Trump: “I May Have To Get Involved” To Get To “Bottom Of Crooked Hillary Corruption”

Via ZeroHedge

With his back against the well after longtime Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by US prosecutors one day after the National Enquirer’s David Packer received a similar deal, on Saturday morning Trump continued his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, accusing the former senator of not understanding “what is happening” at his Justice Department.

In a pair of tweets Saturday morning, the president wrote that Sessions was allowing Mueller “and his gang of 17 Angry Dems” to have a “field day” at the Justice Department with his decision last year to recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign.

Jeff Sessions said he wouldn’t allow politics to influence him only because he doesn’t understand what is happening underneath his command position. Highly conflicted Bob Mueller and his gang of 17 Angry Dems are having a field day as real corruption goes untouched. No Collusion!” the president wrote.

Trump then quoted Sen. Lindsay Graham speaking about the possibility of a new attorney general, suggesting that the president may be considering Sessions’ firing.

“Every President deserves an Attorney General they have confidence in. I believe every President has a right to their Cabinet, these are not lifetime appointments. You serve at the pleasure of the President,” Trump added, quoting Graham.

Trump’s criticism of Sessions had escalated in recent days after the guilty verdicts handed down in the trial of Paul Manafort and the guilty plea from Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. In a rare statement on Thursday, Sessions appeared to rebuke Trump and pledged to remain untainted by political bias in his work at the agency. “While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. I demand the highest standards, and where they are not met, I take action,” Sessions said.

It is unclear if Trump will fire his Attorney General; some media reports are suggesting that Trump may certainly try to do so, although probably not before the midterm elections.

Trump then continued the attack on Twitter, and referenced a recent report by investigative journalist Paul Sperry according to which FBI Director James Comey was incorrect when he told Congress that the bureau had “reviewed all of the communications” from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin on her disgraced husband, and in fact “a technical glitch prevented FBI technicians from accurately comparing the new emails with the old emails. Only 3,077 of the 694,000 emails were directly reviewed for classified or incriminating information.”

Citing Fox News, Trump tweeted that “The FBI only looked at 3000 of 675,000 Crooked Hillary Clinton Emails.” They purposely didn’t look at the disasters. This news is just out.

He then predicted that “we will soon be getting to the bottom of all of this corruption” involving “tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary Emails, many of which are REALLY BAD” and warned that “At some point I may have to get involved!”

“The FBI looked at less than 1%” of Crooked’s Emails!” Trump concluded.

With the Mueller probe getting a second wind, if not into Russian collusion then certainly into Trump’s allegedly illicit financial dealings, we expect that Trump will escalate his attempts at distraction; and with attacks on Syria no longer serving as a key distraction to the US population while Russian sanctions remain largely ignored, Trump may have no choice but to make good on his threat to “get involved” in cracking down on “crooked Hillary” and “getting to the bottom of all of the corruption” under his attorney Sessions.

In either case, fireworks are assured.

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Big Dick
Big Dick
August 25, 2018 10:56 am


August 25, 2018 10:57 am

Lock her up!

August 25, 2018 11:00 am

I really believe Trump is trying to get something done, but those smug Congress Critters are relying on McCain to take the swan dive to save their asses from their cowardice.

What they don’t realize is McCain sold out to big military/industrial the moment he got home. If the American people allow Cindy Lou Who to become Senator in his wake, they are really bigger idiots than most. Isn’t that how Missouri ended up with McKaskill?

August 25, 2018 11:01 am

If he’s going to say stuff like that he should start wearing a vest, kevlar helmet and have someone taste his food.

August 25, 2018 12:43 pm

At the time Sessions was the best man to lead the Justice Dept. However something changed. He is either determined to protect these people,or they have dirt on him. It is getting harder and harder as one talks to people not to notice that most know that many in the last administration belong in jail. These people have committed treason. Yet they not only get away with it. They are still actively involved in it. All Trump is guilty of(other than his sexual transgressions) is he wants to make the country better. The only conclusion a thinking person can come to is. What has been done is so bad that the American people won’t be able to handle it coming out.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
August 25, 2018 1:41 pm

They have dirt on EVERYONE. Why do you think the surveillance state was created? Do you think it was to catch bad guys? Terrorists? Please. That is to keep the public placated and believing the narrative. No, the real purpose of all the listening and tracking is to gain leverage. OF COURSE they have something on Sessions. Now, they are angling for Trump as well. Hell, they may already have him.
I suspect, when you get elected to high office, there is a representative of the “owner class”, you know, the guys really running the chess board, that comes and greets the President on his first day, hands him a folder, and then proceeds to tell him who is really in charge. From that moment on, all those campaign promises go out the window, and the only thing that matters is who gets rich, and who gets dead. Ask the Kennedy’s on that one.

