What Do We Make Of The Midterm Election?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Readers are asking for my thoughts about the midterm elections.

Looking at this CNN map—https://www.cnn.com/election/2018/results/house–it seems that except for thin areas of the northeast and west coasts and hispanic and black enclaves in the southwest and south, the country overwhelmingly voted Republican.

In my opinion, flyover America voted Republican because the “deplorables” want to defend Trump. They want to defend him for two reasons. One is that he spoke to their economic plight caused by the US corporations exporting their jobs, leaving the American workforce and middle class hard-strapped. The other is that the adoption of Identity Politics by the Democratic Party has made the Democrats the party that hates white people—especially white heterosexual males who are defined as the victimizer of minorities, homosexuals, and women. It takes a really stupid white person to vote for Democrats who see white people as the problem.

Until the Clintons, the Democratic Party represented the working class. The Democrats were an offset to the Republicans who represented business. This kept things in balance. But the Democrats under the Clintons gave the OK for the Republicans to send the Democrats’ voting constituency’s jobs offshore. In exchange for selling out their constituency, the Clintons obtained Republican financing for the Democratic Party. Both parties are now run by the same Big Money.

The working class, abandoned by the Democrats, now votes Republican.

The Democratic Party’s voting constituency no longer contains the dispossessed working class. The Democrats have turned to hate. They are now the party of hate. The Democrats teach hate to the “victim groups” of Identity Politics. This hate makes whites the Democratic Party’s victims. Thus, the Democrats lose the white vote but gain the “victim” vote. Immigration ensures that eventually the “victim” vote will be greater than the white vote, in which case under the rule of the Democrats’ Identity Politics, white people in America will become the victimized group. Indeed, if you pay attention to what many Democrats are saying, that is their intention.

According to reports I have read in the last few hours, 75% of Democrats want to impeach Trump. The reports do not say why. I think the only reason is hate. Trump is the epitome of the billionaire white male oppressor who grabs women by the pussy.

There you have it.

What I find extraordinary is that Trump, although on the Republican ticket, ran as a Democrat. He was for peace with Russia. He was for jobs for the working class. Peace and jobs are democratic slogans. But Democrats hated him, because he is the epitome of the oppressive white male, and this irrational hate led them into an alliance with the military/security complex, which strongly opposes peace with Russia, as such a peace threatens their budget and power. The Democrats, working hand-in-hand with the Deep State have blocked peace with Russia and have championed mass third world immigration into the US, which will further wreck the economic existence of the working class, in order to gain Democratic votes from third world immigarnts to offset the lost American working class votes.

The Democrats apparently do not understand that the jobs for the illegal aliens depended on the middle class incomes of the American work force. With these incomes vanishing, illegal aliens no longer come for non-existent jobs; they come to collect welfare paid for by Americans who have lost their livlihoods.

I would say that, unless white Americans succumb to guilt and collapse, the Democratic Party is finished. The mid-term election was the Democratic Party’s last hurrah.

This would not mean that the future is rosy. The Democrats have forced Trump into an aggressive stance toward the rest of the world. It is aggression that the US cannot back up. Can Trump with his bully personality back down?

How can Trump get rid of his Israeli enumbrance?

It doesn’t seem possible. He would have to backtrack on his embassy and other decisions, and his and his Jewish son-in-law’s close relations with Netanyahu would present not only diplomatic but also family problems if they were broken up by Trump asserting Washington’s independence of Israeli control.

Trump’s subordination to Israel is curious as it does not gain him any political advantage among Democratic Jews. In the midterm electons, the Jews voted overwhelming for Democrats, even though Trump was the first American President, and I think the only head of state, who recognized Jerusalum as Israel’s capital.

Adam Schiff, a Jew, who has risen to power in the US House of Representatives, says he can’t wait to investigate President Trump. Schiff seems confident he can get Trump. Indeed, Jews, a tiny percentage of the US population, are now placed to take over 5 of the most important House committees: Jerrold Nadler for the Judiciary Committee, Eliot Engel for Foreign Affairs, Nita Lowey, for Appropriations, Adam Schiff for Intelligence and John Yarmuth for Budget.

