A New Theory of History – Moronism.

A History of Idiocy


I am furious. And I have good reason to be furious.

I was going to write an article about a subject I have been thinking about for a long time.

This week I opened the New York Times and lo, my yet unwritten article appeared on its opinion pages in full, argument after argument.

How come? I have only one explanation: the author – I have forgotten the name – has stolen the ideas from my head by some magical means, which surely must be branded as criminal. A person once tried to kill me for doing the same thing to him.

So I have decided to write this article in spite of everything.

The subject is idiocy. Particularly, the role of idiocy in history.

The older I get, the more convinced I am that sheer stupidity plays a major role in the history of nations.

Great Thinkers, compared to whom I am a mere intellectual dwarf, have pursued other factors to explain what has turned history into a mess. Karl Marx blamed the economy. The economy has directed humankind from its earliest beginnings.

Others blame God. Religion has caused awful wars, and still does. Look at the Crusades, which for almost two hundred years raged in my country. Look at the 30-year War which devastated Germany. No end in sight.

Some accuse Race. Whites against Red Indians. Aryans against Untermenschen. Nazis against Jews. Terrible.

Or geopolitics. The White Man’s Burden. The Drang-nach-Osten.

For many generations, Great Thinkers have been searching for some deep explanation for war. There must be such an explanation. After all, terrible historical events cannot just happen. There must be something profound, something sinister, which is causing all this untold misery. Something that has accompanied the human race from its very beginnings, and that still directs our destiny.

I have adopted most of these theories in my time. Many of them impressed me very much. Great thinkers. Deep thoughts. I have read many thick volumes. But in the end, they left me unsatisfied.

In the end it hit me. There is indeed one factor common to all these historical events: foolishness.

I know that this sounds incredible. Foolishness? All these thousands of wars? All these hundreds of millions of casualties? All these emperors, kings, statesmen, strategists? All fools?

Recently I was asked for an example. “Show me how it works,” an incredulous listener demanded.

I mentioned the outbreak of World War I, an event that changed the face of Europe and the world forever, and which ended just five years before I was born, My earliest childhood was spent in the shadow of this cataclysm.

It happened like this:

An Austrian archduke was killed in the town of Sarajevo by a Serbian anarchist. It happened almost by accident: the planned attempt failed, but later the terrorist happened upon the duke and killed him.

So what? The duke was a quite unimportant person. Thousands of such acts have happened before and since. But this time the Austrian statesmen thought that this was a good opportunity to teach the Serbs a lesson. It took the form of an ultimatum.

No big deal. Such things happen all the time. But the powerful Russian empire was allied with Serbia, so the Czar issued a warning: he ordered the mobilization of his army, just to make his point.

In Germany, all the red lights went on. Germany is situated in the middle of Europe and has no impregnable natural borders, no oceans, no high mountains. It was trapped between two great military powers, Russia and France. For years the German generals had been pondering how to save the Fatherland if attacked from the two sides simultaneously.

A master-plan evolved. Russia was a huge country, and it would take several weeks to mobilize the Russian army. These weeks must be used to smash France, turn the army around and stop the Russians.

It was a brilliant plan, worked out to the finest detail by brilliant military minds. But the German army was stopped at the gates of Paris. The British intervened to help France. The result was a static war of four long years, where nothing really happened except that millions upon millions of human beings were slaughtered or maimed.

In the end a peace was made, a peace so stupid that it virtually made a Second World War inevitable. This broke out a mere 21 years later, with even larger numbers of casualties.

Many books have been written about “July 1914”, the crucial month in which World War I became inevitable.

How many people were involved in decision-making in Europe? How many emperors, kings, ministers, parliamentarians, generals; not to mention academicians, journalists, poets and what not?

Were they all stupid? Were they all blind to what was happening in their countries and throughout their continent?

Impossible, one is tempted to cry out. Many of them were highly competent, intelligent people, people versed in history. They knew everything about the earlier wars that had ravaged Europe throughout the centuries.

Yet there you are. All these people played their part in causing the most terrible war (up to then) in the annals of history. An act of sheer idiocy.

The human mind cannot accept such a truth. There must be other reasons. Profound reasons. So they wrote innumerable books explaining why this was logical, why it had to happen, what were the “underlying” causes.

Most of these theories are certainly plausible. But compared to the effects, they are puny. Millions of human beings marched out to be slaughtered, singing and almost dancing, trusting their emperor, king, president, commander-in-chief. Never to return.

Could all these leaders be idiots? They certainly could. And were.

I don’t need the examples of the thousands of foreign wars and conflicts, because I live in the middle of one right now.

Never mind how it came about, the present situation is that in the land that used to be called Palestine there live two peoples of different origin, culture, history, religion, language, standard of living and much more. They are now of more or less equal size.

