I’ve been trying to understand how 8chan boards work but until tonight I’ve been doing a poor job of it. It’s sink or swim over there and I’ve been doing more sinking than swimming but I’ve found a life preserver……The Spreadsheet.

“The spreadsheet exists to have all of Q’s posts in one place, questions & statements: a central location to collect the answers that anons discover. It’s a way to pool our resources and efforts to eliminate the proverbial “reinventing the wheel” i.e., new people coming and trying to figure out who Alice is.”

Read the column headings as you scroll right then start reading the rows moving down the page. If a row makes no sense just move on down a bit and read until a question piques your interest then scroll right to read under each column heading.

I believe this spreadsheet will provide quite a bit of clarity to most anything you may have read or heard so far about Q.


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December 12, 2017 9:55 am

Agree about 8 chan, 4 was bad enough. Glad to see a fellow Q follower posting here. If it’s not the GOAT larp, worthy of a Pulitzer, I pray to the most-highest for strength.

December 12, 2017 11:00 am

Who is Q?

December 12, 2017 4:00 pm

A bullshit figment of the imagination of those easily misled.

December 12, 2017 12:11 pm


December 12, 2017 1:54 pm

I’ve seen this stuff on 4chan for a while. I don’t believe it means squat.
You can’t trust stuff you read on the internet as actual information.
Whomever Q really is, I bet they’re having fun posting stuff. I don’t think they’re a senior person. I would not be surprised if they were a junior MI or IC person with time on their hands and just enough education to talk like they know a few things.

It’s hard to argue with a bunch of questions and cryptic comments about current events, but there’s nothing to support what they’re saying. It seems hard to believe someone ostensibly in MI or IC has the inside scoop on events inside the political community.

Additionally, why would they give a bunch of rando dudes on 4chan the secrets of the fight to liberate the country? Yeah, sure. Real intel operations are always posted on porn and hentai picture sharing sites.

I would not be surprised if this was all some form of agitprop to get people excited about nothing. It would not be the first time someone trolled the conspiracy crowd or put out a bunch of fake BS. I’ve seen lots of bullshit stories over the years. It would also not surprise me to learn this is an attempt to get real self-described patriots with clearances to post incriminating things. And why is all this stuff based on open source news if it’s coming from a secret squirrel with access to all the deep, dark secrets?
Actually, upon second thought, I know exactly what this reminds me of: The Special Forces Underground. Back in the 1990s, there was a group pretending to be active-duty SOF who made lots of claims to be speaking for the SOF community and friends throughout the military. They put out an official magazine, The Resister, which was full of articles mocking their commanders, Klinton, the NWO, etc. They claimed to be hardcore anticommunist patriots and they would resist their own government if they had to. They got a lot of media scrutiny as yet another racist antigovernment militia group. It didn’t last long and the ringleader was quickly identified.

If it happens as “Q” claims, I’ll be the first to admit I’m wrong, but it all sounds a bit too hokey to me.

December 12, 2017 4:02 pm

You only have to wait another week to see whether or not the Big Bullshit Event this “q”ueer said would happen will happen.

December 13, 2017 7:40 am

Wasn’t there something posted this past weekend about Q signing off … and some cryptic warning about Eleven Days?

December 13, 2017 9:44 am

My curiosity is tempered by my own prejudice against those with “secret” information. Of course, you also know my hesitation in embracing anything that smacks of conspiracy.

However … because the recommendation comes from YOU, a gentleman I greatly respect, I give you my word that I will give the spreadsheet a serious review.

Not sure how soon I will get to it, but I will. I’m working on a Pictorial Essay on the American Revolution … a view that will not be very popular, let me tell you … which I hope to get done by next week. LOTS of research involved.

Thank you for your desire in wanting to help me see the light. Really.

December 14, 2017 8:46 am

Watch out-it might be a big, brown pill!

December 12, 2017 3:08 pm

which porn/hentai sites do they use?

December 12, 2017 3:42 pm

If you want porn and tentacle hentai, you go to 4chan. You came to this site, so you already know where to find some truth.

December 12, 2017 3:39 pm


another take on Q.
any comments?

December 12, 2017 8:57 pm

I’ve been following G’s posts since Halloween, and they are far from BS.

It takes work to see it, because he requires the work, but he has forecast may events and timely trends contrary to the MSM narrative.

Ignore it only if you want to be totally, willfully uninformed. Yes, that means YOU!

