Socialism Won

If she’s elected and goes to Washington, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will feel right at home.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Socialism: “A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by community as a whole” (Oxford Dictionary), has been in the news lately. The most interesting aspect of the stories and commentaries is what tense the writer uses. Most use the future tense, heralding or decrying the impending arrival of socialism, or simply noting that it’s a possibility.

It’s the wrong tense. The past tense is the correct one, socialism arrived long ago. In the US, it unpacked its bags February 3, 1913, the day the Sixteenth, or Income Tax, Amendment was ratified. When the “community as a whole”—a euphemism for government—has first call on individuals’ incomes, socialism has established its vital beachhead. Everything from there on out is a mop-up operation.

For what is “the means of production, distribution, and exchange”? The minds, bodies, time, and effort of individual producers, which the income tax expropriates. Once a government steals those, there’s nothing it cannot steal, including, via regulation, the ability of producers to produce. To impose socialism on a nation, first impose it on its individuals.

The cherry on 1913’s socialist sundae was the establishment of the Federal Reserve, which began the transition of the US monetary system from the gold standard to fiat debt, the value of which is now decided by political and bureaucratic whim. It was another expropriation, stealth theft via currency depreciation and inflation.

Some are treating “avowed socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s primary victory over Democrat war-horse Joe Crowley as a watershed moment. Assuming she wins the general election, she’ll join 434 other socialists in the House of Representatives. That’s not a watershed political moment, it’s a watershed truth-in-advertising moment. She’ll be one of the few socialists there who admits to it.

The partisans on both sides of the barricades are a hundred years too late. The battle is over, victory to the socialists. In the US, it’s impossible to find an industry or economic activity that’s free from government ownership or regulation. Governments have their hands in agriculture, manufacturing, communications, finance, insurance, banking, transportation, technology, housing, medical care, advertising, entertainment, warfare, welfare, charity, and every other human endeavor of consequence. When children need to get a permit and pay a fee to set up a sidewalk lemonade stand, what’s left?

Judging by the reaction to Ocasio-Cortez’s victory, “socialist” is still an odious term in some quarters, mostly those precincts which still pay lip service to free markets and capitalism. Republicans long ago jettisoned freedom and made their peace with the income tax, the Federal Reserve, welfare and warfare states, and ever-expanding government; their horror is merely rhetorical. The only parts of Trump’s platform that were noncontroversial with them were his vows to increase military spending and not cut entitlements. This in a nation over $21 trillion in debt, with an estimated $200 trillion of additional unfunded liabilities.

Unlike many of us in the hinterlands, those who inhabit the swamp rarely have to answer the question: does it work? When the answer is no in Washington, it’s a justification for an expanded budget and more power. Effectiveness is the hallmark of what remains of honest American enterprise, where whatever your “it” is has to work, or you don’t get paid. Those who have only worked in dishonest enterprise— government and its satellites—are instinctively hostile to that requirement and to those who make things work.

Socialism doesn’t work; history is littered with its failures. That is why it’s embraced. Government derives its power from coercion and violence. It is no coincidence that the twentieth century, history’s most socialistic, has also been its most murderous, with governments inflicting an estimated 100 to 200 million deaths.

Socialism’s failure, death, and inevitable restrictions of liberty account for its odium among those who oppose it. The clearest lesson of history is the most ignored. Man versus the state is history’s overarching theme. Humanity flourishes when it’s free to do so (man wins) and deteriorates when it’s not (the state wins).

There is only one way to eradicate a weed without pesticide: pull it up by its roots. Well over 99 percent of arguments against government—inadequate border security, military interventions, out of control spending and debt, the national security state, loss of liberty, etc.—essentially try to kill the weed by pulling off its leaves and stems, but leave the roots intact. As long as there is unquestioning acceptance of the government’s self-granted right to forcefully relieve the productive of their honestly earned incomes, those issues amount to diversionary sideshows.

Since the dark year 1913, government has grown relentlessly larger, more powerful, and more corrupt. The tax take has gone one direction. Even with all that loot, the government has plunged into the abyss of debt and unfunded liabilities. The US has become an oligarchic empire spanning the globe. At least half its population rely on the state for some or all of their sustenance. Occasionally the socialists have lost battles, but those have amounted to mere tactical retreats. They’ve won the war.

