Keep Going. This Too Shall Pass.

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Like the weather when a storm approaches, or as the seasons turn, or waves pounding on a shoreline, any deviations are measured and compared by speed and intensity.  The same can be said for headlines:  Omnibus, discouraged Deplorables, rumors of war, prospects of peace, economic bubbles, fluctuating markets, and political intrigue.  Round and round it goes; when it ends, nobody knows. It’s a time of transition; and when traveling over mountaintops, through valleys, and on rough seas, no one has all of the answers.

Even when looking at maps.

The books, Generations (1992) and The Fourth Turning (1997), were written by the historians William Strauss and Neil Howe. These recent explorers identified recorded cycles of history and categorized them across multiple cultures and eras.  In both books, historical timelines were analyzed and populations were correlated to specific life-cycles labeled as generational types.  Strauss and Howe additionally addressed the concept of time in the context of both circular and linear perspectives and defined what is called a “saeculum” as a “long human life” measuring roughly 80 to 90 years.  Every saeculum is comprised of four turnings, each lasting around 20 years.

Just as there are four seasons consisting of spring, summer, fall and winter, there are also four phases of a human life represented in childhood, young adulthood, middle age and elderhood.  As each phase of human life represents approximately 20 years, so is each generational archetype identified within the historical cycles, or turnings, as follows.

The generations experience each turning according their life stage; and the Seasons (i.e. order of Turnings # 1 -4) are identified by each generation as they reach middle-age.  Amazingly, history shows a consistent pattern in how the generations both cause and affect historical events.  The patterns develop based upon how each generation interacts with the other and documented consistencies are delineated by the authors.

In America, since the end of the late sixteenth-century, there have been four full “cycles” (i.e. saeculums) as follows:


1.) Colonial Cycle

2.) Revolutionary Cycle

3.) Civil War Cycle

4.) World War Cycle


In every Fourth-Turning, or Crisis period, within all of the above saeculums, American society experienced great upheavals and war.   Moreover, like progressively burgeoning tsunamis rising and crashing upon the sands of time, each consecutive American Fourth-Turning Crisis was more devastating than the last.

America’s last crisis occurred during the years of 1929 through 1945; a turbulent transition period whereby the nation experienced a financial crash, a great depression and a world war.

Now it’s our turn.  Time’s up.  According to Neil Howe, this current Fourth Turning began in September 2008 and is projected to last until around 2030.

All we can do ride it out the best we can. Trying to individually affect a Fourth Turning would be like lassoing the wind or reversing an ocean’s tide.  It can’t be done.  With this in mind, it is best for us prepare and adapt by battening down our hatches and adjusting our sails.

Whether we are climbing mountains, descending into valleys, or being tossed about on stormy seas, know that the Presidency of Donald J. Trump is a storm.  By accident or design, he has shaken the foundations of geopolitics in ways few could have forecasted less than two years ago.

Although I am first and foremost a Better-than-Hillaryite, I was always cautiously optimistic about Trump. This does not make me a Trumpster, per se. I’ve called him the Oompah Loompah Man, a Reality TV Star, the Orange One, etc., and I’ve previously written about him as the manifestation of one of the following three possibilities:


1.) The Real Thing

2.) Serving the agenda of the global financial elite unwittingly

3.) Controlled opposition as a Judas Goat or Trojan Horse


Time reveals everything; and people are known by their actions, not by their words.  The same can be said for events.

Much has transpired in American politics over the past year and a lot of it has been good for Trump voters. Yet, in his recent Omnibus signing speech, Trump acted like a man in a hurry, with more important things on his mind. Obviously, his signature on that steaming pile of shit pissed off a lot of former Deplorables, including one of his most avid advocates, Ann Coulter.

What was Trump thinking?  He signed his name while sounding like Br’er’ Rabbit pleading not to be thrown into the brier-patch.  Trump wanted the military funded.  And now it appears he desires to build The Wall, as a priority of national security, using the defense budget.

Did Br’er Rabbit Trump, outsmart the Establishment’s Tar-Baby?  Or do the globalists have photos of Stormy Daniels spanking him in his underwear?  Could it be the swamp is too mucked and the mountains too high for a lone, art-of-the-deal making, 6-level-chess playing, billionaire wizard and his staff?

What’s going on?


Appearances are not always what they seem and Occam’s Razor, at times, loses its edge.  But, if past history is any guide, it may not be wise to underestimate Trump; even if paying for the $1.3 trillion Omnibus Bill will be like America’s children climbing Mt. Everest in bare feet.

Multiple forces have been aligned against Trump from the moment he first rode down his escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy for president.  And now, every day, he’s still here driving all of my sworn enemies batshit crazy, one Tweet at a time.

The famous underworld attorney extraordinaire, Roy Cohn, in a 1984 interview claimed Trump was the closest thing to a genius he had ever met in his life.  Thirty-two years after that statement by Cohn, Trump became President of the United States while being outspent two to one, against a rabidly hostile media, in opposition to colluding officials in the United States’ FBI, DoJ, and State Department; plus, with zero support from all Democrats and a significant percentage of Republicans.

Transitions, indeed. Tightrope walking is more like it.



Today, Trump stands high up on the mountain in the middle of a political blizzard.  He is surrounded by the gale force winds of a phony Russian election hacking narrative, a sinister special council investigation, and allegations ranging from obstruction of justice to being spanked by porn star with a Forbes magazine.

I couldn’t make that shit up if I tried.

Now, according to a report in Politico (hardly a conservative publication), a majority of Americans believe the Deep State manipulates U.S. policies:


The majority of the country believes a group of unelected government and military officials secretly manipulate national policy, according to a Monmouth Poll released Monday.

Of the 803 adults polled, 27 percent said they believe the unelected group known as the deep state definitely exists. An additional 47 percent said it probably exists. Sixteen percent said it probably does not exist and 5 percent said they believe it definitely does not exist.


Although most people may consider the Deep State as the “administrative state”, or the “establishment”, one wonders how many of the sheeple would have been half-awakened if not for Trump. I say “half-awakened” because most know nothing of the round table groups as referred to by the historian, Carroll Quigley, or the secret societies as referenced by former president John F. Kennedy.  This means the majority of Americans remain naïve, controlled, and at the whim of True Power.

But what about Trump?

Our president is either who he professes to be, or he is not. You either trust him, or you don’t. It could be he is playing the power game the best he can and prioritizing actualities that we can’t see for purposes we don’t know; or he’s puppet, or imbecilic sell-out leading us down to a dead-end on the primrose path.

Call me quixotic, but I remain cautiously hopeful.  I remain so in spite of the warhawk John Bolton, Trump’s new war cabinet, and his latest hardliner stance with Russia.  Why?  Well, similar to the way I rejected solipsism in college for fear of being too lonely, I now refuse to despair over Trump’s personality swings because I enjoy the view.

Is he controlled opposition? Or controlled demolition?

Either way, I have nothing to lose and nowhere else I’d rather be at this time.  There’s not one damn thing I can do to prevent Russian bombs so I will , instead, wait patiently for the imminent Inspector General’s report; which is said to contain some pure TNT.

What a panoramic scene that will be.

Will the revelations of Michael Horwitz’s report turn the tide for Trump and make America great again? Hope springs eternal.  Or, it could be the global elite will trick Trump into cannonading the Cossacks in order to conclude any conversations on corruption in our country.  Who knows? The elite bankers could also crash the economy, like Kondratieff and Elliot Grand Supercycle waves, on history’s rocky shore; leaving Trump in a rumpled heap right next to the bleached white bones of Herbert Hoover.

The winter of this Fourth Turning’s discontent will undoubtedly deliver war and economic turmoil; and not necessarily in that order.  But what will ensue?  Constitutional Law or tyranny?



Time reveals all things; and, what happens after the release of the Inspector General’s report will be very telling.  Why? Because transitions are roads to revelations.

