What’s the big deal about saying “F*ck?”

What’s the big deal about saying “F*ck?”

With all the perverse “topics” that are infiltrating our society the past decade or so (i.e., transgender, gay, etc.), it puzzles me why people are still uptight about “bad words.” What’s the big deal about saying “F*ck?” Or other “terrible” words like “sh*t” or “*sshole” or “c*unt?”

In 2017 (soon to be 2018), it seems like this “tradition” of carrying on the “self-censorship” of preventing you to print the words in full – is still in full swing.

Like that makes a damn bit of difference.

Isn’t society already “awake?”

Even when I was a “kid” in the 70’s – we ALL knew the “bad words.” It was no secret 40+ years ago. We just avoided as best as we could, to say them in front of our parents. But everyone knew the bad words.

The premise of “behaving yourself” when you type or print actual words on paper (or on screen), that this old-age tradition of “self-censoring” yourself is still going strong. Or else you will get a bad mark on yourself or your online property.

It seems out of place to me. Why are we still carrying on this tradition? For what purpose? Who are the beneficiaries?

Even four decades ago, we all knew. And today, even more. I’m sure single-digit-aged kids know much more bad stuff than we knew back then. Why the coddling over mere words?

Movies are the worst

Most movies (PG and up) are riddled with “profanity” and much worse. Stuff like racial slurs. Gender slurs. And much more.

Same goes for most TV shows as well.

You see the print or online magazines “self-censoring” themselves – while the movie and TV industry just shoves filth down everyone’s throats.

Why don’t they have the same moral guidelines? What is going on?

Sure, it’s to protect the innocence of children, right?

I’m in full agreement that children should be allowed to be innocent little kids AS LONG AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. It’s in their best interest, for sure!

That absolutely includes preventing them from being exposed to the scum of society (i.e., Hollywood, MSM, marketing, etc.) Hard to do, but feasible.

Part of this includes LIMITING their exposure to mainstream anything. Including movies, videos, and other major marketing endeavors that only enrich the few. (Frozen, Minions, etc.)

Yes – parents have quagmires they need to deal with. And the “ease” of plopping your kid in front of a TV screen for hours on end is enticing. It’s why cars have DVD players and even SD-slots to upload videos to your family car’s “JUKEBOX!”

And it’s certainly a good idea NOT to display profane and disgusting things in front of your innocent children.

But is it really for the kids? Or just virtue signaling?

You cannot hide real life from kids for long

Whether it’s the neighbor next door – or some other way (like school or the playground), it is next to impossible to stop the propagation of information (except if you’re Google).

People will TALK to each other. This includes kids.

So if you shelter your child as best as you can – you LOSE all control once they’re in a group environment such as school.

And there will ALWAYS be at least one kid who’s way ahead of the others – at least when it comes to the “bad” things you might want to prevent. They don’t screen kids in that way before entering school. So you’re always at a disadvantage.

Back to the point. F*CK that all!

I’m on the fence about this. One, because I have no problem being what is decreed (by society at this point), as being “profane.” I think most people are comfortably profane in their everyday life.

50 or 100 years ago – being profane was considered a character deficiency. Today? Not so much. Unless you’re a Tourretts-suffering curser – I think you’ll be okay in most social circumstances – unless you’re in front of the Church Lady.

However, I do prefer people who are not excessively profane or vulgar. I think most people are in that boat. I wouldn’t want all my friends to be exactly like Sam Kinnison.

But something has reached a breaking point, I believe.

Time to knock the stigma of “bad words” out

Within “adult” media (like MSM, or blogs like this), it’s time to say “goodbye” to asterisks and self-censoring. Those days are long gone.

And many sites do indeed do that.

How “gatekeepers” like Google handle that is still uncertain – but I think the day will come when we see useless MSM outlets start using previously-forbidden words being allowed in their articles.

