FAITH: A Light in a Dark Fun-House of Mirrors

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

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Last week I experienced a loss which represented a part of my existence for the last fifteen years. The loss doesn’t matter now as much as the sadness and grief currently experienced. A door has been closed. Others will open someday, but that can’t be adequately processed right now.  Sadness and grief are inherent to the human endeavor. This too, shall pass.

In my own experience, transitions are valleys and mountain-tops; hallways and doors. I don’t understand – and yet I realize every experience I ever had, and every choice I ever made, put me right here in this place.  What does one do when they don’t know what to do?  Sit and stew? React? Find peace?  Some words come to mind that are a minor variation from a poem I once wrote during a transition of long ago:


…Do you see and hear, then use your reason?

For everything, a time and a season

Do you fight with your might and exercise your will?

Or stay quiet and peaceful and just be still?

All of these contain blessings and each one’s a curse

And if time were money they’ll empty your purse…..

How do we know when to assume risks or play it safe? What is the best way to determine the next right move?  When to gamble and when to hold? Even if knowledge is power no one ever knows for sure.  Since September 2016, I have posted over 80 stand-alone, original essays ranging from politics to philosophy. I tried to be true for the most part; and, at the very least, accurate.  Even now, looking back over each, by my definition, they’ve stood the test of time (so far).  I’m proud of that.

I love the internet because of its processing benefits.  Where else can intelligent people gather in a virtual airport bar where free thought and speech are not only tolerated, but necessary?  Using the ethernet to test ideas is like running software at the speed of light, with multiple programming variations, and zero real life consequences; unless I choose to apply the computations.

Although I primarily post pre-tested ideas and perspectives refined in the fire, it doesn’t mean I don’t wander, or wonder. I do.  Now, in my mind at least, I’ve built up a brand of sorts (i.e. trust).  Nevertheless, if I were to write something that you, dear reader, believed to be blatantly false, every word I’ve ever posted over the last 18.5 months, and everything written henceforth by me, would be viewed defensively by light of your perception; as it should.

I know what I look like in the mirror, but that’s not how others see me.  When I am gone, a large percentage of people I ever knew, including some who were closest to me, will remember me wrong.

Who can be trusted?

Why do you believe what you believe?  How can you know and how can you be sure?

As stated here before, I am no theologian but I have studied religious documents, as well as what others have written about them.

In my last article, I wrote about the biblical prophet Daniel.  In another essay from October 2016, I introduced that piece with a quote by the French philosopher Voltaire who said:


Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her: but once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.


Paradoxically, around 600 BC the biblical prophet Daniel predicted in the latter days, mankind would travel “to and fro” with great speed (Daniel 12:4).   The literal interpretation of that passage caused Sir Isaac Newton in 1680 AD, to speculate how man would one day travel over fifty miles an hour.  Voltaire claimed this to be impossible and cited Newton’s speculation as proof of how Christianity caused even brilliant men to become foolish.

In retrospect, it is ironic how Voltaire’s assertion was absolutely true, but in the inverse of his original contention.



Yet, on another occasion, Voltaire wrote:


Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.

– Questions sur les Miracles (1765)


That is a brilliant statement.

Those are just a few examples of why I want to keep an open mind.

We all go through life picking and choosing what we want to believe; or, rather, what we feel best fits our weltanschauung.  Is that the really best way? Perhaps there is no other alternative.

All around there are controversies, opposing sides, and competing ideological constructs. When choosing, how can one be sure?  For those who are NOT sure, why do they so rarely change their mind(s)?

Have you ever given yourself directions and then wondered why you got lost? I sure have.  It’s easy to become turned upside-down in three dimensions, let alone in outer space (left brain alert: that was a joke).  Therefore, what I see, hear, and read provides me the necessary positioning triangulation to successfully launch from Descartes’ cogito ergo sum through the completion of my missions.

Nonetheless, beware: Garbage in, garbage out.

Today, I was listening to a radio program discussing the real death of theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, when the subject of the Big Bang Theory was raised.   The host of the program asked these questions (paraphrased):


1.)  If the universe exploded from a single molecule, where was that molecule in the first place?