So keep going, watch, and see.

On the way, however, look for any false flags and know this:  Tyranny wants you controlled or dead; it is, in fact, right behind you, and up just ahead.  It also really, really, really wants your guns.  If you don’t believe me, just look behind to see how fast we’ve traveled from Parkland, Florida to a full repeal of the Second Amendment.

Winter is here.  A chill is in the air.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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March 28, 2018 8:47 pm
March 28, 2018 9:18 pm

There will be no inspector General report. We have held our breath since January and the we hear just a few more weeks and it will be released. October will soon be here and the destruction of election. Who is this Horowitz , where did he come from and who are cronies and why should he be less corrupt and more courageous than the other bureaucrats?

March 28, 2018 10:01 pm

It is said Horowitz is beyond reproach. A real straight arrow. However, some of the same people who say these things also said them about Mueller. So go figure.

That said, Horowitz did recover the text messages of the FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. He is also the reason Andy McCabe was fired.

These are solid actions and, therefore, good signs in my opinion.

If the Inspector General’s report is never released, or Horowitz “sells out”, then these will be new revelations. It was supposed to come out in March and now it’s been delayed another month. And now – the new FISA investigation. So who knows.

Regardless, without another (separate) special counsel investigation, none of it is going anywhere, anyway, from a legal or prosecutorial standpoint.

If and when the report comes out it would be very hard for the mainstream media to spin the revelations as “Nothingburgers”.

At the very least it could hurt some of the Democratic Party’s chances in the midterms. Or maybe not given the current landscape of American demographics.

The answers will come soon. Tick tock…

March 29, 2018 8:13 am

“Regardless, without another (separate) special counsel investigation, none of it is going anywhere, anyway, from a legal or prosecutorial standpoint.” -Uncola
@Uncola…did you forget about this?:

“… I have appointed a person outside of Washington, many years in the Department of Justice to look at all the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us; and we’re conducting that investigation. (read more)

March 29, 2018 11:58 am

In the past, Sessions has said:

Looks like not enough basis to appoint a special counsel.

In your linked article, it describes “an appointed person, likely a prosecutor, from “outside of Washington…..

….to look at all the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us.. .

Not sure if this a special council investigation makes?

Then the article goes on to say the “February 27th mention by AG Jeff Sessions WAS NOT NEWS”.

Wouldn’t it be news?

Yet, Sean Hannity (and his panels) lament no 2nd special council investigation night after night.

In any case, one can hope, right?

Solano Jones
Solano Jones
March 29, 2018 12:21 pm

Did you see the DOJ response to Grassley’s subpoena? Footnote #1?

They are redacting GRAND JURY deliberations and anything that might uncover GRAND JURY activity or persons from the subpoenaed evidence. That alone tells you that a secret prosecutor is working with Horowitz, and that indictments are being sought already, prior to the report going public. It screamed like neon to me.

I call that the best sign yet!

  Solano Jones
March 29, 2018 8:20 pm

Why secret? Those in the ‘know’ would know it anyway and the sheep don’t care.

March 30, 2018 12:20 pm

Regardless of the details, the last cycle should probably be called the International Cycle. The US went from being a low tax, small government nation with little trade (4% of GDP) to being an oppressive empire . That will all be destroyed by 2032…

March 28, 2018 9:29 pm

” It also really, really, really wants your guns. If you don’t believe me, just look behind to see how fast we’ve traveled from Parkland, Florida to a full repeal of the Second Amendment.”

And Trump has greatly aided the effort to get guns. That alone is enough for me to despise the bastard. We lose guns, won’t matter if it’s the fourth turn or the tenth; it will be the last turn for freedom in this country.

March 28, 2018 9:36 pm

How has Trump greatly aided the effort to get the guns? Specifically.

March 29, 2018 9:21 am

Specifically, agreeing with gun grabber policies like seizure without due process involved (as civil asset forfeiture does), expanded background checks, funding of biased anti gun research that will be used to institute more restrictions, calling for a ban on currently legal firearms and accessories (you have the right to them today, you are a criminal tomorrow if you exercise that right and don’t comply with forfeiture or registration), among others that are just more steps toward the total ban direction that the Leftists are pushing for as all of their pushes have been in the past.

March 29, 2018 12:18 pm

How about signing the Omnibus the with the Fix Nics provision which deprives Social Security recipients for owning firearms if they have someone pick up their check for them, or saying that the government should seize firearms, and do the whole due process thing afterwards, or using the DOJ and ATFE regulatory process to ban bump stocks, which are a gun part, and can not be banned by any current federal law, which if allowed opens the door for the government to, by regulation, to ban any type of gun part it wants, for example the government could re enact the entirety of the the so called assault weapons ban by regulation.

But of course didn’t Trump run on, among other things, a promise of the Hearing Protection Act, and Concealed Carry Reciprocity? Waiting . . . . Waiting . . . .Waiting.

March 29, 2018 8:18 am

New York Slimes reference? Are you serious?

March 29, 2018 12:03 pm

So you think Trump will repeal the Second Amendment because the New York Times, along with many other newspapers, says he won’t? Really?

All the article does is report on Trump’s Tweet as follows:

THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED! As much as Democrats would like to see this happen, and despite the words yesterday of former Supreme Court Justice Stevens, NO WAY. We need more Republicans in 2018 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2018

You either trust Trump, or not. I, personally, myself, trust him more than I did Hillary. That’s all I was sayin’..

MN Steel
MN Steel
March 31, 2018 12:37 pm

I trust people about as far as I can throw them.

Trump’s a big guy.

old white guy
old white guy
April 2, 2018 9:25 am

To lose the guns you will have to willingly give them up.

March 28, 2018 9:33 pm

All things considered, things would be a million times worse with the drunken old hag as president,Trump irritates you? Maybe it intervention from above think about it

March 28, 2018 9:38 pm

It’s past time for Trump to put up the Wall, or STFU and just resign.

Deport all the illegal aliens. I don’t give a fuck if this makes Paul Ryan unpopular among the other worthless garbage on the beltway cocktail party circuit.

Trump needs to start stomping on the treasonous “judges” that are overstepping their power. Arrest them. If necessary, declare a national emergency. Give them drum-head trials, and just have them hanged – most real American aren’t going to mind losing a few thousand anti-American judicial communist subversives. These people need to go. It doesn’t matter how.

Trump can’t rely on the current military officer corps, or on the executives in the bureaurcacy. These people must be purged. In order to fix this, he needs to start helping his base to help him: he needs to start putting people from his base into bureaucratic and military positions where they can set agency policies, and put others into place where they can execute his policies in the field. He is going to have to find these people, put them in place, and start giving orders.

We’ll carry them out, but he has to tell the GOPe to get fucked.

The GOPe needs to hate Trump – at least as much as Trump’s base hates the GOPe. The GOPe is comprised of treasonous corporate whores that generally deserve to be lined up and shot – Trump need to treat them as the worthless shit they are.

Repurposing funds intended for the Neocon war machine, the military-industral complex, for building the Wall would be a good start. It’s also the last chance he has to salvage his popular support.

March 29, 2018 8:31 pm

AC for President!

MN Steel
MN Steel
March 30, 2018 2:01 pm

Well, it probably won’t be a physical wall, but a border manned by soldiers.

Two weeks ago at work we were given the green light on an order of trailers that we have been making, part of a .mil contract.

These are 23-foot long aluminum trailers for a telescoping tower for ground-surveillance radars and communication, painted desert tan.

The order is for 50 trailers, and we are to deliver 4 per week when ramped up.

And the shop is in BFE Minnesota, so how many more are making similar?

