Missing Uncle Much?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Do you miss the government much?

It’s going on a month now since the “shutdown” of “nonessential” government services began and – from what I can tell – this has only confirmed just how non-essential these “services” are.

I put “services” in quotes to emphasis a point, which is that a service – legitimately defined – is defined by one’s willingness to pay for it.

Otherwise, it is a mulcting, extortion – theft.

Whether the thief gives you something you didn’t want in return in no way changes the fact that a mulcting, a theft, has occurred. Imagine a street mugger who – after having relieved you of your wallet – hands you the remainder of the sandwich he was eating as he backs away from you out of the alley. 

A better analogy is the Squeegee Man. He also provides a “service” you didn’t ask for – but are under duress to pay for, the duress being the implied threat to your car’s paint job and perhaps to yourself as well if you fail to pay up.

If the Squeegee Man disappeared, we’d all be happy – and even better, no one would still be paying for his “services.”

The government continues to mulct and extort, of course. That very essential function continues unabated.

What hasn’t continued is the providing of some of the (heavy cough) “services” the government provides in exchange for the money it mulcts from us – and which millions of us don’t miss in the slightest.

This seems like an uneven deal.

We are forced to pay not only for “services” many of us never asked for and don’t want or use but now aren’t even getting those “services.”

This is like being made to make payments on a car you don’t drive.

You don’t miss the car – hell, you never even sat in the damned thing –  but you definitely miss the cash taken to make the payments on it.

Given that – by the government’s own admission – these “services” are not “essential” (and many of them – like for a instance marriage licenses and passports – are only “essential” because the filthy government makes them so) why not put them on a pay as you go basis? If you desire a given “service,” you pay the going rate for it – just as people who want cable TV pay the fee.

But people who don’t want cable aren’t (yet) forced to pay the monthly bill for those who do.

Why shouldn’t the same reasoning apply to government “services,” especially in view of the fact that they are defined by the government as “non-essential”?

If the government is going to deprive anyone of their liberty – which is  done whenever anyone is deprived of their property – then surely it ought to be only for essential reasons?

In fact, it’s not the “services” we’re being mulcted for.

We are mulcted to pay for the salaries of legions of government make-workers, who are now howling about not being paid. These make-workers (I use the term to describe anyone engaged in an activity others aren’t willing to pay for but are instead forced to pay for) are afflicted by a disease of the brain which leads the sufferer to believe he has the right to use force to compel other people to pay his salary.

The “work” he does is the mental trick used to assuage whatever vestigial guilt may pain him over being a thief; it is the means by which he convinces himself he is something other than a thief.

After all, he is providing a “service,” not merely collecting a check paid by people forced to hand over their money for his benefit.

But he is a Squeegee Man, nonetheless. I wish he’d take his greasy rag and bottle of Windex and just leave me alone. I wish him no ill – I just wish I didn’t have to pay him.

The same goes for the millions of government make-workers currently kvetching about not being being paid to not make-work. They are non-essential.  How many businesses, lacking the ability to force people to pay for their services, have non-essential employees?

Electricity, for instance, is pretty damned essential.

I freely and even happily pay for that service.

It is well worth the exchange of say $70 each month to be able to turn on the lights at night – and so I do pay, without anyone sending me threatening letters, followed up by threatening men.

Government “services,” on the other hand . . .

I don’t miss them much at all. But I’m still being forced to pay for them anyhow.

And so are you.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2019 5:29 pm

I don’t miss it at all, but I hope it’s hitting some people hard, because the entire point is to make people call their representative and say “give that crazy fucker his wall money, for fuck’s sake!” Hopefully it’ll continue long enough for SNAP payments to be curtailed.

January 13, 2019 6:03 pm

Are we in a shutdown???

January 13, 2019 6:07 pm

So far am doing fine,but,feel long term without govt. nannies telling me how to live my life and how much monies they need from me I could be a rudderless boat adrift.

On a side note,anyone have a yellow vest I can borrow?

January 13, 2019 6:36 pm

Just read a funny headline. Keane saying Dems don’t want to waste money. They never met a dollar they didn’t want to waste. Reps either.

January 13, 2019 8:16 pm

I feel just terrible for those poor dumb bastards living beyond their means.

January 13, 2019 8:30 pm

I have slowly learned over the creeping years to despise the walking dead soulless creeps who’s “Long March” has infected the culture, the government/politics and most devastatingly the people with their perverted Luciferianism Progressive, Socialist, Communism beard that is nothing less than dark hopeless human poison.

There is tremendous freedom with the ability to look over your shoulder with six full decades knowing that maybe you have one more day…or maybe even another decade to make a fearless last stand during the end of your beginning…for what you feel is worth standing and fighting and or dying for…no matter what the future timing is because of your faith…plus you are so far ahead of the game and so amazingly assured of eternity you can laugh at the soulless creeps…no matter what happens and or when it does!

I have come to despise our government and fully know at their most secret evil star chamber level of plotting, they know through my (key word) countless e-mails, phone calls spouting my hatred of their tyranny, signed petitions, donations to those fighting them, public signs in my front yard and nailed 12 foot high on telephone poles, the angry conversation with my liberal congressman who I helped defeat, bumper stickers/captured license plate photos, gun and ammo purchases, and who knows what other un-Constitutional secret ways they have tracked and categorized me as an ENEMY of the STATE (probably already scheduled me to be “visited” when the time is right) I hope this government shutdown lasts as long as possible and or leads to it’s gutting!

I don’t know who Trump really is. Some days I am optimistic and some days I am pessimistic.

But what does that really matter in the long run? I already have my savior’s assurance.

I only know who I really am and what I am willing to die for and plant my seed for.

January 13, 2019 8:36 pm

It’s all bullshit. Stuff is paid out in advance. Ron Paul? talked about getting rid of all the unconstitutional agencies. Trump saying they can’t come up with 5 billion is laughable. Much more than that is wasted or stolen every day in DC.

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
January 13, 2019 8:37 pm

If the government gives you food, the government can decide what you can eat.

If the government gives you housing, the government can decide where you can live.

If the government gives you medical care, the government can decide if you can live.

January 13, 2019 9:12 pm

Face it, even the essential services could disappear and would barely be noticed

January 14, 2019 10:03 am

Perfect posting to reprise:
Every additional day that the farcical, so-called “gov shut-down” continues is another day that more of “We the People” realize just how much LESS “government” is needed to “transact” DIRECTLY 1-2-1 – no “coercing middle-man” with “its” hand in your pocket for whatever reason! It’s a sad fact that “government” attracts the least reputable, least productive, most incompetent, indolent, parasitical portion of a national populace. Force the sorry slackers to go find REAL PRODUCTIVE “activity” that will contribute to the “Common Benefit”. Doubt such an outcome is possible? Think again, cuz it already happened in Spain!

January 14, 2019 3:00 pm

Reopen govt next summer would be ok with all retired citizens.