The Georgia Guidestones Destroyed

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Who is the mysterious R.C. Christian who erected the Georgia Guidestones in March 1980? These four nearly 20-feet monuments were mysteriously built decades ago before they were destroyed this week on July 6, 2022. After the initial bombing, the government destroyed the rest of the monument under the excuse of it being a structural hazard.

There is a theory that the structure was originally constructed during the Cold War to act as a guide to survivors of a nuclear disaster. Fears of impending nuclear war were widespread back then, and someone, likely a group, provided a guide for how to rebuild civilization. Let these be Guidestones to an Age of Reason,” are etched into the stone that contains writing in English, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili, Spanish, and Hindi. Those responsible wanted to ensure that their message was read by whoever survived doomsday.

The 10 commands on the Guidestones seem eerily similar to the World Economic Forum’s current plans.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.


(Image by Quentin Melson – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

In the above documentary, there are numerous people who claim to have met the mysterious R.C. Christian, but this cannot be confirmed. The man did exist, however, and mysteriously disappeared shortly after the construction of the monument. He left behind a tablet explaining the astrological significance of where he placed the stones. The four giant granite tablets are aligned with the celestial poles, while the middle stone contains an eye-level hole that points to the North Star and aligns with sun solstices and equinoxes. There was a sundial calendar of sorts placed within the structure as the sun would shine through the slit at noon every day.

A lot of detail went into the placement and message placed on this structure that has remained an unsolved mystery for decades. There are deeper connections to this monument and ongoing globalist groups who also desire to unite a decreased population under one language in a one-world socialist government. Who destroyed the monument this week and why?

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by Ray Jason

The realization hit me like a bolt of mental lightning. The bastards are GOING FOR THE GUIDESTONES! They are betting that their long campaign to dumb down the global population combined with their evil-eye surveillance grid, will now allow them to stomp Humanity into total submission.

These soulless predators, who I scornfully and gleefully, describe as our Malignant Overlords, are not particularly motivated by greed. They all have more than enough money. What they truly desire is POWER – the sickest variety – the type that allows them to utterly control the lives of ordinary people.

 Yet, even that is not enough to satisfy the desires of the most wicked of them. They find the common people so loathsome, that they would prefer to eliminate the vast majority of them. Their scheme is to transform the planet into a 21st century Techno-Feudalism – but with an enormously reduced population.


Coincidence Theorists See All Donut and No Holes in the Coronation of The Cult

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Over the past several decades Americans have viewed regularly televised dramatic episodes of political theater. The use of the word “episode” is especially appropriate because the dramatic scenes are sequential and continuously broadcasted onto electronic screens. The drama is designed to elicit emotion, foment anger, and unite or divide the nation in order to, ultimately, affect change.

The societal cataclysms we’re experiencing now could be naturally occurring – as the result of certain trends like demographics, technology, modernization, education, centralization, economic inequality, political platforms, or even systemic corruption and civilizational decay. On the other hand, it could be the upheavals are directed in consonance with scripts written by an inner circle of powerful people; and in accordance to the Hegelian Dialectic.  How citizens view the changes realized by the United States over the last few decades, in particular, will depend upon their interpretations of probabilities and outcomes; or, rather, to the extent they believe in coincidence or conspiracy.

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Doom Porn Pimps Watching Movies Projected On Prison Walls

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Paradoxically, some of the most difficult questions are quite simple to ask. Examples might include:  Who do we think we are? Who are we really? What are we doing? Why do we do what we do? Is there something better we should be doing? What does winning look like? How would we define success in our current and future circumstances? What must be done to get where we want to be?

Formulating and phrasing those inquiries is easy enough- even if the answers take some more time and consideration. Yet the real irony is that the questions are rarely asked, let alone answered.  And even if we were to internally canvass those queries, any resolutions would ultimately be guided by ideology, or intellectual constructs, and tempered by circumstance.

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