March 28, 2018 10:01 pm

Sorry Un, I can’t get excited about the turning anymore. 2030 is twelve years into the future. The fourteen year olds of today will be the energy that determines when the spring season will first appears. Most of us old fuckers here will have no aches and pain because of legal cannabis and we’ll likely be numb because of the coming popularity of home distilling of whiskey. (I can hope.) Even Admin will be long in the tooth and his house quieter. I would like to watch the revolution as it unfolds, but alas, I’ll either be too pickled to maintain attention (still hoping) or I’ll have powered down for the last time.

March 28, 2018 10:06 pm

“…the coming popularity of home distilling of whiskey.”

March 28, 2018 10:14 pm

I hear ya, Pen. I write these articles to test ideas and generate discussion. In reading the commentary above, it looks like a good start so far.

Twelve years ago was 2006. That doesn’t seem that long ago to me. But, I’m sure the next twelve will go quicker and be even more eventful. I don’t mind, because this waiting to die is killing me. ?

March 28, 2018 11:01 pm

Fuque that shit. I intend to remain what I am now, the lion in winter.

March 29, 2018 9:34 am

“…the coming popularity of home distilling of whiskey.”

March 28, 2018 10:37 pm

Fantastic article, Uncola! Winter was coming and is now here. Stay frosty!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 29, 2018 1:33 am

Great article. I’m trying to get ready as fast as I can.

March 29, 2018 5:34 am

My “cautiously hopeful” has been downgraded to “mostly not.” I still have a tiny bit, but even that’s diminished when I look back at Trump’s actions.

He didn’t “repeal” 0bamacare. He modified it, then added lipstick and perfume. It’s still a pig. Just mentioning Planned Parenthood pisses me off. I simply shake my head in disgust when thinking about Omnibus. Having the BATF rewrite machinegun regulations that will essentially become law without Congressional debate gets me wound up as well. These new regulations will be subject to further interpretation by more liberal administrations in the future.

Yeah, I’m overlooking the positive things he’s done. He does deserve credit in several areas. So do I have hope? I guess I do, but I don’t see any angels in the outfield.

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
March 29, 2018 9:05 pm

Another tangentially-connected comment re:Planned Parenthood … mandated funding of birth control … either public or “private”

How about buying rubbers for about $0.50???? (not sure if the price is right … got fixed about 15 years ago).

Why should the government or health insurance EVER pay for this????

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 29, 2018 6:33 am

Shoot, I also consider myself one who is cautiously supportive of Trump, but I haven’t called him any names yet; does that mean I’m a cautious Trump supporter, but in denial of my latent Trump support?

I understand your need to establish your position on Trump by what you have previously written about, but I believe its the first case of patriot virtue signaling I’ve ever witnessed!

I remind myself on a regular basis that the world I live in would be radically different under a Hillary administration, but the confidence that the Trump administration oozes seems to me to be a bit overconfident; always a precursor to bad endings.

The blackout and censoring of various internet and social media platforms seems to be the first volley in the soon to be started war for the soul of the nation, but isn’t Twitter one of Trumps weapons of mass information distribution that seems to be in the hands of his opponents?

As hopeful as I am for Trumps vision of the future, the reality of the fourth turning I believe will rule the day, with Trumps army of deplorables only manifested to make the final battle truly epic. As with all wars, the land the war is fought on will be the biggest loser and in this war, both sides are fighting on the same land.

  Not Sure
March 29, 2018 12:13 pm

The only thing is this: To be a patriotic virtue signaler, I would have to care what other patriots think. If I did, given Trump’s current optics right now after Omnibus, I wouldn’t have written and posted the above piece. He is either one of the three manifestations as itemized heretofore. I have always remained cautiously optimistic for # 1. Even now.

Finally, even if time reveals Trump to be either #’s 2 or 3 above, he was still better than the Harpy, hands down.

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 29, 2018 2:19 pm

Totally agree with you and I hope what I said about virtue signaling was more in the humorous vein instead of being critical.

Wonderful article, Thanks!

  Not Sure
March 29, 2018 3:04 pm

Actually, I’m glad you wrote that because it gave me pause. I had to check myself to make sure I wasn’t trying to have it both ways; that is, being for the Trumpster before I was against him. In truth, I never really knew for sure and always tried to write about him from a neutral point of view. However, just by reporting some of the denouements of Trump, and Trump in his own words speaking truth to power, it may have appeared I was more of a cheerleader than I actually am; which is cautiously hopeful.

Most times I live your moniker. Nothing wrong with that

March 29, 2018 8:20 am

I’m a big 4th Turning fan myself. I think a lot of people are misreading the tea leaves. Trump is a Boomer and is trying to turn back the clock, the prophet archetype if you will. I personally believe that it will be a Gen-X’r who will bring us to the real “crisis”. Gen-X’rs have always been the nomad archetype and it will take an X’r to “burn it to the ground”.

IMHO Trump is just paving the way (opening the door, if you will) for the X’r who will truly “burn” the current system to the ground. Boomer’s built this system, no way would a Boomer tear it down. Just sayin’……………..

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 29, 2018 8:41 am

Any guesses who the X’r will be? There is such a focus on the misdeeds of Hillary and Obama’s misdeeds, but to me, they are old news and will be thrown under the bus by the globalists, after all the energy has been exhausted by the deplorables to see them brought to justice. The question will be, who will be the next shining star of the liberal platform, who will not be tainted with the scandals of the 2016 election? Whoever that person will be will be a force that will be difficult to vanquish and will be the one that will bring the system down.

  Not Sure
March 29, 2018 9:21 am

I have no guesses, as to ‘who’, at this time. My guess is that Trump serves his 2 terms and this opens the door to the X’r who I believe will ‘manage’ the true crisis which probably starts before Trump leaves. Think Bush/Obama, I personally thought that was the Turning, but it seems ’08 was a false start. I’d say, keep an eye on the D ticket for both this election and the next. If I had to guess I’d say it’ll be another ‘outsider’, but on the D side of the ticket. Young(er), good looking, charismatic, anti-establishment, anti-Trump but similar ‘style’, that’s what I’d look for.

March 29, 2018 9:38 am

Things are being accelerated now, major events will be happening much faster, more intense and closer together, than most people think they will.

March 29, 2018 9:46 am

How appropriate! Your headline picture sums up my view very well.
The storms are about to close in, the enemy is distant and incredibly powerful, even turning the mountain we’re trying to traverse against us. Soon we’ll have to beat a hasty retreat, and our safe haven will become Moria, and then we face the balrog. Or maybe we’re there and Trump is the one facing the balrog. Or not.
But this ain’t no fairy tale, and we don’t come back from the dead.

When I read your posts, and those like xrugger’s latest series, I sometimes have trouble commenting, because what can I add?
It’s really tempting to get caught up in the minutia of one aspect, but I constantly remind myself that I need to draw back and observe the bigger picture.
It’s kind of like working on instrumentation, or electronic gear. It’s easy to get caught up in what the circuit bias is, to focus on what microamp is doing what, or what logic circuit is sending a false signal. The emphasis is on making that one circuit function at optimum. BUT, it is part of a larger component, which is part of an even larger system, which works with other systems to fly the damn plane.
Sometimes a false bias HAS to be inserted or the consequences can be catastrophic. I’ll give one example.
ACLS (Automatic Carrier Landing System) is to land aircraft on a carrier, automatically. If it functions perfectly, which is very easy to ensure, every plane will hit the deck at the same spot, within a few inches. But if that happens, pretty soon the hook starts to wear a hole in the deck. True story. So a false bias has to be inserted, a random off-set in that circuit, so that each bird hits somewhere within a couple of of yards, not spot on.
Is Trump that false bias, or some of his actions? I certainly don’t know. So I back up and look at the bigger picture, as far back as I can reasonably go.
What I see is that the engines are flaming and it ain’t going to be a controlled landing. Which makes the whole ACLS a moot point.

March 29, 2018 8:38 pm

I found some stunning photos of Gandalf fighting the balrog… and, in my mind, I was gettin’ all like…

“You….shall…not…. pass…”

but the balrog was too fiery when I chose to make this version about The Big Chill instead.

