Stucky QOTD: Spotless

This is a picture taken of the sun YESTERDAY.

No sunspots!! The sun IS getting dimmer.    This articles states that  “the sun’s output has dropped nearly 0.1% compared to the Solar Maximum of 2012-2014.” That doesn’t sound like a big number, except that it is. Quoting from the same source;

“A change of 0.1% may not sound like much, but the sun deposits a lot of energy on the Earth, approximately 1,361 watts per square meter. Summed over the globe, a 0.1% variation in this quantity exceeds all of our planet’s other energy sources (such as natural radioactivity in Earth’s core) combined. “

Q1: Are you worried, at least even a little bit?

Q2: Regarding  the Global Warming assholes; will this shut them the fuck up, or will they go for a Sunspots Credit Tax?

Q3 (optional): A) Is the sun actually flat?  B) Are Da JOOS involved with a secret sunspots removal cabal/conspiracy?


Q1: Yes, I’m worried. Our scientists don’t know shit. The sun is one gigantic nuclear bomb, and that fucker could explode any day. At a minimum, really,  stock up on warm clothes cuz the next 20 – 40 years are gonna be COLD! (Unless you’re like hardscrabble farmer who let’s his kid play in the snow without any Fucken shoes.)

Q2: NOTHING will ever stop GW fuktards. And, yes, if there’s a way to tax us, they will. Algore is already composing a song, SOS (Save Our Sun), which will be sung to the same tune as ABBA’s big hit.

Q3: Of course the sun is flat! Just ask the cow dude. Fuck yeah (((they))) are involved!! Just ask that obtuse SOB who sees a bogeyman under every bed in America.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 18, 2017 6:39 am


Sunny Days
Sunny Days
December 18, 2017 7:54 am

Observer Portal

Best site for daily sun forcasts plus so much more…

December 18, 2017 10:00 am

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, John

December 18, 2017 11:55 am

The Poles are planning to send a team of astronauts to the sun. When asked how they would prevent the spacecraft from burning up – the lead Polish scientist said: “They were going to go at night”.

December 18, 2017 12:31 pm

You guys are missing the point of Maggie’s jumping on a thread first. She intended to use it a place keeper so she can go back and read the article and then technically still be the first to comment.

It takes little effort to jump on a thread at the git-go and still have an hour to read the article, (unless it’s one of YoBo’s memes, which should take a second or less and the point is (((echo))) anyway).

It takes more effort to keep track of the comment count to get 100. Since she totally failed at getting the 100th or 200th comments and just kept making up new shit-lists, she made up her own game, clever girl.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 18, 2017 6:57 am

Less sunspots definitely means cold weather probably for decades, a solar minimum. Probably see the Thames freeze solid again. Better start chopping wood now.

  Vixen Vic
December 18, 2017 11:46 am

Wood is scarce and has many uses. What’s the BTU of an average Bantu?

cletus the slack jawed yokel
cletus the slack jawed yokel
December 18, 2017 3:31 pm


December 18, 2017 6:58 am

Posted before-look into the Maunder minimum, Sporer, Wolf, GrandSolar, Dalton. All pointing to decreased solar activity equalling a cold future. See Adapt 2030 on You Tube. Buy warm socks, not Bermuda shorts. The climate is always changing, global warming is a charade.

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 11:29 am

As is globull immigration.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 7:04 am

At bedtime last night I told my son about our back and forth regarding his choice to go barefoot whenever he wanted too. He was kind of offended at first- “Does he think I’m stupid? I know when I’m cold.” I told him that it was more that you were concerned about him, that nothing bad happened and that maybe it was a reflection on my choices in parenting than in his preference. He assured me that I am “a great Dad” and that if it really bothered Stucky (he loves your moniker, BTW) to tell you he’d wear his boots from now on. But not in the Summer.

Smart, resilient and thoughtful. I really think he’s going to turn out better than I did.

And I do appreciate your concerns, I understand where it comes from.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 18, 2017 10:11 am

I’m glad you guys made up. I wasn’t sleeping very well because of it. It was causing something along the lines of PTSD. Must be what it’s like to watch mom and dad fight. Scary shit, ya know?

And what’s with Admin this morning and the whole “First” thing? Did someone slip some JD into his coffee before he left for work? Things have been weird around here lately. I don’t like it.