They’re not that bad – and in fact, they are quite useful depending on the context. One of the best phrases in existence is “FUCK THAT.” It can be said for most of what you visualize around you as you traverse the earth.

That includes government officials, employees and other “minions,” as well as the majority of the mainstream chain stores you drive by town after town after town. FUCK THEM ALL.

Fuck is a good word. It hardly means what it used to be (i.e., “I fucked the lead cheerleader of the opposition team.”)

The stupid “f*ck” work now is mostly either “We’re fucked” or “we’ll fuck them over.” I think the banging of another person has reached an all-time low.

So now what?

While I think the overall perversion of society is a bad idea (movies, porn, TV, sports, news, propaganda) – The whole bad stigma with saying “bad words” probably has to reach a natural end sometime soon.

It is indeed happening across the board – as many “MSM” outlets have “allowed” a rather risque language into their articles or posts – we still have ways to go.

I mean, think about it. Those big bad things are simply words. Either printed or vociferated. They’re just sounds or visial representations of sounds.


The goodness of society is being removed

While I’m here saying “it’s not a big deal” (they are just words), I think there is something else to be said.

“GOODNESS” used to be taught top to bottom in society.

Primarily churches, but also in elementary schools, etc. Kids were taught to be uh, obedient, and compliant.

Wait a minute. That doesn’t sound too kosher, does it? To create slaves in some slavery program called “school?”

(YES – this is why you need to subscribe to SCHOOLSUCKSPROJECT.COM)

But they still peddle nonsense in movie-theaters across the globe? Hypocrisy anyone?

Raw play time

Anyone that has any interest in raising a quality child ready to encounter the bullshit storm heading this way – will raise FREE-RANGE KIDS.

It’s up to the parents to prepare their offspring for the nonsense they’re ABSOLUTELY going to encounter.

Teach your kids RAW skills. Like building, collecting, organizing, etc.

Not WATCHING, LAUGHING, LOUNGING, EATING. That will make them into 300lb. land monsters who love tweeting pics of their blobby yoga pants. GROSS!

“F*ck” what the establishment says

Society has been taught to “behave.” And yes – giving kids sensible guidelines is a good thing.

However, the “words” we use – should not be the center of what is taught. Having kids that are well behaved is a good idea. Educating them is a better idea.

Teaching kids – even the bad aspects of life – is part of that education.

Parents (i.e., adults) are using profanity more than ever. While I think it’s good not to have a curse-word-spewing child, I don’t see the harm in educating them about those “bad words” sooner rather than later. Shielding kids can often backfire – especially since most parents CANNOT control their kids 100% of the time. That is unrealistic.

Best bet is to TEACH kids proper circumstances. WHEN and WNY things are said or can be said. It’s not that they’re “BAD” per se – it’s all about situations.

In the end – what difference does it make?

What’s the big deal about saying “F*ck?” In the long run, it probably makes no difference.

It’s all about control and so on.

Kids will become adults – and will be free to say whatever they want.

The oddity of this social mechanism is fascinating. We do not want children that are confined to social mores. We want freely-thinking kids who can stand on their own two feet. And controlling the verbiage is just the beginning.

Notice how hardly anyone opines about much in person these days. They’re subconsciously afraid to do so.

I’d never want my kids to feel that way. They should be free to speak their mind.

This, unfortunately, is part of the big master program TPTB have over society.

People overall, are essentially becoming non-critical-thinking lemmings.

God help us!

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 12, 2017 7:00 am

I can think of a word that’s a big deal.

Funny how that works.

December 12, 2017 7:57 am

It is a most useful word.

Am I fucking awesome? Fuck!


Fuck you, you really fucked it up while fucking doing nothing.

For fuck’s sake, that fucker is a stupid fuck.

He’s a fucking idiot, he’s the most fucked up person I’ve met

How the fuck would I know who the fuck did it?.

Preposition (kindof)
Fucked if I know.

A fuck load of good that fucking does.