December 12, 2017 9:18 pm

Well sure, G’s posts are far from BS, but the discussion is about Q.

December 13, 2017 12:07 am


I’m new to Q but intrigued. Just starting to dig.

Just watched the you tube you linked? Surprised the four possibilities on who Q supposedly is was given (in general -but easy enough to track down) wrong or right that that could be a death sentence in that world?

Indentured Servant, the spread sheet brought focus.

The proof will be in the pudding soon enough.

December 14, 2017 12:38 am

Boy, I sure wish this narrative was possible, but I don’t believe it is.
I think Occam’s Razor would carve bullshit all over this one. Is it a con, or is there a massive secret effort spearheaded by a brilliant president who is only pretending to be a self-centered buffoon as he roots out corruption and criminality on the part of the very people with whom he needs to cooperate to make any lasting, legal change? I like Trump, but I’m not blind to who and what he is.

What reason do we have to believe all the corruption of the last X decades is going to be overturned by 1 man? This nation is full of patriots, sure, but none of them have any power over anything. How many times have you heard the “I joined the system to make change from within” story? How many times has that change occurred? I know people who work in govt and they have no more power over anything than I do. They can’t even fire people who come to work and sleep at their desk.

As for the story of Trump relying on the military…
The military is not above corruption. I saw lots of it when I was in it. I’ve heard even more stories from others. The fact Americans trust the military more than any other institution doesn’t change the facts on the ground-they military has some wonderful people in it, but that doesn’t make it wonderful. I once had a CW3 tell me, “Don’t love the Army. Never love anything that can’t love you back.”

As a former soldier, I feel safe saying they’re not all heroes. A lot of them are careerists. A lot of them are just punching the clock for retirement bennies, free college, free medical care, etc. If they were actually doing it out of patriotism, they would have to turn people away at the recruiter, not harvest the dregs of our high schools, suicidal people (see that story 2 weeks ago? They were going to take self-cutters!), and take it’s-this-or-prison cases. A lot of people in the military are straight-up crooks. They’re gangbangers, perverts, rapists, and extremists. Some of them are communists, like that terd, Spinster Reppone. Some of them are total shitbirds who couldn’t cut it in normal life. Ever hear the joke, “What do you call a doc who graduated bottom of his class? Sir! (*said with a salute)” And I was no hero, either. I did my job. I even did it well. But I’ve known some real heroes and I wasn’t one of them.

The generals Trump is ostensibly relying on are careerists who survived the PC emasculation of the military over the last 30 years, not General Patton or Admiral Nimitz or COL Hackworth or Audie Murphy. They’re guys who made it through Klinton’s PC 3rd world pizza delivery missions. They survived the disastrous Somalia and Yugoslavia years. They survived the PC female integration years. They quietly served hors devours at Klinton parties and didn’t complain about service under UN commanders. They made it through the rainbow bullshit of the Klintons and enjoyed the good times under Bush. They’re the ones who were responsible for us “going to war with the army we got, not the army we want.” Remember the farmer armor? Or the black beret fiasco? Under them, we learned the DOD was missing a trillion dollars on 9/10/01, just before Al Qaeda helpfully diverted attention from the story of the decade. These guys also survived the unparalleled threat posed by the Soetero regime. They managed to survive another bout with the Klintons. They avoided being purged by Obama for being too warlike and patriotic and whatever else scared Barry about military men. They oversaw construction of navy ships that fall apart and which we can’t even afford to fully arm. They bought planes that can’t fight or even fly. These guys are the “tip” of a spear that was sharpened with dull, soft, squishy marshmallow stones and mounted on a warped and flaccid shaft.

I won’t claim they’re all bad. I’ve met some of them and they’re generally nice people. Some of them are very, very smart people. But they’re adept at surviving in a world in which everyone serving knows you do not want to be the best or the worst at anything. A world which rewards mediocrity, benign optimism, inside-the-box thinking, and people who don’t rock the boat. A world that revolves around creative writing of bullet points for Officer Evaluation Reports about how they re-invented the acronym for whatever or they wrote the book on how to process the paperwork for XYZ. And they’re all essentially marking time until they can retire and trade their contacts and influence to the private military contracting and defense industry world for big bucks. By now it should not be a surprise that field grade officers can count on cushy jobs at big defense corporations, like Lockheed-Martin, Northrup-Grumman, L3, Triple Canopy, Whatever-Blackwater-Is-Called-This-Week, etc. They bring extensive contacts to the table, which is handy when you want to sell your shit to the goobermint. They’re the best in the world at what they do, but most of that isn’t the heroic shit people assume.