2.) If you could be positioned in order to see the entire universe, where would you be?


Although I’m unaware of Hawking providing indisputable answers to these questions, it does appear he believed there was no God.  That took faith, did it not? Obviously, since he never proved it.  This is why most atheists will say they “don’t believe in God”; instead of declaring “there is definitely no God beyond any reasonable doubt, because I said so.”

When my older offspring were but tykes and tots, one of them asked me if there really was a God because “you can’t see anything”.  I stepped out of the room and shut the door.  “Can you see me?”, I asked.  They said: “No”.  “Am I still here?”, I asked. They said: “Yes.”  I replied: “Maybe that’s how it is with God.”

I wanted my children to have an open mind.  To be curious.  To figure things out like me.  They needed to develop their own intuitive and discernment mechanisms because the world is confusing.

How can anyone prove what they cannot observe through their five senses?  Or, rather, can anything be truly verified beyond the Scientific Method?

Isn’t the Scientific Method, just another way of: “Past proving future; or future proving past?”



There are those who believe President Donald Trump is secretly cooperating with a contingent of American patriots within our government and military to bring down key players in what has come to be known as the Deep State.  There are others who claim the Deep State does the nefarious bidding of Neocons, or Zionists, or bankers, or Jews; and some say it is, actually, the satanic Illuminati who run the show.  Which is it? How can you know for sure?  Because, it seems the same ones who tell you with great conviction about who rules the world behind the scenes, are often the same who argue that correlation does not equal causation in climate change.

Guilty as charged, right here.

Who knows anything for sure?

Don’t slay the messenger for what I write next because:  I AM MERELY REFERENCING THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN REPORTED ELSEWHERE.  Moreover, I’m confident some of the readers will reply in kind to controvert what I write next:

There are those who point out ten prophecies that were fulfilled by modern Israel in 1948, as well as 54 prophecies fulfilled in the last 60 years.

Not true, right?

But then, in 2014, events like this were reported in the media:


The commander said the Hamas-fired rocket was headed for Tel Aviv when a strong, unexpected gust of wind pushed it out to sea — saving countless lives, according a translated version of the story published by Israel Today.

Israel Today also reported an account from Givati Infantry Brigade Col. Ofer Winter of a “mysterious fog” that covered his troops as they advanced on a Hamas stronghold earlier in the conflict. Winter claimed his men were saved by divine intervention after they were unable to carry out a planned nighttime raid.


Then you look at every war Israel has fought since 1948; really study those wars, and more questions are raised.

I try to find three separate ways to vet source material and, judging by past debates, logic can change minds for a while.  But in the end, it seems belief systems are like rubber bands: They stretch and take new form temporarily, before bouncing right back into place; to the sounds of front doors locking, or mouse clickings, and heads hitting pillows.

Again, I just have an open mind.  I’m not Jewish. I’m not a Zionist or a neocon puppet.  My ancestors were Irish, Scott, and Saxon; as well as eighteenth century settlers on this continent: coal-miners, educators, law-enforcement, military, ranchers, farmers, administrators, physicians, and pioneers who passed through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Montana, and into Northern California and Washington State.

Of course I don’t have all the answers. No one does. But whenever I go through transitions, my mind wanders and I wonder.  Moreover, I get agitated and restless.  It’s like I’m on the verge something I can’t know yet.  But I believe the answers will come. This too, shall pass.  In the meantime, I’m so glad Al Gore invented the internet.



Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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March 15, 2018 6:42 am

Every essay, every topic you touch, you just shine better and brighter all the time. You truly are a light unto this world.

March 15, 2018 8:19 am

Well, well, look who’s here. So good to see you grace these digital pages once again. I am simultaneously humbled and honored by your comment. Thank you, Holly.

March 15, 2018 8:34 am

Thank you, dearest Doug. I expect you will see me pop up here from time to time. As you well know, the government I used to exist under has betrayed me (and people like me) for the last time. For my part, all bets are off and I owe them nothing.

When they can betray the results of a democratic vote to the degree they have done since the referendum, then I can certainly blow off any promise that I made — under duress — regarding posting on The Platform That Burns.

Good to be back, though taking it slow and dipping a toe in for now.