I’m fucking done with this fucking stupid question.

December 12, 2017 8:07 am

The big fucking deal is fucking because it’s fucking never been fucking OK to fucking swear in fucking front of the fucking ladies, and fucking especially so in the fucking current fucking year where the fucking word of the fucking year is fucking ‘Feminism’.
For fuck sake, fucking get with the fucking program, the fucking ‘ladies’ clearly fucking run the fucking show now.


December 12, 2017 8:16 am

Ladies often swear worse than men.

Some broad here named SAH a few years ago told me to suck my own fucken cock. Really. And she called me “Sticky”. Fucken cunt.

December 12, 2017 8:11 am

How many of you, upon seeing only the title, thought to yourselves … “Damn! Another fucken Stucky article!’

I’ve been saying the same shit about fuck for years. I want credit!!

Nice article but waaay to fucken long! No fucken need to beat me over the head with it! I got his fucken point after the 10th paragraph.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 12, 2017 10:50 am

LOL! Guilty as charged, Stucky!

  Mary Christine
December 12, 2017 12:05 pm

When HZK got really angry she’d say — fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Lol

I miss her.

December 12, 2017 9:32 am

Yeah, I thought it had to be a Stucky post.

When I was growing up, I had a friend who’s Dad would say “If you’re old enough to talk, you’re old enough to cuss.” We’d laugh, high-five and “shit yeah” whenever he said that. I fit right in with those guys with quite the potty mouth myself. Getting older and having kids changed me a bit – I still cuss like a sailor, but generally not in front of the kids, or my Mother for that matter.

22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
December 12, 2017 9:47 am

Fuck goes well with fag and dyke.

I miss 1970’s profanity.

December 12, 2017 10:31 am

Fuck this shit. You don’t know your asshole from your cunt.

December 12, 2017 10:31 am

The word “fuck” is merely a tool in rhetoric. Use it to your advantage. Avoid using it towards your demise. Those are the rules.

Miles Long
Miles Long
December 12, 2017 2:41 pm
hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Miles Long
December 12, 2017 3:34 pm

Holy shit, Pinkard and Bowden? Those guys red pilled me in 1992. I remember hanging out in their hotel room after a show and they’d sit on their beds drinking shine and cleaning their AK’s waiting for RaHoWa.

December 12, 2017 10:38 am

I saw this once on a t-shirt —

Fuck off you fucking fuck.

(no it wasn’t at a Wal-mart)

December 12, 2017 10:56 am

On the show Shameless, one of the kids often wore a shirt that said “Fuck You You Fucking Fuck”.

December 12, 2017 10:55 am

These words are a lesson. They teach you how to discern when and when not to use certain language in front of certain people while freely using that same language in front of other people. This is a valuable skill that cannot be taught easily.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 12, 2017 10:56 am

I am easily distracted and if there is a lot of the use of course language it distracts me from the message. I can tolerate the occasional interjection here and there.

I used to cuss like a sailor. I cleaned up my act for many reasons. I would prefer a more polite genteel society but I figure that it’s just going to keep devolving into a complete gutter society, if it hasn’t already.

  Mary Christine
December 12, 2017 11:12 am

The word is “coarse”. Sorry, my inner-editor sometimes cannot be restrained.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 12, 2017 2:50 pm

Crap, Vodka, I hate it when I misspell a word. Too late to fix it now.

December 12, 2017 12:36 pm

Sign in the Mess Hall;
“Profanity is a strong expression of a weak mind”
Never believed it, thought it was fucking bullshit! How else to get someone’s full fucking attention?

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 12, 2017 12:44 pm

What ever happened to jeepers, dadburnit and jackwagon?

Robert (QSLV)

  Robert (QSLV)
December 12, 2017 1:21 pm

“profanity and obscenity entitle people who don’t want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.” – Eugene Debs Hartke in Vonnegut’s Hocus Pocus. There’s at least some truth to that and there is a lot of it in Hocus Pocus.

