#Justice SGT Report



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22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
August 15, 2018 8:39 am

I used to like SGTReport but advising folks to buy NSAcoin and ‘trust the plan’ is getting old.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
August 15, 2018 10:50 am

This isn’t an NSA coin story. It is a bold faced ad for the crypto lie. He’s just trying to hoover up the remaining morons. It’s never too late to get in on a good thing.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 15, 2018 11:37 am

The Federal Reserve ZOG is playing Pop the Housing Bubble again (with about 7 Interest Rate hikes). That is the First Big Domino of their Planned Economic Collapse. TPTB plan to use their Controlled MSM to wip up riots during this Recession to retake the House of Representatives and Impeach Trump (before he imprisons them). Everybody knows there are a dozen Black Swans (natural and man made buzzards) circling overhead. One Biggie is the BRICS pulling the rug (maybe the whole damned floor) out from under the ZOG in retaliation for all the Silly Sanctions the ZOG has imposed on them. If a Currency Reset (ie dump the US like in 1973) caused even 15% sudden dollar inflation, millions of Americans would stop paying some bills; Blue cities would cry a Blue Wave of Tears; riots like early 196os could bring down the country’s economy; the West is now built on a Foundation of Debt and Diversity that will collapse like a sand castle in an earthquake.

August 15, 2018 7:30 pm

This CIA plane was just making its quarterly cash deposit to the Clintons for their “fair share” from the drug profits, running heroin out of Afghanistan.