Via Branco

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February 22, 2018 11:59 am

Although not written specifically in Sun Tzu’s book The Art of War the first step is to know your enemy and the current democratic socialist bow wave can’t even do that. The entire community had tabs on this loser and still failed to stop him.

February 22, 2018 7:07 pm

What does the Federal Government have to do with active shooters?

If the local school district wants armed guards, do it.

If the city wants armed guards in every school, do it.

If the state wants armed guards in every school, do it.

Why does EVERYTHING have to become a multicultural statist attempt at take societal takeover?

THAT was a rhetorical question.

Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
February 22, 2018 10:11 pm

Our society is breaking down. Things like the courts and law enforcement are no longer working. Neither are morals. After 8 years of Oblunder, and 8 years of “W” & Darth Vader, we’ve been reduced to a gutter trash gangland banana republic. This is NOT a coincidence and did not happen by chance. The marrow is being sucked from the bones of the middle class by the 1% as we speak.

February 22, 2018 12:44 pm

Former Teacher and Gun Expert Hickok45 Weighs in On Latest School Massacre

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Regular visitors to OutdoorHub know that we are huge fans of Hickok45. We’ve covered his entertaining and informative backyard gun videos numerous times through the years.

Perhaps what we like most about Hickok45 is he’s a voice of reason. So, when he weighed in recently regarding the latest school massacre, we wanted to share it with you. Check it out below. And if you know a school administrator, do the world a favor and share Hickok45’s insights with them, too.
Dear School Administrators: Are your Schools Safer Today?

Having spent about eighteen years in school buildings as a student and twenty-nine years in school buildings as an unarmed teacher, fifteen of them post-Columbine, I think I have a right to voice an opinion on this matter. I’m pretty proficient with firearms, yet I faced each day of teaching knowing that I could easily be shot down right along with my students! Continued on Facebook…..

February 22, 2018 12:58 pm

How about a marketplace of dozens of choices in a given geographical area all of which work tirelessly to meet the needs of their CUSTOMERS (the parents and the children) through innovations in learning, various and appropriate levels of safety “measures,” and other “features” that draw in voluntary paying customers??

Face it, fundamentally in this discussion, there will be no “choice” as we have nearly everywhere else in society (at least where government is NOT involved). We will get whatever the worthless politicians FORCE upon us. And to add to the misery, we will all get a huge BILL, regardless of whether we have children in this horrible government schools or even wish to contribute one penny for the continuance of these propaganda-filled plagues on our society.

A MARKET solution is being cried out for. But government will NEVER give up its power and control over the population that comes with running these day prisons that masquerade as schools.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 22, 2018 1:03 pm

I’ve been a Military Officer, a Science Fair Director, a Political Campaign Coordinator, etc, and no way did all these anti-assault rifle activities just happened without a lot of planning, coordination and money from TPTB. I suspect the Public School Free-Fire Zones exist to politically sacrifice kids, that Cruz is somehow a MK-Ultra Manchurian Candidate kid, the FBI was purposefully blind when warned (this and other times), there was a deep pockets Community Chaos Coordinator ready to go; that the MSM and many individuals in the Legislature and Leon County Officials conspired to assist TPTB’s assault on the 2nd Amendment (and direct attention away from the causes of Societies increasing depravities). Gun killings are proportional to the numbers of killers in a society, not to the number of guns: compare WDC and Geneva.

Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
  rhs jr
February 22, 2018 10:12 pm

The Deputy on duty at the school that day stood down and staying outside the building where the shooting was taking place. He’s resigned with full pension.

February 22, 2018 1:26 pm

Former Teacher and Gun Expert FB Hickok45 Weighs in On Latest School Massacre

Regular visitors to OutdoorHub know that we are huge fans of Hickok45. We’ve covered his entertaining and informative backyard gun videos numerous times through the years.

Perhaps what we like most about Hickok45 is he’s a voice of reason. So, when he weighed in recently regarding the latest school massacre, we wanted to share it with you. Check it out below. And if you know a school administrator, do the world a favor and share Hickok45’s insights with them, too.

Hickok45 – February 20 at 5:02pm

Dear School Administrators: Are your Schools Safer Today?

Having spent about eighteen years in school buildings as a student and twenty-nine years in school buildings as an unarmed teacher, fifteen of them post-Columbine, I think I have a right to voice an opinion on this matter. I’m pretty proficient with firearms, yet I faced each day of teaching knowing that I could easily be shot down right along with my students!

So, school administrators, board members, parents, and anybody else responsible for the kids in your community, is your school safer this week? If it is, great work. Thanks for getting at this important task. If not, WHY not! Are you not angry enough yet? I am angry, and I don’t blame students around the country for being angry. Why would they NOT be angry; they are at risk, and nobody seems interested in actually fixing the problem. And I can’t blame an immature sixteen-year-old for placing all the blame on guns; there are plenty of adults who can’t get past that false notion themselves.

I want to know – are you one of the many school administrators just sitting around this week philosophizing and pontificating over coffee about gun control fantasies and improvements needed in the mental healthcare system? Meanwhile, hundreds of unprotected, innocent young people are streaming into your buildings every morning. Since you’ve probably devoted much of your life to obtaining multiple degrees, you are likely well prepared to be a very confident and polished speaker when the national news stations stick their microphones in your face. But if tragedy strikes YOUR school system next week, next month, next year, tomorrow, are you prepared to sacrifice the lives of your students, all the while knowing that there were some pretty effective preventative measures that could have been taken.

