at the other end of the achievement spectrum. St. Louis Schools could be turned into high a high achievement district in one year. All that would be necessary would be to buss all the city students to Parkway and all the Parkway students to the city. GUESS WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IN THE STUDENTS IS.
Teachers are not completely responsible. You can’t turn shit into ice cream.

harry p.
harry p.
November 2, 2017 9:12 pm

There is only one way to be sure…

November 2, 2017 9:55 pm


Bulldoze the entire edifice. Leave nothing standing.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 2, 2017 10:14 pm

Scorched earth policy. Simple but effective.

November 2, 2017 11:26 pm

Burn it to the ground, Salt the earth.

Chalmer Basham
Chalmer Basham
November 2, 2017 11:42 pm

1) Change the name of the Federal Department of Education to The Federal Department of Indoctrination. (At least tell the truth)
2) Remove the teaching of History of any kind on any subject.
(Societies never learn from history anyway)
3) Math class will not teach “the irrational and complex numbers”
(Society is already way to irrational and complex). Both of these should be taught in Deviant Psychology class.
4) Science class must begin each year with the reading of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”. (This will engender much needed civil and fact based (?) dialog between the many races and genders)
5) Literature class will consist solely of teaching non-fact based fictional Creative Writing with an emphasis on non-standard grammar, punctuation and spelling. (For all Athletes and future Rhodes Scholars)
6) Grading and advancement will not take place. (This removes all fear of failure due to poor grades and feelings of inadequacy leading to envy than depression due to non-advancement)
7. All Administrators, Teachers, Maintenance personal and Students will be bused to and from school. No private transportation allowed. (This will foster a spirit of equality amongst all involve)
8. All employed by the school system will be paid exactly the same meager pay. (This will eliminate all employees therefor the system will shut down and parents can once again take the primary role in THEIR child’s education having been freed of those claiming to “be there for the children” who are there for “the paycheck”!

November 3, 2017 2:24 am

As a start, put education in the hands of children’s parents.
On the local neighborhood level the parents (or local non-parent if they feel so moved) best suited to the tasks teach children, at the child’s pace and style of learning, to read and understand basic numeration.
Once these basics are instilled, the child is given unfettered access to all information, with parent teacher/mentor/guides, and allowed to pursue knowledge in keeping with their individual strengths and interests with the goal of deciding where each fits best in being a productive member of the community.
Formal apprenticeships would be created or reinstated in all areas of work.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2017 7:01 am

Make school voluntary rather than compulsory and staff them with retired seniors who volunteer to teach life skills.

Then line up the administrators and school board members and have them shot.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2017 1:05 pm

My aunt retired from elementary school teaching, voluntarily tutored kids and helped many children learn who might otherwise have been held back.

She stopped because the local teachers’ union complained to the peincipal. Who asked her to stop with free help. Unions hate volunteers.

November 3, 2017 12:39 pm

All state involvement in education at all levels(this includes universities) and would be immediately terminated. Education would become a private matter between parents, students and local communities but with NO state funding, curriculums, testing, etc…zero. This would cause an explosion and diversity of private schools, an immediate opening of closed minds to ideas, an improvement of educational standards, and the development of innovative curriculums, teaching methods and informed citizens. The mass brainwashing of the American people would end and there would in a short period be a revolution that would shake western civilization to its foundations while the thieves, gangsters and degenerates are purged from all levels of government and key institutions of civilization such as the MSM. Don’t even think about reforming the state-controlled education because it cannot be done. BTW, I am old enough to have attended a one room school in New Brunswick with five grades which was run by the local rural community ; this was the closest I got to true education.