December 18, 2017 7:13 am

Wow, and I thought I worry a lot (I do).

Never fear El Stucko, Bitcoin is going to save the world. How do I know this? Because the Jew’s can’t control Bitcoin.

December 18, 2017 7:56 am

No they can’t. But the Jew can buy up all the mines needed to create Bitcoin & voila’, they now control Bitcoin.

December 18, 2017 9:09 am

Fuck, now I’m back to worrying. Thanks a lot dickweed. Lol

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
December 18, 2017 7:15 am

Not Worried; No Worries, Mate.

The Decepticons (Democrats) will ALWAYS go for a new tax. Now you have given them an idea that we should worry about.

The Sun IS Flat; Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the cool side of the Sun and not the Moon. I had read (Nature Magazine) that there were cows on the cool side of the Sun.

Steve C.
Steve C.

According to the embarrassment of Texas – Sheila Jackson Lee – they landed on Mars..

Dumb as a stump that woman.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 18, 2017 7:20 am

Living in a reality that is in a constant state of change some for the better some not , some changes we can control some we can not . The application of intellegent thought processes generally leaves us with a series of what if questions . Rather than follow a path of probable cause and effect let’s tax the piss out of everything from the rain on our roof to the farts from our asses and do absolutely nothing productive to solve any problem real or fabricated .
Unless we follow our leaders blindly ! We can never be free ! LMAO

December 18, 2017 7:39 am

Q1: Not worried, but for sure ready. Our little log house stays warm with our wood stove. Been experimenting with cool summer root vegetables common in Sweden, and have found some I do well with. A “Maunder minimum” type event will be easier than a 1816 type “year without a summer” event.

December 18, 2017 7:50 am

1. No.
2. No.
3. No.

December 18, 2017 8:29 am

I will get to work on lyrics, moar later… hopefully the varmit can get to work as well.Maybe we all could have a go at it. Be a welcome break from the doom…..

your bud,


December 18, 2017 1:49 pm


I don’t think you are doing anything rong. I have same problem when I try and post a video from my tablet.. I have given up trying to figure out how to do it correctly.. If there are any out there with proper procedure I would love to hear about it.



December 18, 2017 2:10 pm

EL COYOTE does not listen to ABBA, and severely regrets Terry Jacks, so solly.

December 18, 2017 8:17 am

At least the new cult like fervor for global warming has taken a pause here in the US. Despite many misgiving about Trump, he has towed the line on many of his statements so far. The middle finger to the European cabal was definitely a nice touch. The things humans actually have been destroying such as topsoil, water are barely mentioned. It’s always climate change blah blah blah. Desertification is rampant, and we see that out west in the US as more land succumbs and becomes desert-like. Pavement covering everything and the masses of humans removing trees aren’t helping either. But the entire enviro movement basically lost their way and just started chanting climate change and going after the dirt people who don’t believe in their new religion. Cooling is a far scarier prospect for humanity and something that would be extremely hard to mitigate. Warming is something humans actually can tolerate to a large degree and adapt to within reason.

The sun gets about no respect from the cultists, it’s as if the Sun plays second fiddle to Co2. Humans worshipped sun gods for a reason, the Sun truly makes or breaks this rock in many ways. Hopefully we get lucky for a long time to come and no x-20+ come our way again, given humans have spent most of their ingeniuty working phones, rather than hardening our infrastructure or fixing our grid. So the lemmings continue until we eventually meet a cliff we can’t climb down from, we can only go over. I wish I still had that thrill seeking personality I had in my youth b/c I don’t see stability lasting much longer.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 18, 2017 8:39 am

We’ve had a spate of drunk fuckers falling through the ice with their four-wheelers (ATV’s) or snowmobiles and croaking. I assume they’ve all been drunk, since it keeps happening after midnight. So, global warming. Still…
Same answers as Der Schtuckmeister.

cletus the slack jawed yokel
cletus the slack jawed yokel
  Iska Waran
December 18, 2017 3:37 pm

The resevoir froze. Then they lowered the level ten feet. Couple guys going 100+mph punched through and got fucked up, seriously injured. Sledding drunk is fun, but you gotta have some minimum level of common sense until deep into the winter.

Not Sure
Not Sure
December 18, 2017 8:43 am

One of the things on my wish list for Santa is that science could become science again, instead of just another department of the progressive movement.
Who knows, maybe with an actual threat the eudulites might just get their heads out of their asses long enough to do some good.

