How’s this for crazy: Tesla is still worth more than HONDA

Guest Post by Simon Black

Earlier this year I quoted Chicago-based hedge fund manager John Thompson of Vilas Capital Management– who has been incredibly vocal (and blunt) about Tesla.

Back in March, Thompson said that he thinks Tesla is going to crash . . .

“. . .partially due to their incompetence in making and delivering the Model 3, partially due to falling demand for the Model S and X, partially due to the extreme valuation, partially due to their horrendous finances that will imminently require a huge capital raise. . . and partially due to our suspicions of fraudulent accounting activities. . .”

This morning Thompson released his latest investor update, slamming Tesla once again in hilarious prose:

“[Tesla] is in deep trouble, due to too much debt, too little cash, too many losses, too much spending on capital expenditures, too high labor costs in the Bay Area, too many finance employees quitting, too many defects, too few repair centers, too many lawsuits, too much incoming competition, too few remaining tax credits, and too many ethical issues that regulators will eventually find.”

It is only a matter of time before the walls come closing in on the company, regardless of the quantity of cars they sell this quarter or next.

“Honda made and sold about 1.3 million cars and 5.3 million motorcycles last quarter. Tesla made and sold about 83,000 cars. And we [the market] are supposed to be impressed?”

“[Yet] Tesla, despite its recent drop, still commands a far larger valuation than Honda when one takes into account Honda’s $18 billion in cash and Tesla’s $10 billion in debt. What makes it more absurd is that Honda earned over $9 billion last year while Tesla lost $2 billion.”

That’s probably the most important part as it tells you pretty much everything you need to know about how absurd financial markets are right now.

Even after all the psychotic Twitter breakdowns, the SEC problems, the highly public financial issues, the production problems that have plagued Tesla. . .

. . . and people are STILL willing to pay more money for shares of a business that LOSES money and has little chance of survival– a company that produces fewer cars, is losing executives in droves, and is run by someone who is most politely described as erratic–  rather than a stable, steady, profitable, well-managed business like Honda.

Something is clearly wrong with this picture.

Thompson concludes:

“[Tesla] shares have been driven to ludicrous levels by management [Tweets] designed to create excitement and hope that the planet will survive for our descendants because of the company’s activities.

“Living up to these massive expectations is really, really hard to do. When management teams realize that it is impossible, they start acting weird by pushing boundaries and stretching the truth. Seems to describe the current situation pretty well.”

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October 10, 2018 5:47 pm

Talk to me next month.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
October 10, 2018 6:35 pm

Why be a hater?

October 10, 2018 6:44 pm

comment image

Get ready for a world currency”. We know for sure, from history, that the Rothschild family are “the victors” and have been for more than two-hundred years. We also know that they have owned the ‘Economist’ for a very long time. So let’s review their warning that they published thirty-years (30) ago and what we can learn from it. Well, for (1) is that the pictured “Phoenix is a mythical bird that lived for five-hundred years, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle”. So did something happen nearly five-hundred years ago of importance; I think so, (2) The Phoenix is the mascot of the secret-society of Freemasonry, which the Rothschild’s have been known to be members of, (3) clearly, we see in this magazine illustration that the World fiat-currencies are being destroyed, obviously to be replace by a planned “World Currency” to begin another cycle, (4) around the Phoenix’s neck is a ‘gold’ coin so is their plan to reinstate “gold” back into the monetary-system as their World Currency; I think so, (5) Rothschild’s puppet, J.P. Morgan, stated in 1912: “Gold is money, everything is credit”, (6) this Economist magazine warning was made thirty (30) years ago, and in the Freemasonry terms, and in their numerology terms, this is represented by the number 3. Freemason’s always do things in 3; lending creditability to the coming GREAT RESET occurring in 2018’ and (7) most importantly, the gold coin around the Phoenix’s neck is stamped with TEN, 10, 2018, is this the date of the coming planned GREAT RESET, October 10, 2018?

The last likely date of the GREAT RESET occurring this year is November 11, 2018. Let’s review why this is. World War I ended on November 11, at exactly 11 A.M, in 1918. Why? Simple, “the victors” not only write the history, they also determine, in advance, when wars start and end, exactly. So the meaning of November, 11th, and 11A.M. is the three (3) elevens, equal their all important 33. Numerology, the Kabbalah and Gematria are all important to “the victors”. It was no accident that JFK just happened to be shot in the head and assassinated on the 22nd day of November (22+11=33) after he gave his famous speech on being opposed to “secret-societies” and after signing Executive Order 11110 to go around the Federal Reserve, anymore than the Federal Reserve Bank of New York just happened to have the address of 33 Liberty Street.
It has been announced by President Donald Trump that he is planning a huge military ceremony, on Veteran’s Day, in Washington, D.C. to commemorate the one-hundredth (100th) anniversary of the end of World War I, on November 11, 2018. This is very interesting because the date of November 11, 2018 equals: 11+11+11= 33 and its the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Could this date of November 11, 2018 be the date of the GREAT RESET? It is interesting that this date falls on a Sunday (a day where all financial institutions are closed) and is thirty-three (33) days from the date of our October 10, 2018 date. Could this date November 11, 2018 be when President Trump, makes himself a hero, declares the GREAT RESET that ends the FED, takes back this country through a military-coup from “the victors”, releases his ‘Sealed Indictments’, squashes the ‘leftists’ and ‘liberals’, arrests the pedophiles, cleans of the smut, levels the playing field of commerce and industry, defaults on our phony debt, re-instates God’s money, gold, behind the new currency, and brings back sanity and decency to “Make America Great Again”, or does he declare the GREAT RESET, where our fiat-currencies collapse, to be replaced by “the victor’s” planned IMF global fiat-digital-currency, to enslave all humanity, that leads to tyranny, societal-collapse, the Great-Great Depression, Civil War II, World War III, starvation, pandemic, confiscation of private property, culling of the elderly, and loss of sovereignty to take us into their planned New World Order

October 10, 2018 9:53 pm

Where do you get your weed?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 10, 2018 11:10 pm

There is a ton to absorb here.

October 10, 2018 7:04 pm

Some seen “the writing on the wall” awhile back…

October 10, 2018 10:09 pm

Al , secret societies run this world. The elite Jews in Freemasons and the elite Catholics that work for the black Pope are just the tip of the iceberg.
I was listening to YouTube today and they were taking about a cashless program in India that over 80% of the population has already been given a some kind of numbers( in skin ) that they use for everything.Only people resisting are Christians but they (Christians ) couldn’t buy food or do their banking.This is the test program for the whole world according to this program. Some scary shit coming our way brother.

The only pussy bb gets is from his cat
The only pussy bb gets is from his cat
October 10, 2018 10:24 pm

Everything you wrote about India is fucking bullshit.

This is the problem with low-IQ dipshit FedEx drivers getting all of their information from fucking YouTube.

October 10, 2018 10:17 pm

What the fuck are investors thinking? It is amazingly difficult to make good money on car manufacturing, for many many reasons. One such, that Tesla has yet to address, is how to service the cars you make, and provide spares. This will be a monumental issue for them to overcome. And when batteries begin to fail en masse, I think that might get some attention.