Republicans’ Responsibility for Socialism’s Comeback

Guest Post by Ron Paul

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos survey, 70 percent of Americans, including about 50 percent of Republicans, support Medicare for all, the latest incarnation of single-payer health care. Republican support for a health plan labeled “Medicare for all” is not surprising considering that Republican politicians support Medicare and that one of their attacks on Obamacare was that it would harm the program. Furthermore, the biggest expansion of Medicare since its creation — the Part D prescription drug program — occurred under a conservative president working with a conservative Congress.

Conservative Republicans do propose reforming Medicare to reduce its costs, but their proposals are always framed as “saving Medicare,” and most reform plans increase spending. Few conservative Republicans would dare advocate allowing young people to opt out of paying Medicare taxes in exchange for agreeing to forgo Medicare benefits.

Many conservative Republicans favor other government interventions into health care, including many features of Obamacare. In fact, Obamacare’s individual mandate originated as a conservative proposal and was once championed by many leading Republicans. Many other Republicans simply lack the courage to repeal Obamacare, so they say they only want to repeal the “unpopular” parts of the law. It would not be surprising if we soon heard conservatives and Republican politicians talk about defending Obamacare from supporters of socialized medicine.

The same dynamic at work in health care is at work in other areas. For example, the same conservative administration and Congress that created Medicare Part D also dramatically expanded federal control of education with “No Child Left Behind.” Conservative Republicans who (rightly) fight against deficit spending when a Democrat sits in the White House decide that “deficits don’t matter” when the president has an “R” next to his name.

Many Republican politicians — and even conservative intellectuals — will say they are being pragmatic by not fighting progressives on first principles, but instead limiting the damage done by the welfare state. The problem with this line is that, by accepting the premise that government can and should solve all of life’s problems, conservatives and Republicans will inevitably get into a “bidding war” with progressives and Democrats. The only way Republicans can then win is to join Democrats in continually increasing spending and creating new programs. This is why the so-called “conservative welfare state” ends up as bloated and expansive as the progressive welfare state. Refusing to question the premises of the welfarists and socialists is not a pragmatic way to advance liberty.

While progressives blame social crises on the free market, Republicans and conservatives are unwilling to admit the problems were caused by prior government interventions. Thus the passage of Dodd-Frank was aided by claims that the housing bubble was created by deregulation, while Obamacare’s passage benefited from widespread misconception that America had a free-market health care system prior to 2010.

Until a popular intellectual movement arises that is able and willing to challenge the premises of Keynesianism, welfarism, and democratic socialism, while putting forth a positive vision of a free society, government will continue to expand. Fortunately, such a movement exists and is growing as more Americans — particularly young Americans— are studying the ideas of Liberty and working to spread those ideas. If the new liberty movement grows and stays true to its principles, it will be able to defeat the socialists of all parties, including those who call themselves conservative.

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A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
September 17, 2018 11:48 am

As always, Ron Paul states the truth for our time.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
  A. R. Wasem
September 18, 2018 5:39 am

No, he lulls the last thinking fraction of American society to sleep with silly notions such as “Conservative Republicans” and the existence of conservatism in general.

Ron Paul and writers of his ilk are the exalted champions of armchair patriots.

September 17, 2018 12:40 pm

I applaud Ron Paul for continuing to speak truth to power, even though power will never listen.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 17, 2018 1:14 pm

The youth and low IQ populations want it all and they want it now; they are not smart enough to care about consequences; they sure aren’t being warned by the media or schools to pay as you go or go broke; quite the opposite message is being pounded into their weak minds: Social Justice is Equality of Outcome, From each according to his means to each according to his needs, and the End justifies the Means. Every successful Democracy will reach a Demographic tipping point and then vote themselves it all; then run out of other people’s money. It is the natural course of events when there was a Low IQ minority with a high birth rate (or an open borders accelerator) that results in a majority of ignorant voters. If Maxine Waters is the Woman of the Year and Nov2018 is the High Point of The Great Socialist Society Blue Wave, it’s Crash won’t be far behind.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  robert h siddell jr
September 17, 2018 5:57 pm

