Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

As of this writing, a tweet by disgraced Broadway fraud convict Roland Scahill has 90 thousand shares and 362 thousand likes, which if you’re not used to Twitter is a ridiculously high amount that nobody generally hits. The tweet features nothing but four seconds of video footage from the John McCain funeral, and the caption “George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart.”

That’s it. That’s all it took to win Twitter for the day. Those four seconds of footage have been circulated around TV news stations to ‘ooh’s and ‘ahh’s of fawning establishment pundits yammering incessantly about how the death of War Hero John McCain™ has let everyone Put Aside Our Political Differences™ and Come Together As Americans™ to celebrate the life of a man who dedicated his entire political career to sowing death, suffering and devastation at every opportunity. A war criminal giving a piece of candy to the wife of another war criminal at the funeral of a war criminal is all it took to get mainstream American brains gushing with dopamine and oxytocin.

Because that’s how compartmentalized Americans are from the reality of what war is and what it means. The explosions, the screams, the charred and shredded human bodies, the chaos and displacement and all the suffering, terrorism, slavery and rape that necessarily always comes with it, the million Iraqis killed under Bush, the unfathomable humanitarian disasters created in Libya and Syria under Obama, all the devastation created in all the military interventions McCain helped push for, all of that is so peripheral and distant in American consciousness that it can be dismissed with a wave of the hand and a piece of fucking candy.

And it isn’t really their fault. The more woke Americans who’ve grown to resent their brainwashed countrymen hate it when I say this, but it isn’t. It’s not a coincidence that the nation with the most powerful military in the history of civilization and the most billionaires in the history of civilization also happens to have the most sophisticated propaganda system in the history of civilization, and that propaganda system is pointed at them from a very early age to normalize the war machine that is used to protect the empire of the billionaires.

The United States is the most important player in the imperial alliance centralized around it, and therefore its citizenry are necessarily the most propagandized people on earth. You can’t have the populace of such an important nation suddenly demanding that troops be brought home and the resources being spent on bombs be spent eliminating the economic inequality on which your empire depends instead, so you’ve got to get into their minds early and aggressively to manipulate the way they think about war. Everything from flag worship to the fetishization of military personnel to Pentagon-controlled Hollywood movies are used from early childhood to install the assumption that their nation’s bloated military budget is only ever going toward good and never evil, and to prime their minds for the war propaganda they will be fed by the plutocrat-owned news media.

Day after day after day after day, from when they are small until their dying breath, the American psyche is pummeled with this relentless assault upon its natural sense of empathy and reason. So it’s understandable that every now and then one of them snaps and shoots up a building full of people, inflicting the same kind of mass murder at home they’ve been trained to accept as normal abroad. And it’s understandable that they’d be duped into thinking the monstrous evils that have been inflicted upon our world by Bush, Obama and McCain (and Henry Kissinger, who also made an appearance at the funeral) are innocent little oopsie-poopsies which pale in comparison to something so monumentally heroic as correcting a woman who called Obama an Arab once, or sharing a piece of candy.

But if Americans are ever going to escape from the chains of oligarchy, they’re necessarily going to have to cease consenting to imperialism. Without their resources being funneled into hundreds of bases and countless military and intelligence operations overseas, there’d be a chance to fix America’s infrastructure and make sure everyone gets what they need. Without the US economy being propped up with the barrel of a gun to ensure the success of globalist agendas, Americans would have a chance to create a real economy based on real things that they themselves own and control. Without the ability to use the US war machine to advance their agendas, the oligarchs who control America’s economy, government and media will be unable to rule over the increasingly wealthy and powerful masses. Without the best technology and the brainpower of the brightest Americans being sucked up into the war machine, the nation’s most creative minds will lose their incentive to point their ingenuity at death and destruction, and can point it at useful innovations instead.

And then the propaganda machine which holds the whole empire together will be useless and impotent, and the shackles on American minds will crumble. And the rest of the empire will follow.

The first step in this direction is to cease normalizing the monsters who facilitate human butchery around the world. Stop believing they need to be regarded as “heroes” just because they wore a uniform at some point. Stop believing that it’s ever okay to push for needless wars which butcher innocent men, women and children. Stop believing a man can facilitate the slaughter of a million people and not have that clearly be his single defining legacy. Stop believing that it’s worse to criticize a warmonger than it is to be a warmonger.

Because if it’s up to the bastards who rule us currently, they’ll happily keep shushing us into polite silence while continuing to march us along our current ecocidal, omnicidal trajectory until it gets us all killed. They’ll make saints of warmongering empire loyalists and uphold their murderous lives as exemplary and virtuous, and if we say we want to move things in a different direction we’ll be shouted down with buzzwords about heroism and decency until we shut up. If we leave it up to these pricks, we’ll become the first species to go extinct due to politeness.

