The New Bull Connor

Guest Post by The Zman

For a long time, Bull Connor was the symbol of southern racism, because he famously used fire hoses and dogs on civil rights agitators in Birmingham Alabama. Like most white people in the 60’s, he opposed the idea of racial integration, but it was his way of doing it that got him labeled as the ultimate racist. It was one thing to believe that integration was a terrible idea. It was another to take pleasure in a hatred of blacks for no other reason than their race. Hatred, even of that which should be hated, always has an ugliness to it.

Today, the ugly face of racial hatred is directed at whites and worn by social justice warriors, claiming to be fighting white supremacy. In reality they are just anti-white bigots who compete with one another over how much they hate white people. One difference between the anti-white bigots of today and guys like Bull Connor is he was happy to live his life in obscurity. He never set out to be a famous racist. Today’s social justice warriors see racial hatred as a path to fame and glory. It’s the easy way into the high culture.

An example of this is Brandeis associate professor Dorothy Kim. She is someone passing herself off as a medievalist. In reality, she is a white-hating bigot and a social justice warrior, who lives to harass white people. Her current crusade is an attack on Rachel Fulton Brown, a tenured professor at the University of Chicago. Kim’s reason for attacking Dr. Brown is that she is a conservative white women, who does real scholarship, rather than agitate for nutty causes. Kim thinks she can get ahead by hating the white woman.

Rachel Fulton Brown is a serious scholar who has written award winning books on arcane medieval topics. She has written this book and this book. Even if you are a fan of medieval European history, these are esoteric subjects, but that’s how the stock of knowledge is developed and expanded. Dorothy Kim is a ridiculous person who writes nonsense like this. The only people talking about white supremacy are liars and lunatics. It does not matter which applies here, either should be disqualifying for an academic in civil society.

Dorothy Kim is not just focusing her attention on Rachel Brown. Kim is an all purpose white-hater who whores herself out to the daffy girls of Progressive media, hired to popularize academic racism. Not content with attacking white people in real-time, the social justice warriors are now determined to rewrite history to make Henry VIII into soul brother number one. In that Daily Beast post, Mx. Kim goes out of her way to fall for the Cheddar Man hoax, suggesting she is dumber than her sparse work product suggests.

That’s just the thing about the people like Mx. Kim. They are not just content to publicly attack white people for being white. There’s a suicidal nihilism to the modern racist. Their project is as much about decreasing the stock of human knowledge as it is chasing white people from the white societies that welcomed them. What’s offensive about Mx. Kim is not that she does not know things, it’s that she knows wrong things and demands that the rest of us, as a matter of social justice, accept falsehoods as fact, fiction as truth.

That’s another thing you see with the social justice warriors. They seek to replace accomplishment with moral fanaticism. Rachel Brown has reached her status by a long career of being good at her specialty. Mx. Kim is just not bright enough or willing to do the work, so she is attacking white people, in order to establish her bona fides as a culture warrior. Everything about Mx. Kim’s career to this point is a claim that she is a victim, by virtue of her DNA, and therefore must get free stuff from white people or else racism.

That’s why these people are so vicious. Being a virtue signalling loon is a highly competitive racket. There’s always someone out there preparing a nuttier claim than the most nutty claim of the moment. Because the ideology of the social justice warrior is completely empty, a pure negative ideology, the result is a version of the mob screaming “Goldstein” in 1984. It’s not enough to hate white people. What matters is that you are seen hating whitey and doing so with an enthusiasm that is without rival.

That is the ugliness that Mx. Kim shares with classic racists like Bull Connor from half a century ago. It was not that he opposed integration that made him ugly. It was that he was willing to abandon decency and order in his opposition to it. The willingness to sacrifice everything for a principle is fanaticism and it is just as much an enemy of civil society as the barbarian. That’s what you see with people like Mx. Kim. She is a fanatic, ready to burn it all down in the name of social justice. There’s nothing uglier than a fanatic.

Addendum: A commenter asked how people like Mx. Kim get into the academy. The reason the social justice warrior has success is that Progressives are always fighting themselves. By that, I mean they are are always at war with that which they fear about themselves or that which they are currently doing. The Left’s rage against Russian meddling corresponds with their own collaboration with Russian oligarchs in an effort to rig recent elections. Google the phrase “Opposite Rule Of Liberalism.”