So I while I wish this story was true, I don’t plan to hold my breath. The shape of history is generally for a country to eventually sink into corruption and decadence on its way to collapse. By the time that nation’s government realizes it has to reform, it’s usually far too little far too late. For example, the Czars thought they could make reforms. The Soviets tried reforms, too. China’s Qing Dynasty attempted reforms, too, in 1898. Even the Romans attempted reforms under Gracchus. I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Attempts to reform a broken system from within that broken system are doomed to failure. Even the boldest reformer is doomed to be constrained by the powers that be and the privileges and status quo they seek to protect. Revolution has a much better chance of success than internal reforms, because it disregards and even destroys the privileged class that seeks to protect the status quo and prevent any change.

In this case, I think Q is (maybe) a Trump fan who is creating a terrific mythology around him. It’s the best of what Sean Hannity might say about him with some current events and conspiracy theories and a whole lot of wish fulfillment all rolled into one. There is no real proof here, though. And no reason why we should assume this fading republic (H/T G. Carlin) is somehow going to change when so many other nations have traveled the same path in the same manner and cratered.

Until Q proves me wrong, I’m going to assume it’s all wishful thinking and creative writing.

December 14, 2017 12:36 am

The 2 items I looked at which were specific – from Q’s notes – are completely different than they are portrayed.
The first: 2 dead men found in a car in Virginia – news reports from multiple sources, including local news, show them to be young, local white men. Q says they were MS13 who killed Seth Rich
If the reports were only CNN or what not, I’d be less skeptical. The dates are also significantly off. Seth Rich was killed on July 10, the 2 men in car were July 26.
The second: A Rothschild(?) killed in a plane crash over the Rothschild manor. Again, very detailed reports which
a) name all 4 killed in the crash. None are Rothschild
b) name the 2 vehicles
c) list why these aircraft were in the air (pilot training)
d) have a very plausible explanation for the accident (students)
e) talk about being *near* the Rothschild manor, but not actually over it
The conspiracy theorists will just say both were covered up. Well, great, if the coverup is so powerful, then why would Q be talking about it?
This is exactly like the crap about Bandar Bush being killed in an attack on the Saudi government building – complete bullshit.
Looks far more like a very well thought out pranking than reality – though of course those who posit “coverup” can believe anything.

December 14, 2017 1:00 am

Does anyone here remember the John Titor story?
It was huge for a minute back in 2000-2001.
A guy calling himself John Titor claimed to be a rebel fighter from America circa 2036 who had gone back in time on a mission to try and stop the future war. He talked to curious people in online forums about time travel, the war, and what it was like being back here in the present and meeting himself as a baby. He claimed his time machine was installed in a Corvette. His stories and predictions got a lot of attention, but the thing that really set the story on fire was how we vanished abruptly, leading people to theorize he had returned to his own time.
He made a lot of predictions, which all pretty much failed to come true. There was no war day, no war with the US Govt, and nobody ever found a John Titor or Titor family.
It appears it was all an elaborate hoax to troll Art Bell fans.

I can’t help thinking this reminds me of that story.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 6:50 am

Gilbert, you want to hear a weird story?

I was in on the early part of the Titor story- it was a collaborative effort based in part on a short story I wrote in 1997 about a guy selling an IBM 5100 to a man from the future-in the original they meet at a Denny’s in Fort Wayne, Indiana next to the pretzel factory. the narrator sells the guy the computer after having breakfast with him and hearing some strange details about a post-apocalyptic future and that was the end of it. I posted the story on an Internet bulletin board, got a few comments and forgot all about it. Then sometime in 2000/2001 someone used the name from the story (John Titor) and made a post on Art Bell’s old forum using a couple of the details from my story as if they were John himself. I think I know who that person was (it was another comic from Michigan I used to work with who frequented the original BB) and he took it further with the predictive stuff. Pretty soon it moved over to places like ATS and GLP and was further glommed on by other people to include the photo of the bending laser and the schematics of the machine itself, both of which made it much more plausible and were actually pretty damned creative and clever (as did the two forums where it was posted) and the rest is history. I tried to re-claim my character numerous times after that without success (I have the original story on a floppy disc as well as the on the Compaq laptop I wrote it on and later I used it as a chapter in the 9/11 conspiracy novel I wrote and posted in a serialized format on PWR during the 2003- 2005ish time frame.) Of course that doesn’t prove anything except the name and the time travel aspect and then only to someone who could see the time/date stamps created on the file to prove it was pre-2001. Not that it would ever be worth anything unless someone ever tries to capitalize on it, and that’s the only reason I hang on to the computer/disc.

