Georgetown University responds amid backlash to prof’s ‘white men’ tweet, Twitter suspends account

Via Campus Reform

Twitter suspended and removed verification from Georgetown University Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair‘s account on Tuesday, following a string of tweets in which she suggested that white Republican senators “deserved miserable deaths while feminists laugh” and that people should “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

A Twitter spokesperson told Campus Reform that the professor’s account was suspended in error the first time. The account was restored hours later and the professor wasted no time in further expressing her views on the platform.

[RELATED: Georgetown prof: White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing ‘deserve miserable deaths’]

“Fox News Failed to silence me.  Thank you all for sending @Twitter messages of support. I do NOT and NEVER have condoned violence. My tweet, as I have explained, was an attempt to make YOU as UNCOMFORTABLE as I am using the language of the abuse I receive[d] by the hundreds,” Fair tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.

“And let’s be very clear: Fox News says it cares about ‘campus safety’ while DELIBERATELY stoking angry herds to threaten the very safety of the same. Fox News and its minions is a mouthpiece of this anti-woman, racist, xphobic, bigoted regime,” Fair added.

Not long after Fair’s account was restored, however, it was once again suspended. Twitter did not return a request for comment from Campus Reform when asked why the account was suspended, restored, and then suspended again.

Fair’s Twitter suspension followed a tweet she sent over the weekend in which she suggested that Republican senators “deserve miserable deaths.”

“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on September 27, referencing a video of “Lindsey Graham’s tirade” during Thursday’s hearing with Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,” Fair concluded the tweet.

“GOP doesn’t care about women,” Fair tweeted a week earlier. “We knew this. Fuck them.”

[RELATED: Georgetown prof: ‘Kreepy Kavanaugh,’ ‘GOP doesn’t care about women…F*** them’] 

Campus Reform contacted Fair following both tweets. She responded by personally attacking both reporters on her blog site, the “Tenacious Hellpussy.” She describes the page as “A NASTY WOMAN POSTING FROM THE FRONTLINES OF FUCKERY.”

In her post, “When ‘Aunt Lydia’ of Campus Reform Tried to Launch Another Harassment Campaign: This is what she got,” Fair compared a female Campus Reform correspondent to Aunt Lydia from the Handmaid’s Tale. Aunt Lydia is a female character in the novel and show who works for the men to help them abuse other women.

“And you, Aunt Lydia, are a potential victim of this war as well even though you shill for those persons and institutions who sustain it and seek to perpetuate it,” Fair said in the post. “Do you think your potential assailant will care that you enable the patriarchal structures that devalue our lives and the work we do and construct legal structures that privilege the attacker? Do you think complicit women and lousy men will be less likely to slut shame you because you are one of their paid-keyboards? No, Aunt Lydia.”

In a separate post, “When Campus Reform Tried to Bully Me: The ‘Reporter’ got This Response,” Fair accused another Campus Reform correspondent of “bullying” her in response to an email asking for clarification and comment regarding one of the professor’s tweets.

[RELATED: Georgetown called out for urging donations to left-wing groups]

“You know what you’ll never see? A room full of man-hating female (cis or trans) legislators sitting around a table discussing coverage for your Viagra, your Cialis, your prostate preventative care, your prostate cancer, your gynecomastia (moobs if you will) if it becomes cancerous, etc.” she wrote in response to a request for comment from Campus Reform.

Amelia Irvine, a senior at Georgetown University, responded to Fair’s conduct in a statement to Campus Reform.

“It’s laughable that Twitter recognizes that Christine Fair’s comments were outside the bounds of civil discourse, while Georgetown University refuses to do so,” Irvine said. “Why won’t Georgetown clearly tell professors and students that calling for violence against others is unacceptable?”

“Georgetown urges members of our community to engage in robust, but respectful dialogue,” a Georgetown spokesman told Campus Reform.  “While we protect speech and expression, we condemn uncivil and disrespectful discourse that is inconsistent with our values.”

“The views of faculty members expressed in their private capacities are their own and not the views of the University. Our policy does not prohibit speech based on the person presenting ideas or the content of those ideas, even when those ideas may be difficult, controversial or objectionable. While faculty members may exercise freedom of speech, we expect their classrooms and interaction with students to be free of bias and geared toward thoughtful, respectful dialogue.”

