Biology Department at Lehigh University Mans the Ramparts: Enemy Forces Gather Without

Guest Post by Fred Reed

“Science commits suicide when it adopts a creed” Thomas Henry Huxley (ardent early supporter of Darwin)

Accepted theories don’t simply die, asserts Nessa Carl, The Epigenetics Revolution “Instead, there is a prevailing theory which dominates a field. When new conflicting data are generated, the theory doesn’t immediately topple..It may get tweaked slightly, but scientists can and often do continue to believe in a theory long after there is sufficient evidence to discount it.”

Years back, Dr. Michael Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University, published Darwin’s Black Box, in which he questioned tenets of official Darwinism. It was a grave no-no-no, akin to doubting the divinity of Christ or the value of diversity. The Darwinian establishment started as if stung. Dr. Behe was soon viewed in Big Academe as Edward Snowden is viewed by NSA. In the sciences there are dogmas One Does Not Question.

So incensed were his fellows in the Department of Biology that he was duly anathematized on the university’s website. The couldn’t fire him because he has tenure, and poisoning went out of style with the Borgias. The denunciation is worth reading in is entirety:

The faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences is committed to the highest standards of scientific integrity and academic function. This commitment carries with it unwavering support for academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas. It also demands the utmost respect for the scientific method, integrity in the conduct of research, and recognition that the validity of any scientific model comes only as a result of rational hypothesis testing, sound experimentation, and findings that can be replicated by others.

The department faculty, then, are unequivocal in their support of evolutionary theory, which has its roots in the seminal work of Charles Darwin and has been supported by findings accumulated over 140 years. The sole dissenter from this position, Prof. Michael Behe, is a well-known proponent of “intelligent design.” While we respect Prof. Behe’s right to express his views, they are his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science, has not been tested experimentally, and should not be regarded as scientific.”

There is nothing of substance in this pledge of allegiance other than the attestation of the highness of their motives. However, there is in the lab world considerable dissent. Many of the unconvinced hold doctorates in biochemistry, molecular biology, and mathematics. For example:

One Thousand Scientists Publicly Dissent from Darwinism.  The list

The headline is a trifle overwrought. What the statement actually says is, “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

Which seems to be exactly what the Department of Biology at Lehigh University does not want. The university is against examination of evidence. Why? Of what are they afraid? Does science advance by not examining evidence?

The foregoing manifesto of dissent, note, does not say that evolution did, or did not, occur, or that natural selection does or does not occur, or to what extent, or anything at all about the origin of life. It is a careful statement about one of the shakier tenets of the Darwinian philosophy. It says nothing about  religious ideas of creation, which are sillier than Darwin’s. Presumably all religions with a creation myth will welcome evidence against the vast Neo-Darwinian edifice. For example, the Cargo Cult probably believes that Boeing created the universe. This is logically unconnected with doubts of the official story.

However, the manifesto does make clear that disagreement with Darwinian apodicticism exists in many scientific quarters. Since severe professional damage remains associated with open doubt, you can bet that many others are skeptical but know better than to say so. What is going on here?

“A scientist is part of what the Polish philosopher of science Ludwik Fleck called a “thought collective”: a group of people exchanging ideas in a mutually comprehensible idiom. The group, suggested Fleck, inevitably develops a mind of its own, as the individuals in it converge on a way of communicating, thinking and feeling.

“This makes scientific inquiry prone to the eternal rules of human social life: deference to the charismatic, herding towards majority opinion, punishment for deviance, and intense discomfort with admitting to error.

As an interested layman of lukewarm but engaged intelligence, I would say thusly to the Department of Biology: “If you want to discredit Mr. Behe and persuade the thoughtful public of your views, perhaps you should go beyond assertions of virtue and actually answer some of Mr. Behi’s questions. And mine. The best way to quash dissent is to show it to be wrong. Please do so.”