In the other version my last line was going to be something like: “Winter’s here. Things are heating up out there”. In the end, however, I figured the literalists and the left brainers would not enjoy the irony.

Fascinating on the “false bias” aspect(s). Thank you, TS

March 29, 2018 10:08 am

Great post Uncola. I’m a big fan of the Fourth Turning. When the real crisis hits is anyone’s guess. Prep, get plenty of popcorn, and your favorite adult beverages, it’s a comin’… Chip

March 29, 2018 10:31 am

Another great post, thanks again.
“elite bankers could also crash the economy, like Kondratieff and Elliot Grand Supercycle waves, on history’s rocky shore; leaving Trump in a rumpled heap right next to the bleached white bones of Herbert Hoover.”
This is Brandon Smith’s take, you probably know, blaming Trump for the banker’s mess.
Your posts are better and better, keep it up.
I saw Steve Quayle picked this up, which I consider a good thing.

Ignatious J Reilly
Ignatious J Reilly
March 29, 2018 11:12 am

This is the 4th Turning where Americans lose faith in their government’s ability to serve them. Not that they should have ever had that belief in the first place, but they were conned. The question becomes what’s the result?

Below are 2 options. There may be more.

1) People rediscover the original intent of the Founder’s Constitution and limit government, Bigly.

2)People double down on government and make it bigger and more invasive believing the problem was gridlock and they just couldn’t get things done.

It’s clear TPTB are pushing and manipulating things to achieve #2.

What we get probably depends on whether or not some sort of conflagration takes place (economic, war, both, pandemic. . .). If there is none, IMHO we keep getting nudged along into #2, and it will be a pile of #2 at that.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 11:19 am

Dude, that is some nice writing you got there. And I like what you are saying so don’t get me wrong. There is a great propensity for “technical” people to try to force polysci things into physical explanations. I do it too so I understand why we want to do it, but it is not a valid thing to do. Are there societal cycles? Yes, yes of course there are. Are they ruled by laws of nature? No, of course they are not. They are ruled by laws of man’s nature. You are trying to force a physical description onto a political system.

So you can, as you describe above, find cycles and try to point to what will happen next in a society but it is a fools errand. Each cycle is driven by decisions that are taken by men. That those men have similar characteristics might drive them to make similar decisions but each time those decisions are taken they are taken by different men who want different things in a different world. But the playbook is very small. In fact, it might be Machiavellian in size. Literally. It matters little whether the leader is a Prince, a King, a Prime Minister, or a President. That person’s only power derives from his ability to hand out indulgences to his supporters and those supporters will do anything to maintain their access to those indulgences. The rest of us. You, me, BB, we are really not important to them until they need us to wet the fields with our blood. Then they refer back to the little play book, haul out a believable platitude, and march the rabble off to war. Or, in this case to build a wall.

There is no need for a wall. There never was a need for a wall. The Gollum of Golden Greatness knew all along that he didn’t need to build a wall, that he wasn’t going to build a wall, that the value in the wall was in the idea of the wall. The idea of the wall was for your benefit. It allowed you to get excited about trump. Even trump, in his gaudy false golden towers of sin, knew that more beaners were heading south than were heading north. Even he knew that any wall can either be climbed over or tunneled under and that the only thing that makes a wall work is the guns that shoot people who have to take a minute to climb up where you can see them to shoot them. It is the guns that makes the wall work, not the wall itself.

My suggestion is that you forget about the wall. Trump has. Focus on the theater of washington and try to divine what they might be doing in the darkness, not what they put into the papers for the consumption of the rabble. Things like this:

  Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 12:36 pm

HR says:

There is no need for a wall. There never was a need for a wall.

The wall is symbolic. Therefore, as far as Trump is concerned, it is all that is important. It is game, set, and match. It is all that stands between national sovereignty, constitutional law, and making America great again,versus complete subjugation by the globalists.

If Trump builds the wall, he stands a chance of winning. If he doesn’t, he will surely drown in the swamp faster than we could read Bush the Elder’s lips mandating no new taxes.

Trump, of all people, understands the importance of the wall and it is likely the only reason he hastily signed the Omnibus. At the very least, he’s a sneaky bastard. In fact, he might even use the new military funds to invade Mexico and make them pay for it after all. I wouldn’t put it past him because that’s how important is the wall.

Other than all that, I agree with HR’s statement. There are easier, and less expensive, ways to enforce current immigration laws. It’s political paradox, isn’t it?

March 29, 2018 1:19 pm

Agree completely Uncola, “The Wall” is also Trump’s power play and there’s no way he gives it up. As a matter of fact having the congresscritters hand him an omnibus spending bill actually works in his favor as he could shift “defense” funds over to the wall, since he declared a State of Emergency concerning human trafficking. “The Wall” will be a physical representation of Trump “winning”, trust me there’s no way in hell he won’t build it, the only way congresscritters can stop him is to impeach him, and that ends VERY badly no matter how the vote goes.

Jeff Strand
Jeff Strand
  Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 2:46 pm

“There is no need for a wall. There never was a need for a wall.”

Tell that to the Israelis. I don’t think you’ll convince them. Nor do you convince me.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Jeff Strand
March 29, 2018 3:04 pm

Jeff, go and find yourself a picture of the wall that the Israelis built. It is freaking taller than shit and every few meters (actually about the effective range of a .223 rifle) there is a bloody big blockhouse with bullet proof windows and gun ports. It is not the wall that protects the Israelis. It is the people with the guns in those blockhouses that protect the Israelis. They know this. It is why they build the wall the way that they built the wall. It is why they man those blockhouses 24/7. If trumps wall does not include blockhouses (and it doesn’t) then it can be easily climbed over or tunneled under and is therefore symbolic, not functional.

My goal is not to convince you. My goal is to have you convince yourself.

  Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 7:42 pm

And just how big is Israel again?

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Hollywood Rob
March 30, 2018 6:26 pm


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  Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 7:54 pm

Every Republican president since Reagan has blown smoke up our butts on the subject of immigration. Each has whispered sweet nothings in my ear, but not one has taken aggressive action towards curtailing our illegal immigration problems. No, I’m not forgetting the wall/illegal immigration. I’m forgetting Trump.

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
March 29, 2018 11:20 am

How long until we get women out of political office and bring back Apartheid and segregation?

I’ll look forward to that cycle.

March 29, 2018 11:25 am

I have one Gen Xer you should keep an eye out for….He is being groomed right now under his “mentor”(his words, not mine) to be the next JFK.
This Gen Xer has a massive Hollywood branding, has an equally famous and revered wife, children…the perfect American family, this Gen Xer also has become involved in politics and founded a company who has developed software to track down human and sex traffickers on the dark web for the U.S. government …

Any guesses???

Meet the Gen. X version of the Kennedys

March 29, 2018 1:05 pm

Damn it!
Had a Dude Where’s My Car moment and forgot to mention who Mr. Kutcher said was his mentor in congressional testimony…non other than the traitorous John McCain

March 29, 2018 11:33 am

I believe this is Trump’s dilemma: he has discovered that to truly drain the swamp, the destruction to the country will be tremendous. The swamp creatures will not go gently into that good night. They will punish the American people with all the vigor and tools they have at their disposal, primarily through crushing economic catastrophe. The suffering will be broad and deep. They could also instigate WWIII while they are at it. Remember, we are governed by the psychopath class.

This is why game-changers like the IG report and the voting fraud evidence are still kept under lock and key, always “soon” to be released. I am tired of being tantalized. If these things are not going to see the light of day, then just shut up about it (I’m talking to you, Q).

Trump has been permitted to accomplish some things. One gets the feeling that he has hit a wall. I so hope I am mistaken.

March 29, 2018 12:18 pm

Great piece, timely in fact. I’m guessing Admin is straining to contain himself as his derision of Trump is wrapped in a fourth turning piece!