March 15, 2018 8:35 am

That’s weird-my avatar changed!

March 15, 2018 8:38 am

I noticed that.

For those who are unfamiliar with Holly the Great:

March 15, 2018 7:32 pm

HollyO escaped the Goolag for a bit. Welcome back!!

March 16, 2018 7:59 am

Welcome back Holly!

March 16, 2018 12:59 pm

In Odin, I thank you.

March 15, 2018 9:30 am

Welcome back.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 15, 2018 7:53 am

“…can anything be truly verified beyond the Scientific Method?”

Interestingly enough, we do have Trillions being spent (foolishly) trying to verify GloBULL Warming by using the IPCC (and other) Models .

However, Mother Nature and Observable Date are not cooperating with the Models that have been so far off the mark, that their main algo variables have been reduced twice in order to improve performance. Alas, Nature just won’t cooperate and we can’t grease the skids.

Doesn’t the Scientific Method show that the Present proves the Future and the Past?


If you are looking to any of that to find ‘proof’ of global warming, you are looking at global warming the wrong way. It has nothing to do with the climate, its all a big wealth distribution scheme. If you look at their proposed solution, its a tax on carbon emissions. What emits carbon? All economic activity. So, looked at through that lens, their goal is essentially a global tax on everything. Global warming is just the boogeyman they are using to achieve it.

This issue should be looked at the same as a religion. The scientific method doesn’t really apply to religion, since you aren’t likely to find ‘proof’ that there is or isn’t a god. With global warming, you may be able to prove that some of their models are wrong, or that despite the sensationalism thats taken place with our recent hurricane season, its really nothing unusual in a historic sense, but that doesn’t ‘prove’ to anyone on the global warming train that it isn’t real, just that they need to make some changes to their models. By the time the old predictions should have come true, they’ll just move the goal posts again. There’s too much money at stake for them to stop.

March 15, 2018 8:17 pm

“Their goal is essentially a global tax on everything” -Gator
To fund a global government maybe.

March 16, 2018 12:34 pm

Certainly a possibility. Or, it could just be yet another way government robs from the many to enrich the few. Either way, it is to be fought tooth and nail.

March 15, 2018 8:15 am

WE find what we look for, the universe conforms to our expectations within the limits set by something greater than ourselves. We can know as fact only what we observe, but we can experience those things we cannot know through faith in those things beyond our capacity to observe them.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 15, 2018 8:36 am

Schrodinger’s cat paradox is an excellent example of what happens when someone thinks more than they work. A mind held prisoner in a classroom creates elaborate fantasies to explain why it cannot manifest it’s energy into action. Eventually it will become obsessed with hypothetical cats in theoretical boxes.

There’s probably a postulate in that observation, but I have too much work to do right now. I’ll leave it to the academics.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 15, 2018 11:03 pm

I think you’ve summed up exactly the problem with cosmology for the past few decades…maybe even the last 4 centuries. It is all abstraction…symbols on a chalk board and not natural philosophy–as physics was once called. The observations don’t fit the most basic assumptions…but rather than question these assumptions theoretical physicists simply make the math work with all sorts of outlandish concepts such as black holes, quasars, neutron stars and the like.
Is it possible today there is a different model that works much better. There is in fact and someday I will finish my wire up on it.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 16, 2018 12:43 pm

That would be the Shrodinger’s Date model. How many theoretically unsatisfied and grumpy women are being ignored by scientists who are potentially fascinated by hypothetical cats, leading to realistic models of household tension?

Sionnach Liath
Sionnach Liath
March 15, 2018 8:33 am

1.) If the universe exploded from a single molecule, where was that molecule in the first place?
with God


2.) If you could be positioned in order to see the entire universe, where would you be?
Right where you are

March 15, 2018 8:42 am

The Fog Of Late Evening

The fog of late evening ebbed and returned which was odd,
he decided carefully.

The silence was disturbed only by the sight of a gentle wind among weaving palm fronds and the drip of heavy mist cascading from metallic roofs.

It is a hypnotized spy of those angels who comfort us, walking as softly as a water’s nymph upon the fragile crystals of any lasting love left in this pall.