August 25, 2018 12:54 pm

At what point do you people catch on?……..the 2 year mark……the 3 year mark? How many times do you have read this? The cabal sends in the actors while they continue to rape, pillage and loot. The club does not lock up other club members, they usually find a “C” level actor to be the sacrificial lamb to shut up the butthurt sheep. That “C” level actor goes to country club prison where a short time later, they die for whatever concocted reason. Doubt anyone in politics or Wall Street circles ever really goes to the big house.

I am embarrassed for you at this point. Just stop, it is painful to watch.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 25, 2018 2:11 pm

It’s easy to be drawn in, B. I’m guilty of it, too. That said, I can’t stand Mr “Civil asset forfeiture good, marijuana bad” Sessions He needs to go.

  Mary Christine
August 25, 2018 2:50 pm

Mags – They could all go. This is the worst puppet parade ever for the critical thinkers, it may work for the low intels but really just a bad script in general. It’s like the Nazi thing, just worn out and so is the tabloid political blurb.

August 25, 2018 5:38 pm

Sorry MC- I just noticed I put Mags. 🙂

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 26, 2018 12:21 am

I am honored to be confused with Maggie

August 25, 2018 1:40 pm

“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
-George Orwell, Animal Farm’

August 25, 2018 2:15 pm

In the meantime on the real “As The World Turns” we are preparing another Gas Attack to blame on Assad.
Merkels secretary of state (equivelant) dropped a bombshell hint that its time to ditch the petro dollar.
South Africas leader said “He’s not advocating the killing of whites as of yet.
we continue to economically strangle Turkey, Iran, N. Korea and Venezuela for dropping out of Pax Americana. In the case of Venezuela, we are blaming it on socialism but its actually due to regime change tactics by Sages very own CIA on account of the average Venezuelan being too stupid to accept Exxons offer of Nothing for their Oil. Not to mention their huge reserves of the critical mineral Tantalum which Stucky wrote an excellent article about way back.
India is under attack for agreeing to buy Russian S-400’s instead of our under performing overpriced Patriots. Our CIA funded Hit man ISIS and her children are terrorizing half of Africa and Central Asia and WE are being goaded into an ugly destructive Civil War while the Swamp robs us bling. And the Swamp is going to fire a guy like that. Whats not to like about him from the Bankster, MIC standpoint. Maybe they are just tired of being brought to Orgasm so often. Why else would they fire him?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 25, 2018 2:47 pm

No matter whatever else happened, Venezuela got in bed with Castro, was super-socialist, had Chavez as Dictator, etc; they put their own heads in the golden toilet and flushed. PS: The Democrats are no different here but working people can see the kind of shit mess Democrats always make and want no part of it.

  robert h siddell jr
August 25, 2018 5:23 pm

I’m not implying they wouldn’t collapse of their own weight. I’m implying we are and have been attempting regime change there both overtly through sanctions and covertly through Narco Goon squads from Columbia. Because of embargoes they cannot repair or upgrade oil rigs and infastructure which is their only source of money. Same shit different day different country.

  robert h siddell jr
August 25, 2018 5:28 pm

My point was that whether good or bad, all these things are going on and many more while the public watches the 3 ring carnival.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 25, 2018 3:13 pm

I just accidentally came across an article about Russia building a Kalashnikov (sp?) Rifle factory in Venezuela.

I know nothing about this source but if true, it’s a bit frightening.

  Mary Christine
August 25, 2018 6:14 pm

Mary C..
Why is that frightening?? You haven’t bought into that Russia bad, Maduro bad meme have you?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 26, 2018 12:25 am

Flea, I don’t trust Russia. I don’t trust anyone. I’m cautious when it comes to Russia. They only care for themselves. That is as it should be.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 25, 2018 2:33 pm

Jeff Sessions is Trump’s General George B McClellan and if Trump doesn’t fire him, Sessions might as well change his name to Benedict Arnold.

