Your kids hate your smartphone addiction

Via Cnet

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I can’t stay off my phone. And I’m afraid it’s hurting my 2-year-old son.

Sometimes it’s a breaking news story that draws me in, other times it’s boredom. Whatever it is, this device in my hands — which gives me access to nearly all human knowledge plus all the cat videos I could ever want — is constantly calling for my attention.

Setting boundaries with my smartphone hasn’t been easy. I’ll sometimes sneak a quick glance at headlines when I’m in line at the grocery store or when we’re waiting to see our son’s pediatrician. Once I tapped on an alert during a religious service.

My wife, Laura, first realized I would have a problem when she saw my excitement ahead of Apple‘s iPhone launch in 2007. For years, she’s told me I’m being rude when I look at my phone. Now we talk about whether my behavior is affecting our toddler, Theodore.

“I’m worried that in the future, he’s going to feel like we weren’t active parents,” she says. “It’s just very frustrating.”

I’m not alone in my screen addiction. The average US consumer now spends about five hours a day on a mobile device, according to data analytics firm Flurry. That number skews even higher for young adults. Nearly 40 percent of those aged 18 to 29 are online “almost constantly,” the Pew Research Center found, and nine times out of 10 they’re using a mobile device.

Our brains make us do it.

That’s because all those mobile alerts, notifications and online search results give us a sense of reward and surprise whenever we see them cross that little screen. This feeling triggers the brain to produce dopamine, the chemical that causes us to seek out food, sex and drugs — and leads to addictive behavior. Dopamine is at its most stimulating when the rewards come on an unpredictable schedule, just like phone alerts. All of which means there are plenty of new parents spending too much time staring at their phones. Parents like me.

That raises a question: How does our device addiction affect the adorable little sponges we’re rearing? Theodore already picks up random objects, holds them to his ear and says, “Hello!”

I set out to learn the answer.

Them time

Anecdotal evidence suggests your kids really do resent your smartphone obsession.

Earlier this year, second-graders at a Louisiana elementary school were assigned to write a homework essay on an invention they wish had never been created. Four out of 21 students chose the smartphone, according to Jen Beason, the teacher who posted the now-private responses on her Facebook page.

He’s playing with his toy train. I’m glued to my phone. James Martin/CNET

“I don’t like the phone because my [parents] are on their phone every day,” one second-grader wrote. “A phone is sometimes a really bad [habit]. I hate my mom’s phone and I wish she never had one.”

The post was shared more than 261,000 times, according to USA Today.

There’s also a growing body of research showing that parents’ phone distractions can make kids feel unimportant, sad, mad, angry and lonely. In one study, babies became uncomfortable and fussy when they saw their parents shift from a happy face to a resting face (our usual expressions when reading a smartphone.)

Parents’ technoference, as it’s called, can also cause our kids to misbehave.

One study observing parents and caregivers on their phones in a fast-food restaurant found children were more prone to act out in a bid for attention. Another published by the journal Child Development examined reports from 170 two-parent families of 3-year-old kids.

That study looked at whether parents’ phone usage — things like checking texts during dinner, playtime or other activities — interrupted time engaged with their children. The researchers asked them to report how often their kids whined, sulked or became irritable, easily frustrated or hyperactive over a two-month period. The study concluded that even “normal” levels of technoference correlated with children’s behavior.

“We deserve some downtime, an escape, something more intellectually stimulating at times,” Brandon McDaniel, co-author of the study, wrote in a blog for Institute for Family Studies. Yet it’s important to know that being distracted by our phones “could potentially influence every aspect of parenting quality, leading you to be less in sync with your child’s cues, to misinterpret your child’s needs, to respond more harshly than usual and to respond much too long after the need arose.”

Yes, I’m still on my phone. James Martin/CNET

Some parents have already begun to draw a hard line around their phone use.

“It’s almost better to sit and stare into space instead of staring at your phone,” says Graham Charles, a stay-at-home dad who blogs about his experiences at “If you’re staring at your phone, you’re sucked in.”

Me time

That’s all well and good, but is it realistic?

“You can’t always say your child will come before your phone,” says Judith Myers-Walls, a professor emerita at Purdue University in human development and family studies. The question, she says, is “How can I model for my child a positive way to use this?”

The answer I heard time and again from child development experts is balance and moderation.

If it looks like Theodore is playing on his own, then it’s OK for me to grab my phone or take a breather. But I have to be smart about it. I can play on my phone and still take regular breaks to check in with him, tell him the train track he’s built looks cool, hug him and then go back to what I was doing.