You are correct Robert now the BUT my wife and I lived the pay as you go , saved frugally invested wisely lived modestly did fine . Now we are screwed by low intrest rates protecting the paracitic groups that surround us and continually demand more from our shrinking modest incomes . Next we know the property tax that we will eventually be unable to meet with other rising expenses and then the badge wearing minions forcing us into the street so our property can be auctioned off to cover their 20 and out retirement . This is feudalism in the making and you and I are the serfs left with only what others in the big club allow us to have . Breath that Free Air you should be able to smell the gangrenous stench nationwide by now !

September 17, 2018 4:07 pm

The king of pork is bashing Republicans…..

September 17, 2018 4:48 pm

Hey Ron. You mean the repos and the dummos are in cahoots? That there is a 2 party duopoly that only leads to more government, more debt and more war no matter the bullshitter/carnival barker “in charge”? No shit Sherlock.

Vote, my ass. And tell Rand where you heard it.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 17, 2018 5:39 pm

Ron Paul has a federally tax payer funded retirement and health insurence yet some how the private sector health insurence and retirement investment market is allowed to feed on the rest of us and after we are picked clean and bankrupted then and only then will we be told tough shit I got mine !
No more fully funded benefits by companies and salaries to low to fund the difference . Who dreamed up the 401k plan wow now you are in command of your retirement future competing against computer flash trades and in the end you put up 100 % of the funds absorb 100% of any losses but only recieve 30% of the gains in the end . I wonder who dreamed that plan up for us ? The circle jerk of Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street no doubt . Of course they are all fully funded with bonus and bailout even when they as a group fuck everything up over and over as a normal course of their daily cluster fuck .
It’s all so polluted and convoluted that FUBAR is our real destiny as a nation now and most people will be left to BOHICA

  Boat Guy
September 17, 2018 6:01 pm
September 17, 2018 6:09 pm

Mr. Liberty,thanks for pointing that out about Mr. Paul.

September 17, 2018 5:53 pm

One doesn’t need to even read Ron’s comments to know. The GOP has NO principles upon which to stand that run counter to socialism. Talk is cheap, so that is all they have. Votes on the other hand require principles and commitment. As a start, you simply cannot claim to be against socialism and continue to support the government monopoly school system. No greater example of socialism exists in our society, and none that is more destructive to the fabric of liberty.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 18, 2018 5:09 pm

The parents sending their kids to private schools at their own expense should get to write off the portion of property taxes that go to public schools.

September 17, 2018 6:29 pm

the fact that republicans once supported an individual mandate is the reason obamacare has not been repealed,don’t kid yourself–
many republicans still know what is best for us & when the time is right they’ll paint over obamacare & call it something else–

September 17, 2018 8:04 pm

EVERY ONE of their plans is fundamentally based on the belief that GOVERNMENT, not the individual consumer or the interconnected businesses, knows BEST how the complex marketplace of insurance, medical services, etc. should be operated. Central planning is a tenet of all socialist/communist systems. That they are NOT calling for the elimination of the business tax benefit for insurance coverage, NOT calling for the end of interstate restrictions on insurance sales (the ONLY proper application of the so-called “interstate commerce clause”), are NOT calling for an end to all government intervention into the marketplace, are NOT calling for an end to the war on drugs, etc. only further reinforces their love of socialism, central planning, and government control of people’s lives. And YES, obviously the democrats aren’t calling for any of this either. The Constitution and Libertarian parties always have however.

September 17, 2018 8:06 pm

You can’t support both socialism/communism and private property rights at the same time. Socialism/Communism rely on taking one person’s income and giving it to another against the earners will.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernedbygraceofgod
September 18, 2018 5:46 am

I stopped reading at “Conservative Republican”.

The time YOU spend reading Ron Paul and COLUMNISTS OF HIS ILK would be better spent oiling your guns, reading nonfiction, fishing, or watching the grass grow.