Via Ben Garrison

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Muzzle Blast
Muzzle Blast
January 14, 2018 10:04 am

History will not be kind to these fascist bigot neo-prohibitionists , they will become to be regarded with equal esteem as witch burners, leech healers & blood letters of the past …

January 14, 2018 10:54 am

I just picture really old men who hate hippies. Sessions just doesn’t support states rights. I remember Trump saying he would when he ran. Legalizing the stuff and taxing it is the future.

January 14, 2018 11:19 am

The potential for the MJ industry is enormous in the sense that tax revenue could resolve many issues. My biggest concern is that I “hear” through the grapevine that large former tobacco companies are building large-scale farms so they can take over growing and processing.

That is the point where additives to addict the user so they will buy little packets of marijuana cigs or oil instead of learning to grow it themselves. AS a matter of fact? I suspect it will be made illegal to germinate it from seed, insisting that even users of medical marijuana must buy cloned plants, genetically engineered to provide the substances approved by the government FDA people.

That way, the controllers still get to control.

Our government is evil. Trump may or may not be on our side, but in any situation where people should have choice, the government will demand their first rights of refusal.

If a ballistic missile is headed for Congress anytime soon, I hope they are in session. Edit: That sounds bad. I hope they are just arriving when it hits so they don’t have time to screw us over that day. Better.

January 14, 2018 11:42 am

The law is the law, if it needs changing instead of enforcing Congress should change it.

Immigration laws too.

Ignoring the law instead of updating or repealing it leads to dictatorial rule in place of rule by law.

January 14, 2018 12:42 pm

“I just picture really old men who hate hippies.” Dude or dudet, it’s the old men that were hippies. 1968 was fifty years ago. Sessions was 22 years old in ’68. Imagine 5’4″ dark long hair, elf ears, pink glasses, and singing I shot the sheriff. Picture that.

January 14, 2018 1:36 pm

One guy I know was for legalization for medical use or recreational use in small quantities, until he visited Colorado after they passed it.
One negative affect he witnessed was stoner bums panhandling outside of the supply houses badgering the clients and passersby in the area.
Unproductive stoners living on the street are not exactly the type a society wants to cultivate.

Another problem was the industry suppliers, though contributing sorely needed tax revenue, had a problem with profits and how to secure them. Last I heard, the banks were skittish to accept pot industry deposits, for fear of Federal laws possible prosecution and subsequent seizure of financial assets, with penalties to the banks a real possibility. Not sure if / how that’s been addressed. If not yet solved, those suppliers are sitting on mountains of cash.
I wonder if robberies of dispensaries has been a problem.
But, I have better things to do than research this kind of thing in any local urban shithole.

The Eminem famed Eight Mile is the north side border separating Detroit from the ‘burbs. The south side of the street in Detroit has no less than 24 dispensaries pop up, easily identifiable with their lime green signs, usually depicting some kind of cross, in a display of being a medical supply facility. Of course you know the predominant color that frequents them. Oh yeah. One other business nestled in among the ganja houses, much to the dismay of some of the few conservatives still in houses nearby: About 6-10 titty bars.
All these establishments, along a 10 mile stretch of 8 Mile, heading west to east. Ghetto.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 2:57 pm

It’s negative effect, moran.

  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 3:15 pm

Affect would be equally applicable, although of a related but not same meaning.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 3:46 pm

I know what an affect is. I just wanted to point out that effect is the better word here. I would like to clarify that a moran is not a moron as some insist. A moran is a smart person that just committed a booboo. A moron is a total imbecile.

  EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 3:52 pm

Fuck me. One misspelling in all those sentences, and guess who?
Must have been a proofreader at one time, correcting a group of morans posing as writers.
You’re a stickler for perfection, ‘yote. Damn.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 14, 2018 3:11 pm

Government is a fucking racket. They hold out the lure of immigration reform for the poor morans who need papers and they hold out the lure of a wall for the poor saps who need work. They don’t do shit to shut down the opioid industry but they want to restrain the pot stores. Folks who say the center cannot hold have no idea that the government is the center holding all the pieces of America on separate leashes. If the groups all pull outward, the government stays still. The only way to move the government is for the entire country to pull in the same direction. That won’t happen any time soon. As long as statist pundits like Ann Coulter keep feeding the hysteria and paranoia, the government will keep a tight rein on the people.

January 14, 2018 4:24 pm

@ Anonymous

“ignoring the law instead of updating or repealing it leads to dictatorial rule in place of rule by law.”

Where are you coming from… the closet? Administrative Law is dictatorial because their is no way for the people to challenge it. Surely not in the Administrative Courts.

Why don’t you take some time to study the origin of this oppressive style of law in our country. This law has no natural, moral or ethical foundation and is presently being misused by unscrupulous men to their own advantage. Especially in the Administrative courts.

Yes congress created the Statutes but non-elected administrators and government officials make all sorts of rules & regulations under these statutes that cannot be challenged by the people these laws affect.

When have you seen congress change the laws it creates? Sorry Sir but you need to wake up. The Senate does not serve the people nor does it serve the State. It serves the corporations and certain rich individuals and organizations.

Administrative Law did not come out of the Constitution; it circumscribes it. It is not TRUE “rule of law” in the sense that the people benefit by it. It rather has led to dictatorial rule by administrators and government officials including the justice system. Did you know that there is no “due process of law” in the Administrative court system?

Sir you need to educate yourself on the subject you are talking about before you come on this forum and spew your unintelligent views.

January 14, 2018 5:49 pm

Administrative law is the result of rules made to institute the legislative law which enables it by defining what is illegal.

Marijuana (and immigration) laws are legislative laws that define what is illegal and, by extension, what is illegal.

I am a paralegal by education, your status?

January 14, 2018 5:37 pm

FWIW, there’s multiple Anonnies in this thread.
EC, I dig the vocab correct, and took the moran vs. moron explanation to heart.
Yeah, and it wasn’t me posting ‘the law is the law’.
Personally, I think the gov should let people ingest whatever they want to.