Process Conservatism

Guest Post by The Zman

If you were to bring forward to our age the cultural and political sensibilities of the founding generation and create a political movement around them, you would find yourself in very serious trouble. The reason is you would be so radical in your aims that even the most enthusiastic of constitutional conservatives would denounce you. The reason for this, is that everything about current year America is at odds with what the men, who drafted the Constitution, intended for the country they created.

Despite this rather obvious truth, modern day conservatives have been calling themselves champions of originalism for generations. In fact, they regularly claim they favor a return to the constitutional principles. It is, of course, just a form of signaling or dog whistling as the Left is fond of saying. The so-called conservatives have no interest in returning to the original political order. In fact, any effort to return to the old order is probably the only thing they would actually fight to prevent.

This is because the Buckley-style conservatism that has come to define the American Right was never about ends. When they talk of originalism, they don’t mean the original intent of the Founders or even the original intent of the law. Instead, they mean and original process. Buckley-style conservatism is a means justifies the ends political ideology, a reaction to the Left’s ends justifies the means approach. For Buckley conservatives, getting the process right is all that matters.

This is how something ridiculous like homosexual marriage can quickly moves from an absurd Progressive troll to a timeless conservative principle in a decade. All it requires was a journey through the courts, where an emotionally unstable judge and four lunatics could make it the law of the land. As long as it went through the proper legal process, Buckley conservatives could hail it as a founding principle. For the Buckleyites, originalism is about obedience to process, not original intent.

This article from a legal journal is a good primer on how this obedience to process plays out in conservative jurisprudence. By any measure, the Federalist Society types have been the most successful tribe of modern conservatism. They get judges appointed to the bench and they get law students interested in their ideas. Given the atmosphere on the college campus, that last bit is no small thing. Yet, despite their operational success, conservative jurisprudence has nothing to show for itself.

This is the story of conservatism in general. Politically, the movement started by Bill Buckley has been a smashing success. It reshaped the Republican Party, put three presidents in the White House and turned the GOP into the majority party from the 1990’s forward. Despite this, the country is further to the Left than anyone imagined possible forty years ago. The epitaph for Buckley conservatism, as it heads to the dustbin of history, is that it conserved nothing.

There is no shortage of reasons for why conservatism failed to provide any resistance to the Left, despite having the better grip on reality and popular support. Radicalism always attracts fanatics and a small group of fanatics can do a lot of damage. The Right is always playing defense, which means their margin for error is smaller. The Left is willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to gain victory. These and many others are all true statements, but there is one main reason the Buckleyites were a total failure.

As you see with originalism, the Buckleyites were never willing to state what it is they sought to achieve as an end goal. The hyper-focus on process allowed them to avoid making clear what they wanted. The homosexual marriage issue is always a great example and it is so here. Instead of saying homosexual marriage is irrational and at odds with civil society, which is certainly true, the so-called conservatives wrapped themselves in legal arguments about contract theory and downstream legal issues.

The Right could never bring themselves to state the obvious. The intent of marriage laws and customs is to encourage baby making. The language of marriage makes that abundantly clear. The only purpose of marriage is reproduction. The additional benefits created by society through laws and rituals is to encourage reproduction. Homosexual marriage is therefore an absurd contradiction. The Right never bothered with these arguments and instead fell into Jesuitical legalism.

All of this traces back to the Civil Right era. Buckley and his fellow founders of modern conservatism started out on the other side of the race issue. They opposed desegregation and they opposed the civil rights legislation of the 1960’s. Once it became clear the Left was going to gain the moral high ground on the race issue, the Buckleyites were faced with a choice. They could attack Progressive morality and risk ostracism or they could adapt and fit within that new morality.

They adapted by switching from an ideology with a clear set of ends in mind to an ideology that makes a fetish over process. It has become so ingrained in conservative thinking they can chant slogans like “we have to return to the founding principles” without noticing modern conservatism opposes those principles. They can champion unlimited immigration, as long as it is legal, but they are incapable of opposing immigration in general. After all, that’s not who we are.