I know, wishful thinking.

December 18, 2017 8:44 am

This is Definitely a sign of God’s wrath .
Yes Satan’s servants will tax his wrath.Besides taxes are our tithes and offerings to the god of this age.
Yes ,the Fucking Jews are behind this ,Especially taxes.
Yes ,there will be an ICE age as soon as China attempts to take the South China Sea because the Politicians in America are stupid enough to use nuclear weapons to defend the biggest Nothing on this planet.

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 12:27 pm

Da joos dx means da tureen is full o’ au jus. & not even the good, homemade stuff, either.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 9:20 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

This was from an hour ago, looks quite busy to me.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 10:25 am

I made a shit ton of money shoveling snow during the Winter of 77/78. I remember it snowed every day for weeks. People loved seeing me and my friend Mas coming down the street with our shovels in the morning, hated me by the end of it.

Looks like a definite pattern there, but as the naysayers would caution, I’m just seeing it because I’m looking for it.

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 11:54 am

T-rend is your friend, fortune cookie say. Then Anton Chigurgh, evolved T-rex, befriendo’s ya. “Call it.” Haha. Call *this,* Anton.

There are libraries full of books promise-offering to teach how to horoscope charts. Including, literally, astrological market forecasting.

There’s also the technical analysis tour circuit. Indicators for sale. I know I’d sell a golden goose if I had one, instead of just keeping the eggs.

Projecting ain’t looking for…it’s pre-painted mind’s eye splash-dabbed all over Tom Sawyer’s picket fence. Pay to paint by numbers. And they queue to do just that.

Such a naysayer am I.

But if tellin true is “contrarian,” what’s tellin tale? Obsidian?

Gotta wonder now if people livin in glass houses throw glass stones? That might increase the Bastiat money to be “made,” eh?

But volcanism (what is it good for, was asked yesterday…) ain’t bokononism, is it? And is foma – untruths – ever harmless? ☻

  i forget
December 18, 2017 4:42 pm

No country for Old Men?

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 5:03 pm

Yup. But like Ellis said, “Whatcha’ got ain’t nothin new. This country’s hard on people, you can’t stop what’s coming, it ain’t all waiting on you. That’s vanity.”

Or like what the old man & the sea old man did.

That said, countries ain’t for men of any age. Women either.

Not if liberty valence-less matters.

Besides, ol’ Anton wasn’t even from this country, was he? Nor were a number of the other bogies in that flick.

The only thing “country” had to do withit was the friction via color of law penstrokes prohibitioning certain drugs.

Countries grab up the given\sacrificial children & build men & women w\o chests…the better to fill the wielders’ chests with booty. Pirate ships o’ states.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 18, 2017 9:45 pm

I remember the summer of ’80. Three weeks in a row of triple digits highs, with many days over 110 degrees. Didn’t have a car with air conditioning, either.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 9:47 am

IMO, a quiet Sun makes little difference. The human influence on climate is Asphalt and Cement replacing grass/trees.
Even worse is Deforestation.

I used to drive in a 1/4 mile stretch in 90 degree plus heat (no AC, windows down) and I would hit that specific stretch and the temp would lower by at least 10 degrees.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2017 5:28 pm

Looks like the SCOBY I just took off my latest batch of Kombucha.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 19, 2017 7:30 am

HSF, that is a color enhanced photo of the corona, the sun’s atmosphere (not to be confused with the beverage, lol). It also has effects on our weather, atmosphere, and magnetosphere, too. But the historical correlation we see between sunspot activity (they are on the sun’s surface) and climate patterns is unmistakable. The understanding of the exact reason it does so, however, is just in its infancy (as is most climate science). It’s like folks who know nothing about how engines work; they just know if you press the gas pedal, it goes faster, and the brake makes you stop… how it does so is unknown, but the action/reaction pattern is easy to see.

We know from the historical pattern that minimal sunspot cycles can portend a 30 to 100+ year-long cooling trend, regardless of what ever else the climate is doing (it’s always changing, just like the seasons). They also correspond to severe disruptions in food supply. How *exactly* it plays out this time is unknown, but it’s probably a safe bet that our grandkids will look back at this ‘globull warming’ religion as something akin to reading chicken entrails.