Imagine a government that had no claim on people’s incomes and the monetary system was an honest gold standard. That such a state of affairs seems inconceivable is testament to widespread ignorance of history. This was the actual state of affairs pre-1913, when all levels of government in the US spent less than 10 percent of the GDP, as opposed to more than 40 percent now.

How much of an issue would illegal immigration be if the government paid out no benefits to either immigrants or citizens? The immigrants who arrived would be here to work, and it would be much easier to ensure that they went through the proper channels of citizenship.

Cut down government by 80 to 90 percent and the military would shrink to defense of the US’s eminently defensible borders and tending to a worst-case nuclear arsenal. You’ve got to think the costly Big Brother surveillance apparatus would shrink, too, maybe down to nothing.

There would be no unfunded liability problem, because government would be out of the pension, medical care, and redistribution businesses. A government that couldn’t inflate away its debts with more of its own or its central bank’s fiat debt would be less inclined to borrow. Creditors would be less inclined to lend, because the government would have no call on incomes.

Such a reversion might even work a “miraculous” change in the American character, a rebirth of values like the work ethic, self-reliance, individualism, community involvement, and private charity. One of socialism’s great myths, the opposite of the truth, is that only the government can help out those in need.

An appreciable part of the US’s unprecedented, privately generated bounty has always been redistributed by people acting on their own charitable impulses, not at the point of a government gun. Regular people, not just philanthropic millionaires, help their families, friends, and—through a mind-boggling variety of eleemosynary causes and organizations—total strangers.

Which gives the lie to socialists’ argument that “the masses” (they love that demeaning term) cannot handle freedom, they need to be guided and governed by an expert and virtuous elite. If the human psyche cannot handle freedom, it most certainly cannot handle unlimited power. The last 105 years of elite-initiated horrors offer conclusive proof. Wars, death camps, and genocide didn’t bubble up from they bottom, they’re ordained from the top.

If we don’t insist proudly that we have the first and only legitimate claim to what we’ve honestly earned, if we aren’t willing to fight for it, we are not and never will be free. And that’s why we need all the sideshow issues—to divert our attention from our well-deserved servitude.

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 12, 2018 1:33 pm

Socialism,comunism. Twins. I am a staunch anarcist. I hate gov.

  Jack Lovett
July 12, 2018 4:19 pm

The reality is that low IQ people from tribal cultures (virtually everyone who is not from northwestern Europe) are prime customers for socialism, and not disturbed by using violence to acquire other peoples’ property. So when the US threw open the doors to the Irish, and subsequently many other groups, now including Africa and all of central America, the US was doomed to become socialist…
Anarchism is a fantasy. A distant and relatively hands off Monarchy has proven best….

July 13, 2018 2:00 pm

Governments want us to believe that anarchy is an idealistic, but unattainable goal because they have a vested interest in maintaining their hold over us. Anarchy is simply the absence of government and there have been examples of anarchy throughout history that lasted thousands of years. The resilience of anarchy is the lack of a centralized government whose fall would result in a sudden collapse and surrender of the entire nation.

Two examples albeit brief:

1)The Basque nation existed before the Roman Empire and survived long after it. They have no central government, no borders and thus need no armies to defend non-existent borders. When adversaries marched through, they did business with them. Romans liked olive oil so the Basques grew olives. From the Vikings they learned to air-dry cod, build long-boats that sailed the Atlantic to the rich Grand Banks off Newfoundland and became premier suppliers of Cod to Europe.

2) An alliance of 5 (of about 50) anarchic Germanic tribes annihilated three Roman legions at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE thus halting the Roman expansion and conquest of northern Europe. It forced Rome to realize the conquest of so many individual tribes without a centralized government would have been prohibitively expensive.