I would further say to the Department, “Consider Dr. Behe’s flagellum. Inasmuch as it has been the focus of heated accusations of actionable heresy regarding  irreducible complexity, and that you at Lehigh University have denounced his views, you would do the cause of Darwin a service by explaining how the flagellum could have evolved by small steps, and from what. Huffiness is not,, or should not be, part of the sciences, and arguments from authority (“Because I say so”) are better suited to Popes than cell biologists. In providing an explanation, you need to avoid the appearance of evasion. The boobitry won’t notice, but the intelligent increasingly will. Either you can clearly refute Dr. Behi’s case for irreducible complexity, or you can’t, in which case it will remain viable. Which?”

That is what I would say.

(For the reader unfamiliar with the dispute: “Irreducible complexity” refers to biological mechanisms, such as the immensely complex bacterial flagellum,  which apparently cannot have evolved by gradual modification because all of their parts, individually useless, would have to appear all at once.)

My own question: Since evolution proceeds by the accumulation of small changes, all of them reproductively beneficial, in principle it should be possible to trace these changes back step by step to seawater. In practice this would be impossible in the case of, say, a blue whale, or even of Archaea.. But consider something far simpler (in its basics anyway). the synthesis of proteins. A protein of course is a catenation of amino-acid residues. DNA codes for aminos via codons, groups of three nucleotides. Since there are four nucleotiedes, A,T,C, and G, there are four-cubed or sixty-four possible combinations. These can code for the twenty aminos with sufficient left over for control codons and some degeneracy.

This I think is high-school biology. But, according to Darwin, the three-nucleotide codon system must have evolved from something simpler. What? Two nucleotides per codon? This would allow only sixteen aminos with no control with no control codons. This seems to me a clear, simple, and reasonable question about a simple and well understood coding system.  Why is this not irreducible complexity?

Hauteur is not a coding system.

The question of complexity. On the principle that the more complex an event, the less likely it is to happen by chance, the likelihood that life came about by chance grows rapidly more remote If this is not true, tell me why it is not true.

Darwin began with the idea that life originated as an agglomeration of goo in a warm pond, not a foolish idea in light of what he knew–nothing–about cells. But then came DNA, mRNA, tRna, nc RNA, microRNA, two-part ribosomes, the nucleus, active transport, post-transcriptional modification,, endoplasmic reticula, nucleotides, amino acids, methylation of cytosine, acetylation of histones, deactivation of  X chromosomes, introns, exons, replication complexes, reading frames, and so on for pages. Every succeeding discovery seems to increase the known complexity of life. Will the Biology Department at Lehigh University state, however approximately, when complexity overcomes probability?

“Scientific theories don’t change because old scientists change their minds. They change because old scientist die”  Max Planck (he of the constant)

Abiogenesis? The fact is (tell me why it is not a fact) that the Biology Department does not know of what the ancient seas consisted, does not know what seas would be necessary for life to appear, bearing in mind that reactions depend crucially on concentrations, pH, reducing or oxidizing atmosphere, temperature, half-life of intermediates, and so on; cannot reproduce the event in the laboratory; cannot draw a reproducing, metabolizing molecule on paper; and cannot show the event to be mathematically probable. What reason, really, is there to believe that it happened, other than that the Biology Department cannot think of another acceptable explanation?

The response of the orthodox is usually “billions and billions of years,” and “lots and lots of seawater.” This is so vague as to embarrass a football player majoring in Breathing for Credit.

Next: An example of a large class of problems with Darwin appears in the horn of the rhinoceros, which  (presumably) evolved to protect the beast from predators (“evolved to….: always the language of purpose) Since Darwinian evolution works through the accumulation of many small. changes, each of which must  favor survival, there should be many intermediate fossils in different states of hornization. I can find nothing online about these intermediates, I am sure that someone in the Biology Department could point me to them. These would establish the fact of the horn’s evolution, though not the mechanism. (Remember, it is the mechanism that the thousand scientists specifically doubt.)

To show that the horn might have evolved through the accumulation of mutations, would it not  be necessary to show which and how many genes code for the horn? And thus how many mutations and and which? If, reuctio ad absurdem, one mutation could do it, then the nutational theory would be plausible. If a hundred and fifty mutations were necessary, it would be mathematically infeasible. And of course each of these mutations would have to be beneficial enough to become fixed in the population.