In this death there is no mothering aesthetic so cast off supplication and penitence.

Beauty is no thrusting arrow.

It dances.

Doug, I dance to your music. And it is beautiful. Thanks for all you give so freely.

March 15, 2018 8:43 am

I read recently that over 3000 people in the UK have been question and over 1000 arrested for comments that they made on the internet. Can this be true.


kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
March 15, 2018 8:55 am

Yes, it certainly can be true.
Britain, the country which gave the US its ‘Common Law’ is now devoid of Free Speech unless it arises from a Musloid.

Sweden, the UK, and pending others, are all gone to the Dark Side. It is beyond my understanding, or common sense, or logic. It is unbelievable except what actually exists in the present.


If you’ve read and understood the prophecies, you know what is happening and why it is happening.

If you haven’t, you don’t.

March 15, 2018 2:50 pm

you are correct sir!!!

March 15, 2018 9:16 am

I assure you it is true. In fact, I suspect those numbers are on the conservative side and fail take into account incidences of harassment, intimidation and extortionate fines. Next Stop: the Stasi/Gestapo-style 3am knock-and-snatch.

But I will not derail Uncola’s excellent effort further with swivel-eyed ranting. When I am less annoyed and more coherent I will submit an effort of my own 🙂

March 15, 2018 9:21 am

Thank you Hollyo I look forward to it.

March 15, 2018 7:38 pm

And in Britian, when the knock and snatch begins, you don’t have a firearm to protect yourself. Or maybe you do. Someone get HollyO a visa to get over here and get armed. Along with all the white south africans.

March 15, 2018 8:49 am

Another fabulous article. I always look forward to your posts as well as many others here. This site has become an extraordinary source for philosophy and insight into the human mind and condition and yet it has not lost its lustful sense of life and humor.
Thank you,

March 15, 2018 9:12 am

Uncola, my ,very good friend (may I call you that?), the timing of your wonderful article is, for me, perfect. Here’s why …

Dad was supposed to be released from the rehab center a few days ago. We ran into snags … a major dispute with the in-home hospice company. But, that has been resolved, sort of, and I’ll be at the rehab center today at noon to bring dad home.

The snag was the IV tubes. Dad is not eating but maybe 200 calories a day, and drinking maybe a half a cup of water per day. The IV is keeping him alive.

Two days ago, the rehab folks removed the tubes. Fine. He’s going home anyway … we’ll just have the hospice folks reattach them. They refused to do so, saying they must (a lie) honor the rehab doctor’s orders.

We fired that hospice company, and hired another one. They sent two nurses to meet with us and explained to us in detail the pros/cons of our options. Plus, I did my own thorough research.

Quick summary. They are willing to extend the IV fluids. BUT … there are consequences. He’s not drinking much water yet, when they stick in the catheter in the evening, it fills up the entire liter bag! He is, in a sense “drowning” in fluids … and it makes it even harder for his already severely diminished heart to supply oxygen to his brain and lungs. The nurse said it’s doing more harm than good at this point.

My sister will hear none of this. She is displaying the tendencies of all liberals … THEY know ALL the answers, THEY are ALWAYS right …. and fuck you very much for playing. You should have seen the arguing, ranting, angry faces, and even threats (of lawsuits). So sad … so sad …

Eventually, I was able to get her to compromise. Dad will be on the IV tube for 48 hours at home. Then we pull it.

Do you know what that will result in? They call it a “dry death”. They can actually manage the discomfort of that much better than the excess fluid situation. They said dad won’t feel any pain. I wish I had the faith to believe that.

Drown him, or dehydrate him. That’s a helluva shitty decision for a son/family to make. I wish that horror not even on my worst enemy.

Your article has brought me comfort, my dear Uncola. Thank You.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 15, 2018 9:27 am

Stucky, my mother went the same way at home under hospice and it was a very, very difficult thing to have to watch. That you are there is the most important and you should understand that the body as it shuts down does away with things like pain- it is no longer a prompt that helps the body to survive and believe me, your father’s body knows that it is on it’s way out.

Watch over him, speak to him even if you think he can’t hear you and tell him all the things that he did for you and what a life he led. He raised you and look how you turned out.

