“This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.”

Ryan Fournier

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Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
March 25, 2018 7:12 am

Thats what i was just thinking. Another anti gun march is morning news. Funny how no one is protesting the local police and fbi. If those two agencys had done their jobs, no high school shooting in florida. Must be the guns fault.

In other news, all remaining guns at Dicks sporting goods gang up on employees and rob the place. Because thats the kind of things guns just do.

March 25, 2018 12:02 pm

I’ve been saying for years that we need to figure a way to destigmatize mental illness while still protecting the public.
There’s probably not a person who reads this that can’t immediately think of a person that needs mental health treatment.
However,unless the person has reached crisis mode,how many of us would push for the person to receive treatment because of the personal/professional stigma it could cause the person if it got out that they received mental health treatment?
We also need to figure out why there is so much more mental illness now compared to past times.
Is it our food?Too much stimulation?Too much free time?Drugs?Social isolation?Lack of religion?

March 25, 2018 2:31 pm

the quote below was posted by wip on another thread–he’s talking about a girl giving a speech at one of the rallies held yesterday in support of gun control–

March 24, 2018 at 11:45 pm
The girl that went silent for 6 mins 20 seconds while doing her ‘speech’ to represent the time it took for the shooting… I wonder what would happen if each of these students took 6 mins & 20 seconds each school day to try & talk to a shy kid or the kid they normally ignore or even better Instead of bullying, teasing or taunting other students take 6 mins & 20 seconds to actually talk to them…this will do a lot more to help prevent suicide, depression & mass shootings in the future…