Futuristic, Utopian Paradise Of Baltimore Completely Baffled By Trump’s Attacks

Via The Babylon Bee

BALTIMORE, MD—President Trump launched into a deranged attack against the city of Baltimore, calling it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and a place “no human being would want to live.” This caused extreme confusion within the city — as, having been run exclusively by Democrats for decades and decades, it is a nearly perfect, progressive utopia and a beacon of hope to all.

Stepping into Baltimore is like stepping into the future. Thanks to its politics never having been corrupted by any right-wing elements, the city is almost free of problems. Shiny towers touch the sky, people happily travel from glass dome to glass dome in their flying cars, and not a trace of dirt or grime is found anywhere, thanks to the city’s perfect central planning. Crime is unknown in Baltimore, since they have compassionate measures to reform criminals instead of punishing them. And there is no such thing as poverty or income inequality because of the Democrats’ tight control of the economy.

“I had no idea what Trump was talking about,” said the leader of Baltimore, known as the “Overseer,” who heads the largely automated bureaucracy of the city. “He called us rat-infested, and I was unfamiliar with the creature. I checked our vast archives — as knowledge is very important to Baltimore — and found out it was some sort of vermin that plagued cities in previous centuries. Such things are unknown in Baltimore.”

The Overseer had thought to engage Trump on Twitter, but arguing on social media is for lesser beings and not for evolved people such as those who live in Baltimore. Instead, the citizens of Baltimore are going to continue to focus on their city, hoping to one day make it the greatest, most advanced city in the world, maybe even topping Detroit.

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john prokovich
john prokovich
July 29, 2019 1:03 pm

Why live in balta more or less?

July 29, 2019 1:37 pm

Baltimore in 5 years will look like this:

comment image

July 29, 2019 6:30 pm

The people that own the media are behind white ignorance of black crime. Most whites have been brainwashed into thinking blacks are just like us. They are not. They are the different on many levels.
Blacks can behave this way because they are protected by the government and owners of the media. The white Elites use blacks as biological weapons against whites knowing they destroy everything they touch. I hate the motherfuckers. I hate seeing them anywhere. They are vile. Only good thing is whites still have a way to protect ourselves with our Guns. For now it’s just best to avoid them when possible.

July 30, 2019 1:00 am

Preach it!!!

July 29, 2019 3:06 pm

The “rats” are the least of your problems in B-more City.

July 29, 2019 4:03 pm

It’s not as “advanced” as Camden.

July 29, 2019 5:49 pm

Baltimore, sister city of Wakanda

July 29, 2019 7:16 pm

Can’t say it just think it “FUCKING NIGGERS”!
Cummings the Congress critter likes to exclaim with Sharpton dat we wuz bilden pyramids leaving out the fact that the majority of blacks in Africa were living hand to mouth in a jungle and are still living in a jungle regardless of the 60,000 year head start on the evolution scale most blacks only know what is in their DNA jungle mentality of an 85 IQ for about 80% the other 20% were the ones selling white men these dim wit shitholers

July 29, 2019 10:03 pm

Thank you!!!…I really needed that…

July 30, 2019 12:59 am

Spent 5 years commuting to B’more, Trump was being generous.