To a layman, even at the macro level the the horn’s evolution makes no sense. Help us. The horn is made of keratin, the protein of hair, not of bone. This seems to imply that the horn must have formed from congealed hair. This would require (excuse the flip tone, but it has the virtue of being compact) a Hair Sticke’m Together mutation, assuming that one mutation would suffice. But why on the forehead and not all over, or on the left hind leg? So now we need a highly specific Hair Sicke’m Together Laterally Centered on Forehead mutation. Presumably we would then have a clump of clotted hair of no use whatever to the semi-rhino. Next, a Stuck Hair Grow Like Crazy mutation, since the thing would be of no value until long enough to poke lions. Then we need another mutation to give it a perfectly ovoid shape, not an obvious measure for survival, and then a Grow Faster In Middle mutation, to give the aborning horn a point. Pleasurably there is a Don’t Grow Too Much mutation to keep from growing and growing and turning the rhino into a nasal unicorn.

I cannot doubt that someone in the Department of Biology can give a clear answer to these questions as otherwise Darwin would seem inadequate.

At no risk of making friends in the Department: Darwin’s idea was less scientific than metaphysical, more akin to the elan vital or the will to power than to the Principia Mathematica. Like Communism, Christianity, Islam, and Freudian psychiatry, it was an overarching explanation of vast tracts of existence. These have emotional appeal and attract ardent adherents. Evolution inevitably was interpreted by the common run of men as a sort of biological Coueism, “Every day in every way, we are getting better and better.” as a human progression toward the more advanced and admirable. Of course it said no such thing, but few noticed.

Darwin’s vague idea took hold and grew in other directions. The idea of God as creator gave way to the Big Bang, which logically was no better as a theory of origins–where did either God or Big Bang come from?–but sounded scientific. Soon we had evolutionary psychology, which purports to show that all human behavior arose through evolutionary mechanisms. It was herd-think on a magnificent scale, complete with persecution of dissenters. This Inquisition was not as brutal as its predecessor, but as effective.

Herd-think can have curiosities when there are multiple overlapping herds.  Consider the intersection of Darwinism, the political correctness of the sciences, with radical egalitarianism, the political correctness of politics.  The  politically correct hold tightly to Darwinism as a counter to religion and as a sort of membership card in the cognoscenti. When it is pointed out that different races, exposed to different selective pressures on different  continents, might evolve differences, as for example in intelligence…ah, um, uh…urg. Darwin goes overboard. What, I wonder, does the Department of Biology at Lehigh University have to say about this matter?

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March 25, 2019 8:15 am

Fred wrote “The fact is (tell me why it is not a fact) that the Biology Department does not know of what the ancient seas consisted, does not know what seas would be necessary for life to appear, bearing in mind that reactions depend crucially on concentrations, pH, reducing or oxidizing atmosphere, temperature, half-life of intermediates, and so on; cannot reproduce the event in the laboratory; cannot draw a reproducing, metabolizing molecule on paper; and cannot show the event to be mathematically probable.”

The fact is, we CAN actually PROVE that Darwinism is mathematically impossible… the formation of simple amino acids ( let alone the formation of ACGT’s) by chance would take longer than the age of the universe (estimated at 10 to the 27th power). Add in the grouping of these components of DNA in proper chains–billions and billions more years– and we are still lost to the fact that they are PROGRAMMED in a genetic code to act in specific function.

Amino acids don’t link together, form a genetic chain and then decide among themselves “I think I’ll create an eyeball so I can see the world I’m oozing around in”…while another link says “cool, I’ll create a heart so lightning might strike our pond and jumpstart us into life!”

Those who believe that our complex forms of life on this planet came into being from nothing or from random chance are simply kooky or just never given it much thought.

March 25, 2019 10:48 am

“Those who believe that our complex forms of life on this planet came into being from nothing or from random chance are simply kooky or just never given it much thought.”
To Anon and Fred, that’s some pretty heavy shit there.
Me personally, having been a biology major in college and being introduced to Darwinism while there, have been questioning the origins of life ever since.
I think there are basically 3 distinct groups when it comes down to it.
1. Those who don’t give shit.
2. Those who spend all their life in a quest for knowledge.
3. Those who thought about it for a short while and then decided, “my head hurts, I think I’ll form a new religion.”