I have a shocking newsflash for you, the 2nd Amendment is not going anywhere, and the mental healthcare system and better background checks are not going to be fixed by next Thursday. How about you do what you can NOW! Just consider me naïve, but I think it’s absolutely stunning that every school system in the country has not scoured its budget this week and trimmed some fat, “fat” that could hire some armed security for their campuses, maybe some stronger doors and windows at access points, along with other forms of real security. And if you think youngsters are going to be traumatized by armed guards, they’ll do just fine. REAL trauma is when somebody is terrorizing them with a bomb or a gun.

I like to think if I were in your position that I would already have been meeting with board members, county commissioners, the mayor, the governor, number crunchers in the systems, teachers, building administrators, etc. on an urgent mission to get my buildings and campus as secure as possible RIGHT NOW! Kids’ lives depend on it. Local police departments, along with parents, reserve deputies, and volunteer veterans, could have a serious impact on your security right now, tomorrow morning, when those precious kids get off the bus or drive into the student parking lot.

As left wing politicians have meetings and strategize how they can use these tragic events to promote their gun control agenda, there are very disturbed individuals out there amongst us right now looking for violent ways to “get even” with the world and be the dominate topic on CNN and Fox News for the next two weeks. Why this is not being addressed in every single school building in the country this week in very practical fashion is just beyond me. We can fret and fight over “gun control” NEXT WEEK. We can work on improving the mental healthcare system NEXT WEEK. We can work on making sure serious mental health history shows up on background checks NEXT WEEK. THIS WEEK is when our kids are sitting ducks in all your “gun free zones” that are “gun free” only until somebody with evil intent shows up with one.

As someone in the news stated this week, “The next school shooter is out there, and he probably has a gun,” which would create a sense of urgency in MY mind if I were at ANY level of responsibility in any school system. And, of course, the threat might not even be a severely disturbed teenager; it might just be a hate-crazed religious fanatic from across the globe with an AK47, or a truck, or a bomb.

How about we get the school buildings and our kids protected NOW!
Facebook 20K Likes, 1.7K Comments, 12K Shares

February 22, 2018 3:11 pm

“I think it’s absolutely stunning that every school system in the country has not scoured its budget this week and trimmed some fat, “fat” that could hire some armed security for their campuses, maybe some stronger doors and windows at access points, along with other forms of real security. ” common sense is not that common. Hickock45, nice work

February 22, 2018 7:03 pm


Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
February 22, 2018 10:26 pm

Get a clue! Hickok is spot on.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 22, 2018 2:58 pm

Saw one of the Useful Idiots tell a reporter he didn’t want any of his teachers armed. Now who would be dumb enough to tell him that unarmed and helpless would be the wisest policy?

February 22, 2018 3:22 pm

A picture is worth a thousand words. Short and to the point.

February 22, 2018 10:57 pm

For some unknown reason the picture and a link to the Hichcock45 Facebook article would not post.

February 22, 2018 3:39 pm

If sheep had fangs like a lion, we might have a different view of sheep and how we approach them.

Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
Hope@ZeroKelvin - Proud Deplorable of the NOT S**thole Nation
February 22, 2018 6:18 pm

50 years ago, guys came to school with their 22s in their trucks and nobody shot anybody.

What changed?

1. 60 years of unremitting assault by the liberal progressives on the basic fabric of society – destroying intact homes with strong father figures + soft on crime and punishment + no discipline in the schools + repudiation of Judeo-Christian values + saturating young minds with violent video games/movies in the name of “entertainment”. A toxic cultural brew has been sown from which we are now reaping the whirlwind.

2. SSRIs given to young (mainly) boys to drug them into compliance with an increasingly feminized society.

3. Loss in faith in God and concern for an afterlife. If you don’t believe in an immortal soul and a set of commandments to live by or the concept of Hell for bad acts, what does it matter what you do today?

4. Culture of nihilism promoted by our cultural elites/public schools and subsidized by the feds. If it feels good, do it – and the feds will support you with welfare, etc…..

5. Culture of DEATH promoted by the libprogs – I give you 500K million babies aborted yearly as a start.

6. Normalization of perversion and defiance of reality and biology – we are told to believe that gay marriage/sex is equivalent or better than that for heterosexuals despite the AIDs epidemic, the rate of domestic violence in lesbian relationships, the terrible medical problems experienced by male homosexuals. We are told to believe that transexuals are just misunderstood and not severely mentally ill people whose chromosomes and psyche are tragically misaligned, despite a 40% rate of attempted/completed suicide in people who “transition”. We are told that pedophilia is a normal behavior despite decades of seeing children destroyed by the practice. There are 2 sexes – MALE & FEMALE. Everything else is just mental illness or terribly confused people.

We teach these kids that black is white, up is down, right is wrong and if you disagree you are called all kinds of names on social media and shunned as a “hater”.

No wonder these kids are totally confused. The liberal progressives have PURPOSELY unmoored them from the history, traditions and principles that have anchored Western Civilization for the last 1000 years.

If I was any more paranoid, I would believe that the libprogs are really reptilian aliens seeking to remold humanity into mindless zombies with a hive mind driven by emotion and as easily manipulated as clay on the potter’s wheel.

Say, did you see Pelosi at the SOTU this year?

Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)
Westcoastdeplorable (formerly Westcoaster)

Hope hits one out of the park!

February 22, 2018 10:24 pm

Like the cartoon, the school choice headline was brilliant.

February 22, 2018 11:14 pm

It’s not just that SRO Scott Peterson was a gutless piece of ratshit, but that his political motivation outweighed his moral obligation and concern for the very people that he was supposed to protect. Don’t look for this story in the MSM. Thanks, CTH

February 22, 2018 11:42 pm

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