Doom Porn Pimps Watching Movies Projected On Prison Walls

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Paradoxically, some of the most difficult questions are quite simple to ask. Examples might include:  Who do we think we are? Who are we really? What are we doing? Why do we do what we do? Is there something better we should be doing? What does winning look like? How would we define success in our current and future circumstances? What must be done to get where we want to be?

Formulating and phrasing those inquiries is easy enough- even if the answers take some more time and consideration. Yet the real irony is that the questions are rarely asked, let alone answered.  And even if we were to internally canvass those queries, any resolutions would ultimately be guided by ideology, or intellectual constructs, and tempered by circumstance.

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FAITH: A Light in a Dark Fun-House of Mirrors

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

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Last week I experienced a loss which represented a part of my existence for the last fifteen years. The loss doesn’t matter now as much as the sadness and grief currently experienced. A door has been closed. Others will open someday, but that can’t be adequately processed right now.  Sadness and grief are inherent to the human endeavor. This too, shall pass.

In my own experience, transitions are valleys and mountain-tops; hallways and doors. I don’t understand – and yet I realize every experience I ever had, and every choice I ever made, put me right here in this place.  What does one do when they don’t know what to do?  Sit and stew? React? Find peace?  Some words come to mind that are a minor variation from a poem I once wrote during a transition of long ago:


…Do you see and hear, then use your reason?

For everything, a time and a season

Do you fight with your might and exercise your will?

Or stay quiet and peaceful and just be still?

All of these contain blessings and each one’s a curse

And if time were money they’ll empty your purse…..

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