We’ll Remember In November: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

We'll Remember In November: This Kavanaugh Witch Hunt Is Radicalizing Us Normals

When you get a call from a fellow hardcore conservative and, his voice bristling with uncertainty and confusion, he confesses “I, I love the new Lindsey Graham,” you know something is up. Even McCain’s MiniMe, who has rarely passed up an opportunity to irritate us battlecons, can’t stomach this garbage slander from his garbage colleagues.

The fact is that this whole disgusting Brett Kavanaugh grift has radicalized both Normals who usually avoid politics (thereby demonstrating their wisdom) and alleged conservatives who have been living in a fantasy world where our opponents were good faith friends who just disagree with us on some issues. TheCirque de Kavanaugh disgrace put an end to that comforting delusion.

If only someone had written a hilarious book about how Normal Americans woke up to the fact that the people who presume to lead our society hate our guts. Oh wait, I have. It’s called Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy and I can swear in it, which is necessary to adequately describe the people attempting to destroy the foundations of our freedom to secure their grubby little slice of the pie. And this attack on Kavanaugh, which Normals rightly see is an attack on them, has cranked the tune that started with electing Trump to ear-shattering volume.

Why, look at the polls. Can you hear us now, libs?

Some of us were already there. Some of us always saw the lies. Some of us always saw the fraud that was the elite’s alleged concern for things like due process. But some of us wanted to believe in the good faith of our opponents despite all the mounting evidence. Some of us were suckers. 

They went after a guy who, despite his credentials, lives like a Normal. He coached his kids team. He went to church. He liked beer. He still likes beer. He also liked UB40, but nobody’s perfect.

Even the gimpiest of conservagimps can’t pretend that the attack on Kavanaugh isn’t an attack on us. The last few weeks has made it impossible for them to live in denial any longer. Hell, when Bret Stephens wakes the hell up you know the alarm is going off. At this rate, next we will see anti-Trump sex symbol George Will announce that the Democrats have been “unsporting.”

Oh, there are still a few simpering Fredocons out there desperately hoping that they can get things  back to normal, which means showing their bellies and gobbling up the occasional scrap from the liberal establishment table. Jeff Flake’s cowardice in the face of a pair of shrieking leftists is one example. Ben Sasse, who writes books no one reads about how we aren’t as moral as him, decided to go AWOL while a good man’s reputation was being slaughtered, only to poke his head up to go after Donald Trump for daring to,point out the myriad holes in the accuser’s ever-changing story. Pathetic. There’s a strain of conservatism that is simply gutless; the good news is that pretty soon we will kick all of these dorks out of office and they can go ahead and headline some of Bill Kristol’s cruises.

But the rest of us are woke, and getting woker . We are red-pilled, and getting red-pillier. We are getting, you might say, militant.

See, we Normals get that if they can do this to Brett Kavanaugh, they can do this to anyone. If they win, they can destroy anyone Normal, or Normal-friendly, by a mere accusation (Notice how none of this applies to the elite – since they really don’t care about sexual abuse, their own gross collection of woman beaters, abusers, and pervs get a pass). This is the left’s dream tool. They don’t have to prove anything. They simply have to point, screech “Witch!” and their enemy disappears like in that bizarro universe Star Trekepisode where Spock had a beard.

But it has become clear that we are not accepting this, because to accept this is to accept our own submission to these goofs in perpetuity. At first, the response was anecdotal. Hugh Hewitt had a bunch of women callers dial in, all of them irate, in what he described to me as an unprecedented “avalanche.” I personally got emails from center right folks, Normals, who do not like politics. In fact, they hate politics. But now they are paying attention. And they are mad. Every man knows he has a bull’s-eye on his back. Every woman knows her husband, brother, or son could be next. These people aren’t afraid of men being held accountable for things they did, but of false accusations that liberals would strip them of their ability to defend themselves against.

