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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 12, 2018 9:46 am

Brent Spiner is a great actor. Mark Zuckerberg plays human less well.

April 12, 2018 9:52 am

Short list of fucks that should be blasted into space: Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Sundar Pichai … feel free to add more.

Bob P
Bob P
April 12, 2018 12:20 pm

Justin Trudeau, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber–anyone named Justin; the Montreal Canadiens, the NY Yankees, all social justice warriors, all neocons, all central bankers, all non-central bankers, teachers who won’t let boys be boys, anyone who identifies as the opposite sex or somewhere in between, whoever invented man bras . . . please stop me.

  Bob P
April 12, 2018 12:25 pm

I wanna be on your team Bob +1.

Let’s get Richard Branson too. Put them all on Space-X, on Musk’s ‘heavy lift rocket’. Be sure to give them all a bottle of water and a granola bar for the flight. I say we aim that sucker right at North Korea. If they survive, and get to NK – they will fuck that country up quicker than one of Donald’s nukes.

EL Coyote the Tortilla Chewer
EL Coyote the Tortilla Chewer
  Bob P
April 12, 2018 8:14 pm

Bob, when your man-boobs come in, you’ll appreciate man-bras.

Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
April 12, 2018 10:00 am

With the employment of what may be as high as 1,000 former Obama Administration folks, the left continues its co-opting of all forms of media and public influence; Academics, publishing, content, and media. Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda machine similar to net-work news. A brilliant move by the left. What the government does not control of what we see, they now can through the publicly regulated private sector business of Facebook (what a sad day for Democracy). The Congressional hearing sessions have been a joke because the folks (elected officials) are either to ignorant to understand what is going on or to scared to address it. Zuckerburg is evil and a significant part of the globalist elite who are working hard to change the world as we know it. Nothing will come of these hearings, Facebook will become ennobled to censor private speech to promote the agenda. They will ultimately find something in Trumps past to impeach him, the same folks running this out of control investigation being the same that are concerned with Russian collusion (don’t see any similarities their do we? Projection is one of the greatest tools of the Psychopath). Am I the only one upset by the lunacy of what is going on (no I am not a Trump lover). Perhaps Trumps father paid off a Union Boss on a project 50 years ago (likely), so Trump should be ruined. This precedent will come back to haunt us all. We are now operating as a dictatorship and the supposed dictator is not the one in charge but in fact the deep state. The proverbial inmates are running the institution. Nothing from Sessions, deep state plant from the beginning. If you want to fix the mess, find a legal basis to take Trump out and take the Obama criminals with him; Muller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, and the many others. The country needs a catharsis. Trump has exposed the corruption we all knew existed in a way that has all of the “rats” running. There are not 2 parties only a single group of privileged, corrupt elitists. They all need to go. Unfortunately it will not happen and we will soon become a single minded, very leftist, country that will lose its culture, history and standing. A few will benefit while the rest are hurt.

April 12, 2018 10:12 am

Calm down, Bob. Didn’t you ever read The Wasteland? With every fourth turning, the previous culture is plowed under.You have been programmed by alarmist propaganda. Relinquish all hope of a continuing culture. The Native Americans lost theirs, it is the way of America.

April 12, 2018 10:14 am

Why is Fuckerburg not indicted for major crimes? Instead, this scum-of-the-earth is allowed to testify to a bought and paid for Congress populated by mostly criminals, gangsters and thieves. I am sure he felt very much at home among fellow thieves and crooks. I say hang the little bastard.

April 12, 2018 10:37 am

Fuckerburg – I love it!

April 12, 2018 10:52 am

Agreed wdg, hang him and all his ilk.

April 12, 2018 6:53 pm

Zuck had to sit in a ‘high chair’ too. The sawed off ‘genius’ was too short to appear before Congress without an elevator chair.

April 12, 2018 7:57 pm

Youturds strike again. Patriot Nurse is yet the latest example of the liberal/progressive agenda on social media platforms. On April 11, she woke up and checked her channel and found that practically all of her videos had been demonitized including those that had nothing to do with firearms or patriotism. Even the video with medical training had been demonitized. Of course, there is no recourse for her as some libtard at YouTube has now decided that her work is worthless. Thankfully, she has her Patreon channel. If you enjoy her videos, please consider supporting her through Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/thepatriotnurse