March 25, 2019 12:38 pm

You argue that since life is so extremely complex (a very true statement) that it could not possibly have come “into being from nothing”.

Your solution? Let’s introduce even more infinitely complexity …. God! This makes no sense at all.

And then you (people) change the rules. We are not allowed to ask the very same questions you ask. We are not allowed to ask how this infinitely complex being, a God, came into being. “Shaddup, you infidel!!, you proclaim. “God has always existed! God doesn’t need to be created? He is the Prime Mover!!” You strut around like a peacock pretending these are statements based on fact … when, in fact, they are religious statements based on nothing but belief.

March 25, 2019 2:03 pm

I have never proclaimed any of the bilge you just espoused– I only know as fact that Darwinism is an outdated theory which is now provably false. I also know that the complexity, mathematics and the laws of time and physics demonstrate a design or “coding” to life on earth.
Your presumptions of my beliefs are on par for the presumptions made by this faux-science.

The same logic you used to blast your phantom theists is the same I get from kool-aid adherants everywhere. I criticize the corruption of Hillary and the DNC or the inane belief in socialism as an answer to societal ills then I am called a MAGA fascist– if I discuss my loathing of McCain, Graham, Ryan and how boorish Trump is and his inability to speak above a 5th grade level, then people assume I’m some leftist/Marxist.

Sometimes people are just open-minded enquirers about the mysteries of things, but we still know bullshit when we hear it.

March 25, 2019 2:27 pm

I apologize for making presumptions about your beliefs.

I do agree that Darwinism has big holes in it. But, that doesn’t make it false … or, at least not 100% false. Heck, even Creationists believe in small scale evolution ( within a species).

From a science POV. I don’t believe we humans will EVER fully know with 100% certainty our origins. It just seems to damned complex. Plus we can NEVER reproduce whatever caused life to begin with. So, it seems hopeless. All we have are reasonable guesses.

Unless one is a Believer. Believers don’t need guesses, and they don’t need facts. They just need faith. Can we agree on that?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 4:23 pm

Stuck, HF said that there is no discernible rise in the level of the ocean since 1500 and somebody else noted that man has not evolved one iota since 1902. Neither mutation nor adaptation equal evolution. There is no mention of monkey ancestors in the writings of Josephus but he does mention Jesus.

  EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 5:47 pm

There’s also no mention of electricity in the writings of Josephus. So, shall I disregard electricity as a fable?

It’s interesting that humans share about 96% of our DNA (some say as high as 99%) with chimpanzees.

What was God thinking? Was he trying to fuck with our minds?

—- “Hey, Jeebs! Let’s make a chimp before a human. That way millions and millions of people will be fooled into believing in evolution. Then we’ll send all those people to burn in hell forever.”

—- “Oh, yeah. Great idea, dad! And while we’re at it — let’s make kneegrows look like monkeys. That will really confuse ’em!”

March 26, 2019 8:10 am

we also share 94% DNA commonality with elephants but nobody is linking us with them……

March 26, 2019 11:02 am

“we also share 94% DNA commonality with elephants but nobody is linking us with them……”

Oh, really?

[imgcomment image[/img]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 26, 2019 11:20 am

It’s not Friday Porn yet, I can’t handle all that sexy right now.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 26, 2019 11:07 am

You are aware that all of those studies are proven frauds, right?

It isn’t the shared DNA that matters, it’s the stuff that separates us that counts.

March 25, 2019 3:06 pm

God is no more complex than truth, Stuck.
Lies are ever evolving exercises in complexity.

March 25, 2019 5:47 pm

What is truth?

March 25, 2019 7:11 pm


March 25, 2019 8:38 pm

Truth is not rare. Truth never goes away and never decreases in amount. No matter how many lies are mixed in, truth is never reduced except as a function of the limited view of folks prone to paying attention to and exercising lies.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
March 26, 2019 8:35 pm

To counter your statement, the truth is rare. Why? Because lies are abundant. It is tantamount to searching for gold in a stream of iron pyrite. One nugget among many false illusions. When the truth is exposed the liars shout it down to cover their explicit deviancy.