The Germanic-Roman Battle that Saved Western Civilization: Teutoburg Forest – Part 2

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Jack Lovett
July 13, 2018 7:56 am

If .gov had a face.
[imgcomment image[/img]

July 12, 2018 1:39 pm

Very perceptive but I think you can make an equally strong case that we actually are a communist nation. You have a guy at the top, in this case the Orange Crusader who is pretty much free to do whatever he damn well pleases in terms of directing the armed forces and issuing executive orders. You have a so-called security state apparatus that spies on whomever they choose, the scope of which the KGB could only dream of. You have a senate politburo that rubber stamps whatever TPTB demand. You have a fed that issues their worthless script you’re forced to use and 5 year plans that always end in a wealth destroying economic debacle that serves as an excuse to issue yet another 5 year plan. You have a judiciary that is the final arbiter of the ‘justice’ that serves only them (Kavanaugh is just the latest brick in that wall). And all of the state created dog leashes around our necks so succinctly outlined in this article. Now our ‘comrades’ in d.c. let out somewhat more leash than communist regimes gone by but less so with every passing week. And we’re left to be satisfied that ‘at least he isn’t hillary’. Fucking discouraging.

July 12, 2018 3:03 pm

A young man recently asked me my opinion as to what career field would provide the best opportunities for freedom in this ever controlled world. My response to him was that he should become a hacker and go off grid. After all, what good does it do for these institutions that spy on and regulate us if we can steal all of that info back, crash their systems or disrupt the flow of their fake fiat currency?

I subscribe to a youtube channel that features a programmer that works on machine learning and whether or not he can create simple neural networks that can play pacman or minesweeper or asteroids. It might take 80 generations of trial and error for the program to teach itself but 80 generations to a machine is nothing. It is nothing more than macro evolution sped up.

These machine learning narrow A.I. devices can be deployed by us to throw a monkey wrench into the system as it soon wont be possible for anyone in government to keep anything hidden from us. Seriously, look at all the trouble the FBI currently has because it can not understand that a hacker can see what they see. It levels out the playing field.

TPTB believe they are building the road to serfdom with their Social Credit Score and 5G IOT but that road goes both ways. After all, Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer certainly don’t know how any of it works, right?

July 12, 2018 4:21 pm

Your attempt to drag Trump into this, which started with Woodrow Wilson and reached its epitome under Bush and Obama, is quite dishonest. Trump is actually trying to scale it back….

July 12, 2018 5:17 pm

Dishonest? I pointed out that in communist regimes there are strong, powerful leaders, comparing that to the status quo amerika. Lenin-Castro-Obama-Trump. That is not dishonest-they all fit the description. Is it even slightly possible for you to fathom a life free of being controlled by “strong leaders?” Give it a try.

July 12, 2018 5:51 pm

Trump appears to be redirecting it as opposed to scaling it back.

July 12, 2018 8:19 pm

Now having read his above post about the Irish I’m sorry I answered the ignoramus. He’s obviously too bone stupid to notice the genealogy of the man who created this blog dedicated to individual freedom named Quinn. The monarchy? Christ what sarcophagus did this fool escape from?

My point stands: There is very credible evidence to claim that we live in a communist country. Socialism is too deceptively appealing a title to suit me.

July 12, 2018 8:50 pm

My thoughts exactly.
Ireland isn’t in North Eastern Europe???
Did they succeed from the continent?

July 13, 2018 2:10 pm

Fleabaggs, the Hajnal Line excludes Ireland.

  Robert Gore
July 12, 2018 2:27 pm

Income/wealth inequality, if it gets too far “out of whack” leads to soooo many problems whether we like it or not.

Anyone have answers other than kill them all or let them starve?

July 12, 2018 2:01 pm

Great write Robert. If only all those today in our Society understood what Socialism really is. Sometimes when I hear some young know it all spouting off about how great it would be if America would just fully embrace socialism. I have to ask them. Do you really understand what socialism is? The sound of crickets. Just because they were told that they should accept it. Sad…..When I get that deer in the headlight look. I tell them to please do not believe what I have just told you. Go and look it up for yourself.

July 12, 2018 2:16 pm

In the same vein as Admin’s recent “Nation” essays, I cannot imagine any other assessment more accurately concise.

First rate, as usual, Robert. Thank you.

Steve C
Steve C
July 12, 2018 2:18 pm

Socialism’s main theme is that it attempts to make everyone the same.

The problem with that is that we are not God.

We cannot bring the dumbest up to the level of the smartest.

We can’t make the least productive as productive as the most productive.

We can’t bring the least honest and moral up to the level of the most honest and moral.