How to explain that Trump, the most Jewish President in the history of the US, is a target of American Jews?

Perhaps the explanation is that the Jews are more interested in breaking up gentile society, which Jews in their paranoia see as a threat to Jews, than they are in Trump’s total support of Israel’s Middle Eastern policy of genocide for the Palestinians.

Until Donald Trump, no American president ever so completely prostituted himself before the tiny, insignificant state of Israel as Trump has done. How exactly are the “deplorables” proud Americans when their man grovels under the feet of Israel?

How does Trump make American Great Again when he subordinates America to Israel?

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November 8, 2018 9:58 am

Shiff- intelligence committee. Talk about irony…

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
November 8, 2018 10:12 am

How does Trump make American Great Again when he subordinates America to Israel?

He doesn’t. ‘MAGA’ was Ronbo’s campaign slogan and who knows how many before him. The Donald is a complete fraud, always has been.

If you’ve lived in the metro NYC area any length of time you would already know the ‘self proclaimed king of debt’ is an epic con man, the PT Barnum of his time. He had the incredible luck to run against a ship of fools of his own (current) party and one of the most despised people on the planet in Hitlery.

He won almost by default. He was my ABH (anybody but Hitlery) choice knowing full well what was going to come out of it.

His latest reason why he can’t release his taxes; because they’re so complex no one could understand them, breaks new ground for complete BS even by the Donald’s high standards.

Be sure to stay tuned to watch The Donald swamp the DC drain.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 8, 2018 10:25 am

These midterms showed how hard it’ll be for Trump to win re-election. The Dems have a paucity or plausible candidates, but an implausible one could win. I think Kamala Harris will be the nominee because she checks off the most identity boxes. If socialists Abrams and Gillum almost won in Georgia and Florida, Harris could easily win. Florida is going to let 1.4 million felons vote in 2020. Even if only 10% of them do vote, that’s more than Trump’s 2016 margin of victory there. Lose PA and FL and he’ll lose. PA looks like a lost cause. MN came close for Trump in 2016, but we just reverted to strongly Dem. Walker lost in WI. Stabenow won in MI. The Dems will be playing for keeps in the Industrial Midwest. Paradoxically, an improved economy could dampen anxiety among white voters and work against Trump. If he doesn’t use his Commander in Chief authority to build the Wall, he’ll look foolish (er). Those rally crowd weren’t chanting about tax cuts and ending SALT deductions. I really don’t see how he can pull it off.

  Iska Waran
November 8, 2018 2:39 pm

A warning it was to the rino never Trumpers. Chaos is coming, like it or not, who wins the chaotic future will be who understands human nature and the self interest of the greatest minority of all, the “individual”!

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Iska Waran
November 8, 2018 7:01 pm

Who is the Deamoncrats going to put up? They have nothing but worthless shit to hold up against him. Wake up and smell the horseshit!

November 8, 2018 10:28 am

The new guy in Brazil also moved Brazil’s embassy to Jerusalem.

I think it’s a great idea to tether Isreals very survival to the United States. In hind sight the decision looks better and better.

The Joos who have been most responsible for creating a post Chrisrian world through Hollywood will at some point understand they are tethered to the United States and Isreal as well.

The Jews are in a loose loose situation. If they loose on their own , they loose. If we are broken up, they are going down as well.

Spelling Dictator
Spelling Dictator
November 8, 2018 6:21 pm

I think loosely that only a loser with a worthless opinion cannot understand the difference in simple English words. Now go back to jackin’ it in San Diego

November 8, 2018 9:43 pm

I knew a loose Jewess once. Definitely a loose loose situation.
Her last name was Weiner but I pronounced it Whiner.

November 8, 2018 11:02 am

“In exchange for selling out their constituency, the Clintons obtained Republican financing for the Democratic Party. Both parties are now run by the same Big Money.”

Ordinary people have no say over how they’re governed. America is a democracy in name only, the nation’s founders assuring things would be run by and for privileged interests exclusively.

The first US Supreme Court chief justice John Jay arrogantly said “America should be run by the people who own it.” The nation’s second president John Adams said “the rich, well born and able alone should rule.”