The attempted human sacrifice of Brett Kavanaugh on the altar of unrestricted abortion is too much for them. And now the polls are making it clear that that they are angry, ticked off, and ready to low crawl over jagged glass shards to vote against the Democrats who instigated this atrocity.

Sure, anecdotes are tricky. But the polls are less so. Heidi Heitkamp is gone. She’s toast. Claire McCaskill, toast. That goofy guy in Indiana, looking bad. Manchin? He knows what time it is, so he might weasel through.

We are not going to forget what happened here. And this is going to have a lasting impact, but not one the Democrats are going to like. As my friend, the fabulous Larry O’Connor, observes, Andrew Brietbart was radicalized by the Clarence Thomas hearings and the manifest injustice that this brave man endured at the hands of lying, hypocritical Democrats like noted aquatic Oldsmobile operator Ted Glug Glug Vroom Vroom Kennedy.

Hey Dems, we’re woke, and your go-to tactic of destroying our people? Broke.

See ya next month.

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October 8, 2018 7:09 am

While a victory(?)as some of Kavanaughs rulings seem to refute that at least in regards to the 4th this is just a blip on the screen in the big picture,the uni party must be destroyed completely if this republic(?) can ever get back on track.

October 8, 2018 7:14 am

Another democrat vs. republican article. Bad news, you’re both alike and you’re both wrong. Same animal, not different.

October 8, 2018 7:52 am

99% of the time– but the court is different. For 60 years or so the left leaning court has been the ultimate arbiter in giving us increased radical feminism, degrading our schools, racial quotas and the racist Affirmative Action. Normalizing homosexuality and now the promotion of homosexuality and even transvestites in the classroom are protected by liberal law– as the will of the majority gets the finger.
At the least we will staunch the flow for a while, at best we may reverse some of this insanity and degradation.

October 8, 2018 8:48 am

“For 60 years or so the left leaning court has been the ultimate arbiter in giving us increased radical feminism……”


When Roe VS. Wade was decided, six of the nine justices on the supreme court were republican appointed. For the last 40 years republican appointed justices have outnumbered democrat appointed justices. Roe VS. Wade still stands.

A 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, legalized abortion by a 7-2 vote. Six of the seven justices in the majority were Republican appointees. The only Democrat appointee, Byron White, voted against Roe v. Wade.

The left vs. right, democrat vs. republican narrative has you deluded just like all of the other sheep that believes their votes count.

October 8, 2018 9:10 am

Republicans can be, and were left leaning in DC…Don’t be a retard.

October 8, 2018 9:31 am

Kavanaugh is a republican. I guess that fact eluded you. Since you resort to name calling, because you can’t formulate a debate, makes you a bad ass, right?

October 8, 2018 10:51 am

I didn’t say anything about roe vs wade

October 8, 2018 9:23 am

Only one side is right about the use of false accusations as a political weapon…you’re obviously not on the right side, libertard.

October 8, 2018 11:04 am

No, they are NOT the same animal… Kav is a center-right guy, hardly a far-right type. But it is the far Left libtards that are attacking him, and causing all of the ruckus! If Trump had nominated someone outrageous like Alex Jones (LOL), I could see the uproar, but not this guy. And every normie, center-left, center-right, and conservative can see what’s going on. Dont play the Marxist-Media’s game of division on this artificially engineered fiasco.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 8, 2018 11:07 pm

A lot of people think that when Ginsberg croaks, her replacement should Amy Coney Barrett, but I think Trump should go even more right wing: Justice Ted Nugent.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
October 8, 2018 7:26 am

Any real conservatives are freeze-dried or doing hard time.

The notion that genuine conservatives still walk the Earth is right up there with Nessie and Bigfoot.

October 8, 2018 7:35 am

Well, I will say this. The Great Orange roused my spirits when he filleted that trollop Ford the other day. All the beating around the bush because she was a woman had my stomach churning. I was damn happy when he went off script and called her out on her bullshit. I never want to hear another damn story about how someone, somewhere, sometime grabbed me and wanted some. For fuck sake, kids have been wanting some, and getting some, for thousands of years. And in a few short years these feminist loony tunes want to make it where boys and girls are too shit scared to make a pass. To hell with them and that.