March 25, 2019 8:13 pm

Truth just is.

Models and descriptions are all complex lies relative to the truth they are attempting to describe. This is why false models such as words wind up literally retarding people resulting in insane thoughts such as “God is complex”.

March 26, 2019 11:03 am

“Truth just is.”

Wow, that’s deep, man.

Wonder why Jesus didn’t think of that answer when Pilate asked him.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 26, 2019 9:32 pm

Or why he didn’t say that truth is beauty.

Hey, Stuck, have you noticed we are getting a bit of smarter commentators lately? Not saying it’s because the Trumpeteers crawled back under the slimepit but it could be that.

March 25, 2019 3:33 pm

The argument itself is not introducing more complexity, it is acknowledging the complexity that is readily observable and saying that it is not possible to attain such via only the known processes of evolution. That argument is rock solid logically.

At such a point, it is logical to assume a solution and test its validity. This is done all the time in mathematics. The logical issue I see is not in assuming God, per se, but in anthropomorphizing the concept of God. Of course, this is done at every level of science and understandably so…scientists are unvaryingly human.

The point that Fred is clearly trying to make is that there are things we simply do not understand…and they are no small, trivial details, but huge underlying, foundational principles of existence.

March 26, 2019 8:18 am

How anyone could down-vote your reply is befuddling. Must be those hard core atheist faithful with Evolution as their Bible and Darwin as their prophet.
Your point is excellent– ancient aliens, nephilim, god, a comet with seeds/biological organisms– we don’t know the progenitor of life on earth but we must have the intellectual courage to acknowledge when we can prove that “the earth is not flat” and “evolutional theory” is provably false.
Survival of the fittest and other Darwinian thought appear as common sense but origin of species must be thrown in the trashbin alongside the “sun revolves around the earth.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 4:17 pm

You are stuck on the philosopher’s question, who created god? I think we might as well also discuss whether the chicken preceded the egg.


…I have seen the burden that God has laid on men to occupy them. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work God has done from beginning to end.

  EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 4:32 pm

Amen and amen EC.

  EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 8:31 pm

EL Coyote
“You are stuck on the philosopher’s question, who created god? I think we might as well also discuss whether the chicken preceded the egg.”
effin you gonna get into these scientifical debates ya need to stay up to date on current science–
the chicken/egg debate was settled last halloween when a man dressed as a chicken went to a party & hit it off w/a girl dressed as an egg–
they left the party & went back to her place & exactly 3.222 minutes later the question was answered–

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
March 25, 2019 10:12 am

Africans didn’t evolve an average 70 IQ and other more primitive traits per se, they are hybrids (long ago mixed with several ancient primates). Whites and Asians are mixed with Neanderthal (appx 2%).

March 25, 2019 11:09 am

If it can’t happen randomly, then life on earth is an alien invention. Is there some other explanation besides the God theory? And then, what created the aliens-add copious amounts of infinite regression.

March 25, 2019 11:29 am

I believed in phrenology when I was a young, and I’m sticking to that belief!

Not Sure
Not Sure
March 25, 2019 11:53 am

I read the book when it came out 15 or 20 years ago. Behe’s main point was Darwin’s theory was valid at that point in time, because the cell level study was unable to go deeper as to what was happening inside the cell. Today, the operations within cells is now definable and as such, can be used to support or question the theory of evolution.
One of the many attempts to discredit Behe was to put up a straw horse that he was trying to promote creationism, a totally false accusation. His contention was that if multiple processes came together at the same time, this would point to an intelligent design, rather than random mutations over periods of thousands of years. He was not destroying evolution, but allowing intelligent design to be considered along side the theory of evolution.
It was my first taste of science as a religion whose jobs it was to destroy any blasphemers who would question evolution. The same crusaders moved onto other religious doctrines such as global warming and continue to fight the flawed fight to the present day.

