President Trump’s 2017 Report Card (first draft)

Guest Post by Scott Adams

As we approach the holiday season there will be much debate on how President Trump has performed for his first calendar year. As a populist president, I think the best way to judge his performance is by focusing on the issues voters say are their top priorities. Pew Research polled voters to determine their political priorities for 2017. Let’s see how President Trump is doing so far on the top ten priorities according to the public.

Terrorism (76% rated top priority)

ISIS is on the run, thanks in part to President Trump’s loosening of the rules of military engagement, as well as pivoting from a Whack-a-Mole strategy to a total annihilation strategy with no withdrawal date. Both moves are good persuasion. And while President Trump’s “extreme vetting” is unpopular with many citizens, it has probably reduced risk to the homeland. And General Mattis is widely considered to be a strong hire.

     Grade: A

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Economy (73% rated top priority)

I’ll give President Obama 75% credit for the strong economy. But I think consumer confidence and the stock market tell us there is optimism about the current administration. That confidence is buoyed by Trump’s reduction in regulations via executive orders, his tough talk on trade, and his persuasion toward a higher GDP that is already becoming self-fulfilling. If people believe the economy will be better next year than this year, they invest this year, thus making next year better. We might see something good come out of tax reform, but I don’t think it will matter as much as people assume.

     Grade: A

Education (69% rated top priority)

I’m not aware of any federal changes in this area that would be big enough to make a difference. But it is also unclear how much the federal government can do on an issue that is managed by the states. Unfortunately for the Trump administration, the mental anchor in our minds for education is Bernie Sanders’ idea of free college. If that’s the standard, the Trump administration is not even in the game.

     Grade: C

Jobs (68% rated top priority)

Unemployment is low. Illegal immigration is down by half. Corporations are bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, at least in part because of Trump’s direct persuasion on this point. A cut in business tax rates could improve things further.

     Grade: A

Health care costs (66% rated top priority)

President Trump offered to sign any health care bill the Republican congress could pass. They tried twice and failed twice. The public sees this as more of a problem with Congress than the presidency, and the public is right. But it is also true that the President did not fully engage his persuasion game on this topic, allowing Republicans to fail miserably. Is that bad? It depends.

I have been saying for months that the only way to get a good health care bill is by letting the Republican Congress fail a few times so they become flexible (more bipartisan) later. President Trump’s potential influence over health care will grow over time as both sides look at a failing Obamacare system and don’t want to explain their failure to voters in 2018. I’m predicting we will have health care legislation before summer, but the only way to get there is by letting both the current system and Congress continue to fail. That is happening.

President Trump did sign an executive order allowing groups to organize to purchase health care insurance. That could help, but we see nothing useful from it yet.

     Grade: Incomplete (with a progress grade of D- so far)

Social Security (60% rated top priority)

Social Security is a Congressional budget issue. But President Trump promises to keep it strong. Not much happening on this topic. But a strong economy is a good foundation for having a solid safety net, and we have that going for us.

     Grade: B

Medicare (59% rated top priority)

Medicare is a Congressional budget issue. I’ve seen nothing significant from President Trump on this topic. But again, a strong economy helps here too.

     Grade: B

Poor and needy (56% rated top priority)

A growing economy is the most effective way to help the poor and needy in the long run, and things are going well on that front. But expect Republican budgets to look “mean” to this demographic.

     Grade: C

Race relations (56% rated top priority)

President Trump is an “America First” president, and that includes treating all legal citizens the same under the law. But the optics of that approach create the impression that the administration is racist for ignoring identity politics and playing hardball with illegal immigrants. In my opinion, the Trump administration has mostly fumbled this issue from the start of the campaign until now. The anti-Trump media is probably at least 60% of the problem in terms of how people feel about this topic, but you can’t blame them for hitting lots of targets in a target-rich environment.

     Grade: F

Reducing Crime (56% rated top priority)

I haven’t noticed any improvement in this area that would be related to the federal government except for a decrease in immigration and an improvement in the economy (which I assume reduces crime, but maybe not).

     Grade: C

You might be wondering about climate change. That issue, to my surprise, is not in the top ten. Likewise, judicial nominations and several other topics I expected to be important are not in the top ten. But those omissions from the top ten probably don’t matter for this exercise because partisans would disagree on what success looks like in most of those areas. Is it a success to nominate qualified conservatives to the courts? It depends on your political affiliations. Is it a success to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord? Again, it depends on your political perspective. And that might account for why the harder-to-score issues rank outside the top ten priorities. We all know what a good economy looks like, but we would disagree on, for example, the optimal size for the military.

I submit my scorecard here as a work in progress, with probable revisions coming based on your critiques.

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November 14, 2017 11:25 am

Please stop putting this drugged up hippy on TBP. Unless you want to put Dilbert here I am sick of his crap.

Just my vote for now.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 14, 2017 11:26 am

Geez, Adams is wrong on most of this stuff. He should know that what people say is important isn’t necessarily what they actually care about. Terrorism? Really? Here are my issues and my grades:
Getting out of TPP? A
Building the Wall? D (it’d be an F but I hold onto hope)
Ignoring “climate change”? A
Race relations? C+. He was a little “off” after Unite the Right, but otherwise, it is what it is.
Allowing drug reimportation? F
Deporting illegals? B+
Avoiding new wars? C+ so far, but could turn into an F quickly
Draining the intelligence community swamp? C- but if he’d done much more, he might already have been assassinated.
Locking up Hillary ? D so far, but there’s still time.

