Why Aren’t We Talking About The Yemen Holocaust?

Russia tweets. MOTHERFUCKERS!! We help annihilate entire countries. Y-A-W-N!!

Yemen? Where on Earth is Yemen?

Photo by Gerry & Bonni | CC BY 2.0

At the end of last week the United Nations humanitarian chief warned that unless the blockade of Yemen was lifted, the country woul face “the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims”.

The fact of the matter is that the U.S. -Saudi war in Yemen is a tragedy of epic proportions that has caused thousands of civilian deaths, mass starvation and a cholera epidemic that is worse than any the world has witnessed in the past 50 years.

The latest estimate of Yemeni cholera victims is well over half a million and growing.

This disaster is the result of U.S. guided Saudi bombing of roads, hospitals, bridges, water and sewage facilities combined with a naval and air blockade that prevents large scale U.N. assistance from reaching Yemeni war victims.

For good reason we talk about the very real danger of a future holocaust in Korea. The Yemenis are well on their way to that holocaust today. But because we are doing it, and the Russians are not, America doesn’t care. Killing abroad is our way of life, a way of life that is now coming home with a vengeance.

The same day that a U.N. official working on Yemen relief efforts pronounced Yemen to be the worst food crisis in the world today, President Trump was lecturing North Korea on its lack of concern for human life.

A few facts:

1. Our war in Yemen is illegal. President Obama and President Trump are in open violation of their oath to defend the U.S. constitution. When president Obama ordered U.S. participation in the war it was not covered by the 9/11 Authorization to use military force against Al Qaeda. The group we are fighting – the Houthis – are not affiliated with Al Qaeda or any entity associated with the attacks of 9/11. Al Qaeda is their mortal enemy.

2. The Houthis are not Iranian proxies. Any Iranian arms that might have reached Yemen were a response to the Saudi air assault, not its cause. Most weapons that the Houthis received came from the United States: weapons that we supplied to Yemen’s previous government. An old story.

3. The U.S.-Saudi war in Yemen has actually increased the security threat to all Americans. The war has opened up space for, and strengthened, America’s most dangerous enemy in the Middle East: Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The war and Saudi support to Al Qaeda to fight the Houthis has positioned Al Qaeda to compete for national power in Yemen for the first time. And sectors of the Yemeni population have been radicalized against their tormentors in the U.S. who make sure the Saudis can drop Raytheon’s bombs on them. The Yemenis know very well that the Saudis could not continue their war crimes without American support.

Yemen, of all places. Where on earth is Yemen?

Yemen: a frightening and amazing story. A story that will probably never be told in all its horror here in the U.S.—unless Ken Burns does a documentary on it 25 years from now.

Or  unless we find a way to make Yemen’s killing fields and its people visible and worthy of the attention of the citizens of a country that is wasting them.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 15, 2017 7:53 am

All is proceeding IAW the ISISraHell plan. The sell is that we are bringing Democracy to the unfortunates (enjoy the death and destruction):
Libya (now a slave market and ISIS safe-space until needed by Mad-Dog)
Syria (now a current picture of Dresden in 1945)
Yemen (now tasting the fruits of US benevolence)

The Best of all Possible Worlds

edit 08:22: Note that all of the above evil countries (Libya, Syria, Yemen) posed a threat to the National Security of the US.
Hardy, Har Har


“all of the above evil countries (Libya, Syria, Yemen) posed a threat to the National Security of the US.”

National security = Central banking mafia?

November 15, 2017 9:27 am

OK I will admit to some confusion here. This morning…very early…I decided that I would go and take a look at sat photos of Yemen to see the destruction. Now I know that Google earth is not NSA (well no that’s not true, it is NSA) but during the Iraq and Afghanistan fighting I could clearly see craters where the bombing was alleged to have occurred. Not so much in Yemen. I am not saying that SA and merika are not scum of the earth, of course they are. I am just saying is that all I could see were standing houses and mosques and huge markets full of cars and trucks. You know, normal stuff. No bomb craters. Not a one. But there were lots of pics of donkeys and pretty buildings. I am not saying that I would want to move to Yemen, just that it doesn’t look like the hell hole that we have all come to believe that it is. So What’s UP?

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 15, 2017 9:52 am

Rob……………..your Google Earth humor is probably correct. My 1st thought was the date of the Google Earth info.

However, use a search engine like duckduckgo (for fun also do a google search) and type in Yemen destruction, jpg
Plenty of good views
Also use Syria and Libya if desired.

November 15, 2017 10:14 am
November 15, 2017 11:22 am

He wasn’t bowing. He was showing his desire for an Arab meat popsicle.

November 15, 2017 10:45 am

If you’ve got to depend on the UN and international charity you should surrender! Blockades and sieges are as old as war itself and a perfectly legitimate tactic. The Union blockaded the South e.g. and Lincoln was not hung as a war criminal. When the situation got too bad Lee surrendered!

If the Houthi’s surrender and turn over their weapons to the Saudis and the Aden based government I’m sure the Saudi’s would allow the UN and NGO’s to come in and bring relief.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 15, 2017 10:48 am

What you said is true. We shouldn’t be involved, though. Why should we care about the Sunni – Shia dispute?

November 15, 2017 11:21 am

Of course you are correct. Surrender is always the best option.

November 15, 2017 11:15 am

Well I hate to burst your bubbles but I would kill the adversary in his own country then have to fight them here. Remember in the Muslim religion you are in the house of Islam or in the House of War .If you are not Muslim then you’re in the house of war .In other words an infidel .I have little feeling for people who would just as soon cut my throat from ear to ear as to eat candy.
Even Stucky would agree .

November 15, 2017 2:55 pm

More on Obama’s alleged “Saudi-led” war on Yemen:



Double Tap air strike on funeral in Yemen

November 15, 2017 3:34 pm

When Mohammedans die in large numbers it is a good thing.

November 15, 2017 6:54 pm

Yesterday you were claiming Saudi pilots were incompetent and couldn’t even find the air base they took off from. Now they are dealing death and destruction from the sky ( which is their job) and have killed 8,000 in the two years they’ve been in combat in Yemen. Pardon me, but 8,000 in two years is not indicative of a ruthless air campaign particularly against a guerilla army hiding among civilians. The USAF killed 10 times as many in single raids over Japan and Germany.

The whole concept of air power is to make the cost of resistance too high. The Saudi’s, like the US, do not want to send ground troops into a hostile area and get in firefights with forces who do not wear uniforms or obey the rules of war. They, like us, use air power to save the lives of their own people and make the enemy sacrifice the lives of his civilians if he hides amongst them. The US, in support of the Iraqi forces, are said to have killed 40,000 civilians in the battle for Mosul. The Iraqis called in the air strikes to reduce the losses on their own forces.

June 29, 2018 4:55 pm

don’t justify killing of civilians otherwise you are complicit

November 15, 2017 8:25 pm

I don’t give a damn about Yemenis. However ,in defense of Stucky statements are contradictory. What is going on in Yemen is shooting fish in a barrel..

Taz Beton
Taz Beton
November 21, 2017 5:51 pm

the fight is all about Yemen oil. Period.