  Not Sure
March 25, 2019 12:08 pm

You have to be damn fool , idiot or worse to say life evolved from random chance. Evolution is a lie told by men who wish God would disappear . Just like the Big Bang is another lie . Just like the whole heliocentric model of the universe is another damn lie. Well God is not going anywhere and we are not spending through the universe at a Godzillion miles an hour. Infact the universe is another lie. There is no Outer space. Wake up people . We have been betrayed and lie to about everything.

  Not Sure
March 25, 2019 12:46 pm

“It was my first taste of science as a religion whose jobs it was to destroy any blasphemers who would question evolution. “

Excellent point. That’s exactly what science does, and has done, for thousands of years — from Hippocrates to Copernicus to our present age.

People who believe scientists are always objective simply don’t realize how science tends to cling to the STATUS QUO. God help those who question the-way-things-are, because scientists are often the very first to label such pioneers as HERETICS!!!

This sad state of affairs has only gotten worse with the birth of Big Pharma. They mock, persecute, and ruin any science which claims disease can be cured by natural means …. instead of championing their goddamned drugs they crave to inject into us.

March 25, 2019 2:06 pm

Damn right. You tell ’em Stuckey. You mention anything to do with alternative medicine to these asshole doctors I’ve been affiliated with and they look at you like you got three heads. The wife had been taking Metformin for several years for type 2 diabetes. Went on Low-carb Keto diet and hasn’t had to have any meds for over a month.

March 25, 2019 4:24 pm

+10,000, preach it Stucky!!!!

March 25, 2019 12:27 pm

” …. a Stuck Hair Grow Like Crazy mutation, “

Thanks, Fred. I appreciate the shout out.

For those interested, the mutation he’s talking about is my 14 inch long pecker … and it has a horn on the end of it. Sure, it’s embarrassing but, I’m glad I’m finally outed.

Miles Long
Miles Long
March 25, 2019 1:26 pm

Those centimeter markings on the ruler aren’t inches. Put your damned glasses on.

  Miles Long
March 25, 2019 2:07 pm


March 25, 2019 3:34 pm

And once again the length of Stucky’s shlong becomes a topic of debate.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 4:27 pm

There is no debate, the thing is huge as you shall see when he goes to take a whiz in Hampshire, the thing will unfurl downhill like a fireman’s hose.

March 25, 2019 4:28 pm

DRUD- Llpoh tells an entirely different story when it comes to Stucky’s pud. Something about teeny-weeny pecker, if I recall.

March 25, 2019 5:53 pm

Pardon me? I deal in facts.

Unless a pecker vibrates at high speeds and for a certain length of time (for example, 8 seconds for El Coyote) then it can not impart life. Which leads to a most logical question; what if a vibrating pecker IS the Fundamental Force in the universe?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 25, 2019 6:33 pm

Hence all the phallic symbols in ancient art.

March 25, 2019 6:41 pm

Oh, but where was thy pecker when God laid the foundations of the earth. Aye, but thee weren’t even a gleam in the eye of your longest dead ancestor.

March 25, 2019 6:48 pm

My pecker was always in God’s eye. For the scripture saith:

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart by giving you the biggest pecker amongst men.” —– Jeremiah 1:5

March 25, 2019 8:24 pm

which translation was that from again?

March 26, 2019 12:56 am

It is said that we humans started out as A-sexual beings, so peckers were not in the equation originally.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
March 26, 2019 9:38 pm

Maybe they were. Maybe women were made from part of Adam’s member, they are suspiciously soft like a dormant pecker and they always try to screw you over.

March 25, 2019 3:41 pm

I like the simulation hypothesis. For the fun of it I throw in a little retro-causality with it to enhance the mind bending effect it has when playing it all out in my head. However, I do have one troubling thought about living in a simulated reality. One would think that if one is going to create a simulated reality one would create something better than one has. This place is no paradise, which makes me wonder how much worse it is in the real world.

March 25, 2019 5:12 pm

So, I have a concept of how things might work that could in no way be considered a scientific theory, but is a new way of thinking about things.

