Apocalypse Ruth

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Apocalypse Ruth

There are some opponents worthy of grudging respect. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a terrible legal thinker, a leftist with no real respect for liberty and a confessed critic of the Constitution over its limitations upon the government’s ability to impose her fans’ pinko vision of soft, huggy tyranny upon Normal Americans. But I respect her as an opponent – to do otherwise would be to lie to ourselves that our opponents are hopeless and helpless. She’s a tough old bird, surviving cancer and other perils and yet she always comes back to torment us with her appalling jurisprudence. You gotta give her props for never quitting. She’s the Energizer Liberal Jurist.

So, when I discuss the 85-year old’s likely imminent departure from the Supreme Court seat where she has frustrated those of us who dig freedom for so long, I am not hoping for her to lose her latest fight. Liberals will lie and say I am, that conservatives in general are hoping for her demise, but they lie about everything so why not this too? Most conservatives yearn for her to retire, but also wish her a return to good health. I do. I don’t think she’s a bad person deserving of a horrible fate because we disagree. Far be it for me to gainsay Justice Scalia, who liked her. I think she’s misguided, not evil. But also I think we all need to think about the coming fight when she leaves the Court, because that brawl is coming regardless.

I am of the contingent that looks at the odds and figures that her tenure is drawing to a close. I could be wrong. So could the many connected and informed people who have passed on to me the rumors that her condition is much worse than is being let on. Remember that an ailing Justice Rehnquist assured us in a statement that he intended on returning to the Court soon, and that seven weeks later he was being buried. Our hopes and prayers for her health aside – and many conservatives are offering them even as they would love her to retire – my money is still on a 2019 fight to replace her.

The Notorious RBG fans are not going to react well. That she has fans is weird enough. It’s not her legal legacy, which is an undistinguished mish-mash of liberal goo once you get past some decent work on women’s rights a half century ago. Her legendary status is partly that she’s a leftist, and partly that she’s so tough. She’s become a secular saint to for libs, proving once again that when you reject religion you have to fill up your spiritual void with something.

So, we have people offering her their organs if that will keep her going. We are treated to fawning documentaries, scores of Ruth-themed knick-knacks, and tributes by late nite TV dummies who think “Certiorari” was a famous Roman. There’s even a movie about her early years that’s out now starring some hot actress in the title role, which I will avoid because I just can’t deal with Sexy Ruth Bader Ginsberg.


This blind adoration, combined with the realization that the SCOTUS will finally, after decades, be conservative by 6-3 – well, our soft Chief Justice John Roberts will make it 5.5-3.5 – is why the next confirmation fight is going to be Kavanaugh squared.

They will go nuts. But this time, we’ll be ready. And this time, Fredocons like Jeff Flake and Lisa Murkowski are going to be neutered by his rejection and her irrelevance following the elections of additional Republican senators. Plus, the newly energized Lindsey Graham will be the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee and our newly minted Conservative Avenger will regulate like a boss.

While my heart belongs to Judge Don Willett (who swore me into the Texas Bar), my money is on Amy Coney Barrett. She’s got some huge assets that make her the likely pick, starting with the “her” part. Let’s face it – gender and other irrelevancies matter to some people. It’s stupid and prejudiced, but there it is – liberals don’t get that us conservatives would be thrilled with a panel of nine lesbian Muslims of color with limps who believe the First and Second Amendments mean what they say.

In any case, in this dumb world replacing a person who identifies as female is going to be much easier if you replace her with someone who identifies as female. In fact, she’s too female for a lot of barren, bitter libs. She has seven kids, including some adopted ones. And you know how lonely coastal spinsters with “It’s Her Turn” bumper stickers on the Priuses they use to drive to Trader Joe’s to get off-brand clearance Chardonnay and cruelty-free cat food feel about breeders.

Barrett’s also a huge favorite with conservatives because she’s a legal genius. She clerked with Justice Scalia…enough said.

The Dems are going to freak, and we should welcome it.

I eagerly await attacks on Judge Barrett for her outrageous fertility. Let’s let them take a hard stand against motherhood.

Please, please, please, continue the assault on Catholics and other believing Christians. Do it on TV, in front of the world. Show us what you really think of us, Donkey Senators.

And hopefully Diane Feinstein can drop some new kooky letter at the last-minute accusing her of some unverifiable impropriety back in 1982. Because I just don’t think the American people will stand for another such fiasco.

Soon-to-be Justice Barrett will not just make a great jurist. She’ll help pave the way for Donald Trump’s re-election by reminding us just what kind of people the Democrats are.

And maybe, in time, she’ll even become the Notorious ACB.

If you want to see the nightmareish America that would result if Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s fans get their way, check out my latest novel, Wildfire (and the earlier People’s Republic and Indian Country) to see what it looks like when you toss the Constitution out and replace concepts like enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights with SJW feelz.