December 18, 2017 9:21 am

No worries. Once we undeniably find ourselves in the middle of an ice age, the climate change loons will dream up some way to explain how carbon dioxide is responsible for it and how our every breath needs to be taxed to pay for Al Gore’s flights and David Rockefeller’s 9th heart transplant. Wait… he’s dead so there’s that at least.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 18, 2017 9:47 pm

Iconoclast took the words right out of my mouth, or something.

December 18, 2017 9:56 am

1 I worry over things I have some amount of control over, I prepare for those I don’t.

2 No.

3 No.

December 18, 2017 10:00 am

Don’t know the significance of this and whether it means warmer or cooler.
Here in the east valley of Arizona, my Ruby Red grapefruit tree put out loads of blossoms and subsequent fruit starting last month. They usually don’t blossom and fruit until February/March. Same thing for my Arizona Sweet orange tree. The live oak in the front yard produced and dropped very few acorns. And the Carolina Jasmine shrub in the side yard is in full bloom. Doesn’t usually happen until February.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
December 18, 2017 2:39 pm

Local weather.

Robert (QSLV)

December 18, 2017 10:32 am

1. No, if I worried about everything outside my control I would be an inconsolable mess. I choose to live my life with the knowledge it will some day end, and thats good enough for me.

2. The Climate Change crowd have a non-falsifiable religion. If the Earth set fire from a global drought, it would be due to manmade activity. If another Ice Age kicked off, it would be from manmade activity.

3. Natural activity. No conspiracy.

December 18, 2017 10:39 am

1. Yes a tad worried, better get my saw and log splitter is perfect working order: Bone Chilling Cold – NASA Knew it was Coming –

2. There is no such thing a tax that progs don’t love.

3. The sun is round, and da joos are smart, but not that smart.

December 18, 2017 10:40 am

If it stays the way it is, I’ll keep planting what I am already planting. If it gets colder, I’ll make adjustments. If Northern Idaho ends up warmer in the winter (like Napa Valley is today), I’ll plant more cedar and wine grapes. There…climate change solved for us, no worries!

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 18, 2017 10:50 am

TPTB are slipping! MFR: When England has big snow, Yankees usually get it in two years (2019). Global Cooling should be obvious by 2021 and last to at least 2040; as the Earth’s rock crust cools and shrinks, earthquakes and volcanoes will increase. Fiat dollars and enough food/fuel go kaput; billions of Clueless Useful Idiots will freeze as planned by the Oligarchs; Christians should fear not because God is our Father.

December 18, 2017 11:07 am

I feel dimmer just reading these comments.

December 18, 2017 11:40 am

Q1: Nope – this has happened before, many times, and humans got zero control over it – adapt or die, same as it ever is.

Q2: Nope – you can wish they would in your right hand, and take a dump in the other – we all know which hand will fill up first.

Q3: Does it matter if it is flat? Because from here it looks like a disk and the effects it has on the planet are the same, whether it is a flat disk or a rotating sphere. (dang – was that a trick question?)

Bonus Q: If there is a way to slick-trick money out of chumps, you can bet there are some Joos on board. Just ask Martin Luther and so many others in history about that…

Steve C.
Steve C.
December 18, 2017 11:59 am

Q1: Are you worried, at least even a little bit?
A1: I find that I don’t worry as much about anything now like I did when I was younger. It must be a senior citizen thing…

Q2: Regarding the Global Warming assholes; will this shut them the fuck up, or will they go for a Sunspots Credit Tax?
A: NOTHING will ever shut the Global Warming assholes up.

Q3 (optional): A) Is the sun actually flat? B) Are Da JOOS involved with a secret sunspots removal cabal/conspiracy?
A: A) The sun is flat on my screen. B) Is there money in it?

Sorry for not commenting in a while. I’ve been having computer problems. Must be the lack of sunspots…

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

December 18, 2017 12:22 pm

There’s a little black spot on the sun today
It’s the same old thing as yesterday – The Police

December 18, 2017 12:31 pm

I am somewhere in Europe. No matter who you speak to here, all problems are a result of global warming. I shit you not. Winter too cold? Global warming. Too hot? Global warming. Too much rainfall? Global warming. Bad economy? Because too much expenditure combatting global warming.

Etc. etc. etc. These fucks have been totally brainwashed re “global warming”.

