The AOC / Freshmen Democrat Media Headlines Are All Just Bait

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

It’s basically impossible to consume any media source without hearing some cursory mention of one of the gang of Freshmen Democrat House Representatives.  FMShooter’s Jon Hall previously covered Rashida Tlaib‘s outburst on President Trump, noting her links to radical imam Siraj Wahhaj…

Siraj Wahhaj is an Imam who holds the belief that homosexuality is a disease and whose son, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, was training school shooters and engaged in ritualistic human sacrifice at the terrorist compound found in New Mexico back in August.

…Ilhan Omar continues to make headlines for her own links to extremism

…and DNC “Superstar” AOC has made waves with her “Green New Deal” – even though it was promptly dismissed by her co-sponsor, Senator Ed Markey.  Markey shrugged off the “plan” to push the US towards carbon-free energy while closing all nuclear plants – themselves the source of over 50% of America’s carbon-free energy – even though none have been completed since the 1990s.

All of this mainstream media attention and conservative counter-commentary has been a media bonanza, feeding tons of headlines that fuel an even larger number of clicks.  Astoundingly enough, they are playing right into the hands of Democratic Socialists of America members AOC and Tlaib.  With populist revolt and anger towards the corrupt establishment engulfing the two (one) party system, the rise of Bernie Sanders and the DNC’s socialist wing is very much the other side of the same coin that allowed Trump to hijack the GOP for his own ends.

Meanwhile, AOC and her ilk seem to have taken a page out of Trump‘s “Art of the Deal” playbook with their “Green New Deal”.  They’ve started with a totally asinine headline-grabbing proposal that no one will ever accept, but has generated a ton of press.  In the process, more people are paying attention to the parts of the proposal they deem less outrageous, and the voting bloc gradually grows and warms to the proposals.

Even Trump realizes that socialism is a threat – and stated as much during his State of the Union address:

…and though taking on the DSA is the right call, these DNC subverters will gradually whittle away the dumbest and least voter-acceptable elements as the socialist movement gets more support.  While AOC and Tlaib might not have the national charisma necessary to accomplish this, eventually someone will come along who does – and the new socialist “leader” will already have roots in the party to help peddle the agenda.

Media coverage and rage-clicks continue, and the DSA will continue to build its base, refining its “Green New Deal” and other policies in the process.  Next thing you know, President Harris (or someone even worse) signs sweeping “green-only” legislation – and socialist policy advances in the US far beyond excessive entitlement spending.

What can be done about this?  A lot is riding on the success or failure of President Trump, and whether or not his reform of the Republican party helps improve the station of disenfranchised Americans.  If the economy collapses, a mix of populism/socialism could co-opt the Democratic party – leading to the rise of far-left policy that would be unthinkable even today.

All AOC and the Democratic Socialists had to do to get the ball rolling was bait the populace with stupid ideas that garner an outsized portion of media attention.  And while everyone (including FMShooter writers) falls for their bait and gives them negative attention, socialist ideas quietly simmer beneath the surface.  While socialism will more than likely never be implemented by the current group of moronic representatives…

…a more-polished politician might just show up, discard their stupidest ideas, steal the rest of the platform, have the now-freshmen DSA representatives work as the foot soldiers, and voila – socialism in America could be on its way, courtesy of a hijacked DNC.  

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 8:12 am

Socialism and all its historical atrocities is on its way in the US .
Thank the circle jerk of the crony capitalist of Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street .
If minimum wage would be honestly accounted and tied to inflation it would be over $21 dollars per hour . Now the truth not told about the bulk of these hundreds of thousands jobs . The majority pay low wages no benefits and many still working these poorly compensated jobs qualify for public assistance . The $15 dollar per hour mark knock many off the health insurence ,rent and food assistance tax payer funded programs because the poverty level calculations are done using 1960’s consumer price figures . Yes make America Great Again . Again I ask with what and by who . We cannot even keep our navy in repairs and parts unless China wants to help LMAO ! No dry dock facilities no steel mills no heavy industrial machine parts WTF !
To the upper 10% or so that have enjoyed the greatest transfer of wealth and prosperity leaving over 100 plus MILLON Americans behind and struggling with low wages high health care costs and bankrupt pension plans . Why does socialism show up and look appealing . Look in the mirror , the extreme wealthy of this country bought it bankrupt it and walked away bailed out and never held to account . At least Jessie James had the guts to stick a gun in your face when he robbed you !
Socialism and all it ills are one carasimatic figure away from really finishing off the US thanks to all those who profited from what was once our nations demise !