Since we are not God, in order to obtain their equality, socialism must then resort to forcing the best of everyone DOWN to the level of the worst.

How anyone can embrace a system so repulsive that it demands that everyone must be no better than the worst is a mystery to me.

The ruling elite always seem to be exempt of course…

  Steve C
July 12, 2018 4:23 pm

What we could do is have an educational system that doesn’t indoctrine kids with socialist and deviant propaganda. Or better yet, abolish the whole thing.

July 12, 2018 10:44 pm

I agree with you. Public education has failed at all levels. It is time to push it over.

July 13, 2018 12:18 pm

It did exactly what it was intended to – indoctrinate, propagandize, provide a forum for “government-approved” history and government-worship, and create compliant, obedient, taxpaying slaves. And that is the reason why nobody in government wishes to get rid of it (both major parties included).

RT Rider
RT Rider
July 12, 2018 2:28 pm

Collectivism covers it all – socialism, communism, fascism. The difference is how they market it to con the lumpenproles. All the same psychotic fucks running it, no matter what you call it.

July 12, 2018 2:42 pm

This country passed the point of no return years ago. It went over the cliff into the socialist abyss, so to speak. We must now concentrate our efforts to preserve our nation.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 12, 2018 2:53 pm

Well done , I hope my critics and detractors on this site when I point out the destruction of the industrial jobs that assured a fairly comfortable American lifestyle being stripped away from what was the middle class in America read this with a date and time 1913 to now calender and a calculator . Socialism / Communism only becomes attractive when the gap between haves and have nots become a Grand Canyon . Especially when the have nots are hitting nearly third or more of the population . 100 MILLON idle hands and countless low paid futureless jobs creates dissent and anger not hope and belief that tomorrow will be better . This is especially true today due to the last 40 plus years allowing the largest transfer of wealth from the many to the few .
Sooner or later the many can and will rise up , history absolutely repeats itself !
That 1% of the population profiting so lavishly have over played this hand and many are about to get tossed or even killed for their ignorance to reality of the human condition played out for centuries !
The wealthy can ignore the results of their actions but not the results of those actions . Money and power will not protect them indefinitely .

  Boat Guy
July 12, 2018 9:09 pm

Boat – by and large, there are no have nots in the US. Seriously. Everyone has a phone, a fridge, Nikes, and enough to eat to weigh 350 pounds. The income gap narrative is bullshit. If the “poor” are all millionaires, and the rich billionaires, who gives a stuff if their is an income gap? It is just the politics of envy at play.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 13, 2018 8:19 am

What made those fat welfare recipients , it was not those higher paying industrial jobs it was crony capitalism . As for envy those able to profit thru crony capitalism and buying political favor are not successful business people . 40 % of Wal Mart profits are from EBT cards and Wal Mart employees recieve $6 billon in welfare benefits . When buying political and economic favor is the order of the day those on the losing end are not envious .
At least Jessie James had the guts to stick a gun in your face when he robbed you !
I have done well as you also claim however my points are the damage done to those not to fortunate . The numbers speak for themselves .
Government is typically a huge part of this issue picking winners and losers . Again leaving 100 million people in some poor state of existance comes at a much greater cost . To just pass it off as a bunch of losers fuckem ! Will most certainly come back to haunt us and our children .

July 12, 2018 3:01 pm

Nobody else can say it like you do in so few words.
1913 also gave us the 17th which removed the last shred of Independence the states had by putting the Senate at the mercy of the tyranny of direct democracy which is the emotion of moment. It’s a very underated amendment.
I be crucified for this but Women’s Sufferage brought the feminine trait of emotion driven decision making to the ballot box which is essential to socialism/communism.

July 12, 2018 4:25 pm

The 19th Amendment was most damaging of all, since women are always in favor of a welfare State, because it makes them feel virtuous and “caring.”

July 12, 2018 3:55 pm

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” ~ Winston Churchill

Nice work as usual, Robert.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
July 12, 2018 5:00 pm

On the contents of the essay. Yep!

July 12, 2018 5:08 pm

The Socialists stopped being an active political party in the US when BOTH major political parties embraced everything they stood for (in one form or another).