August 25, 2018 4:28 pm

For those all het-up aboot Sessions……..

Read the long letter on the left of this graphic and pay attention to the 14 items to be investigated. Look who signed it. The person Sessions appointed (top middle of graphic) is John Huber, special prosecuter that has ten times the power and authority of Mueller including the power to convene grand juries in most, if not all 50 states. He’s working with a team of approximately 5oo investigators from Military Intelligence. Nobody has better intelligence. They have it all. Sessions/Huber are the source of the 45,000+ sealed federal indictments. Huber is working about as far from DC as he can get and is not a member of the DC cocktail circuit. He was initially appointed by Obammy but was asked to resign only to be reappointed by Trump Sessions because Obammy was not a legitimately elected President therefore his appointments were not legitimate.

Sleepy Sessions has been quite busy. The bad guys are fucked and they know it because of that letter. I assume that once Huber’s investigations are complete it will be hammer time. Until then, there is no point in telegraphing their moves. (Read SunTzu, very quick read online.) Just because YOU don’t see something happening doesn’t mean there isn’t something happening. Personally I’m glad it’s moving slow. Imagine the weight of having Hillary and Pals crimes hanging over your heads AND knowing that Trump has it all in terms of evidence. Once the obstructions and other roadblocks are removed from DOJ, FBI etc it’s going to be on like Donkey Kong. Trump talked about it throughout his campaign. He’s going to lock her up. Midterms are key. He needs more republicrats on his side to end the slow walking being done by CS and and the usual suspects.

Enjoy the show!

Right click>>View Image>>Left Click to enlarge.

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August 25, 2018 4:57 pm

I want you to be right, I.S. So. Fucking. Bad. Seriously. Because America’s survival depends on nothing less.

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August 25, 2018 5:26 pm

Did Gracie help you with this diagram.

August 25, 2018 5:33 pm

Says the proverbial defeatist surrender monkey.

Not my work. Did your dumb ass even read the letter? You think it’s fake or a put on or did the cock just fall out of your cockholster compelling you to flap it incoherently?

August 25, 2018 7:07 pm

Thats all you have is insults and stupid charts and riddles.
Weeks ago I challenged any of you Qidiots to explain in your very own preschool words and mentality how Trump and his Merry Band of Orange Insiders are going to Drain the swamp without nuking the worlds financial system. Not one reply from any of you.
You are so drunk on the Opium of Hopium you can’t bring yourself to believe You’ve been suckered again.

August 25, 2018 7:42 pm

Are you positive I saw your question?

What have you contributed asshole?

I provided SOURCED fucking information above. Where is your sourced info refuting what I’ve posted? Go ahead dipshit, show me what you’ve got. You can’t and you won’t because you’re just a defeated, drive-by surrender monkey. Keep sucking that NWO cock you enjoy so much. It will keep your teeth pearly white!

I’ll be waiting over here with the crickets.

August 25, 2018 9:02 pm

Only Qballs would call that sourced information. All you do is scoff at info contrary to your meme and hurl more insults.

August 26, 2018 1:39 am

“All you do is scoff at info contrary to your meme and hurl more insults.”

As opposed to………….?

No contrary info has been provided. There were links in the graphic provided. If you’re not intelligent to read them that’s on you.

August 25, 2018 5:16 pm

Don’t know if Jeff Sessions knows how much the public hates him. His mind set is on the wrong side of criminal justice and he is working against the tide of cannabis. He is part of the old guard that is dying out.

It would be good if he resigns and spends the rest of his life reflecting on his un-Christian behavior.

August 25, 2018 6:45 pm

If Lindsay Graham is complaining about Jeff Sessions and saying that the Senators wouldn’t mind if Mr. Trump fires Jeff Sessions, then there’s a whole bunch of smoke somewhere. If the Senate would like to see Sessions fired, he won’t be fired for that nest of vipers probably have an inking that he’s about to dump a can of gasoline down into their den with a burning match shortly thereafter to follow.

August 25, 2018 7:11 pm

You’ll notice that the House Judiciary Committee has not requested an update to the letter shown in the graphic I posted above. Sometimes what is NOT being said is as important as what IS being said.

If anyone wants to see the process for removing AG Sessions if Trump won’t fire him you can go look that up. If you do look it up ask yourself if you see ANYBODY going through those motions to do so.

Enjoy the show!