As an aside, I have visited areas where there has been mass immigration of Africans and Muslims. Guess what, though? There are none of those immigrants to be seen. None. I have seen nary a dark complexion. So, where the hell are all these Africans? Where are the Mooslims? Damned if I know. I did not expect to see them in the hotels and restaurants I frequent, of course. But I expected to see them in the travels I am doing. But nope. Not in the train stations. Not in the market areas. Not in any of the cities, towns, or villages I have walked through.

I will get back to this later – much later, as I am on an extended vacation. I will drop in as I can, to make someone or other’s life a misery. But damned if I can see the immigration issues that are in the news every day.

December 18, 2017 1:11 pm

Just got back back from Dublin and those were my observations as well. Sure there were a few kicking around but I saw a whole lot of white everywhere I went…

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 5:10 pm

Globull imagination….

December 18, 2017 9:01 pm

No worries. Will get around to it later this week. Woulda done it sooner but as you say things be crazy. Getting presents and making my wish list…

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 5:09 pm

Globull immigration….

December 18, 2017 8:44 pm

You two had better be damned careful; you invite the wrath of Obergruppenführer YoBo.

December 18, 2017 2:03 pm

The sun is the driver of the climate…it is, in fact, the only reason we have a climate. Also, something rarely considered, with but two exceptions (and the possible third of (possible but dubius) abiotic oil) ALL energy used on earth is ultimately SOLAR energy. So, can small changes in Solar output have major fucking implications on our climate? Abso-fucking-lutely? A lot more than fucking CO2, IMO.

The sun will not explode ever. It will expand and swallow the first 4-5 planets of the Solar system in a well-understood process known as Nova. This is scheduled to begin in ~4 billion years. It will, however, shoot a super-heated, superfast cone of plasma at us that will strike those much maligned Van Allen Radiation Belts and then Earth’s atmosphere and the subsequent EM radiation could fry our electrical grid.


1) Not really. Shit happens deal with it or not. And, in general, I TRY to adhere to Wayne Dyer’s philosophy on worry: “It is pointless to worry about things you can’t control, because you can’t control them. It is pointless to worry about the things you can control, because you can control them.”

2) Of course not. Emotion rules in Global Warming and no amount of logic, reason or facts can ever defeat it.

3) “The sun is a mass
of incandescent gas
a gigantic nuclear furnace
where hydrogen is changed into helium
at a temperature of millions of degrees”

Anything with mass has 3-dimensions, so no.

The Joos may in fact own the sun or believe that they do, but the sun doesn’t really fucking care. Nor do I.

December 18, 2017 2:44 pm

Sunspots and solar flares undergo cycles fluctuating from high activity to low activity levels, and back and forth over time. The cycles vary in length and magnitude. There have been no reports of record breaking levels of activity expected…

Such cycles can have an impact on the Earth’s climate that dwarfs man-made pollution/warming — in some cases, even greater potential of disruption than Volcanic activity. How arrogant of us to believe our small-scale actions have more impact than the inter-planetary forces at work!

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 5:08 pm

“There have been no…reports…expected.”

Scene from a flick about an obtusely acute germanicus-rex:

Bowerman: Indulge me here…
…will you?

…start off easy for once in your life.

69’s for the first mile.

Then drop to 67’s for the second.

Then depending on where you are
and how you feel…

Prefontaine: Well I won’t know that till I get there, Bill,
and I’ll figure it out then.

Bowerman: While you’re doing that,
why don’t you also figure out…

…what university you expect
to be running for next week.

Prefontaine: Bill, has it ever occurred to you there’s
such a thing as over-coaching?

Bowerman: Yeah.
I’m against it.

But Bman wasn’t nearly so against it as Ptaine (who disregarded the coaching, went flat out, like he usually did). He won. Impressively.

i forget
i forget
December 18, 2017 7:15 pm

Lol…I figured it was just a matter of time. And I’m not an optimist.

December 18, 2017 5:20 pm

I saw Suspicious Observers mentioned…but Rolf Witzsche has been addressing a grand solar min for a while now. He speaks terribly slowly but his vids are extremely informative and he patterns out everything as several others have. I believe there was a Canadian phD that got fired for coming out and saying the next short term ice age was coming in….