  Iska Waran
November 14, 2017 4:22 pm

It looks like Hillary is very slowly succumbing to Uranium poisoning, give it some time.

November 14, 2017 11:34 am

Trump get’s a C in my book. He’s a d-bag which is entertaining at times, annoying or borderline idiotic at other times. But he was a known commodity, he wasn’t going to suddenly become a different person. Many of the things he hasn’t done yet, need congress/senate, so its hard to blame him too much for a bunch of fails on that front. His messaging is all over the place sometimes, despite Adams revering Trump as a messaging marvel. Again he is a red-pill wake up call for how crazy the commies are now. The centrists democrats are pretty much gone (basically they are mostly the Republican senators). The US is well beyond socialism-lite at this point, its full throated class warfare/welfare and endless racist garbage. White men may as well be wearing a scarlett letter at this point, and the pissant worthless whites that cow-tail to the race baiters or are themselves are just this generations form of self-loathing racists. The internet has also allowed people to actually ‘see’ what others from different parts of the country actually think about them, and its mostly bad. So the strange patchwork quilt that was the US is unraveling at a quick pace. No common culture, barely any morals left, since apparently violence is now deemed appropriate by many for something beyond self-defense. It’s a scary time for sure. I don’t do facebook but my wife does and the stuff I see posted by her friends that moved to CA/WA are cringeworthy. These people have nothing in common with us, and they aren’t welcome here either. Everyear its more and more obvious why we needed a bill of rights and people must defend it, too bad most view these ammendments as whats ‘wrong’ with America rather than what was right with it.

November 14, 2017 11:34 am

“ISIS is on the run…”

Yes. ISIS is on the run. No thanks to Trumpy lobbing cruise missiles at the Syrian Air Force, or looking the other way while Israel treats their wounded and Saudi Arabia arms them.

ISIS is on the run because of the Syrian Army, backed by Russia, Hezbollah, Iran and with the assistance of the Kurds. But if ISIS , being on the run is a good thing, then why aren’t we congratulating the victors rather than threatening to bomb them?

PS, Fuck Scott Adams. He’s an idiot.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 14, 2017 11:35 am

I’m getting to think like Rob about S. Adams.
“ISIS is on the run, thanks in part to President Trump’s loosening of the rules of military engagement…”

No, that is not the reason ISIS is on the run and BTW, the only reason the US started to engage their friend and ally ISIS was B-cuz ISIS went into Iraq and took over major cities against US instructions.

The reason ISIS is on the run is due to Russia, SAA, Iran, and Hezbollah – the good coalition.


Add me to the list. Adams has become the douchiest duchie douchebag.

November 14, 2017 11:36 am

Scott, I want you in the Dooley Corp and Section 8…

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 14, 2017 11:39 am

B-cuz the article is so FOS, I’ll input a joke:

Yesterday I had an appointment to see the urologist for a prostate exam. Of course I was a bit on edge
because all my friends have either gone under the knife or had those pellets implanted.

The waiting room was filled with patients.

As I approached the receptionist’s desk, I noticed that she was a large unfriendly woman who looked like a Sumo wrestler.

I gave her my name, and in a very loud voice, she said,


All the patients in the waiting room snapped their heads around to look at me, a now very embarrassed man.
But as usual, I recovered quickly, and in an equally loud voice replied,


The room erupted in applause!


A patient was talking to his doctor about his trouble with ED. The doctor gave him a thorough exam and ran a battery of tests. The doctor then told him to send his wife in for a full physical the following week. The next month the patient reported back to his doctor for the results. “Well” the doctor reported, “There is nothing wrong with you, I couldn’t get it up over her either.”

November 14, 2017 4:47 pm

“I went to the doctor and he said I was going to have to stop master-bating. I asked, what the hell for?” The doctor said. “Because I am trying to do an exam here.”

a quote from Dementogene’s

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 15, 2017 3:56 pm

I went to the doctor for a yearly physical. Finished, he sat down and said in a clear voice,
I said, “All that just so I can hear a little better?”
(cribbed from an old joke)

  james the deplorable wanderer
November 16, 2017 12:07 pm

damn, you have been reading my mail too…

Give me a doctor partridge-plump,
Short in the leg and broad in the rump,
An endomorph with gentle hands
Who’ll never make absurd demands
That I abandon all my vices
Nor pull a long face in a crisis,
But with a twinkle in his eye
Will tell me that I have to die.
WH Auden

November 14, 2017 12:17 pm


“The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of Islamic State fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city. A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.”

November 14, 2017 12:43 pm

I agree. I read this guy for the same reason I occasionally watch cnn-to hate them just a tad more.


November 14, 2017 2:16 pm

Trump ain’t done shit. His best appointment so far has been Jeff Sessions,who hasn’t done anything.
Rumor has it that Sessions has a short list for special prosecutor.. Jamie Gorelick,Preet Baharara,Eliott Spitzer,Eric Holder,Kirsten Gillibrand,John Edwards and Gloria Allred.
Credit bamawatson comment on zh.

November 14, 2017 2:35 pm

Trump has done a FABULOUS JOB so far……….for the global elite/mafia/MIC/Israel/Banksters(WS).

November 14, 2017 2:49 pm

Good point!

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