March 29, 2018 12:52 pm

Au contraire. Actually, Admin has written about Trump as our Fourth Turning’s “Grey Champion” where he (Admin = Jim Quinn) stated:

To those who have never read the book or understand generational theory, they are appalled I would declare Donald Trump as the Grey Champion. They interpret the word “champion” as having a positive connotation. It has nothing to do with whether the Grey Champion is a good person, moral person, or likeable person. It doesn’t even have to be one person. Ben Franklin and Samuel Adams, both from the Prophet generation, are considered the Grey Champions of the American Revolution Fourth Turning. One was a diplomat who used his guile and cunning to propel the revolution forward. The other was a firebrand, in the mold of our current Donald Trump.

In most cases the Grey Champions are not revered or glorified until decades after the Crisis is resolved. Lincoln was and still is despised by just about everyone living south of the Mason Dixon line. Outraged businessmen attempted to convince Smedley Butler to lead a coup against FDR. Large swaths of Americans believe he is responsible for creating our welfare state and the unfunded liabilities which are playing a large part in this current Fourth Turning. The unintended consequences of decisions made in previous Fourth Turnings often become the catalysts for the next crisis.

The Grey Champion or Champions are Prophet Generation leaders who command respect due to their age, attitude and warlike demeanor. They were born shortly after the previous Great War Crisis and became the narcissistic young crusaders during the Awakening, driven achievers during the midlife Unraveling, and principled moralists summoning great deeds during the next Crisis.

They tend to inspire through their words and rhetoric, rather than through grand deeds. They are human beings, and as with all humans, they exhibit both positive and negative traits. Prominent positive traits include being principled, resolute and creative. Detrimental traits include being narcissistic, presumptuous, and ruthless. The Grey Champion arrives when the situation looks grim and the people need a jolt of courage to meet the frightful challenges ahead.

My article above really does not divert in any way from that view; other than my piece being more or less half-baked which is partly purposeful because, discussion; and the fact I’m still deciding. That’s because, I view TBP as a process. I’m just running formulas over here.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 1:16 pm

I don’t need to agree with the concepts of fourth turnings to applaud your knowledge and skill. In particular I embrace your description of TBP as a process, not as a koran of revealed knowledge. In my world view anyone who claims to be revealing the truth is most likely hoping to sell you something.

  Hollywood Rob
March 29, 2018 1:34 pm


I view this forum as a platform on fire at the edge of an abyss where art meets history, politics, philosophy and, even, theology. We’re all looking for patterns in the same way as, I suppose, did Strauss and Howe. We choose, reject, and test ideologies like swords in a parry.

Just know that I applaud your knowledge and skill as well. I always appreciate your point of view.

Now… my fingers are twitching to get over to xrugger’s 2nd installment

March 29, 2018 1:26 pm

“That’s because, I view TBP as a process.”

That’s why I loved this place from the first day I landed here. Thought provoking articles with a little shit slinging, it doesn’t get any better than that. 🙂

March 29, 2018 2:04 pm

I know, I’m speaking of fairly recently.

March 29, 2018 3:18 pm

I hear ‘ya, Tommy, and not to overly categorize here – but I know many folks (including my own bride) who tend to view the world through an economic lens. Even Keynes said were all dead in the end. Therefore, I try to look at the larger ledger; the debits and credits beyond the decimal points.

Admin is honest. I respect nothing more. Me? I’m just looking for silver linings and bright sides over here…

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March 29, 2018 5:03 pm

As an aside, the world from a fiscal perspective:

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March 29, 2018 6:32 pm

or maybe has been returned to the entrance!

March 29, 2018 1:23 pm

I have recently consulted the I Ching regarding President Trumps’ presidency. The indications are Transformation bringing new social reorganization which will be mutually reinforcing. All resulting in supreme good fortune. It seems there is much that is not being appreciated by fearful commentators online, including Coulter. Try to view things beyond the days headlines.

March 29, 2018 2:26 pm

Oftentimes novelists capture the Spirit of Times much better than all the historians and scientists combined.

Does anyone still remember the novel “Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury ?

It was extermely popular in the 60″ .This book title haunts me when I watch all this relentless ( and meaningless ) daily soaring of DJIA.

I am not sure that the Evil Carnival which tried to destroy Small Town was meant by Mr.Bradbury to be Evil Financial Carnival -but the metaphor is perfect.

This book even merited a Wiki article with a brief synopsis

March 29, 2018 5:20 pm

ooooooh. That may have all the makings of an essay. A mysterious antagonist named Mr. Dark who sucks the life forces from people in a carnival, makes nightmares come true, is weakened by positivity, and was partially inspired by Ray Bradbury’s real-life encounter with a carnival magician named Mr. Electrico who commanded the author to “Live forever!”.

It practically writes itself. Sounds familiar, no?

March 29, 2018 7:08 pm

I just realized-50 years since reading Mr.Bradbury books-how deep he was/is.”Martian Chronicles” is about our attempt to “democratize” Middle East.
Earth sent rocket after rochet after rocket to Mars.And those little Martian fuckers mutated,disappeared,reappeared,lied,prevaricated,pretended etc.
Bottom line:
NO GO (meaning Epic Fail)
Also Mr.Uncola while making this essay dont forget to mention Ray Bradbury.Hopefully I-phone Generation will start reading books again.

Jeff Strand
Jeff Strand
March 29, 2018 2:43 pm

Can we stop with this “Fourth Turning” garbage? This is why I stopped listening to Doug Casey years ago. Anyone who falls for this loses my respect immediately.

The real game changer in our generation was 9-11. That kicked off the whole global war on terror, the Iraq War, the loss of our civil liberties, etc. But the date was too early for Howe, so he picked Sept 2008. Why? Because there was a stock market panic and an 18 month recession? Then why doesn’t the market panic in the early 70’s or Oct 1987 count? Why doesn’t the horrible recession of the late 70’s into the early 80’s count (that one even had stagflation!)

And Sept 2008 isn’t even being honest – the crisis in the mortgage sector started in early 2007, when New Century Financial, Countrywide, and others starting imploding. So we are well into the 2nd decade of this “fourth turning”. The Revolutionary War and Civil War “fourth turnings” didn’t even last more than a single decade! And the supposed most recent one, at this same point, had only 5 years left…the Second World War was already underway.

What massive war is underway today, that will have an identifiable resolution at Yorktown? Or Appomatox Courthouse? Or on the deck of the USS Missouri?

The whole thing is a con job, designed to put shekels in Howe’s pocket (since I guess the other guy is now dead). And because you fell for it once, I get you don’t want to admit you got taken. I’m sure Doug Casey doesn’t want to either. But please, stop flogging this dead horse. You’re only making a laughingstock of yourself.

P.S. Love that Howe is now saying “Give me till 2030…yeah…2030…that’s the ticket” (in the voice of “the liar” Jon Lubitz from SNL). LMAO! What a racket! And people still haven’t gotten wise! Why can’t I find suckers like that when I go to sell real estate or stocks? And how many more shekels does Howe think he can scam from people before the jig is up?

  Jeff Strand
March 29, 2018 2:49 pm

You’re an idiot. No need to debate someone who doesn’t know what the fuck they are talking about. You sure seem worked up about something you don’t know anything about. Hit the fucking road asshole.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Jeff Strand
March 29, 2018 11:03 pm

9/11 was the last hurrah of the Deep State, they have been in a panic increasingly ever since. Here’s a fun fact, the number of babies born since 2008 has been in a steady decline…..I saw this in Russia in the early 1990s….a horrible chaotic time, nobody felt secure enough to have children. USA is in a similar mode….but putting up a better front.

Ignatious J Reilly
Ignatious J Reilly
March 29, 2018 4:28 pm

“What massive war is underway today, that will have an identifiable resolution at Yorktown? Or Appomatox Courthouse? Or on the deck of the USS Missouri?”