Stop letting them normalize and elevate people who embody the very essence of the imperial oppression machine. Stop letting them humanize psychopathic war whores. Stop letting them twist this into a conversation about respecting those with different political opinions and make it about what it is: the mass murder of innocents for power and profit. Refuse to be reprimanded into polite silence. Refuse to die of politeness. Seize control of the narrative and force sanity into our imperiled world.

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Ham Roid
Ham Roid
September 2, 2018 7:23 pm

Buyer’s remorse x1000. Too bad there’s no morning after pill for politicians.

September 2, 2018 7:24 pm

Wow. This is a powerful and well written piece. It has the feel of a stream-of-consciousness type rant, but it is very well written and flows like a highly thought out and edited essay. One of the best I’ve read in a long time.

Only think that irritates me is the tweet from David Sirota. I fucking hate that guy, but he is right about the people he mentions. And it is pathetic that we as a people give them a pass for their crimes. But Sirota is still being a dishonest little shit here. He completely omits anyone who happens to be a democrat from inclusion in this, as though what those he mentioned have done is any worse than Obama or Clinton’s crimes. The author of the piece hits them all, as she should have, but those on the “anti-war left” are going to have to ditch their hypocrisy if they want to be taken seriously. Until the day they start calling their heros Obama and Clinton war criminals as vehemently and as often as they toss these terms at Bush or Cheney, they do not deserve anything but scorn.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 2, 2018 7:33 pm

So touching, the faggott bushwacker sitting next to his rent-a-wife lisbean Laura handing (candy?) to Michael Robinson AKA Michelle. And the bomber smiling so nice. Time to take out the trash. Where are the rent-a-child daughters of the bombers? Back to Nigeria?

September 2, 2018 8:29 pm

Caitlin. A woman after my own heart. If you’re not married I’m coming after you.
I’ve abstained from all the useless pile on shit slinging eulogies of one dead war monger when there are so many more live ones in power. McCain is only different in that he spans the entire modern era of slaughter of Innocents from Nam to present.
This is hands down the best and most inclusive yet condensed anti war editorial I’ve seen.
I don’t always agree with Caitlin but after this rant I’m her love slave.

September 2, 2018 9:41 pm

Well done and well said, Caitlin. As a then 20 year old gunners mate on a destroyer off N. Vietnam in the summer of 72 I had a ring side seat watching our naval bombardments, air strikes and distant B-52 strikes, (Rolling Thunder), devastate the landscape. I am grateful to this day I did not have to see what the physical effects of those strikes were on their intended targets not to mention the emotional and spiritual consequences for the victims.
I am ashamed to this day that I was a participant. Can’t speak for the rest of my peers at that time, but at least with me, wisdom and perspective and youth were not concurrent.
Taking the red pill about 15 years ago made me see this government and it’s minions as the immoral and corrupt souls that they are.
If only I had known then what I know now…

September 2, 2018 10:12 pm

None of us knew any better back then. We all feel off a Norman Rockwell calendar and found ourselves in the middle of a cruel farce.
I got redpilled seeing those victims by the thousands flocking into Saigon after we Napalmed their villages in 68 under our Pacification and Counterinsurgency program after the Tet offensive. Being redpilled at 20 sucks.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 2, 2018 9:28 pm

Okay, Roland Scahill’s a fukkin fagg.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 2, 2018 9:34 pm

Don’t be shy! Tell us what you think.

September 2, 2018 10:28 pm

If you compare Obama to “W” I think the two parties could find a LOT of common ground. And maybe we can build some form of consensus from there, I don’t know.
I used to read Sirota’s stuff when I was still left of center, and most of it made some sense.
I’m still waiting for those 40,000 sealed indictments to kick in. Supposedly the Session’s go-to guy in Utah hasn’t even interviewed Ohr.

September 2, 2018 11:14 pm

They should call Mr. Hussein by his real name, Michael.

Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rocks
September 3, 2018 12:13 am

Ex head of the clowns sitting with more clowns.

September 3, 2018 3:25 am

No mention about Bill, attending the weird show!?!

September 3, 2018 7:36 am

There were some wicked bastards in charge of policy in 1964, too.

Declassified Docs Reveal How the Pentagon Aimed

Declassified Docs Reveal How Pentagon Aimed to Nuke USSR and China Into Oblivion
RT News
September 3, 2018
Click here to listen

Plans for a nuclear war devised by the US Army in the 1960s considered decimating the Soviet Union and China by destroying their industrial potential and wiping out the bulk of their populations, newly declassified documents show.