[RELATED: Georgetown advisor hopes Allie Stuckey has ‘#metoo moment’]

In a separate statement, Georgetown University President John DeGioia added “we can and do strongly condemn the use of violent imagery, profanity, and insensitive labeling of individuals based on gender, ethnicity or political affiliation in any form of discourse. Such expressions go against our values.”

Nicole Neily, president of Speech First, offered a different perspective. Neily recalled the fact that Georgetown has adopted a version of the Chicago statement, which states, in part, “it is not the proper role of a university to insulate individuals from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive. Deliberation or debate may not be suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the University community to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or ill-conceived.”

Neily then added: “Were Dr. Fair’s comments offensive, unwise, and ill-conceived? Yes. Should she be censured, suspended, fired, or otherwise punished for them? I don’t think so.”

A spokeswoman for University of Detroit Mercy President Dr. Antoine Garibaldi, who serves on Georgetown’s Board of Directors, told Campus Reform that Garibaldi “would not be comfortable commenting [for the story] because this is a Georgetown matter.”

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October 3, 2018 10:04 am

When the looney professor at Evergreen College got stirred up, enrollment the following year went down 20-25%. It’ll be interesting to see how far Georgetown’s falls. The alumni need to spank that nut job.

October 3, 2018 10:48 am

She should just settle down and bake a pan of oatmeal cookies.

October 3, 2018 11:32 am

That’s what your mother would do, Kerry. Fortunately, Ford is NOT your mother, BuckO.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 12:47 pm

Ford? Are you talking about that lying bitch Christine Blasey Ford whose ex-boyfriend just blew her whole story AND connected the dots between Ford and her BFF Monica McLean – the ex FBI employee (and Rehoboth Beach, DE resident) with whom Ford was camped out while they put the finishing touches on Ford’s bullshit story? Because Ford has nothing to do with this story, you stupid cunt.

  Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 2:01 pm

That’s Dr. Ford to you, Is-ka-Moron-with-infinitesimally-small-penis-that-matches-atrophied-brain.


October 3, 2018 10:53 am

The muslims get some things right. If she was a Saudi spewing out shit like that she’d get what she deserved. All that indignation based on unproven unprovable claims. How much actual proven and well documented shit has gone down in the time since Kavanaugh was in college? And you wont hear these people talking about any of it. Not one god damn word.

October 3, 2018 11:30 am

The learned professor is wholeheartedly correct to lambaste the Misogynists that are crawling out of the woodwork like Cockroaches to disseminate their wholeheartedly sexist brand of hatred towards women like their mothers, sisters, aunts, & grandmothers en masse.

Women have been abused & assaulted en masse for centuries & millennia. It’s about time that all legislatures recognize that male dominated political spheres are primarily now defunct given the prevailing bias towards women throughout politics in North America & EU countries.

Ford’s assertions are to be believed & accepted.

Fuck you, Republican slimebags n’ douchewhores!


October 3, 2018 11:38 am

Hey Master ,eat shit and die for us real white men.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 11:45 am

I hope MOU is laying some sarcasm on us. If not I heartily agree with your sentiment and would amplify it considerably.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
  Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 11:51 am

If it is not sarcasm HR then TBP has picked up a troll. Not a very good one though as it seems to fit the lowest category: “Flaccid White with Extra Soy”

October 3, 2018 12:15 pm

If you read up on the history of Psychodynamic Theory you will encounter Professor Emeritus Alfred Adler who was instrumental in overcoming disability due to body morphology. In your case, BB, you can overcome the inferiority complex that you have over your small penis, and you will not have to react with uncontrollable feelings of inferiority whenever women make you feel insufficiently equipped to deal with their collective consciousness.

Sell the truck, BB.


October 3, 2018 12:44 pm

Poor quality trolling, Mr. Soros is very disappointed…
For the low low price of $500, the Pyrrhic school of trolling can help you to become a top notch paid troll!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 12:51 pm

Bitter feminists are resentful because they need men all day everyday. They drive cars built by men on roads engineered and built by men, eat food raised by men, use power generated by men, depend upon police who are 95% men, use an internet developed and maintained by men, fly in planes invented, built and piloted by men, use smart phones created and programmed by men, etc. etc. etc.