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 8:42 am

The same old tired argument about wealth inequality. Inequality is a function of government interference allowing for crony capitalism without competition. The MIC is a good example, the open borders depressing wages at the low end being another. There should be no minimum wage and we can either have a welfare state and closed borders or no welfare state and open borders….we can’t have it both ways. The so-called “Rich” top 20% of income earners pay all of the income taxes in this country so we are already extremely progressive. It is you who needs to look into the mirror.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  Martel's Hammer
February 13, 2019 10:13 am

Agreed the top 20% pay the bulk of the taxes however it is typically a lower rate due to the capital gains percentage difference . Average wage earners pay 50% in direct and indirect taxiation . So if you get you money dirty making more money you pay a lower tax than getting your hands dirty earning your money .
A tax rate in an equal justice for all should be the same regardless of the amount earned . The investor class was awarded lower tax rates to generate production level jobs in America and incentives to boost Americans and the American economy not to take advantage of subsistence level wage earners in poverty stricken nations including child labor to boost that corporate bottom line . The spiraling race to the bottom driven by greed and a bought and paid for complacent government along with the uncontrollable federal reserve control of our money system has placed socialism at our door step . Not high wage blue collar industrial employees that bought the products once produced by their neighbors !

  Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 10:22 am


Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
  Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 10:31 am

Exactly right. So how about no fucking taxes, no income, payroll, sales, or other taxes. That would then force the government to only do the things absolutely necessary and then get those items approved on per item basis….eg. War bonds or tariffs etc or user fees. Let everybody keep their money. I am surprised the jew haters are not more vocal about this……as lobbyists and influencers (the Joo’s) would be less relevant if the government was minimized and starved. The economy would skyrocket and the rising tide of unfettered free markets would make us all better off. Instead, we have craven cowards willing to settle for a slave like existence on $15/hour eating GMO processed corn syrup enriched foods and watching TV……Not a life a human being should live but they would rather do that than compete in the market. Markets work and you would have much more social mobility and less dysfunctional when personal decisions have consequences and merit determines outcomes.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Martel's Hammer
February 13, 2019 1:12 pm

. “Instead, we have craven cowards willing to settle for a slave like existence on $15/hour eating GMO processed corn syrup enriched foods and watching TV……”

LOL- around this part of the woods, the freemasons have the local industries ALL paying 10-12 bucks an hour with a possibility of BUYING insurance through the employer.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- the FREEMASON religion is LUCIFERIAN !!

  Martel's Hammer
February 13, 2019 10:28 am

Which came first, the chicken of government intervention, or the egg of crony capitalism? If you agree with the rest of his comment, why quibble over this?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 9:16 am

A couple of years ago, the argument was that a
n inflation-adjusted minimum wage would be $15/hour. Now it’s $21? Ridiculous leftist talking point. The minimum wage in 1967 was $1.00/ hour.
That would be $7.65/ hour now. We can quibble about the BLS inflation rate, but it’s not without utility. Sure, the things that the government is interwoven with – education, housing, medicine – have inflated at a faster rate (funny how that works), but other things (food, clothing) have inflated less – and some are in line with official inflation. Some can’t be compared. How much did a smart phone cost in 1967? I just broke a side mirror on one of my old cars. I can get a used replacement for $13 from E-Bay and learn how to replace it by watching a YouTube video.