And please either call or email me so I can share with you a gift one of your grateful readers wants me to send to you. Please.

Got ist mit uns, Stucky.

March 15, 2018 10:03 am

I’ve been there, Stuck. Witnessed things I never expected; and some moments I couldn’t believe. We go through transitions and they become a part of our story, even when we don’t understand. This too, shall pass. Hang tough and take naps when possible. Write about it when you can.

March 15, 2018 11:35 am

My mother also died under similar circumstances. We were able to take care of her at home, with me and my 8 siblings staying with on 24 hour shifts. Hospice came to advise and check on her. One of my sisters is a nurse whose job it was to administer drugs to people who were usually terminal, so there were no real disputes over how to handle things. None of us labored under the burden of false hope.

Even under these conditions, it was not easy to watch her die. But the biggest difference was my mother’s personal faith. If she was distressed about her impending death, it was not apparent. She was able to eat and drink as normal at first, which she did with gusto. For desert, she would eat pie and ice cream and watch “Home Improvement” re-runs. Who knew she was a Tim Allen fan?

A few days before death, she asked my sister who the woman was at the end of her bed, singing to her. My sister thought she meant the hospice lady, but no. My sister got what was happening, and asked her whether she was bothered by the singing. No, she said, the singing was beautiful. But the woman seemed to think she knew all about my mother’s business, and this disturbed my mother. My mother was devout, but a little suspicious of people’s motives, even at the end, even of a fairy.

The end did come, and we were all called to her home, there to stay with her until she was picked up by the funeral parlor. My forebears believe that the spirit lingers awhile, and you must not leave them alone. Someone made coffee, someone else found a bottle, and we visited. There was
sadness, but relief, too, and also a feeling that we had delivered her to the care of her loving God.

I have often reflected how lucky I was to attend to her in those last days. It was not easy, because unlike my nurse sister, I am squeamish. But I saw the power of something that was able to make the end of a beloved mother more tolerable, and left one with hope. Certainly, this poor sinner is filled with hope.

I wish you well, Stucky.

March 15, 2018 10:05 am

My condolences on whatever/whomever has been lost.
Too many try to avow or disavow something, but refuse to follow the path right to the very end. Scientific METHOD never scares a person of true faith. Actual common sense combined with following the trail of observable reproducible verifiable facts via methodology will always trump emotional decision-making. As you wrote, no one knows all the answers, but we DO know some of them. We should never be scared to go down that rabbit trail, to check every premise and theory. Critical thinking means just that; examine every postulate and every claim, and accept whatever is verified, no matter whether it contradicts your previous beliefs or not. What supports such, and is IT verifiable? Then go to the next level and look at what lies beneath and do it all over again. Ad infinitum. Apply the same standard throughout.
My sister and I experienced, first-hand, horrific supernatural occurrences at a very young age (from 6 to about 12). No person, let alone young children, should ever have to endure what we did. Absolute confirmation that there is a spiritual aspect to this world. That led me, as I matured, on a many-year search to find answers.
That knowledge seems to be the stumbling block for so many people; refusal to even believe there is a spiritual aspect. Why seek what you don’t believe exists? The eternal ramifications don’t matter if you believe it just ‘all goes black’ at the end. Logic CAN provide at least a stirring of doubt, but the effort is meaningless if you have no desire to even look, let alone accept the results.
OK, rant off. Like HSF, too much to do with very little time, at this season.
Keep ’em coming, Doug. ALWAYS thought-provoking and beautiful writing.

March 15, 2018 2:09 pm

My condolences on whatever/whomever has been lost.

Actually, TS, it was both. A friendship and business relationship I ended because words and deeds no longer paired. Nothing like what Stucky is going through but, still, it hurt. I was forgiving and patient to no avail. Hence the wandering and wondering and things beyond.

I cannot deny the pain and loss of faith. At the same time, I know it will pass. My conscience is clear.

Transitions. There is a construct I’ve found to be very liberating through the years. It is the concept of next. Moving on can be a gift; another stone gone from the backpack. Who knows why. I don’t need to know. Happiness is the best revenge anyway. I’ll get there when I can.