October 8, 2018 9:39 am

They already are too scared to make a pass. They use Tinder hook-ups and porn to satiate their baser needs. Girls typically claim to be bi- and use each other as well to deal with the increasing sexual isolation.

Our society is in deep trouble.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 8, 2018 11:11 pm

I talked to a coworker today (woman) who said she believes Ford. This is a woman (my coworker) who disbelieves her own flesh and blood daughter’s accusation of rape by her stepbrother. “She’s a little lying bitch”, she says. And yet she claims to believe Ford. Unbelievable.

October 8, 2018 8:03 am

“Ben Sasse, who writes books no one reads about how we aren’t as moral as him…” that caught my eye and tickled my moral compass.

This made me laugh.

“This is the left’s dream tool. They don’t have to prove anything. They simply have to point, screech “Witch!” and their enemy disappears like in that bizarro universe Star Trekepisode where Spock had a beard.”

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 8, 2018 8:21 am

The Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee tried to take Brett’s head based on lies but ended up taking a knee (in the nuts). Dr Fruitcake told a tall tale only Useful Idiots believe. Democrats don’t ever let the Truth get in their way: if they take the House, they’ll Impeach Trump and Brett (the stupid Commie SOBs). They are the slimy Traitors that need to be Impeached.

Old Krank
Old Krank
  robert h siddell jr
October 8, 2018 10:18 am

I have a strong gut feeling that if impeachment hearings begin for either Trump or Kavanaugh, there will be more than a few representatives and senators permanently missing roll call.

That, or it’s yesterday’s sushi disagreeing with me.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  robert h siddell jr
October 8, 2018 4:59 pm

If R’s hold the Senate a Dhimmicrap house would just waste their time for nought with all their stupid ideas and revenge. In the mean time el Presidente goes to the Supreme Court to have congressional apportionment based on citizens and legal aliens and then the Progs disappear from Congress the next go around.
I can dream can’t I?

October 8, 2018 9:09 am

So the two fat lesbian affirmative action hires, who both voted to inflict gay “marriage” on an unwilling population, aren’t happy? Excellent!

October 8, 2018 9:31 am

Folks, let’s get one thing straight right now: there really arent 2 *opposite* political sides in all of this! There are the crazy loons on the left, and the normals & conservatives in the middle and slightly center-right. Even the “right wingers” arent that far to the right, since most are what used to be considered centrist years ago. The fact of the matter is, this “both sides” BS is all a deceptive leftist construct! It is the Overton Window tactic… mislabel the opposition as an extreme option, so as to move everyone your way – – when in reality, we’ve haven’t even seen true Right-Wing thinking in action yet…. and God help us, if we do. It wont be Nazi or White Supremacists (they are left orgs), but it will be a simple, and brutal, refutation of the degeneracy in our culture, and it will be unlike anything ever seen. What woke normies up to the Kavanaugh fiasco, is it hit everyone in a highly emotional, real-world, gut-level sort of way. Even if one tries to stay away from politics, they instinctively know this crap is coming down the pike, and they recoiled from it with disgust. Let the Left keep this up, and they will move the normies and conservatives into the true Right-Wing thinking very quickly, then things will get…. interesting.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 8, 2018 9:51 am

Best analysis I’ve seen so far. I don’t think the Democrats learned a thing. Kagan and Eric “Fast and Furious ” Holder are beating the same drum with comments about the legitimacy of the court.
They are going to double down and maybe they have passed the point where they are thinking clearly. They might just be handing us a gift.

October 8, 2018 11:24 am

I just had a memory hole experience like that. Saw a twitter meme pic in several places of Kavanaugh with a beer that said something to the effect of: “Cheers to all of you who know this is not about Roe v Wade”; and “It’s all about the military tribunals for traitors.” I wanted to archive it with my memepics as the essence of this Kav & Chrissy Circus. Oh well …