  Iska Waran
October 3, 2018 2:05 pm

Where do you think so-called ‘men’ come from, Is-a-Moron?


Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 3:40 pm

Made in “the image and likeness of God.”

  Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 7:12 pm

Jesus Christ had parents according to my King James Bible. Believing he was conceived via immaculate conception is a stretch genetically & phenotypically.
And if God had made man in his own image we know that Don Knotts or Marty
Feldman would be a more apt likeness. Perhaps God looks like Phillis Diller or
even Ethel Murman or Whoopie Goldberg?

How about Sarah Silverman?


October 3, 2018 2:09 pm

Hate much, Master of Universe?!?!?!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 11:42 am

I keep hearing about this fuquetard “Handmaid” shit show and am really grateful I have never been forced to endure even a second of it. I must be doing something right since none of my daughters or wife watch this scheiss either. If I could just figure out how to block TLC so the Mrs. would quit with “90 Day Fiance”………….

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 9:27 pm

I watched about a half dozen episodes before it finally dawned on me that it wasn’t supposed to be a sitcom.

Silly me.

Am loving the newest contributor, very funny stuff. It should try and get a writing gig on The Handmaid’s Tale.

October 3, 2018 11:47 am

i would like to see men flood Planned Parenthood asking for reproductive health assistance. i would like to see anyone care about prostate cancer the way they do breast cancer, including special events and monthly awareness campaigns. i would like to see women replacing roofs, farming, collecting garbage and fighting war directly before they whine about the patriarchal system. i would love to see men get equal rights in divorce and custody cases. i would greatly appreciate young boys taught that masculinity is a virtue rather than a shame. i would like to see the end of these double standards – maybe some day.

October 3, 2018 11:50 am

Universities rarely fire the crazies they hire, and too many parents have no clue what brainwashing they pay for. There is a solution, but it’s not polite.

October 3, 2018 12:32 pm

Reminds me of the end of a Flannery O’Connor story, where the Misfit says “she would have been a good woman if she had been shot every day.”

October 3, 2018 12:44 pm

It is important as college alums and (paying) parents of students to convey to college officials to put a lid on social justice bull shit from their “studies” departments or your donations will cease and kinderspawn will be attending other schools.

October 3, 2018 1:30 pm

Someone on twitter made the connection that Christine Fair is the same angry Jewish woman who confronted and had Richard Spencer thrown out of the gym when he was just there minding his own business working out. This woman is flat fucking crazy.

October 3, 2018 1:33 pm

Fair is also a warmonger with strong links to the CIA and the CFR. Check her wiki bio:

October 3, 2018 1:53 pm

Hey, everyone, just leave her be! More than that, ask her to continue.

October 3, 2018 2:06 pm

I thought Georgetown University was a Catholic University???

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 3, 2018 3:01 pm

“Was”…operative tense. True for a long time now. looooonnnnggg time.

October 3, 2018 6:03 pm

One to the forehead,and just keep walking.

Cleveland Rocks
Cleveland Rocks
October 4, 2018 12:16 am

Chairman Mao knew how to deal with college professors. Close the universities and send them to the rice paddies.

October 4, 2018 12:37 am

MOU….I thought I knew you… were the model for the Ken doll’s genitalia…..thank God yah’ can’take reproduce.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 4, 2018 7:03 am

To MOU be sure to hide behind your skirt and use criticism when your thoughts and beliefs are challenged .
Like it or not it was and still is a society built and maintained by a majority of white men . It is also a majority of white men that defend that society so you can sit back and belittle all who make your feminist anti white male opinions public .
Men are not without faults through history , such is the human condition . You however seem prepared to cast the first stone without a workable intelligent alternative . I suggest you dump the pink vagina hat and done that thinking cap !
I am a husband of 44 years experience and a father of girls for 22 of those years , perfect no way but I’m there every day 24/7/365 !

October 4, 2018 9:08 am

Turns out this crazy woman Fair has a blog titled the “Tenacious Hellpussy”

And still employed by Georgetown.

Clown. World.