“We can expect kids at a certain point to be able to entertain themselves,” says Dr. Harvey Karp, founder of Happiest Baby, a startup named after his chart-topping book, The Happiest Baby on the Block.

If Theodore’s seeking my attention, that’s another matter. Ignoring him for too long can make him feel less important than the weird rectangular thing in my hand. On the plus side, making him wait a little bit can teach him the value of patience. Karp suggests setting a minute timer so Theodore knows when I’m done. But I have to stick to it, too.

And if I have to use my phone in front of Theodore while he wants my attention, a good strategy might be to tell him what I’m doing, like answering an email or looking up the answer to a question I’ve been wondering about.

If these guidelines seem squishy, it’s because they are. A lot of the research focuses on extremes.

“Parents have to cut themselves some slack,” says Karp. “They deserve downtime.”

I still worry, of course. That nagging feeling probably won’t ever go away.

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October 7, 2018 3:36 pm

I hate my smartphone addiction.

October 7, 2018 3:45 pm

The first step is admitting you have a problem, I hear. I think there are a dozen steps total, but I’ve never made it past ONE.

October 7, 2018 3:41 pm

The kids may hate them early on, but I notice toddlers at younger and younger ages with a phone in hand playing some sort of game or looking at a video. Sometimes they are in a baby carrier with the phone.

While it makes perfect sense to teach a clever child how to use a phone, it doesn’t make sense to get them addicted to the angry birds too early.

Words to the Wise
Words to the Wise
October 7, 2018 11:25 pm

And how many even think of the severe health damage that they are causing by the high level Electro-magnetic frequencies given off by these electronics? Once our health is gone and that of our children – we cannot get it back. The upcoming 5G and all smart phones cause serious human, animal and plant diseases – cancer, immune system disorders, brain tumors, neurological issues from wifi, cell phone towers –
For God sake people wake up -do your due diligence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 7, 2018 3:54 pm

I installed the latest version software for my iphone 6 last week. I was surprised when I received an alert today telling me I spent 31 minutes of screen time weekly. I assume that was a daily average. Not too bad imo.
And I have read a few recent articles about the same issue recently. Good awareness information

As my two grand kids. 3 and 6, live next door I welcome their visits and try to spend time with them outside watching them play every day, especially on the weekends. The 6 year old boy came over this morning and spent two hours with me. He asked me if I was playing a game on my desktop. I told him I was studying to make myself smarter. He spent time on his kiddy ipad for a spell as I read posts. And then I broke my fast, making sammies for us both. Then we played dice games, mostly me watching him stack the 20 dice I keep handy. He has mastered the numbers and the orders of combinations. Then he wanted to ride his bike outside. So I watched ride and oiled his rusty chain for him. It is so flattering to see him vie for my attention.

A mantra of my youth was children should be seen and not heard. And also, do not speak unless spoken to. And as Yogi Berra said, You can observe a lot by just watching. I see so clearly now how kids imprint on adult behaviours. Monkey see, monkey do. Cue Harry Chapin’s Cats in the Cradle

What pleases me greatly is my son and his wife are terrific parents who give their kids great attention, with care and much love, balanced with appropriate expectations of behaviour.

Words to the Wise
Words to the Wise
October 7, 2018 11:13 pm

It’s really sad to see parents spending so much time with their handheld idol and so little time with their children who crave their parents love and attention. No wonder this younger generation is one ever took the time to teach them right from wrong because the parents were too busy worshiping their gold and silver idol and multitudes of their “facebook friends.” All to build up inflated egos with all the “friends.”

But much more tragic is the public schools immediately hand the child a “screen” – “early indoctrination education” so the little robots to be never have to critically think for themselves, just press buttons that do it all for them. If you don’t use it – your brain – you lose it! Think about it!!! Those who still can.

Then again there’s the human trafficking evidence when parents are so proud of their little ones and their accomplishments as if the parents deserve all the cudos for what the parents never accomplished…and NEVER THINKING that for every time someone (your child) logs onto a social media site there are already a million – THAT’S MILLION’s OF PREDATORS READY TO TAKE THE LITTLE ONES AWAY, never to be seen again until little Johnny or Mary’s pictures are plastered on the side of the milk carton “Have you seen me??”

We’ve easily given up our right to privacy and the privacy of our children, and our responsible parenting to the god of social media and the gold and silver idol of babylon. And it will one day come back to bite us!

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
October 10, 2018 4:15 pm

Just another fucking asshole.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
October 10, 2018 4:18 pm

Okay let me clarify, I have a 31 month old great grand son I am responsible for. I don’t let him do shit that is part of the video.