Stop Hoping That The Swamp Will Drain The Swamp

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

If you only tuned into US politics within the last couple of years this will come as a major surprise, but believe it or not there was once a time when both major parties weren’t constantly claiming that imminent revelations are about to completely destroy the other party any minute now. Used to be they’d just focus on beating each other in elections and making each other look bad with smears and sex scandals; now in the age of Trump they’re both always insisting that some huge, earth-shattering revelation is right around the corner that will see the leaders of the other party dragged off in chains forever.

Enthusiastic Trump supporters have been talking a lot lately about the president’s decision to give Attorney General Bill Barr the authority to declassify information regarding the shady origins of the discredited Russiagate hoax, including potentially illicit means used to secure a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign staff. For days online chatter from Trump’s base has been amping up for a huge, cataclysmic bombshell in the same language Russiagaters used to use back before Robert Mueller pissed in their Wheaties.

“There is information coming that will curl your hair,” Congressman Mark Meadows told Sean Hannity on Fox News. “I can tell you that the reason why it is so visceral — the response from the Democrats is so visceral right now — is because they know, they’ve seen documents. Adam Schiff has seen documents that he knows will actually put the finger pointing back at him and his Democrat colleagues, not the president of the United States.”

“There is some information in these transcripts that I think has the potential to be a game changer, if it’s ever made public,” former Republican congressman Trey Gowdy told Fox News, referring to FBI transcripts of recorded interactions with surveilled individuals.

“Sources tell me there will be bombshells [of] information,” tweeted Fox News contributor Sara A Carter of the coming decassifications.

Democrats and Democrat-aligned media are responding with similarly apocalyptic language, playing right along with the same WWE script.

“While Trump stonewalls the public from learning the truth about his obstruction of justice, Trump and Barr conspire to weaponize law enforcement and classified information against their political enemies,” griped congressman, Russiagater and flamboyant drama queen Adam Schiff, adding, “The coverup has entered a new and dangerous phase. This is un-American.”

“President Trump’s order allowing Attorney General William P. Barr to declassify any intelligence that led to the Russia investigation sets up a potential confrontation with the C.I.A.,” the New York Times warns.

“National security veterans fear a declassification order could trigger resignations and threaten the CIA’s ability to conduct its core business — managing secret intelligence and sources,” frets Politico.

“William Barr’s New Authority to Declassify Anything He Wants Is a Threat to National Security,” blares a headline from Slate.

Both sides are wrong and ridiculous. Democrats are wrong and ridiculous for claiming a tiny bit of government transparency is dangerous, and Republicans are wrong and ridiculous to claim that game-changing bombshell revelations are going to be brought to the light by these declassifications. Just like with the Mueller report and the “bigger than Watergate” Nunes memo before it, there may be some interesting revelations, but the swamp of DC corruption will march on completely uninterrupted.

Readers keep asking me to weigh in on this whole declassification controversy, but really I have no response to the whole thing apart from boredom and a slight flinch whenever I think about Adam Schiff’s bug-eyed stare. There’s just not much going to come of it.

This is not to suggest that the intelligence communities of the US and its allies weren’t up to some extremely sleazy shenanigans in planting the seeds of the Russiagate insanity which monopolized US political attention for over two years, and it’s not to suggest that those shenanigans couldn’t be interpreted as crimes. Abuse of government surveillance and inflicting a malignant psyop on public consciousness are extremely egregious offenses and should indeed be punished. And, in a sane world, they would be.

But we do not live in such a world. We live in a world where partisan divides are for show only and the powerful protect each other from ever being held to account. Having the swamp of Trump’s Justice Department investigate the swamp of Obama’s intelligence community isn’t going to lead anywhere. Swamp creature Bill “Iran-Contra coverup” Barr isn’t going to be draining the swamp any more than swamp creature Robert “Saddam has WMDs” Mueller. The swamp cannot be used to drain itself.

It is possible that some important information will make its way to public view, like Russiagate’s roots in UK intelligence, for example. But no powerful people in the US or its allied governments will suffer any meaningful consequences for any offenses exposed, and no significant changes in government policy or behavior will take place. I fully support declassifying everything Trump wants declassified (as well as the rest of the 99 percent of classified government information which is only hidden from public view out of convenience for the powerful), but the most significant thing that can possibly come of it is a slightly better-informed populace and some political damage to the Democrats in 2020.

The only people who believe these inquiries will help fix America’s problems are those who believe there are aspects of the DC power structure which are not immersed in swamp. Trump supporters believe the Trump administration is virtuous, so they believe the Justice Department is preparing to hold powerful manipulators to legal accountability rather than cover for them and treat them with kid gloves. Democrats believed that a former FBI Director and George W Bush crony was going to bring the Executive Branch of the US government to its knees, because they thought that swamp monster was in some way separable from the swamp. It doesn’t work that way, cupcake.

If people want to rid their government of the swamp of corruption, they’re going to have to do it themselves. No political insider is going to rise to the occasion and do it for you. They can’t. You can’t drain the swamp when you’re made of swamp, any more than you can wash yourself clean with a turd-soaked loofah.

The only upheaval that is worth buying stock in is the kind which moves from the bottom up. If you really want change, it’s not going to come from the US president or any longtime government insider. It’s going to come from real people looking to each other and agreeing to say that enough is enough, and use the power of their numbers to flush the corrupt power structure down the toilet where it belongs. It will mean ceasing to imbue the fake partisan divide with the power of belief, and it will mean unplugging from official authorized narratives about what’s going on in the world and circulating our own narratives instead.

All political analysis which favors either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party is inherently worthless, because both parties are made of swamp and exist in service of the swamp. If you can’t see that the entire system is one unified block of corruption and that ordinary people need to come together and unite against it, then you really don’t understand what you’re looking at.

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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May 29, 2019 9:07 am

Why did she have to go and rain on the parade?

May 29, 2019 9:40 am

Because it’s not a parade. It’s a charade.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 29, 2019 9:26 am

The political fallout from the coming revelations could (not a certainty) be bigger than she expects, and that impacts things like judicial nominees and whether we enmesh ourselves in or extricate ourselves from global governance schemes. That’s not insignificant, although every battle won is in danger of being quickly reversed.

Her main point is right, though, that the swamp will remain largely undrained. The extensive illegality throughout most of the Obama administration in its use of NSA “about” queries should be revealed and, to the extent possible, prosecuted, but the bigger problem is the existence of the NSA and its unimaginably huge database. You don’t build the biggest data collection in the history of the world and expect it to go unused. We can hope for a temporary respite in government- and corporate- monitoring, but it moves inexorably toward a totalitarian end.

May 29, 2019 9:27 am

Well said.

Not Sure
Not Sure
May 29, 2019 9:56 am

It would seem the closer one is to chronicling this whole affair, the more jaded one becomes of any hopeful outcomes. I can’t blame the writer, as for me, I’ve waited so long that even if Hillary and Obama are perp walked, I’ll probably just yawn and move on.

But maybe this is what’s needed to clean out the swamp and not destroy the country, as the exposed crimes have become so commonplace that when the judge gets to convict the coup plotters, it won’t send the country into anarchy.

If the hammer did fall in 2017 or 2016, the shock would have been much worse on the liberal population and surely the protests and violence would have been epic; but now after haven been beaten by the Mueller nothing burgher and Trumps outwardly winning the economy and jobless tally ( I know it’s all a ruse, but it is what’s reported to the public and they seem to be digesting it), Trump is in a better position now than ever to hopefully carry out his promise.

Go ahead, I’m ready to be shouted down for my naivety, but at this point, either Trump will make his move or the pent up aggressions of the posters of the previous article on “The Coming Storm” will have their day. If Trump wants to preserve this country and his presidency, this is the one promise he must carry out.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Not Sure
May 29, 2019 12:01 pm

Update: Mueller just gave a statement; no questions thank you very much. It appears he still thinks the coup plotters will win, as he is keeping on their good side. Not looking good for team Trump.

  Not Sure
May 29, 2019 6:51 pm

An Old West analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress efforts in one sentence:

“While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it.”

May 29, 2019 10:09 am

The system designed by our Founding Fathers has been twisted / mangled /distorted / abused / ignored to a point that it’s irreparably damaged.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
May 29, 2019 11:13 pm

Yup. I just wish people would move on and prepare themselves for a fucking cluster so that it’ll *only* be 95% of the country drooling like zombies when the monetary system resets.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
May 29, 2019 10:52 am

The circle jerk of Wall Street (economic traders) to K-Street (paid sophisticated bribery operation)to Capitol Street (perpetrators of a laundry list of acts against the health and well being of a secure republic and it’s citizens) will continue to control everything you hear see feel or touch . This will continue unless we can find a military leader of honor and integrity to force the hand of some small part of what may be left of the constitutional republic into a Nuremberg style series of trials with swift deadly justice and no mercy . These sentences must eventually be forced upon all who perpetrated this massive fraud and all who supported and profited from it truly the entire swamp system is full of Treasonous individuals prepared to claim “Just Doing My Job”!
That excuse did not flush at Nuremberg and we are looking at a similar criminal series of acts perpetrated around the globe and in the US with a similar death toll however well disguised .
From some middle eastern family to a family cheated out of a pension and medical benefits on Main Street America . The circle jerk profit while average Americans and their counter parts around the world circle the drain . The true victims of the swamp !

Bob P
Bob P
May 29, 2019 10:55 am

Of course the swamp won’t be drained and the most powerful criminals will continue ruining the country, but they’ll need to throw a few chumps under the bus to keep the rabble happy. So there’ll likely be a few highly-publicized prosecutions of mid-level suckers to convince voters that the system worked.

May 29, 2019 11:08 am


May 29, 2019 11:12 am

Barr was a Bushie. At the very least we should be suspicious.

May 29, 2019 11:22 am

If you really want change, it’s not going to come from the US president or any longtime government insider. It’s going to come from real people looking to each other and agreeing to say that enough is enough, and use the power of their numbers to flush the corrupt power structure down the toilet where it belongs.

BUT WE FUCKING DID THAT ALREADY. How the hell did Trump get into office? Did he put himself there? He ran on a platform of “draining the swamp” – and the people who elected him looked at each other and said “hell yeah”.

And look where we are. So save your advice, CJ. It’s hollow and you know it.

May 29, 2019 12:02 pm

She is obviously controlled op, rolled out in force past couple of weeks.
Nothing to see here, go back to sleep, nothing is going to change, go back to sleep.

May 29, 2019 4:02 pm

But….but….Q said…”Trust the Plan”

Anyone tells me to trust them, especially someone who is anonymous over the intranet let alone in person, red flags immediately go up, Full shields to front deflector screen Cap’n

This article could easily be its own thread but does a very thorough job shredding the Qunacy

May 29, 2019 11:58 am

So sayeth the swamp creature.

May 29, 2019 12:03 pm

The reason why the swamp will never be drained can be found in the Bible, Acts 26:14 ….


No one can drain the swamp cuz the pricks are invincible. Da Lawd has spoken.

May 29, 2019 3:34 pm

I see that Stucky is now an advocate of literal biblical interpretation.

May 29, 2019 6:02 pm

Yes, I firmly believe in a “literal biblical interpretation.”

That being said, I have studied the original Greek text and the literal translation is; — “It is hard for thee to kick against the cocksuckers.

Your Welcome.

May 29, 2019 6:48 pm

didn’t i see something on the news about massive t’storms & tornadoes in northern new jersey?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
May 30, 2019 9:02 am

Trust the plan.


May 29, 2019 12:08 pm

I think she is quite right here. The problem is that the miscreants have had over 3 years to bury the information that would be truly damning, or the people you need to interrogate are safely overseas and beyond the reach of a grand jury. I also doubt there will be any people who blow the whistle here, either- they have already been bought off by wealth Democratic donors.

May 29, 2019 12:19 pm

Caitlin Johnstone certainly has it figured out. Truer words have never been spoken:

“Having the swamp of Trump’s Justice Department investigate the swamp of Obama’s intelligence community isn’t going to lead anywhere. Swamp creature Bill “Iran-Contra coverup” Barr isn’t going to be draining the swamp any more than swamp creature Robert “Saddam has WMDs” Mueller. The swamp cannot be used to drain itself.”

“as well as the rest of the 99 percent of classified government information which is only hidden from public view out of convenience for the powerful”

May 30, 2019 12:24 am

Jared Kushner is making his debut at the Bilderberg meeting.

Swamp, Thou art drained. No more hidden globalist agendas. America is Great Again.

Buttercup: “That’s the fire swamp! We’ll never survive.”
Wesley: “Nonsense! You’re only saying that because no one ever has.”

May 29, 2019 12:47 pm

Off topic, but worthwhile watch. TruNews just did two segments with USS Liberty survivors that’s pretty gut wrenching.
Part 1:

Part 2:

May 29, 2019 12:55 pm

There is an orange haired guy on the shore who keeps throwing new bottom-feeding dangerous species of creatures back into the swamp every chance he gets.

May 29, 2019 2:11 pm

I don’t disagree with Caitlin but she’s getting her knickers in a twist over stuff that’s been going on forever, she’s either too young and/or too poorly read to read up on her American history.

mistico - 100% macho
mistico - 100% macho
May 30, 2019 10:26 am


Your on the wrong side of the swamp, Limey.

Big Dick
Big Dick
May 29, 2019 6:49 pm

Lets see. If I turn left I see a shit storm that covers me and I have no recourse. If I turn right I see another shit storm that covers me and I have no recourse. I guess the swamp will allow me to just eat shit and nothing will change. Right??? So really who at this point really gives a rats ass? It is all lies and bullshit that means nothing. Guess I will go in the other room and cry and beat off. At least there is some solace!

  Big Dick
May 30, 2019 12:16 am

“It is all lies and bullshit that means nothing.”

On the nosey!

You said “Guess I will go in the other room and cry and beat off”

A reasonable response; but I must ask (if it’s not too personal), is that cry and then beat off; beat off and then cry; or cry while beating off? Cuz that last option is kinda freakin me out.

May 30, 2019 12:21 am

There is not enough Drano (C), nor its constituent chemical components, in the entire fucking universe to open up the large drain and existing plumbing that would empty The Great Corrupt & Dismal Swamp (C) of Washington D.C.

As such, the Cloaca Maxima of Baghdad-on-the-Potomac will need to be by-passed.

I’m thinking one of five (there may be more) re-engineering solutions in ascending order of cost and severity:

1. Military coup.
2. A.G.I. takeover.
3. Civil War.
4. Extra-terrestrial intervention.
5. World War.

The EVIL FUCKERS will not give up their control and ownership of the “candy store” without a bloody and awful struggle .*

*the recent “Storm Warning” essay on TBP discusses this very topic.

May 30, 2019 4:51 am

Bottom line… Trump is not the guy to stop the Progressive juggernaut (The Swamp). He is the ‘shell game’ – the big kock out punch is always just around the corner,’ I’m fighting for the middle class’, ‘look at the BLS’ – BS!

Maybe better than Hillary, but Orange man is just running out the clock on any conservative movement forward.

More illegals NOW flowing in daily better than Barry by 50% – no end in shight, no changes of ‘rules’ that could be changed for assylum
Swamp creatures replace swamp creatures in his administration

Yesterday he tells us Moore cannot beat a progressive in AL senate race when the guy was ‘gorsuched’

He is not for middle class conservatives – he is lying to us every day.

May 30, 2019 5:59 am

It is noteworthy, deeply troubling and shocking how tied together the military industrial complex, the influential left, the political left, the media, the media and the educational industrial complex are. It is as if it all is being orchestrated(feigning disbelief). Fucking totalitarian communists and their “long view”. And stupid us for minding our business, working hard, raising our families and generally being too busy with life to hold every one of the traitorous, damned leftist politicians accountable for their treasonous acts for the past decades. And now pity us if the groundswell of totalitarians and their wicked “ism” is able to triumph in this battle of good vs. evil. And if anyone of them dirty bitches was going to swing for their treason, they’da already swung.

May 30, 2019 10:09 am

4 Corrupt California Families