In the case of the academy, the people hooting about racism and white supremacy are relying on the innate racism of the modern academy. “Oh look! We have an Asian applicant in medieval European studies!” The white liberals in the field are so desperate for multicultural status points, they fall all over themselves to find and embrace non-whites, purely on racial grounds. They embrace anti-racism, because they hate their own racism and the result is more of the self-loathing that drives the Progressive.

Multiculturalism has created a vast market for dull-witted grifters like Mx. Kim. She gets the attention that women naturally crave, but she gets to make a career out of it, thus making herself both a hero of feminism and multiculturalism. Her choice was working in a cubicle somewhere as a clerk or going into the promising world of social justice. it’s not hard to see why she chose to be a SJW. It’s also easy to see why she is so bitter and nasty. At some level, she knows she is a fraud and she hates herself even more.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 20, 2018 10:20 am

When is Ancestry going to start producing honest reports like: Your Genome is 100% African. You are 20% Homo Erectus which was an ancient Hominoid that first branched onto the human tree 1.8 million years ago (1.37 million years before H. Neanderthal). This accounts for your much higher rate of physical development but lower IQ.

August 20, 2018 11:17 am

Encourage these Antifa talk,write and broadcast their beliefs. We need to know who they are when SHTF. Sadly there are crazy people out there who will hunt them down. You reap what you sow.

August 20, 2018 12:03 pm

Over the top ,you are so right .You reap what you sow .One day these people are going Know pure hate works both ways!

August 20, 2018 8:26 pm

There really are people itching to do just that. A lot of them, too. I assume most people that say they are waiting to do that are mostly key board warriors that won’t actually do anything, although Im sure there are plenty that mean it. The ones these people should REALLY be worried about are the quiet ones, anyways. The ones too smart to talk about it on the internet. To be clear, I am neither of those types, I just know they are out there. Won’t shed a tear when it happens to any of those people either. As was said above, you reap what your sow.

I’m sure there are plenty of SJW types that think they are going to go kill some nazis, which apparently means and white person to the right of bernie sanders, but I don’t worry about them as much. Sure, they’ll kill some people, but for the most part they lack the necessary training and skills to be truly dangerous. Plus, if the right sees the gloves really come off, they won’t be able to get away with that shit anymore anyways.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
August 20, 2018 12:26 pm

I’ve never “hated” black people. But they’re responsible for a hugely disproportionate amount of crime and social unrest. Additionally they accept no responsibility for their actions and constantly whine about “victim” status when they’ve been afforded a leg up over EVERYBODY ELSE for the past half century. I don’t “hate” black people. But they do disgust me.

  whiskey tango foxtrot
August 20, 2018 8:30 pm

Im just tired of hearing about them at this point. Call it negro fatigue. Them, their problems, their violence, their complaining. Constant demands for MOAR from whitey. The idea that all Americans need to be disarmed because blacks lack any semblance of self control and keep shooting each other. All of it.

August 20, 2018 6:25 pm

I get so fucking sick of snowflakes calling me a fucking racist while they hate Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Stacy Dash, and others. They would hate Thomas Sowell too if they weren’t so fucking stupid to know who he is. Just who the FUCK to these hypocrites think they are? Yet they believe they are morally superior. Fuck them for making me sick.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 20, 2018 9:19 pm

Add Ward Connerly to that list. The FSU Law School invited him to speak and I went but baboons from FAMU flooded the auditorium calling him Uncle Tom, Traitor, etc, and caused such a riot he couldn’t speak. Besides showing their stupid black commie asses to the world, they missed a chance to learn something from a rare historic Black genius.

August 20, 2018 9:07 pm

this is an article about the feud between kim & the other woman–
the other woman is moderately conservative and of course,she’s evil & white–

August 20, 2018 9:09 pm

since this is titled about a cop,watch this 1 minute police chase–incredible ending—

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
August 21, 2018 3:23 am

Now that was funny, Tampa!

August 20, 2018 9:55 pm

People from Massachusetts are some of the lowest form of Democrat Shithole life in the United States. They are about 95% Democrat up there. They are so haut and civilized and cry and whine when people write mean things that “scare” them. I suppose that’s part of their Yankee culture that we need to understand. Based upon the culture that I was brought up in, Northeastern Kentucky in the Mid Ohio Valley, if someone was that afraid they would say nary a word but they would sure have that nickel-plated .32 with hollow points in their pocket. The first time one of those loud-mouthed SJWs confronted them on the street that person would end up looking like a combination of raw hamburger and 5 holed Swiss cheese. We don’t have those problems here at all because everyone knows it would happen.