Not that anyone is going to care to look more deeply into this, because hey what can one really do if we are all to be flash frozen, but the fact that we have been told continual lies through our “education” system and the universe isnt gravitationally based but electromagnetically (plasma) based answers volumes about not only planets, comets, asteroids, but also our star… Thunderbolts Project has great vids on this too…

December 19, 2017 1:41 pm


The Suspicious 0bservers are great! Ben does such amazing work with that, and it’s way past time for the scientific community to wake up and take their hypotheses seriously… but sadly, they wont, bc they arent “in the club.”

December 18, 2017 7:20 pm

You global warming deniers are the morons. If the solar maximum occurred in 2014, why were 15,16,and 17 just as warm as the period before 2014. If any of you white trash mental retards think that global warming is going to abate, you need to have your heads examined. BTW, do the “science books ” you guys read come shrink wrapped with a box of crayons?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 18, 2017 7:41 pm

I think Fulton came out of his safe space too soon. He got triggered.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 18, 2017 7:59 pm

Fulton is a scientific useful idiot. Temperatures keep “going up” for the same reason that the Economic Indicators keep “going up”: the Jews print the money and are getting what they pay for.

December 18, 2017 8:48 pm

Funny. Dennis Roe thinks we’re too educated, Fulton thinks we’re mentally retarded.

Probably got the white trash part right, though.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 18, 2017 8:56 pm

Sorry, that dog don’t hunt.

  rhs jr
December 18, 2017 11:04 pm

Funning’s a good way to put it. I was not excluding myself in the white trash, by the way.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 18, 2017 9:52 pm

That was awesome, Rob. I am humbled.

“Well, you’re pretty good ol’ son, But sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it’s done.” – Charlie Daniels

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
December 18, 2017 9:55 pm

Every time I look at the sun, I’m reminded of T4C’s ass; it’s hot.
Actually, I wonder about her comment that the sun used to be yellow.
That picture there seems to prove it’s still yellow.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 18, 2017 9:59 pm

Q 1. Only in that I hate cold weather, otherwise, no.
Q2. No, Iconoclast said it perfectly. That is why they changed it from Glo-bull Warming to Climate change.
Q3. It sure looks flat but that is subjective, as are my idea of how big my boobs should be, as opposed to how big they really are;)
Have a very cold Merry Christmas!

Christine Wasankari
Christine Wasankari
December 19, 2017 3:54 pm

Q1: Are you worried, at least even a little bit?
Yes. Absolutely no one in the mainstream has a clue as to what’s coming. They will be begging (or blaming us…again) for more of that delicious warm weather again. Huh, warm grows more crops. Imagine that. All of the areas that are the major grow belts will be seriously affected. Less food, more chaos. No food, total chaos. Start learning what you need to do for yourself, the guv can’t help on this one, at all. They are stealing from us, lying to us so they can set themselves up. We have to get prepared to grow in sturdy greenhouses if we want to make it through. And teach our kids of course. Check out Adapt2030 as to food crop losses and great interviews with actual scientists in the know. John Casey being one of the bigger ones.

We also must understand that the magnetic shield is in the processing of flipping, so the shield is not as strong. Very dangerous for us and with the sun going quiet it can’t sheild us either…from cosmic rays. These rays feed cloud nucleation. Which brings heavier rains and snows. Which will lead to an albedo affect, which will grow glaciers etc. as well as make it colder. They also mess with silica rich volcanoes and cause major earthquakes (bubble muon hypothesis) So we will have every horror story happening at the same time over the course of just a few years. Yes. That worries me. Get thee out of cities right now. Get out and get to areas that might be less affected. Below the 45th parallel if you can. Oppenheimer Ranch Project on the tubes does a great job of breaking this stuff down. And he’s hilarious. As ornery as most in here.

Q2: Regarding the Global Warming assholes; will this shut them the fuck up, or will they go for a Sunspots Credit Tax?
Nope, they will continue to shriek and tax and tax and shriek. That will not change. All the way to their demise. We have another genetic bottleneck in our future. May the majority of those non thinkers be the ones wiped.

Q3 (optional): A) Is the sun actually flat? B) Are Da JOOS involved with a secret sunspots removal cabal/conspiracy?
Um…no. LOL
I will say here though that the sun is not a nuclear furnace. It is most likely electric and acts as one hella battery. Check out the Thunderbolts Project for compelling evidence on that one. We live in an electric universe.