Thank you for your kind words and insights.

March 15, 2018 2:29 pm

Been there.
You’re right; the past should inform us, not weigh us down. To learn better those types of what/who to embrace or avoid, to build upon or let sink into the sea of memory; these are gifts if we will embrace them.
Also, forgiving and extending patience, along with the other virtues, are truly rewards unto themselves and reveal the true who/what of us, far better than the recipient who/what.
Eccl 5:18-20
Stay busy with what is evidently the joy of your heart.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail
Toirdhealbheach Beucail
March 16, 2018 7:44 am

Uncola – I had the same friendship/business relationship occur in my past as well. It was hard – more really because of the friendship loss rather than the outcome of closing of the business.

Interestingly, what it revealed (over time, of course) is that the friendship had really rather been on life support for a longer period of time than I realized because of the business relationship – had the business relationship failed earlier or even not occurred, the friendship would have dissolved all the sooner.

The other thing that came out of it (again, over time) was that in fact I missed a great deal of unnecessary drama that probably would have been in my life because of both had they continued. Sometimes things are only clearest when I look in the rear view mirror.

March 15, 2018 10:08 am

“I love the internet because of its processing benefits. Where else can intelligent people gather in a virtual airport bar where free thought and speech are not only tolerated, but necessary?”
–> Bullseye.
Love that observation. If not mistaken, you stated that in JQ’s “What TBP Means to Me”
Even through disagreements, the kinship and genuine care in this space makes it great.

“What does one do when they don’t know what to do? Sit and stew? React? Find peace? ”
–>Personally, Mom’s lessons (R.I.P) are effective, and my own habits that work, too.
Ma was the one who said to me: “This too shall pass” when I would express frustration and how to cope with challenges. It’s taking solace that grief is, and should be temporary.

Other times, when she was in her own mental funk and feeling blue, she would react with actions.
Even though the blues might still be in the back of our minds, getting busy with some task, any task that will make even the slightest improvement(s) in our spheres, can be therapeutic.

For me, sometimes quiet reflection on saved and accumulated words, phrases, or short article lessons help put me in a better state of mind, gaining small bits of peace through acceptance, and study of insights gained from multiple sources.
Beneficial interpretations of some Scripture helps, as well as any good writing such as yours here.

“Who can be trusted?
Why do you believe what you believe? How can you know and how can you be sure?”
–> Gut feelings of instinct are underrated. (our sub-conscious, giving us a nudge-reminder?)
Add in the accumulated experiences over a lifetime,
in the discoveries of actual truths that manifested for each of us personally, and what others have presented as gifts of insight that proved worthy and true.
Contrarily, the falsehoods that have been exposed act to help us keep an open mind, flexible to change.
Admission of being wrong in beliefs and statements is a humble trait, albeit rare. (Open minded?)

A great comment I’ve heard, that the humble among us are aware of…
“There is a fine line between Confidence in one’s knowledge and beliefs, and the Arrogance with which they project it. Try not to cross it.”

Confidence is typically learned and earned through experience and is healthy.
Arrogance can come back around and bite us, like its cousins Rudeness and bad karma.
Nobody has all the answers, and imo, the arrogant rarely apologize, or admit they were wrong.

Keep writing.
I suspect the comment thread will march past the C mark, and probably eclipse 200 before the week ends.
Enjoy this weekend upcoming, and many more to come.

March 15, 2018 10:27 am

Stucky , my grandmother died from that kind of heart failure. The last week was very peaceful .It was like she fell asleep and Never woke back up.If your father is still awake now is the time when you need to say to him your last words. God bless ,I will keep praying for you.

March 15, 2018 10:43 am

Unbelievable ,I watched a movie last night called Thrive : What will it take ..on YouTube. It had alot of science in it that has never been allowed to come to market.Most of the science was completely shut down by big corporate International companies.The people that made the movie did so much research into who Controls what. They went over the Banking scam ( big money ) but also who Controls big oil ,big food ,big education ,big corporate Drugs ,big health and the media. You will see the Powers that be are locking up the system so no one can get out or away from it.The last goal is to cause a big crisis so everyone will volunteer to get Chip inplants. Some truly amazing but scary shit.Well Worth your time to watch .I always enjoy your articles.God Bless .

