Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions

If you have small children whose interest might be captured and expanded by a different point of view, I highly recommend taking a look at Flatland:A Romance of Many Dimensions.  The PDF of the book and a recently lllustrated movie are available free online, with links provided below.

I think you may enjoy it as well. I have witnessed many kids’ minds piqued at the concepts introduced and have been rewarded by more than one parent thanking me for the recommendation.

I expect the kids visiting me this summer will enjoy Flatland as much as I did as a young child.  At the very least, they will enjoy viewing it in the cool of my basement entertainment room, which stays a cool 68-70 degrees all day long, with or without the air conditioning system on.  That will give us a perfect environment for fun learning after a long hot morning in the garden or with the animals or in the woods climbing trees or whacking snakes. Actually, I hope to keep the snake whacking to a bare minimum, but if the kids are going to be here, they will need to know when and how to whack a snake.  It is a fact of life here in the Ozarks.

Some of the ideas in Flatland may seem too much for the younger ones (around ages 4 and 5), but I am really looking forward to introducing their young minds to the concepts provided in the story. I also look forward to seeking input from the oldest child, around ten, who has demonstrated great interest in my abacus as well as my piano.  That, along with his solemn concern for his siblings convinced me he is not only ready to help guide these kids through tasks assigned by me or my husband here on the farm, but is also ready to help them reach for learning beyond the video games they will also, invariably, bring along.

Since children usually love to have stories read to them and they love to act the stories out, I expect some really wonderful opportunities for great fun for us all as we explore all the dimensions of Flatland and, perhaps, beyond.

And, as another rabbit-obsessed woman believed (Beatrix Potter link below), I think challenging words and concepts fascinate and captivate children. I suspect that is the way true education is achieved.

I am watching the movie now, but have read the book so many times with my own son and other children whose parents have entrusted me with their children’s eager and attentive minds, I can almost guarantee it is going to provide many hours of fun discussion and games for not only the kids visiting me this summer, but hopefully, for some of your own children and grandchildren as well.


If you prefer reading to your children or letting them help take turns reading, as I find useful to further their learning and interactive skills, I suggest using this PDF link to help facilitate some fun summer learning for the whole family!



If you are “old school” like me, you might consider purchasing the book from Walmart to help support TBP.  While new perspectives are required for the furtherance of ideas and speech for all, money is also required to pay the bills.

Please support TBP through donation or through online purchases.


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  M G
June 5, 2019 8:24 pm

There are no small children left in our family but I’m sure moms everywhere in TBPland are looking for thing that fill the summer days. 🙂

June 5, 2019 9:13 pm

How about a synopsis of the book, or you going to make us startpage it?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 5, 2019 10:20 pm

I watched a few minutes of the video. It reminded me of Pac Man.

June 6, 2019 2:40 am

3 minutes into this annoying POS and just when I felt like I wanted to run a steamroller over it, I realized someone already beat me to it.

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