I wish I knew who all the different people involved were, but no one ever came forward who had any more knowledge of it than little pieces.

It was, I think, a perfect example of the power of the Internet as a tool of disparate people working together over time and across space without having to even know each other. And it happened at exactly the time when other more powerful entities were still trying to figure out how to use it to manipulate people using plausible scenarios and turning them into readily accepted meme-style realities. It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that it was in fact part of a some psyops- GLP is well known for Tavistocky behavior, whether intentionally to convince people it is something it is not, or in fact to study how people on the Internet interpret information and watch how it spreads.

Edit to add- the name was never”found” because it wasn’t a real name and here’s a detail you will never find anywhere else because I don’t think I have ever told anyone except my wife- ‘Titor’ is a reverse echomimetic, ROT-IT (wrote it).

I haven’t thought about it in years, thanks for noticing.

Edit to add again- I think Q is one of those things, most likely Intel based manipulation or at least someone peripheral to that community, just to see how it spreads.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 8:24 am


Wait. So you’re telling us that YOU wrote the original John Titor story? Wow. That’s quite a dealio. Congratulations. I’m going to think of you the next time I see his name pop up on the chans.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 9:38 am

I don’t think it was ever noticed outside of a few conspiracy related websites, but it was a great little ride.

I wrote the original short story concerning a man who claimed to be a time traveler who buys an old IBM computer from a worn out road comic in Ft. Wayne Indiana. The name John Titor, the make of the computer and the time travel aspect (although there were no prognostications in the original short story) were my contributions. Someone lifted those about four or five years later and created the anon postings over at Art Bell’s website C2C. That was the sum total of my involvement. The rest of it was cobbled together by numerous posters and it lived and died in a very brief window before 9/11. I have no idea who any of them were although I am pretty sure I know who took the original pieces to make the first few posts. It turned into a free-for-all collaborative effort once it was out there, as you can pretty much tell because of all the contradictions. It came back via sites like GLP and ATS and created it’s own buzz after that and I decided to pick it back up and put it in the novel as a side story- the computer they are looking for has evidence of the original 9/11 plot and spooks are trying to find it to get rid of it by piggybacking off the Titor story throughout the conspiracy theory community as well as to muddy the waters.

I like my story better, but the morphing of it into another phenomenon was pretty interesting to watch. You also have to remember back in the mid 90’s the Internet was a whole lot different than it is today, much smaller and insular and if you were on it back then for more than porn there were only so many places you could go, especially if you were into CT.

I still think it would make a great movie, especially if you could get someone like Mark Duplass or Shane Carruth to direct it. Right up their alley.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 14, 2017 8:28 am

Your last-me, too. I could see a guy not long out of Huachuca doing it for fun. I knew MI guys and they were a very unusual group of people. I’ll never forget the time I heard an infantry captain put in charge of a bunch of AIT MI troops say, “I’m used to people saying, “Yes, Sir!” when I tell them what to do, but when I tell these kids what to do they ask me, “Why?” I also heard about a group of the MI AIT soldiers taking a drill sergeant’s hat hostage in an attempt to release one of their own from trouble. They formed a “terrorist cell” to conduct the op and the cell took credit for the “hostage situation” and tried to negotiate his release. Supposedly, they thought it was so funny the kids were using their training on terrorists, they let the guy go!

Talk about a small world! That’s awesome!
I remember hearing about Titor years ago. I found it hard to believe, but there is a part of me that sort of wanted to believe. The way he just vanished was a really cool way to end the story. Was he real? Was he really here? Did he succeed and that’s why we never heard from him again? I thought it was great. There’s a wikipedia entry for him now and they think it was a lawyer in Florida. I also love that era. Every night Art Bell had on the strangest, most interesting people and stories. Art’s Parts, the Area 51 infiltrator, Hale-Bopp, Bigfoot, Ghost-to-Ghost, etc.