Between these two peoples, a conflict has now been going on for more than a century.

In theory, there are only two reasonable solutions: either the two peoples shall live together as equal citizens in one state, or they shall live side by side in two states.

The third possibility is no solution – eternal conflict, eternal war.

This is so obvious, so simple, that denying it is sheer idiocy.

Living together in one state sounds logical, but is not. It is a recipe for constant conflict and internal war. So there remains only what is called “two states for two peoples”.

When I pointed this out, right after the 1948 war, the war in which Israel was founded, I was more or less alone. Now this is a worldwide consensus, everywhere except in Israel.

What is the alternative? There is none. Just going on with the present situation: a colonial state in which 7 million Israeli Jews oppress 7 million Palestinian Arabs. Logic says that this is a situation that cannot go on forever. Sooner or later it will break down.

So what do our leaders say? Nothing. They pretend to be oblivious to this truth.

At the top of the pyramid we have a leader who looks intelligent, who speaks well, who seems competent. In fact, Binyamin Netanyahu is a mediocre politician, without vision, without depth. He does not even pretend that he has another solution. Nor do his colleagues and possible heirs.

So what is this? I am sorry to have to say it, but there is no other definition than the rule of idiocy.

Uri Avnery is a peace activist, journalist, writer, and former member of the Israeli Knesset. Read other articles by Uri, or visit Uri’s website.


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November 22, 2017 2:57 pm

There never was, nor ever will be a Palestine. Ask Jordan to take them all back rofl.

November 22, 2017 1:25 pm

The first part of this article was interesting and enjoyable. It reminded me of how ancient Roman expansion was born out of a fear of invasion. But the 2nd part is based on the faulty premise that Israel is the obstacle to peace in the middle east. Palestinians were known as Jordanians and Syrians before 1960. Since Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian people have been used as political pawns in the land-for-peace lie that is used as a subterfuge to push the Jews into the sea. If war begins it is always started by the Arabs who have no true desire for peace. Failure to see this is the real moronism.

November 22, 2017 2:38 pm

Yep. Zarathrusta just proved Mike right. Failure to see truth is real moronism.

November 22, 2017 3:10 pm

“You do realize that Israel has started every war its ever been in with the exception of ’73, right?” BULLSHIT. Every one since 1948 began by acts of Arab aggression. To deny this is moronism.

November 22, 2017 6:47 pm

Since my first comment disappeared, here is some research:


– 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Following the announcement of an independent Israel, five Arab nations—Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon—immediately invaded the region in what became known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

– Suez Crisis:
In 1956, Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser overtook and nationalized the Suez Canal, the important shipping waterway that connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. With the help of British and French forces, Israel attacked the Sinai Peninsula and retook the Suez Canal. Israeli, France and Great Britain eventually withdrew from the conflict.

– Six-Day War:
In what started as a surprise attack, Israel in 1967 defeated Egypt, Jordan and Syria in six days. After this brief war, Israel took control of the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and Golan Heights. These areas were considered “occupied” by Israel.

– Yom Kippur War:
Hoping to catch the Israeli army off guard, in 1973 Egypt and Syria launched air strikes against Israel on the Holy Day of Yom Kippur.

– Lebanon War:
[Because the PLO] which started in 1964 and declared all Arab citizens living in Palestine up to 1947 to be called “Palestinians,” focused on creating a Palestinian state within Israel. In 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon and ejected the Palestine Libertarian Organization (PLO).

– First Palestinian Intifada:
a 1987 Palestinian uprising and hundreds of deaths. After this, the Palestinian Authority formed and took over some territories in Israel.

– Second Palestinian Intifada: Palestinians launched suicide bombs and other attacks on Israelis in 2000.

Hezbollah & Hamas – Who started these conflicts, Zarathrusta?

Do you see a pattern of Arab aggression? Is it because of Zionism or anti-Semitism? What difference does it make?

November 22, 2017 1:58 pm

The 12th Imam and the Messiah could work it out. Will they ever come; or are they here?

November 22, 2017 3:21 pm

If I’m understanding the times and the prophecies right, the 12th Imam will appear first (and be wildly popular) followed by the Messiah who will most definitely and permanently “work it out”.

But there are still things that will have to take place before that happens.

November 22, 2017 4:08 pm

Mayhaps you could elaborate? I’m curious and find conflicting opinions when I look.

November 22, 2017 6:49 pm

The antichrist arrives and takes over the world through the beast system and is finally defeated and banished from the world by the return of the Christ at the final battle

Islam is virulently anti Christian -and antisemitic- with the 12th Imam being the final expression of (anti Christian/antisemitic) Islamic supremacy and rule over the world until he is defeated forever at the return of Christ.