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January 14, 2019 6:53 am

” And you know how lonely coastal spinsters with “It’s Her Turn” bumper stickers on the Priuses they use to drive to Trader Joe’s to get off-brand clearance Chardonnay and cruelty-free cat food feel about breeders.”

One of Schlitcher’s best ever, pure gold.

January 14, 2019 11:40 am

Schlitz can wish whatever. I want results…meaning (((RBG))) dead as a doornail, the tears of SJW pouring thru the streets, and a Scalia like jurist to replace her. Its all so tiresome, all the PC hand wringing and worry about public perception. The sooner everyone gets on board with the reality we are in a (((war))) on America and second place is subjugation and the death of a thousand cuts to our constitutional rights, the sooner Patriots can fight like they mean it. Fight em first with the bank box, second with the voting box, and lastly with the ammo box. Steel your Soldier’s heart, (((they))) are coming for us…

January 14, 2019 7:30 am

The left is in complete self destruct mode, cognitive dissonance to the extreme. How the progs can put so much faith in one individual boggles the mind. We seem to be a nation of personality cults instead of a nation of laws. The ultimate goal is the elimination of the Bill of Rights and the promotion of the Bill of “Feelings”.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 7:31 am

She supported lowering the age of consent to 12. That’s not misguided. That is pure evil.

no one
no one
  Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 8:24 am

I mentioned the possibility of demonic possession to my friend, who is Catholic and praying that 54 day Novena prayer (I hung in there for 9 days and feel completely Novena’d out, but admire her for her staying power).

She went and got more crosses to hang in her home to scare the demons away.

If only it worked so easily… like making a cross with your index fingers to frighten a vampire. I didn’t discourage her because it can’t hurt and she’s facing a wickedly evil demon in her grandchildren’s lives. I continue to pray, just not committing to any Novena schedule.

I saw that age of 12 nonsense too. Did you know that is the age of consent in Mexico? I looked it up after it was mentioned here on TBP… true.

So, if the root of all evil (and there was a really good discussion of this a couple years back here on TBP, compliments of Stuckenheimer, I believe) is the love of money, why does the love of money cause people to perverse sexual behavior regarding children?

That’s rhetorical, but if you know the answer (gcp? feel free to start the sermon here)… please enlighten me. I’ll share it with my Novena praying friend.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  no one
January 14, 2019 8:50 am

It’s the Eagle Forum link you provided in another discussion thread that enlightened me to the facts of how truly evil that woman is.

  Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 9:47 am

I would almost love to agree with you, but the proper research will show you that she did not support reducing the age of consent to 12.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 14, 2019 11:20 am

Really, tell me more! Where is that link, Maggie. I didn’t save it.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Mary Christine
February 22, 2019 3:44 pm

MC, you do know that at one time 12 year old women married. That at one time to be 17 and not married, marked you as an old maid. At 22 or above a spinster.

Thank God! People knew when children became adults in that age otherwise the united States would still consist of 13 colonies to the British crown.

What I find evil is that people insist that a 12 year old remain a child. The American Indians right of passage to manhood required 12 year old boys to endure it. The traditional age for a Bar Mitzvah is 13 which delineates the age from childhood to manhood. The Bat Mitzvah denotes the age of females to womanhood at 12.

It was 12 and up adults that settled the western frontier of the united States. Not the aged assholes that television often portrays. Sure some older individuals moved west. But Horace Greeley’s admonition to go west was to young men aka what we call teenage male children now.

The west has gotten stupid with prolonging childhood for male and female individuals. I agree let a child be a child but when they come of age, they need to leave childish things behind and become adults.

Hollow man
Hollow man
January 14, 2019 8:58 am

All well and good until the 21 trillion debt bill finally comes round.

  Hollow man
January 14, 2019 12:24 pm

You are correct and the Court is going to have to figure out which contract is going to be ignored when it comes to all those benefits promised to everyone. Who doesn’t get to eat.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 14, 2019 10:23 am

All of the professional writers writing about Ginsburg have to profess hope that she retires rather than dies. That’s why I could never be a professional writer. I hope Ginsburg is about to announce her retirement but dies first.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
January 14, 2019 10:27 am

I actually like RBG.

I don’t like her politics and I don’t necessarily agree with her judicial decisions.

She has been an impressive human being and a determined individual all her life; she’s thoughtful and intelligent whether you like her conclusions or not.

She’s been very dedicated all her life to giving the best she’s got to give for whatever she is working on. What’s wrong with that? She studied hard, applied herself, went to college, got married, had kids, worked hard, got old.

I don’t have a problem with any of that.

Although I realize that the replacement for Ginsburg is the meat of the article, I resent the author for demeaning RBG a human being who done him wrong. She was more and better than that. Political grandstanding has its limits.