The war that leftist billionaires, their lackeys & useful idiots have waged against normal people who just want to live their lives and not have to hear and be subjected to the cultural marxism from a bunch of fucking wannies whose hands I would not even shake if I were introduced to them.

Outcome TBD.

March 29, 2018 7:43 pm

“I do not believe it is a coincidence that Trump announces new trade measures (or fires an economic adviser) every time the Federal Reserve raises interest rates and cuts its balance sheet” – Brandon Smith

March 29, 2018 7:57 pm

You folks still hoping for Trump to do something need to think about a few things that have come out since he was elected:

He supports asset forfeiture. Damn, now there is a red flag.

He is a heavy supporter of the police, despite their many atrocities.

He is all for gun confiscation, telling the police to confiscate first and worry about the ” due process” later. Seriously, that is fucked up, and absolutely violates his oath of office.

Signs the bill with no wall, no actions against DACA, etc.. Where are his balls? Maybe left them with Stormy? This is the second time he folded like a cheap tent.

Put in tariffs, then immediately exempted all of the countries, you know, actually importing steel.

Allowed the AG to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Wow. There are some real balls there, right?

For fuck sake, this guy has no plan, has no commitment to the Constitution, violates his oath, and has no guts to take hard decisions.

But hey, Make America Great Again.

Keep dreaming. This will end poorly.

March 29, 2018 8:06 pm

You folks still hoping for Trump to do something need to think about a few things that have come out since he was elected:

He supports asset forfeiture. Damn, now there is a red flag.

He is a heavy supporter of the police, despite their many atrocities.

He is all for gun confiscation, telling the police to confiscate first and worry about the ” due process” later. Seriously, that is fucked up, and absolutely violates his oath of office.

Signs the bill with no wall, no actions against DACA, etc.. Where are his balls? Maybe left them with Stormy? This is the second time he folded like a cheap tent.

Put in tariffs, then immediately exempted all of the countries, you know, actually importing steel.

Allowed the AG to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Wow. There are some real balls there, right?

For fuck sake, this guy has no plan, has no commitment to the Constitution, violates his oath, and has no guts to take hard decisions.

But hey, Make America Great Again.

Keep dreaming. This will end poorly.

And re the Fourth Turning, I have never been a huge believer. But for sure and certain the entire world is entering a time of crisis that is going to be brutal to the inhabitants. I have no idea how it ends, other than it will get evry ugly indeed. Worst case: billions dead, loss of personal freedoms, totalitarian rule, civilization set back 100 or more years. Best case: world-wide depression and localised war.

March 29, 2018 9:33 pm

All good points and food for thought. Other than the comments in the last few days, I haven’t seen ya’ in weeks, LLPOH. Good to see you back around.

Lots happening every day.

Now this:

March 29, 2018 9:24 pm

Great Bit Uncola, I liked it!

Maybe he is controlled demolition. Maybe. One can hope however illogical that might seem.

As for the IG report, well, they have been talking about it for months being pure TNT. Where have folks heard that before. Even if it was does anyone seriously think anything will come of it. As for winter coming. So far it seems the forecast is highs in the 70’s with Sun and patchy fog.

See Santa is still hooking up the sleigh hoping to play just another day.
Calling out to his gang taking all the toys…..

On Clapper and Comey
Holder and Lynch
On Koskinen and Lerner
Barack Obama and Peter Schiff
Then there’s Strzok and Page
onto Bill and His Witch

To Dream the Dream…….

In the meantime there are better things to do. Tonight I went to Livingstone’s Cove to watch the sunset. I even took a few pictures to capture the end of the day. Tomorrow my wife and I are going to Cape George to watch the Sunrise. Will post pics if I remember the camera.

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It was great. If TampaRed is still wondering I didn’t see any Polar Bears.

Yours In Odin,


March 30, 2018 8:44 am

Cool pic Rins, Thanks for reminding me to buy a camera. In the 70s I placed 2nd at the local library photography contest for a sunset, competing against adults. I often see things , always in the woods , group of seven type scenery , and wildlife. Not long ago I had 2 very close encounters with fishers, a large male and his mate were approaching me so I stood still and he walked to within 3 ft of me and stared me in the eyes. I need a camera.

March 30, 2018 3:07 pm

Thanks Barney!

I was just mucking about snapping pictures. Most weren’t any good. Even the good ones aren’t great. The other one further on in thread was taken by my wife at Cape George this morning. I like it the best. I am the one wrapped up in a blanket next to the Lighthouse….

Anyways been having fun doing this the past couple days. The camera I got isn’t very expensive which is probably a good thing. Still it is good enough for an amateur like me. The best part for me is just being there taking the pictures. Anyways it is a good break for the outrage..

Here is another sunset picture.

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My Wife likes this one best for some reason. It is growing on me.
I kinda like the Orange and Reds in the Sky.

March 31, 2018 12:20 am

The eye of Sauron.

March 31, 2018 8:29 am

“Far off the shadows of Sauron hung; but torn by some gust of wind out of the world, or else moved by some great disquiet within, the mantling clouds swirled, and for a moment drew aside; and then he saw, rising black, blacker and darker than the vast shades amid which it stood, the cruel pinnacles and iron crown of the topmost tower of Barad-dûr. One moment only it stared out, but as from some great window immeasurably high there stabbed northward a flame of red, the flicker of a piercing Eye; and then the shadows were furled again and the terrible vision was removed. The Eye was not turned to them: it was gazing north to where the Captains of the West stood at bay, and thither all its malice was now bent, as the Power moved to strike its deadly blow; but Frodo at that dreadful glimpse fell as one stricken mortally”

—The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, Book Six, Chapter II “The Land of Shadow”

March 31, 2018 9:13 am

These days, I am often reminded of one of my favorite characters from Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion” named, Feanor. He died of wounds received from mortal combat with “Gothmog”, lord of the Balrogs. Upon his death, the fire in his spirit turned his body into ashes; and, according to the book, nothing like it was ever seen or heard. Epic.

March 31, 2018 12:01 am

i’m just now coming across this thread–
of course you didn’t see any polar bears,global warming has killed them all,at least the ones up your way–come on down to orlando though and for an arm & a leg seaworld will let you see one–

March 31, 2018 8:39 am

Some day Tampa some day I will come that way. Anyways I didn’t know this until a couple of years ago. I might have told you this last year but before this place was settled Polar Bears could be sometimes seen in Nova Scotia. They don’t make great neighbours so they all got shot. So it wasn’t Global Warming that done them in.

And it looks as if they as doing just fine. One was spotted in Newfoundland, the Province to East of Nova Scotia, only a year ago..

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March 29, 2018 9:56 pm

I’ll walk right out into a brand new day
Insane and rising in my own weird way
I don’t want to be the bad guy
I don’t want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore
I just want to feel some sunshine
I just want to find some place to be alone

We can live beside the ocean
Leave the fire behind
Swim out past the breakers
Watch the world die

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
March 29, 2018 11:14 pm

Not anymore you can’t! White sharks adults and juveniles patrol the beaches all along CA now…..I used to do triathlons out there and swam often in the ocean in a black wetsuit…..batshite crazy……just had no idea what was out there. Not to worry the world will burn but go on. Humanity will go on, we will survive even if hundreds of millions die in America or billions world wide in a hot nuclear war. We will go on. Nut up and get ready for Viking level shit. Nothing to do but accept what is coming.

REPORT: Mueller Behind Detainment of INFOWARS’ Contributor Ted Malloch

When the Deep State is coming for an upstanding academic and journalist like Ted Malloch, throat slitting time is not far off.

I moved to MT last year…..better to be 5 years early than a day late. Refugee from CT and I moved specifically because of the gun registration (Not that I had any to register…..nope, none) Now CT is being looked at as the “common sense model”….registration always ends in confiscation.