That’s condensed, there are many things that have already taken place and more yet to come before all is fulfilled at the second coming.

Indentured Servant
Indentured Servant
November 22, 2017 8:07 pm

Watch it Zara-Rush is right.

John from Patmos
John from Patmos
November 22, 2017 8:27 pm

Yes. a false messiah also known as the antichrist

“They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).”

-Revelation 911

  John from Patmos
November 22, 2017 9:23 pm

“Yes. a false messiah also known as the antichrist”

So who fits that bill lately?

It seems a bit catch 22 if the real messiah shows up early

November 22, 2017 2:15 pm

Explanation for war? Easy…greed and lust for power. Why greed and lust for power?


i forget
i forget
November 22, 2017 3:40 pm

Bedrock neath greed, powerlust, is pusillanimity. It ain’t sex, but it is pussy…galore. & the licensed Bonds, & bondage’d, can’t help themselves. Lemmings don’t jump – but pusillanimous peeps project, even unto lowly rodents. It is un-make-up-able.

  i forget
November 22, 2017 4:17 pm

I’m too ignorant to know if I’m being lambasted or not.


i forget
i forget
November 22, 2017 4:28 pm

Am basting duck, not lamb, today. Ha.

Basting leaves doesn’t disturb the root. Fear…

Heart of mine,
So malicious and so full of guile
I give you an inch
And you take a mile

  i forget
November 22, 2017 4:35 pm

You’re like a linguistic jiu-jitsu master. I’ve never seen anyone write like you. Normally, on the digital highway, I would just move along but I can understand just enough that I see words of wisdom.


i forget
i forget
November 23, 2017 4:04 pm

Cool, wip. ☻

November 22, 2017 3:22 pm

The only foolishness is the foolishness of the people who fail to stop those who would profit from war. One man’s foolishness is usually coupled with another man’s self interest. Today is no different. You have central banks all around the world printing money and handing it to those who worship said central bankers, at the expense of all who remain who will only tolerate a certain amount of repression. Often times war is the great reset button.

November 22, 2017 3:37 pm

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November 22, 2017 4:11 pm

Hanlon’s Razor… Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity.

Occam’s Razor… All things being equal, the simplest answer is most often right.

Please list the 5 primary characteristics required in a professional politician to win an election. After that, apply the above two instruments to any project that these same politicians might be working on.

Gentlemen and ladies, Uri has officially revealed an active Idiocracy as the governing body of the world.

Going to buy the latest issue of “Hot Naked Chicks and World Report” and grab me some Brawndo….

November 22, 2017 5:36 pm

He’s just figuring this out now?

November 22, 2017 7:35 pm

“I mentioned the outbreak of World War I, an event …… which ended just five years before I was born, My earliest childhood was spent in the shadow of this cataclysm.”

WWI ended in 1917. 5 years later was 1922, the year you claim you were born. You’re 95???? Please confirm.

November 22, 2017 9:56 pm


That doesn’t make sense. You claim you’re 95, yet you claim you left your beloved Oregon a couple of years ago and moved to Texas to take a new job. No one does that at age 93 or thereabouts. No one. Especially someone at your age who claimed their devotion to where they live.

I believe, from what hints you’ve provided about yourself, that you’re a gifted engineer. If so, it still doesn’t make sense. A celebrated, pioneer refrigeration engineer in my hometown worked until he was 101 and died, I think, just about 10 years ago. The difference from you? He worked at the same company for over 75 years. So your kind does exist.

Yet, something here doesn’t click with me. Either you’re the most unique, in-demand and flexible nonagenarian in the entire country or (your explanation here).

November 22, 2017 10:37 pm

“I don’t know the source of your confusion and will not speculate.”

Look again at my post. I directly asked whether you were 95. Directly. You began your reply, very first word, with “yup.”

And you’re wrong with your guess. The refrigeration guy I was referring to worked with Johnson Controls.

November 22, 2017 8:11 pm

” Political tags such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, facist, liberal, conservative, and so forth are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

Robert A Heinlein

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
November 22, 2017 10:04 pm

Collectivism vs. Individualism

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
November 23, 2017 6:21 pm

War is rather old. It’s how young men and their generals test themselves. It’s sport. It is a lot more fun and interesting to go steal someone else’s resources and women than to plow and milk from morning to night. What is heroic about that?

At the beginning of WWI the British men were enlisting for the sport of it and expected to be home for Christmas. Only later did they see their mistake.

And when you talk to some old soldier, he’ll tell you what outfit he was in and give you some idea of how important he is for having been a he-man doing “tours” and being “in country.” Then the girls and mothers who are proud of their boys sustain the dumb bastards while they fight one another.

Then forever more the soldiers and their supporters wave flags, sing anthems, and feel their chests swell with patriotic fever. It’s not complicated.