January 14, 2019 10:30 am

Yep, pretty sick of people talking about her worse than a dog- let her die in peace.

January 14, 2019 10:41 am

Where is Dr. Jack Kevorkian when you need him?

January 14, 2019 10:43 am

Ginsburg should have been impeached a long time ago. After she was appointed to the Supreme Court, she publicly stated that the Constitution of the United States was flawed, and that it should be replaced with the Constitution of South Africa. THAT is treason–no less.
You see, Ginsburg HATES the Constitution of the United States, as it is a “charter of negative rights”. For those who are unaware, the Constitution grants NO rights. Our rights are inherent, inalienable and are granted by our Creator-PERIOD. The Constitution puts limits on what government may do, to wit: “Congress shall make NO LAW…” Every other country’s “constitution” grants rights, which are permissions by government, making its citizens “subjects”, which is not true (at least theoretically) in the USA. THIS is what makes the USA different from every other country. Our founding documents are unique and the are of the only country on earth that gives government “permission” to operate.

January 14, 2019 1:27 pm

Interesting. Freedom of speech gives her and anyone else the right to argue that Our Founding Charter was flawed. Which it is. However, her speech is enforced on us hapless flyover deplorables by threat of murder. So it’s her ability to act on the constitution’s piecemeal replacement, a little bit here and there, that, to us, becomes treasonous. Perhaps ‘a crime wider than murder’.
And the democracy that really matters in this country is “5-4”.

January 14, 2019 11:20 am

Just ordered Indian Country, and will read Wildfire, next.

January 14, 2019 11:40 pm

Goods reads…I’m almost finished with Wildfire. Kelly Turnbull is my kind of .45 man.

Schlichter may be more of a political Civil War 2 profit then novelist.

January 14, 2019 11:54 am

“liberals don’t get that us conservatives would be thrilled with a panel of nine lesbian Muslims of color with limps who believe the First and Second Amendments mean what they say”

there it is. what have conservatives conserved? the answer is nothing. because you understand nothing. and if you don’t understand why having a bunch of shitskin pedo-worshipping dykes would never turn out well for whites in this country, you never will. you lost the culture war 40 years ago. if you were smart (impossible for a lawyer) you would never call yourself conservative in public out of shame and fear.

do the race a favor and kill yourself kurt.

January 14, 2019 11:55 am

“Most conservatives yearn for her to retire, but also wish her a return to good health.”

Speak for yourself. Death becomes her. When I think of a Joo I’d like to kick in the fuck, she is near the top of the list.


“I think she’s misguided, not evil.”

Wrong again. There are just 9 people on the Supreme Court. Each of of those Black Robed servants of the people (sarc!) is VERY powerful … among the most powerful in America as their rulings affect all of us, usually forever. She’s a libfuk cunt who hates just about everything I support. She has made America worse. That, Kurt, makes her evil.

January 14, 2019 3:14 pm

In the past, I have noted that judges have immunity to judicial mal-practice and can issue any opinions, right or wrong.

This means that the decision of judges are always questionable and can not be trusted to be right.
The outcome of trial depends on who is the judge. You will get a different result with each different judge, depending on

their honesty, politics, or prejudices.
In jury trials, judges give false and misleading “charge instructions” to unsuspecting jurors in order to steer the outcome

in the direction they want.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
January 16, 2019 5:06 pm

Well, and whose fault is that? If the jury is TO FUCKING STUPID to be able to separate prejudice from evidence, then the fault lies with the jurors. The founders realized that the jury is the ultimate decider, and for that I am grateful. Jury nullification is perfectly legal, and can be used very effectively IF you have jurors that are not stupid sheeple. Unfortunately, for most of the people that find themselves in court, 9 out of 10 Murikans are just dumb ass sheeple, and simply take what the judge says as fact.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Mad as Hell
February 22, 2019 3:58 pm

Well the fault is with the evil individuals that are part of the habitat that is called government.

At one time jurist aka judges issued instructions that the jury could judge the law to the circumstances of the case to see if the law was just. The jury could then decide if the verdict of guilty was just.

Now, juries just rubber stamp the prosecution. A bad system. Why? Because the judges no longer inform the jury they have the power to acquit according to their morals. Additionally, new jury members are brainwashed assholes of the government agenda and judges remind them of that fact.

I am with CCRider. Vote My Ass..

January 14, 2019 4:52 pm

Well she can go to hell as far as I am concerned….and the sooner this happens, the better.

Big Dick
Big Dick
January 14, 2019 7:02 pm

I have one thing to add…. DIE BITCH AND GO TO HELL !

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 22, 2019 3:34 pm

The one thing I’ve noticed since I was deemed an adult is the scrotum’s always side with .gov to give it more power. It is folly to think the scrotum’s would do otherwise. Roberts saw the opening to call a fine a tax. LOL. Do you think any other member of the cabal of .gov would do otherwise?