Yes I was confused by Trump signing the Omnibus, I figured Mueller was twisting his testicles….but it looks like that is not the case and yet again Trump has outsmarted the Deep State.

Trump wins… not playing by the rigged Deep State rules….a lesson for all of us.

I think the 4th Turning is here and it will be a civil war/conflict and if the smaller government side loses, well its hot war with Russia.

  Martel's Hammer
March 30, 2018 11:47 am

Its Hammer time! Good comment…I agree with your conclusions:

“I think the 4th Turning is here and it will be a civil war/conflict and if the smaller government side loses, well its hot war with Russia.”

Just add in a economic collapse trigger and multiple false flags to launch the civil war/conflict.

Uncola…cracker jack writing weaving the tapestry….the long drum roll is “turning” into a version of Wipe Out.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
March 29, 2018 10:19 pm

Another great article. I posted it.

  Robert Gore
March 29, 2018 11:13 pm

Awesome. Thank you Robert

March 30, 2018 7:31 am

For purposes of posterity (and conversation), I’m placing some of my comment here from the Ann Coulter “3-D Chess” thread

…So here we have a president who is winning for the most part, accomplishing 64% of his agenda after a little more than a year in office (faster than Ronnie Raygun), who benefited from Russiagate transitioning to FISA-gate, and who kicked Chucky Schumer’s ass in the last shutdown threat.

THIS guy sold out his base….? Why would he do that?

There are only three reasons I can see right now:

1.) The Black Hats finally got him by the balls; for real this time. If you look at the timing, it could have been Stormy Daniels breaking her hush agreement and coming on 60 Minutes. Actually, it could be anything for which he might be blackmailed.


2.) He was controlled opposition all along


3.) He’s playing 3-D chess

Occam’s Razor? Manchurian Candidate? Or is Trump playing Redford in “The Sting”?

We’ll know soon.

Win, lose, or draw, beware the patient man.

March 30, 2018 9:41 am

Hey Uncola

Well I was able to get moving early this morning.
In part inspired by reading this Bit last night.
So thanks!

Sunrise was at 6:57.

My Wife and I were late getting away from house. My fault, I am not a morning person. As we raced across the roads to Cape George we remarked to each other at the colours in the predawn sky. This song played on radio. I smiled to myself that this too shall pass on our road trip..

Much of the World has elevated to an exalted status persona to the detriment of character and Integrity. No longer is introversion and contemplation valued. What a world we live in where a Celebrity can now be famous for doing nothing at all. A world that is just one never ending Seinfeld episode minus the laugh track.

And the Great Saviour now is this Guy with a Fake Tan. A Guy who thought it would be a good idea to be spanked on the bum by a Ten Dollar Whore with Fake Tits. A Husband who grabbed a pussy worn and trod upon by all West and Crooked. Doing this all while as his Third Wife was pregnant with his youngest son. Talk about Contempt for integrity. Trump has got that in spades.

Still when contempt for integrity abounds best to find someone to beat it with experience.

There has to be another way..
Shame that most look somewhere else when
As the Lyrics say in the song above

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No Wonder the World is so out of sync.
Most worried about the commute fail to look up.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Morning at Cape George

We made it to lighthouse.
In the nick of time
Sitting in my chair
With a sip of Tea.
A bite of Cinnamon Roll
We stayed warm in a blanket.
Found it a Great Place to plan
Just another Road Trip



March 30, 2018 10:09 am

Be what you wanna be
See what you came to see…

Like the coldest winter chill
Heaven beside you… Hell within

April 1, 2018 2:50 pm

RiNS, that shot would make a helluva background photo for a PC / laptop.
Nice pic.

April 2, 2018 10:37 am

Thanks Man! If you want it be my guest. Unlike Justin O Smith there are not right reserved.



April 2, 2018 11:03 am

See Smitty?
Permission requested,
as a consideration, and permission granted.

RiNS, on a diff topic, there’s a new book out soon, or recently, about the Russian Five, authored by Keith Gave, a hockey beat writer during those years when Scotty was working his genius for the winged wheelers back then.
Gave was fluent in speaking Russian.
Perhaps you’d find it interesting. Or not. If so,
Do a search.
I heard an interview of him by Mitch Albom, but didn’t jot down the title.

We thought we might be able to entice Y away from Tampa, but they just renewed our coach and GM’s contract. Sigh.
Mediocrity, at best.
Enjoy him while he works his magic, nkit.
Good Luck this year in the playoffs.

April 2, 2018 11:49 am

Thanks LGR! I will track down book and read. My wife wants me to do a bit more of that. She keeps trying to get me interested in stuff she reads but I am not included to most of that stuff.

So now I have two books..

I am rooting for Tampa! I think they have the team built for the cup. We’ll see.
Dark Horse is the Winnipeg Jets.

Wouldn’t it be funny to see those two teams facing off in June…

March 30, 2018 8:30 am

More silver linings and bright sides?

This just in:

Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees have been drastically lowered by 90%.

She now charges $7,000 less to speak than Snooki from MTV’s cancelled reality TV series, “Jersey Shore”.

March 30, 2018 8:38 am

Things I fear, things I observe, things to think about:

-The truth. If the truth of just how corrupt our uncorruptables really are, comes out, the little trust left will be gone and everyone in govt including Trump knows it. It will Be disastrous to the boys club in Washington, to the normalcy of how these games are played with the sheeple, for all parties.
It will deter those that normally vote, and spur those that normally don’t. It will cause mayhem and lone wolves will be like ants biting these bastards often and when least expected. They fear this and more.
-Forced Victimization. Removing any Bill or Right or Amendment because “it’s poorly worded”, or “old fashioned”, “not what the founders really intended”, or “not relevant today” is cause for revolution. The Amendments all hang in the balance once the 2nd Amended goes. With a corrupt govt how are you going to use any other Amendment? Seriously! These same punks, like these student gun protestors are now complaining about having to use clear backpacks at school. They state, “why should one criminals acts affect the lives of all the innocent students that did nothing?” Ironic to say the least when they want to use that same criminal as the means to disarm America and gut the second amendment, So all the law abiding innocent citizens become victims and not allowed to own guns. Idiots, them all. Why has no media bothered with discussion on outlawing bombs. Bombs are not in the Bill of Rights, not protected by an Amendment, and are Already illegal and yet nothing said regarding the Texas bomber. If the fed ex package was the gun and the bomb the bullet why have there been no calls of lawsuits upon fed ex? No finger printing, fees or fines or regulations and waiting periods to obtain a fed ex box? Do larger fed ex boxes get called assault boxes? What if fed ex has a black box does it make it more nefarious like the ar15 “black gun”? Does color really matter? Do I need a background check to mail some Pokémon across States? Crickets, still. What about one piece of metal being hailed as an assault metal. Like a car zooming through a crowd killing people. Cars are not protected by amendments or bills of rights. Nobody is suing GM for the guy in Charlottesville running over people. Nobody calling for strict regulations like background checks and travel checkpoints. Yet that piece of metal killed too. WHY should they only focus on a piece of metal in the shape of a gun when the human behind the metal is the obvious problem? Once they take away your ability to not be a victim they can do what they want with the sheep like all the other countries have done in the past. Like Venezuela is doing today. A corrupt govt loves an unarmed citizenry. Period. A failing govt MUST have a disarmed citizenry. One lesson I learned from the Fourth Turning book is all govts know the point of no return and when collapse is inevitable they all removed gun rights years in advance. That is the telltale sign for me. Once we lose that right I know for certain we are sunk.
-Terrorism. This is not what you think. When people like George Soros can openly operate to upset entire nations and nothing is said, something is amiss. All this Russian hacking bullshit, how about Soros interfering??? Obviously ( our IRS, NSA and other alphabet agencies can clearly see the money flow). Why has nothing been said or done or openly discussed and pointed out. This makes me think twice that there is more at play and many players all playing the same game. Like Too many shootings but nobody sees a body. Nobody ever comes forward or is interviewed they knew them went to school with them etc. only the ones captured alive seem to have an actual not CGI life. Maybe the ones captured are real, the dead ones made up? I have no idea just an observation Is all.
-Nationalism. Or the lack of. The same people calling for open borders and rights of illegals are the same ones shouting we need to help other countries and send our troops there to protect them and close their borders. These same morons cite how wonderful socialism and dictatorships are, yet never travel there, know nothing about these places, yet want it here, although these forms of governing have failed every time. Idiots, them all.
-Idiocy. When everyone knows govt is the least prepared to achieve or accomplish we put govt in charge of important things. Idiots still believe govt creates things: like jobs, opportunities etc. Why can a Christian baker that refuses service to gays based on the religious beliefs of that bakers lose his business yet twitter, google, Facebook, and YouTube can sensor Christians And conservatives ( refuse service) and it’s hailed as righteous. Why did the gay couple travel 56 miles, enroute passed 4 Muslim owned bakeries (that clearly hate gays) and 3 Jewish bakeries to arrive and sue the Christian bakery? Look it up for yourself! People calling 911 when McDonalds runs out of French fries. Alcohol is served at bars where people must drive home and it metabolizes 900% slower than marijuana and its effects longer lasting? One has many cures and reliefs but is illegal and the other one is openly hailed as good and taxed and one will put you in jail for life.(I personally am not a fan of either). One is a major source of crime and illegal activity and money laundering and not taxed. Black lives matter hates the police but are the first to call them when they feel discrimated against. Alternative lifestyles try and act like they just want to be left alone yet march in the street to change others and want religions to be force fed their lifestyle, and lobby politics to change laws. Look at Canada where one can be jailed for a decade for simply stating they don’t like the alternative lifestyles on Facebook. If these people stated they hated Jesus Christ they are applauded not jailed! Idiocy everywhere and gaining momentum. I can now turn off the tv and sit and watch as entertainment these fools like I would have done as Rome collapsed all around them while they all questioned why is it collapsing. A country’s collapse is in slow motion and nearly unnoticeable to most, just like Rome. Things this large, built over centuries takes decades to unravel and collapse, fooling many to allow it to go unnoticed. Morons, them all. People were having babies, building new homes, and getting married as Rome collapsed…….could not see the forest for the trees. The fool today is the geniuses of tomorrow. The genius of today is the fool of tomorrow. Noah was a fool, then a genius…….jus sayin.