March 16, 2018 12:34 am

Excellent Movie BB – Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take … on YouTube – 13 Million Views – Thanks

March 15, 2018 10:52 am

Thanks, Doug for sharing. This comes to me today when many of my current doors have closed. The call for my work of 20 years has ceased. While my health is in relatively good shape, the heart attach last October has a disastrous effect on what I can now do physically, when physical exercise was part of my life over the last 40 years. The heart now pumps at 30% efficiency.

So, it is a time of transition, with the promise of good things to come. I am in such a difference place as I was one year ago. Such a change is quite exiting, knowing that is comes with a purpose yet revealed.

This passage in Palms 139 now has a new and deeper meaning for me.
“Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, Thou dost know it all.
Thou hast enclosed me behind and before, And laid Thy hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it.”

March 15, 2018 10:59 am

Great post Uncola… Chip

March 15, 2018 1:50 pm

I will enthusiastically second that. I am so humbled by the articles AND comments I read here on a daily basis. As an aspiring writer/communicator my daily dip at TBP is an apprenticeship which pays me more than I deserve.

Given my present circumstances, my BS meter has grown very much more sensitive. This site and you talented and bold contributors and responders are a gift indeed.

My respect for the ebb and flow of this place makes me feel that I can be sincere in sharing the pain and the loss that my fellows are experiencing in real time. My best, and yes….my prayers to you all.

Please imagine my pleasant surprise and personal gratification when a link I posted resulted in an invitation to contribute an article. After savoring and considering (for the first time) that thought, reality slapped me in the face, as I realized that I have no idea how to do that.

Admin, Stucky……..anyone? An unworthy knave bids you unlock the door and admit this ragged lurker…. to the parlor of those he has come to admire and respect so much.

March 15, 2018 1:54 pm

Send me an email at [email protected] and I can set you up as a contributor.

March 15, 2018 5:11 pm

Stuck, I don’t know if the opinion of a thirty year nurse means anything to you at this point, but they are right. Drowning inside yourself is an unpleasant way to go. The dry way is easier on the patient. People with big floppy hearts tend to “third space” fluid into their tissues and can load up with water even if they are barely urinating.
And I went through this with my Dad. I was grateful that I had a short while where I could still talk to him before he died.
It is never easy to watch a loved one die by inches. Being pain free while you do so is a blessing. Many don’t get that option.
May Peace enter your hearts, lives and homes of you and your extended family. And the love that your Father had for all of you be a guide during this most difficult time.

March 15, 2018 8:00 pm

Doug, this is a great piece, as always. Very thought provoking.

Stucky, sorry to hear about your old man, brother. Sounds like he had a hell of a life, though. Best wishes to you and your family on getting through this. Hang tough.

March 16, 2018 8:15 am

Stuck, we wish we could help but know that we are powerless. The best we can do is share the anguish in some small way.

March 16, 2018 8:47 am

Hypothetical cats in a theoretical box. So sublime and true.

The faithful preach wonder
The Hopeful shirk fret
The Lucky stay blind
And their Ignorance is bliss


Yours in Odin,


March 16, 2018 11:29 am

“Certainly any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.”
For me this is best exemplified with the current promotion of Transgenderism, what could be more absurd than believing Bruce Jenner is now a Woman?
He is not.
This protocol is now effectively on steroids in the schools, the kids are being broken with absurdities,just wait to see what injustices they will have these kids committing.

Holly-O, welcome back, can you use a VPN or similar for additional protection? Based on the events of the last month I would venture things are only getting worse going forward.

Stuck- I fear sounding trite or hollow offering words, anyways I wish you the continued strength you have demonstrated and helped pass on to others.

March 17, 2018 11:33 am

Thanks for the essay.

So happy to hear from you. May all your days be blessed with happiness.
I was quit concerned for you after we at TBP heard from you last.
You give courage to all.

March 17, 2018 12:03 pm

“Up ahead they’s a thousan’ lives we might live, but when it comes it’ll on’y be one.”
― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath