Hyperinflation History May Provide Valuable Lessons for Fed’s “Target”

From Birch Gold Group

hyperinflation history lesson for fed

In April of 1980 inflation peaked at a staggering 14.76%. That same year, the Fed triggered a rise in interest rates to near 20% around the same time, employing the controversial “Volcker Rule.”

Paul Solman explained in a 2009 PBS Newshour:

If by “interest rates” you mean the rate set by the Fed — the Fed funds rate — it rose to TWENTY PERCENT in 1980. But no, it was not inaction but just the opposite: a deliberate rise in rates triggered by inflation.

And as you can see in the chart below, the 1980s also represented the 3rd highest average inflation percentage in a decade since 1913:

average annual inflation

So inflation rose dramatically, and the Fed employed a dramatic strategy, hiking rates through the roof.

But as you look at the same chart, it’s also clear three other decades had severe inflationary periods as well. Each time that happens in the U.S. the dollar loses buying power quickly as prices for food, energy, and fuel go through the roof.

Serious hyperinflation can happen relatively quickly. Venezuela is a recent example, where it only took about 5 years for the local bolivar to lose 90% of its value. Inflation soared to a ridiculous 1.37 million percent.

We also have historic examples of severe hyperinflation. From 1921-1923 the Weimar Republic of Germany suffered massive inflation. Sovereign Man highlighted, “a single egg at the market would cost millions of marks” during this economic upheaval.

Oddly enough, Germany’s hyperinflation came not too long after a decision to print money became standard policy. (Sound familiar?)

Zimbabwe also had a period of massive war-based hyperinflation in 2008-09 after printing money and devaluing its currency.

These hyperinflation horror stories beg the question, will the Fed’s “target” of 2-3% inflation per year be effective?

The Fed’s “Rose Colored” Inflationary Glasses

The official inflation rate is currently kept in a target range by the Fed. Right now, it sits at about 1.5%, and if you listen to Chairman Powell, it seems like it’s “under control.”

We tend to forget that over the last century, cumulative inflation has risen over 2000% in the U.S., so even inflation “under control” adds up.

That “under control” inflation can quickly change in the U.S. (see chart):

CPI urban consumers

From 1972-74, it jumped almost 10%. From December 1976 to March 1980, it soared almost 10% again, even after a modest recovery. From 1987 to 1991 it jumped 5%. And from 2009-11 it rose about 6%.

Could U.S. inflation soar to 1980 levels again?

The Weimar Republic of Germany has interesting context from the few people that prospered during hyperinflation. That lesson was highlighted by Sovereign Man (emphasis ours):

Back in Germany’s hyperinflation days, there were a handful of sophisticated people who saw the writing on the wall. They knew that the government could never pay its debts, and that they would print money and debase the currency.

This begs the question … are there people that “know” the U.S. can’t pay its crushing debt? The U.S. has already printed money (Quantitative Easing), and that money has to go somewhere. But Powell has already committed to ending the balance sheet “runoff” in Q3.

It may be a good time to consider being one of those who “saw the writing on the wall.”

What Worked for Hugo Stinnes Could Work for You Too

When German hyperinflation ended, German industrialist and politician Hugo Stinnes was one of the few that prospered. According to Sovereign Man, this is how (emphasis ours):

Stinnes’ hard assets weren’t affected by the hyperinflation. They held their value. His businesses and investments flourished, making him one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Those “hard assets” included gold, which as history has proven, generally fares well during market turmoil and times of inflation.

If the Fed and other factors trigger the wrong events, serious inflation may happen again. When that happens, you’ll want to be prepared with assets that can protect your wealth.

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
March 31, 2019 10:22 am

You do realize that for every ounce of gold in private banking hands there are hundreds of paper contracts claiming the same gold in existance .
Wow that sounds like a Grand Circle Jerk Scheme if ever there was one .
Invest your worthless cash in imaginary gold !
Great Idea can’t wait to see the results !

March 31, 2019 11:55 am

I try not to curse, but if you are too goddamm stupid to know the meaning of “begging the question” and shove your fucking ignorance in my face twice in one article, then I sure as hell don’t trust your monetary insights.

March 31, 2019 1:14 pm

The only takeaway lesson from history is that government’s don’t give a shit about the average citizen, but are ONLY beholden to their masters in the banking cartel. Act accordingly.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
March 31, 2019 6:52 pm

Of course if anyone still pays attention to the “official” price inflation figures then they will never know what the truth is. The figures have been so mishandled for the last 30 years it is pointless to consider them. Thank goodness for John Williams!

March 31, 2019 7:16 pm

I don’t need no stinking charts to tell me inflating is really hitting hard.
a nice steak, at any grocery store, they start at $10, wtf..
same with hamburger, can’t get a pound for less the $6, unless it is that 70/30 crap.
these items were a lot cheaper 3 years ago.

I read catalogs in the “library” in my house (with the porcelain throne).
The music gear from last year to this year has about a 5% price increase on almost all items.

they are starting to really put the squeeze on our income, no tax return this year, had to pay both state/fed, first time in 35 years of paying taxes.

it’s over, the fat lady is grasping the mic, and she is inhaling, ready to sing her heart out.

Now, here is the super, duper, (need to know) conspiracy theory:

The Aristocracy who owns the un-elected bureaucratic machinery known as the deep state, got 50 tons of gold stolen from them by US Army, beholden to Trump, and now they are going to crash the economy. The will start selling all the stocks they bought with the free money from Tarp/Obama (also a club member).

As the market crashes unexpectedly under Trump, he will get blamed and they will attempt to install a nicer more PC puppet.

The Aristocracy is the old money from Rockefeller, the Rothchilds and other rich families, who use the CFR and the Club of Rome to create all the events that move the world ( the global war on terror to the global war on climate change, to all the False flag shootings)

Mind you, these people do not implement the plans, they get suckers like Strock/Page or patsy shooters, people like peter shiff for brains, who are so compromised they have no choice.

Quite simply, their agenda is hell on earth, a one world govt. with a single currency, run by un-elected bureaucrats, much like the EU. you could say the EU is their first baby.

John Q public knows something is wrong, that is why Brexit, that is why Trump.

now that you have read this, you must re-adjust your Aluminum hat, because I just blew your mind.