March 30, 2018 9:26 am

Fantastic, Truther. Your rant reads like a Bill of Indictment on what I now designate as “Mirrorworld’. In fact, it could be its own stand-alone post. Much to unpack there.

When the people of Noah’s day saw the dark clouds on the horizon, they likely thought it was just another storm coming.

March 30, 2018 10:06 am

“It will Be Disastrous to the Boys Club in Washington”

Talking Peace While Preparing For War Everywhere.!!!!!

America/Israel/NATO have been Invading & Regime Changing Oil & Pipeline Countries to Control the World’s Oil Supply Under the Guise of Spreading Democracy since their 911 Coup/War of Terror.

America’s Big Banks Fined Hundreds of Millions to Billions of Dollars for Fraud, Corruption & Manipulation of the Markets.

21 trillion in Debt – Trillions Missing – Pensions Underfunded

Nobody Goes To Jail – FED Refuses to be Audited.

America’s House of Cards is Burning Down – While the Politicians,Warmongers & Media Are Pointing Fingers & Trying To Start Wars to Cover Everything Up.!!!!!

The Real Reasons Why They Want Your Guns.!!!!!

Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, “Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her. Revelation 18:4

By The Way
By The Way
March 30, 2018 4:21 pm

This article is posted at

& for anyone who has been worried about Andrea Iravani, she is alive and well. Still shamelessly self promoting in fact. LOL!

March 30, 2018 6:30 pm

A friend of mine hinted this…. whatdya all thing of the timing:

Trump takes office in 2017.
Two terms takes us to 2025.
We then enter the tribulation.
7 years brings us to 2032.
The end.

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 30, 2018 6:39 pm

Arrests are happening…long time Clinton donors:

“Keith Raniere, the co-founder and leader of NXIVM, will remain in federal custody and be returned to New York later this week to face federal charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit forced labor.

The federal criminal complaint accuses Raniere of forming a group within NXIVM in which women said they were coerced into joining a slave-master club. The women, some of whom said they were pressured to have sex with Raniere, told federal authorities that a female doctor associated with NXIVM used a cauterizing iron to brand them with a design on their lower abdomen that contained the initials of Raniere and Allison Mack, an actress and NXIVM associate who is listed in the complaint as an unnamed co-conspirator.”

Salzman’s website:

“NXIVM is a community guided by humanitarian principles that seek to empower people and answer important questions about what it means to be human. The NXIVM philosophy is expressed through a series of companies and initiatives, all of which were designed to broaden the way we currently think about problems, and to help create solutions for a kinder, more sustainable, ethical world. With unique tools that facilitate success, both internally and externally, NXIVM helps people realize the potential that exists within them.”


In response to the allegations against our founder, Keith Raniere, we are currently working with the authorities to demonstrate his innocence and true character. We strongly believe the justice system will prevail in bringing the truth to light. We are saddened by the reports perpetuated by the media and their apparent disregard for “innocent until proven guilty,” yet we will continue to honor the same principles on which our company was founded. It is during the times of greatest adversity that integrity, humanity and compassion are hardest, and needed most.”

March 31, 2018 8:35 am

Here is an interesting article on transitions. It starts out with the round table group, Council on Foreign Relations, lamenting the the death of the “Liberal World Order”. Then, the article cites Trump as the means to transition into a “new multi-polar world order”:

It’s just that, like always, the Western elites need their ritual whipping boy(although it would be more accurate to call it a human sacrifice). This geopolitical shake-up began in the West as a result of the implicit nature of the very project of the West itself.

But since alternative development scenarios exist, the current system is eroding away. And other political projects are starting to fill the resultant ideological void — in both form as well as content.

Thus it’s fairly likely that the current crisis of liberalism will definitively bury the unipolar Western system of hegemony.

And the budding movements of populism and regional protectionism can serve as the basis for a new, multipolar world order.

Jack Van Impe
Jack Van Impe
March 31, 2018 8:42 am

The 10 Kingdoms

  Jack Van Impe
April 1, 2018 11:41 am

In the above piece I wrote: “transitions are roads to revelations”, not “Revelations”.

It’s just another way of saying “time will tell” and “time reveals all things”.

And – if history is any guide – then anything is possible.

From a cognitive processing standpoint, and for myself, personally, this thread has been very productive. Before it disappears, I just wanted to thank everyone (and Admin).

The piece was picked up by several other sites and has generated lots of hits to my blog, especially the linked “Baby Steps” prepper article, and that’s a good thing, methinks.

  Jack Van Impe
April 1, 2018 11:58 am

From The Trailer

“Where fact and fiction collide in a Magical Kingdom….”

April 1, 2018 12:41 pm

Where fact and fiction collide. And speaking of remote kingdoms, I had 9 unique visitors to my blog from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands yesterday. No shit. Why? No idea. It’s like a fairy tale and not knowing the ending; or Archie Bunker’s fictional son-in-law spinning tales. Who would have guessed? How will it end?

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 1, 2018 10:10 pm
March 31, 2018 8:04 pm

Trump, … King of Atlantis!

April 2, 2018 4:15 am

I see you are becoming a regular on ZH. They put this up this morning.

April 2, 2018 9:13 am

Saw that. Thanks Flea

Edit: Also, since ZH linked to my blog – I linked the comments to the article there for readers to also check the commentary here on TBP as follows:

Also some interesting commentary on this article over at the Burning Platform:

Keep Going. This Too Shall Pass.