See this for the details of voter delusions of granduer http://viableopposition.blogspot.com/2018/11/the-power-of-americas-dynasties.html

Millions of Americans cast their ballots for shit sandwiches yesterday based on the color of the wrappers. The evidence is overwhelming that both parties are corrupt to the core, yet people keep believing it will change this time. That’s what governance in America is all about – a fantasy democracy, not the real thing.

November 8, 2018 11:29 am

Yes, but the belief in Democracy just as the belief in God is important as far as the ruling class is concerned. The people have to believe in something even if it’s a lie. Because if things get bad enough , rulers have to know their heads will be chopped off.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
November 8, 2018 11:08 am

I just don’t see the whole Hebrew domination thing, not at all. That Israel is Zionist and intensely self interested is not news. That a lot of American Jews feel an uncommon (for a foreign nation) fealty to Israel is also not news. Challenging yes, endlessly deploreable and undesireable for American interests, not so necessarily. I see Israel and Jews as occasionally troublesome, mostly effective strategic partners.

The Globalist/Establishment crew that is the root of so much of the trouble here does not (again, in my analysis of my observations) map on to some kind of Jewish cabal. There are Jews among the Globalist crew, and a lot of other secular and religious faith followers as well. I just don’t see Israel or Jews as some sort of existential menace to the legitimacy of the United States, and do not perceive a desire to develop into one. That our interests and needs as nations can vary widely is neither surprising or distressing to me.

This last election will produce no real difference of any sort in the direction or velocity of the major issues before us. Incontinent borrowing and spending, Prog/Left demonization of all, unenforced immigration law, and the continuing effort from the media to de-legitimize every source of authority through massive smoke-making will continue. Oh, there will be a few different demons we will be told to hate or love, but it is all the same BS, playing 24/7 as the big Switcheroo approaches.

  Brian Reilly
November 8, 2018 12:12 pm

Florida giving over a million hardened criminals the right to vote probably just cost Trump the next election. Most criminals have overwhelming voted for liberal Democrats in other states that have allowed this. I don’t see how Trump can win if he loses Florida.
We are fucked if / when Democrats get back in the white house. The real powers that be will know that have the cover to collapse the world economy and get another Bail out .I don’t understand how white people could vote for a Democrat. I hate these fucking liberal progressives Democrats . Jew or Gentile. They are traitors.

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
November 8, 2018 12:31 pm

Criminals voting for criminals. What’s not to like.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Brian Reilly
November 8, 2018 2:10 pm


Why are we siding with Saudi Arabia over Iran?

November 8, 2018 12:14 pm

“It takes a really stupid white person to vote for Democrats who see white people as the problem.”

And that there, folks, is the REAL reason the election went the way it did.

What to do?? Double E! Educate or Eradicate the dumbfuks … those are the only long term solutions.

November 8, 2018 1:25 pm

What is becoming clearer each and every minute of the day is that we do NOT want to live together or be forced to live under the governance of someone who does not share our values, principles, respect for freedom, liberty, property rights, personal rights, etc. Most importantly, we should NOT HAVE TO. This country was supposed to be a place where everyone was treated equally, and government had so little power that nobody truly had to worry about its impact on their lives, their money, their future, etc. Government was supposed to have been instituted among men to protect our unalienable rights…but sadly none of that is the case anymore. NONE of this was supposed to be allowed by the very clear, very concise, and very limited roles defined for the three branches of the federal government. The states, while supposedly holding most of the power of governance, were also minimal in their governmental impact.

So democrats want to be governed by democrats, republicans by republicans, libertarians by libertarians (if governed at all – not no rules, just no government), and so on. So let’s make that happen – peacefully. But of course democrats don’t just want to govern democrats. They need to be able to steal from the productive, so that will require republicans, libertarians, and others who work outside of the government/welfare sector. And plenty of republicans are more than happy having plenty of democrats helping out with payments for their kid’s socialist schooling.

But if it doesn’t happen, and happen peacefully, the end result is going to be quite bloody and it feels like things are way closer to that end than most people wish to acknowledge. 2020 is a quite likely tipping point.