A while ago I re-thought the whole concept of omnipresence. There are things that are omnipresent and not floating around out there, or in the either or in some unseen spiritual dimension (the way the concept is usually presented) but inside of everything that IS. I’m talking of course about the Fundamental Forces…Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak. These are aptly named and I have always found it interesting on the overlap of the two quotes below:

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. ” – Max Planck

“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:3

So, anyway, the Fundamental Forces represent the mystery at the heart of all things. No scientist will argue their existence, nor will they be able to tell you why two neutrons are strongly attracted to each other, but only at tiny distances, or why two massive bodies are weakly attracted to each other at any distance, or why two electrons repel each other, etc.

This is not strictly to discuss the Fundamental Forces or the concept of God or certainly not to get into a Bible verse showdown, but to simply lay the groundwork.

So, what if LIFE was more like the manifestation of an undiscovered Fundamental Force. A Force that all things in the Universe interact with. The simplest of things (think rocks) arr inert, ie NO interaction; amoebas and microbes, have a weak interaction; Plants a little more; Animals more still, and when you get to the most complex chunk of matter known to exist anywhere , ie the human brain, you get the most complex interaction, ie consciousness.

Of course, this says nothing about the nature or origins of this new conceptualized Fundamental Force (deal with it, there will always be mystery at the heart of all things), it seems to me to describe at least a little of how I observe things working in our Universe.

March 25, 2019 6:29 pm

There were no fundamental forces before the beginning. A state of timelessness is considered a fact, as all experiments lead in that direction. Under such condition force would not have any space to act or time to do anything. However, what does remain is the generic certainty (i.e. Pure reality). One can claim any condition and all will need certainty to validate it as a actual reality. Even the state of nothingness must be certain in order to be a valid condition. Certainty is the only thing that cannot be logically or empirically created of destroyed. Even the state of uncertainty must be certain in order to be an absolute, true to reality, state of uncertainty. Certainty, and the conditions it validates are 2 separate things. Conditions are prone to change and generally time/space related. Certainty experiences no time or place. In effect, certainty is omni.

March 25, 2019 6:39 pm

There were no fundamental forces before the beginning. A bold claim. Please present your evidence.

I can assert that “certainty” is a word in the English language. Perhaps a thousand years old, perhaps more, perhaps less, but most definitely not there before the spoken word, so not “Pure reality.”

“certanty is omni.” Zuh?

Your post, Anonymous, is a particularly jumbled word salad that sounds like you’re making a point.

March 25, 2019 7:10 pm

Reality is a random variable. I seem to recall that uncertainty is a principle.

March 26, 2019 12:41 am

Are you saying there was no truth/ certainty /reality / validity before the big bang? The biggest question in the movie the matrix was “what is real”. Why are things “real”!

Reality is a force unto itself. It is that simple. No word salad needed. You can describe any possible condition. If it isn’t real it is meaningless. With reality/certainty/ truth resides all meaning.

Is the uncertainty principle certain or does it only work occasionally? If the universe began as a consequence of a quantum state of uncertainty was the quantum state of uncertainty valid or invalid? No matter what one asserts one is asserting it is a reality/ Even a lie must be real in order to assert it is a lie. One cannot step out of reality and step back in. Where would you go?

Certainty/Reality/Truth does not exist or exist. It just is. Existence is a time related condition that comes and goes. One day I’m alive and the next day I’m dead. Both conditions are valid, but neither are unmovable reality. The truth does not change. 1+1 will always equal 2. Reality doesn’t move – Can’t be created – Can’t be destroyed, and it is the only concept that I know of that doesn’t require space/time in order to function. Energy is a different matter because all of space/time is made of energy. If there is no time there is no energy present or any place to exist.

All the conditions are generally associated with all things time related. All things time related are movable and associated with change and uncertainty. Reality is the opposite. Analogously, reality is the steady light that passes through a reel of film containing a motion picture of related conditions. The light of truth and the film of sequential conditions are 2 separate things that are able to interact.

March 26, 2019 2:26 pm

The variation in reality is in actuality a variation in perception, what one can see and or understand from where (and when) one stands facing it.

March 26, 2019 4:26 pm

Amateur theologists using faulty logic and pseudo-science in an attempt to prove God scientifically.

It is a failure at science and logic. And a failure at faith.

Trying to have both, “Intelligent Design” fails at each.