Via Knuckledraggin

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September 19, 2018 9:17 am

The next one should just read “Beta”

September 19, 2018 9:35 am

So when you see someone covered in tattoos, it is probably not inappropriate to make serious and unflattering assumptions regarding their sexual behavior. It may in fact ALL be a “coverup.”

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
September 19, 2018 9:35 am

Tatoos, self-mutilation, tramp stamps……………………………..

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 19, 2018 9:54 am

Some people have a thing for carnies. Some people think chain link fences are nice.

September 19, 2018 1:42 pm

Tattoo Story

I met a fellow Grunt Marine in a physical therapy center in Okinawa after we both had been wounded in Nam. After we both were able to walk we started taking liberty together. Interesting fun guy we nicknamed Tarzan…he could do the Jungle King clarion call better then Carol Burnett…however he reserved belting it out only after visiting a “geisha,” which means “mysterious woman”.

He was very popular with the “mysterious women” they would all come out of their rooms smiling and grinning when Tarzan was walking down the hallway beating his chest and belting out his obvious satisfaction.

Anyway, Tarzan had two other unusual characteristics: He was a big muscular Marine with huge biceps, but across the top of one bicep was an inch high scar that ran across his entire arm that looked like he may have gotten splashed with Napalm, but the borders were too neat for that type of wound…and the scar looked like it was dozens of circular burn scars connected to one another.

Tarzan also had a jagged star shaped piece of something on a dog-tag chain he wore around his neck. He was always staring into space unconscionably sucking on it while rubbing his unusual bicep scar with the tip of his fingers from his opposite hand.

Then one night we both were a little drunk and started sharing our stories.

I asked him what was the jagged star shaped thing dangling with his dog-tags? He told me it was a piece of the skull of an NVA soldier who was in a spider hole and had shot and killed his best friend right next to him, then he put a full magazine into the NVA’s head. For some reason he had picked the skull piece up and now wore it. I decided to change the subject and then asked him about the bicep scar, asking him was it Napalm that was dropped short? He said no, it was the name of his high school girl friend, they were engaged but she had sent him a Dear John letter . Tarzan said after he read the letter he sat down in a bunker with a bottle of booze and the biggest cigar he could find and removed her name.

Then he smiled…beat his chest and said:

September 19, 2018 11:30 pm

The best part of my latest divorce is that the ex-wife had to remove/cover a 3 inch tattoo that said Rico è il mio amore.