Vulgarity can be fun and funny and it can add punch to writing and too conversation if used correctly. Used to often, however, it often becomes not only ineffective but off-putting.

I don’t really give a good fuck where society came up with the words that happen to be profane…it happened and it is generally accepted and there are quite frankly far more important questions to ask on the topic.

In closing, fuck every last one of you.

And have a nice day! 🙂

December 12, 2017 1:26 pm

One of the many reasons I don’t watch network television is the lack of cussing. Real people cuss and the shows become implausible when a situation warrants a heartfelt “Fuck you” but it never comes.
Also I get annoyed by people who say “frick”. We all know what you mean so just say it, you fucking pussy.

December 12, 2017 2:19 pm

Frick or freak? (Shouted, as in “Trick or treat!”). Also, fark, and possibly fnord (although I think that one’s part of another movement).
Also, look up “frig” or “frigging”.
Frick is so acceptable it got its own museum, the Frick museum (below):
[imgcomment image[/img]

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 12, 2017 3:35 pm

Best museum in America.

December 12, 2017 3:48 pm

Tried to watch the movie “Fargo” on network television one time. They kept substituting the word “foolin'” for the word “fucking”. Made a good movie absolutely ludicrous and unwatchable. Yelling “give me the foolin’ money” right before you shoot and kill someone just doesn’t work.

December 12, 2017 1:29 pm

Fuck is an interesting word. It manages to piss people off, yet in many of it’s applications, it doesn’t mean anything at all. How exactly does one “fuck off?”

December 12, 2017 3:56 pm

Are you at work while typing the above? Are you?? If yes, then you are fucking off, ya fuckoff.

You’re welcome.

December 12, 2017 4:09 pm

fuck off!

PS, Yeah I’m fucking off. It’s just that I don’t have anything to do at the moment. I am not in charge of my schedule. I can’t just decide to put hours into something by my whim because then my time will be charged to it for accounting purposes and that pisses off project managers, so if I can’t do anything useful on a current project then there is a column on my timesheet called “fucked off” to list non-billable hours.

Oh yeah I have this boring ass OSHA safety course I have to complete sometime but right now I’d rather fuck off than watch the stupid videos.

December 12, 2017 2:11 pm

It’s part of a style of language for those with small vocabularies. There are those who just flat-out are too limited in their ability to describe. Or too intellectually lazy. And, of course, those who have never outgrown the childish desire to shock; emotionally immature, regardless of age, intelligence or education.

“But everybody’s doing it!”
“Do you take pride in being a lemming?”

December 12, 2017 3:59 pm

Oh, my my my! Aren’t YOU special!! So sophisticated. So debonair. So educated. So above the fray of the lower class.

You’re nothing but another big fucking jerkoff with your nose in the air. Get the hell off our lawn.

December 12, 2017 3:04 pm

If everyone said fuck, then I’d have to find a new word. I hold Cock bite in reserve for those meaningful moments of utter frustration. And by the way, fuck you desertrat.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
December 12, 2017 3:46 pm

Hofukenboken? Where elite Manbunners hobknob with Ivyleague, wallstreetin dick wranglers? 15 dolla beers? Fuck that Toolshed…but I dig what you’re sayin…asterisks…save that shit for the brain dead.

December 13, 2017 12:13 pm

Stuck, like many ex-GIs, I can be obscene in several languages. However, I see no reason to be low- rent in my speech. I don’t see why it’s nose-in-the-air to prefer polite company, rather than the crude and crass.

Penforce, thank you for proving my point 😀

December 13, 2017 3:00 pm

“I don’t see why it’s nose-in-the-air to prefer polite company, rather than the crude and crass.”

Jeebus. If you want polite company go to http://www.SnowFlakes-and-Other-Pussies.com

This is fucken TBP !!! Got that, soldier? Gimme a “FUCK YEAH!!” … ya fuckin pansy.