$21/hour is ~$42,000/ year. Add in the employer’s side overhead (SS, Medicare, FUTA, SUTA, workman’s comp) and you’re at about $47k. If they get health insurance that’s at least another $8,000 for the employer’s side of rock-bottom shitty coverage. A company’s supposed to incur $55,000 annual expense for a minimum-wage worker? That’s crazy.

  Iska Waran
February 13, 2019 10:33 am

The agency that calculates the fraudulent unemployment rate.
I got a big red bridge I’ll sell you out in California.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Iska Waran
February 13, 2019 1:17 pm

“Sure, the things that the government is interwoven with – education, housing, medicine – have inflated at a faster rate (funny how that works), but other things (food, clothing) have inflated less – and some are in line with official inflation”…..

With a statement like that, where would I even start to debate it? Might as well debate AOC about the benefits of a diesel one-ton !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum- Sorry, but I just have to laugh at this !

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Boat Guy
February 13, 2019 9:32 am

I agree with one part of Boat Guy’s comments: what’s bringing about the call for socialism is corporate greed – especially in medicine/insurance: if they don’t allow that an end be put to the conspiracy (with fake medical bills) to ratchet up the cost of health insurance, we WILL get “Medicare for All”. It will put most private insurers out of business, and it’ll be their own goddamn fault.

“Free (public) college” will put some private colleges (not the most elite ones) out of business, too. At that’ll be their fault for having a $55,000 annual sticker price while giving huge discounts only to lower income and minority students.

Theoretically, socialized medicine could allow workers more mobility and could free people to start businesses, but Europe proves that’s unlikely, since the same impulse to having the government run medicine brings about legislation that penalizes employers from laying anyone off. And the harder it is to lay anyone off, the less likely a company is to hire anyone. Thus higher unemployment rates.

  Iska Waran
February 13, 2019 9:51 am

We have “socialized/government health insurance” already for Veterans and the Indian Health Service– how is that working out?

  Iska Waran
February 13, 2019 10:06 am

What Boat Guy, i.e. you reiterating is describing is the condition of “Gangster Capitalism” with elements of crony capitalism also. It is not capitalism at all and some of it is ironically socialism for the rich. It is this condition that is propelling some to call for [individual] socialism. But do they really want socialism or just ladders of upward mobility to lift themselves out of poverty? Some do but not all. Do they want free education, or affordable education? Do they want free medical care, or do they want affordable medical care? On and on…..I think some don’t want socialism so much as they do the elimination of “gangster capitalism”. If present day capitalism is pricing out of the market everyone who is not at the very top wealth in the country, then they might call for socialism as a means of desperation to have some basic needs met, although they may not really want socialism, just affordability.

An example of this economic gangsterism is found in the health care sector.

A recent statistic shows that if the medical/healthcare sector of the U.S. was a country, it would be the fifth largest GDP in the world. So is it free health care that people want, or affordable? There are a few looney leftist calling for all this free shit, they call them the free shit army but I think most people on the left as well as the right want some affordability in the economy. Everyone on the right claims that they all want something for nothing. Again, I think a few but not all or most. Then those same right wing people have absolutely no problem with billionaires on welfare, socialism for the rich in it’s many forms; taxpayer corporate subsidies, taxpayer bailouts, tax cuts for the rich, etc.. Strange ideology!

22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a Psyop and Trump is lead actor
February 13, 2019 9:04 am

2008, 2012 Nig Prez
2016 Jew Prez
2020 Female Prez


Meanwhile, Israhell laughs.


2008, 2012 homo -African
2016, 2020 the cheeto

The barista or some other will run independent, big Mike will lose

February 13, 2019 10:05 am

Now I know how Bert Parks felt. Whoo hoo. I can just hear “Here XE comes, Xe America” in the back round.

February 13, 2019 10:53 pm

Will make Michelle Obama in 2020 seem normal in comparison, no?

February 14, 2019 7:43 am

Big Mike will lose, the barista or someone will run independent