Not a shocking result to me.

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White Rationalist
White Rationalist
January 4, 2019 8:51 am

The chart should be:

upper- tyranny
lower- freedom
left- fantasy
right- reality

So most TBPers are freedom loving realists- Fixed it for you

  White Rationalist
January 4, 2019 12:28 pm

Great call with the fantasy / reality axis.

But we need to reverse the programming that seems to appear in spectrums of this sort. Up is freedom. Down is tyranny, with it’s accompanying entropy, decay, dissolution, death. The open grave.

January 4, 2019 2:36 pm

Aye, except when Orwellian-speak is aptly applied: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 4, 2019 12:11 pm

That must be Marsh Rabbit way over on the side. Or maybe Reverse Engineer dropped by.

January 4, 2019 1:55 pm

Proud to be the lowest and farthest right, but still think the questions come with too much internal bias and lack of clear, distinct choices. I think part of the problem comes from the inherent “schizophrenia” that most find in BOTH major political parties (or in what is supposed to be their “stands” on the issues). If you are against war and the overseas empire, you are considered a “leftist,” yet WAR is the biggest, most wasteful government program there ever was, and so-called “conservatives” should be against ALL war and military spending that does not directly go towards national DEFENSE or direct repulsion of invasion, etc. Democrats claim to care about freedom, yet history has clearly shown that government is the exact opposite of freedom, yet they call for more and more government at every turn. If the government takes all of your money, what will you have left to express your freedom with? And that is just the tip of the problems. I think that is why there is so little satisfaction with the choices we are allowed to have.

As for art, so long as the government isn’t stealing anyone’s money to fund it, who cares whether its a painting of a woman and fruit or a giant canvas covered in what looks like drips of paint splattered randomly all over a canvas? How does liking one versus the other make you either “left” or “right?” Personally I find there to be some tremendous creativity in so-called “modern” art. Some I find to be pathetic and overly simplistic for the value that is put on it. But I also enjoy the great works of the Renaissance masters. Art has always been in the eye of the beholder. Should a woman be forced to be a home maker? NO. What should matter is that the children are being properly cared for, ideally educated in the home, and that the home is clean and safe. If it happens that the dad can best achieve that goal, then so be it. But women have a nurturing role to play, and a FEMALE role to play, much as a man has a MALE role to play. However that gets done, just get it done.

The quiz sparked some good discussions, and that is always a good thing. Made people think about their values, and at a time when values are going into the toilet globally, good to do.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 4, 2019 3:40 pm

OK, so now I need to say what intrigued me about this whole effort. It is kinda why I included the Sargon video. That wasn’t instructional, it was interesting to see how he approached each question. You had to face all of the same conundrums that he did and you had much the same comments. “How can that bloody matter?” I defer to BobP on how one would interpret the effectiveness of the survey questions, but I can clearly see the results in the chart above. More would have been better, but the trend, as Jim explains, should not be a surprise.

Y’all are right wing. Fair enough, we knew that. But most of us are certainly not what you would call far right. In fact, only two are in the 7’s when you look at the numbers and six are above 4 and six are below 4. In other words, you might be a bit less conservative than you could be. In other words, half of the conservatives on TBP are dangerously close to being considered centrist. Sargon is a centrist.

Now, how about Libertarian/Authoritarian? Here it is much more interesting. We are all, whether left leaning or right leaning, whether conservative or liberal, are not Authoritarian. On the other hand, we are not what you would consider as strongly libertarian, but rather more centrist in that regard as well. The strongest libertarian was pooh, and I made his scores up based on his comments.

What does this mean? Well one thing it means is that we have a bit of an echo chamber here. While there seems to be large amounts of shit flung by monkeys, in fact we more agree than disagree. It also means that we can’t move the overton window by flinging shit at each other. It might be fun, but if we mostly agree nobody is going to make any drastic moves in philosophy because our philosophies are too close. And finally, this means that if we are to accomplish anything…if we are going to change any minds, we will have to extend our reach. Tell people you meet about TBP. Invite them to engage in discussion. Don’t give up because you become frustrated. Work harder. Get smarter. Argue better.

I just had such a conversation today at the Rock Store in Malibu. You only change minds through discussion. Have the discussion.

  Hollywood Rob
January 4, 2019 10:49 pm

Meatballs , I’m a right winger or could you tell ? I know you love me to.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 4, 2019 11:25 pm

But what’s your score?

January 6, 2019 6:13 am

I am shocked to know that I am antifa, although just barely. Since I’m, white, old, gop, gun toting, contractor, red neck, fishing and hunting, under educated, self made, rich, and a shit kicker. Perhaps I am too stupid to understand the test, or maybe the test has a few flaws. Like saying that globalism is inevitable ? Most of the questions were a series of bad choice’s for me. Kinda jives with my school grades. Too much critical thinking about the basis of the test and questions, and not enough time on my answers. welcome to antifa old man. hahahahaha!