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 12, 2018 5:27 pm

Thank you Robert for another brilliantly written essay. I would like to think that though socialism has advanced like a tsunami, claiming that the war is over may be premature. I am not in the gulag yet. I don’t know how for off that day may be, but it ain’t today.

I believe that collectivism is not the end result, but the means to the end result, which is subjugation and enslavement of the masses by a small handful of men at the very top echelon of the world power structure. It is obvious to me that they desire an absolute monopoly on power and will never rest in that endeavor. They have been at it for generations, knowing that they may not see the fruits of their labor, but being content with the hope that their progeny will. I think it would benefit those of us who desire the dissolution of that power to take the same attitude toward the long game. They’ve been tying the knots that bind us for over a century. It will probably take even longer to untie them. We just have to plant the seed of resistance in our young folks and hope it takes root and they can carry on the struggle after we are gone.

One of the most effective strategies for advancing their agenda has been divide and conquer. I don’t know how to counter this. Tribalism is in our DNA. That’s what makes divide and conquer work so well. It is human nature to be xenophobic. I see divide and conquer in the workplace and the community constantly. There seems to be no escaping it. All I can say is that awareness of the strategies being used against you are key to defeating them. It is also essential to know the enemy. Until we know who the real emperors are, what their motivations are, the agenda they have in mind and the strategies they employ we will be ineffective at best and suicidal at worst when it comes to defeating them.

While not entirely optimistic, I am hopeful that this will eventually be turned around. It’s difficult, but I try to keep a positive outlook. We’ve been having some small victories. We just need to keep stacking those up.

July 12, 2018 6:08 pm

Back in the early 90’s when it was still possible to right the ship I was telling anyone who would listen that we w ere going to collapse from the same thing the Soviets did. A huge impersonal, immovable bureaucracy that can’t get out of it’s own way.

immigration is invasion
immigration is invasion
July 12, 2018 8:09 pm

“socialism won”


importing 60+ million since 1965 won.

  immigration is invasion
July 12, 2018 9:58 pm

Did you read the article? Bob said that couldn’t happen if we weren’t supporting them with tax money.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Robert Gore
July 13, 2018 12:00 pm

Robert – A fine piece as usual. Would note that you commented re the Roman Empire w/regard to its decline following the fall of the Republic incorrectly insofar as the Empire continued to expand for several centuries afterwards. Can probably make the argument that much of the later success was as a result of the earlier strengths but the expansion itself was very real.

  immigration is invasion
July 12, 2018 10:01 pm

murdering 58 million inconvenient unborn since 73 didn’t bless us either…just thinking

July 13, 2018 9:16 am

WOW! Nailed it on every level.. outstanding piece, thanks

July 13, 2018 12:17 pm

Reminds me of a woman I worked with years ago. She had a sign “imagine how much would be accomplished if no one worried about who got credit” but all over the walls were plaques and awards for stupid crap like having the cleanest desk or something like that.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 13, 2018 2:57 pm

Thank you Robert.

You know the saying “if you want to be rich, hang out with rich people”?

I don’t hang with any rich people, since I don’t know any. I do try to hang out with smart people. At least here, anyway.

Edit: Waiting for some wise guy to come along and tell me it’s not helping.

July 13, 2018 5:38 pm

simply revert the best we can back to the 10 commandments, and the US constitution, that should be our goal. Shrink Govt Now!!

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 14, 2018 7:48 am

All the “isims” typically happen in times of peace and prosperity; when we are too busy just trying to survive, what type of government is best usually isn’t the talk around the campfire.
“Isims” are also the ultimate way for the power hungry to motivate the masses to start a movement that in the end, will only benefit the elite who started the ball rolling.
And finally, the “isims” are usually implemented during stable times, when either the threat of rocking the boat, or looking the other way to preserve the status quo with the promise of bliss and happiness forever, if you consider implementing my “isim” to guarantee all will benefit.
Strangely enough, it appears half of the country is ready to swallow the blue pill and guarantee happy times for all, under the watchful loving hand of our benevolent government; hence, the “Go Hillary for 2020!” is in full swing. Scary times ahead.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
  Not Sure
July 14, 2018 11:32 am

I agree. Collectivism doesn’t arise spontaneously from the masses. It is a narcotic that is spoon fed to us by our masters to keep us numb, dumb, compliant, impoverished and powerless.