A review of the US general nuclear war plan by the Joint Staff in 1964, which was recently published by George Washington University’s National Security Archive project, shows how the Pentagon studied options “to destroy the USSR and China as viable societies.”

The review, conducted two years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, devises the destruction of the Soviet Union “as a viable society” by annihilating 70 percent of its industrial floor space during pre-emptive and retaliatory nuclear strikes.

A similar goal is tweaked for China, given its more agrarian-based economy at the time. According to the plan, the US would wipe out 30 major Chinese cities, killing off 30 percent of the nation’s urban population and halving its industrial capabilities. The successful execution of the large-scale nuclear assault would ensure that China “would no longer be a viable nation,” the review reads.

The Joint Staff had proposed to use the “population loss as the primary yardstick for effectiveness in destroying the enemy society with only collateral attention to industrial damage.” This “alarming” idea meant that, as long as urban workers and managers were killed, the actual damage to industrial targets “might not be as important,” the George Washington University researchers said.

The 1964 plan doesn’t specify the anticipated enemy casualty levels, but – as the researchers note – an earlier estimate from 1961 projected that a US attack would kill 71 percent of the residents in major Soviet urban centers and 53 percent of residents in Chinese ones. Likewise, the 1962 estimate predicted the death of 70 million Soviet citizens during a “no-warning US strike” on military and urban-industrial targets.

The Pentagon continues to rely heavily on nuclear deterrence, and – just like in the 1960s – the US nuclear strategy still regards Russian and Chinese military capabilities as main “challenges” faced by Washington. The latest Nuclear Posture Review, adopted in February, outlined “an unprecedented range and mix of threats” emanating from Beijing and Moscow. The document, which mentions Russia 127 times, cites the modernization of the Russian nuclear arsenal as “troubling” for the US.

The existing nuclear strategy also allows the US to conduct nuclear strikes not only in response to enemies’ nuclear attacks, but also in response to “significant non-nuclear strategic attacks” on the US, its allies and partners.

The newest US Nuclear Posture Review was heavily criticized by Russia and China. Moscow denounced the strategy as “confrontational,” while Beijing described the Pentagon’s approach as an example of “Cold-War mentality.”

September 3, 2018 8:12 am

Thanks for your reply. Loved your Norman Rockwell allegory. That pretty well represents growing up in the 50’s and 60’s.
Couple guys in our crew wore black armbands while we were on the gun line so I guess they knew what it was all about. I was so freakin’ naive then.
That does suck getting red pilled at 20. So you’ve had decades of seeing this shit constantly rehashed and have had to deal with the emotions of wondering when will this evil and immorality finally stop and those responsible pay?
Hang in there brother.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 9:28 am

I can add nothing of value beyond the praise that has been offered already. Thank you.

  Hollywood Rob
September 3, 2018 10:51 am

Hey, far from the madding crowd (you a hardy fan?)… are we good on my middle of the night unasked for opinion? I hope it was taken as intended.

September 3, 2018 11:43 am

I thought it fit perfectly.
Are you doing better?? Hope so.

September 3, 2018 2:03 pm

I am much better this past two days, fleabaggs. I’d hoped I could help Hollywood see that people of faith are not necessarily idiots. Misplaced hopes and all that, but come judgment day or a few days after (if we are still here, unraptured tee hee) I hope you will stand up for me and say “She tried, Lord. She tried.”

Perhaps those amongst us, having dumped on someone’s ideas in a haughty manner, who delay returning to our own comments to see if there may have been replies we might could address within the hour, and don’t, should just be pushed toward the next stumble in logic.

The Greeks called it hubris.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 3, 2018 10:54 am

How touching! This sickening circus was so over the top that even the most debauched meth head among us must have seen through it. The tacky military pomp, the manufactured tears, the tsunami of blather, the fat daughter (she alone turned the funeral into a freakshow). By day two everybody in the country was moaning, “Plant the motherfucker already!” How typical of McCain to plan his own funeral, tell the president he was not invited (I am sure Trump was devastated) and bring together every washed-up political whore from sea to shining sea.
We really should be grateful. The whole mess was a perfect reflection of the nastiness of the swamp and came jus tin time for November. Remember this Caligula-like orgy of nonsense when you vote.

i forget
i forget
September 3, 2018 11:11 am

Politics is war of conquest by other means & lower temperatures. It’s all war all the time – & that includes whichever criminals you voted for.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  i forget
September 3, 2018 1:57 pm

I’m with i forget on this one.