What conservatism under Buckley became is a shaming mechanism to prevent whites, and let’s not kid ourselves about the conservative audience, from stating publicly what they want for their community and their country. Thanks to Buckley, it is no longer possible to say, “I don’t want a bunch of foreigners moving into my town, because we live here and that’s how we want it.” Stating preferences is no longer permitted. Instead, what you want has to have some outside justification.

If there is to be a new Right, it will have to be an ends justifies the means ideology with its own internal morality. Conservatism will have to start with “This is who we are and this is how we seek to live.” The goal of the ideology is to achieve a clear set of ends, not a set of processes that may or may not achieve those ends. The process and principles are means to an end. Put another way, a new Right will oppose Progressive ends for non-Progressive reasons. There can be no compromise.

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August 16, 2019 8:24 am

The incessant push for multiculturalism, diversity, race-mixing, and government-forced denial of basic “freedom of association” has done MORE to isolate us whites (especially white males) from basic social and cultural norms than just about any other factor in life. Other races are not affected as they are encouraged to celebrate and look within their own cultures without having to put up with the government-enforced multiculturalism, diversity, and “equality” scams. Not so for white us males, who are expected to subordinate ourselves and give up our rightful place in American society.
It is only us whites who are expected to sacrifice and downplay our social and cultural norms, and yes, even our existence. Us whites are constantly being reminded by those of other races and cultures that we are the source of most of the world’s troubles, being blamed for every problem that plagues humanity.
It is a tragedy that so many white males, full of potential are taking their own lives, rather than put up with the destructive behavior by those of other races and cultures.
Many of us white males look back fondly at pre-1965 America, when being an AMERICAN actually meant something, and those who wished to immigrate to America were required to adopt AMERICAN social and cultural norms and attitudes.
To those of “the greatest generation” who pushed (false) civil-rights (for some) laws and statutes on us whites, destroying which was the best hope for the world and the destructive Hart Celler immigration act, thanks for NOTHING.

August 16, 2019 10:44 am

Perfect addition to Zmans excellent article.

August 16, 2019 9:26 pm

The treason against the White race began openly over a century ago, when a relative handful of powerful people sold out their people’s future.

The world wars were instigated fratricide for the White race. WW2 sealed the White race’s fate, and made the world safe for communism, which by it’s creation and nature, is anti-White. The “greatest generation” ensured that you would lose your Freedom Of Association. The “victory” was in the end, hollow; now the very real consequences are becoming apparent.

Pre-1965 America was no hey-day, it was a stupor. That time only allowed those who refuse to face the truth, to remain mentally asleep. Pre-1965 America allowed the marxists to infest and usurp every institution, openly stating their goals, while everyone else looked the other way.

Today, what you see is the end product of a century of infiltration and psychological warfare, America being murdered from within.

August 16, 2019 10:08 am

Zman got it with this one.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
August 16, 2019 12:52 pm

I used to be a true Buckley Believer. I still think that the last good (not great) President the US will ever have was Ron Reagan, before the Deep State shot him and he got his mind right. I finally realized when GWBush was elected that it was all a pose. All these guys were conserving was their own rice bowls. THere are no real conservatives in US politics, and haven’t been since before the Civil war.

Now is the time for quiet preservation efforts. We are in for a very destructive, dark period when the powers that be will try to erase the past, and replace it with a new one. They will also try to erase the very ideas of logic, reason, and objective observation. The replacements for them are (essentially) witchcraft, alchemy, and occult. We must find a way to preserve (in physical form, not digital) the brilliant methods and discoveries that will be tossed out, so our descendants can pick up and use them again.

August 16, 2019 2:26 pm

Mr Z really has it in for the late WFB, a CT neighbor in the 70s and of my then in-laws until his passing. It merits mention that his country home was on a private road that had a sort of gate guard (ol’ Tip had a nose that could have served as a red light, but…) and a strong local police presence. He was at times quite candid (privately) about his personal ideas, but ’tis true that they weren’t voiced in public.

Mr Z is certainly right about this: it’s time for us white folk to stand up for ourselves, our ancestors and our posterity, all that was built by the former, all that we do now. It’s fight or flight time. I chose the latter well in advance, but there are times I nearly regret having done so. Where I live, we see little of this anti-white nonsense on a national level and none on the local, but if it begins, I will NOT keep my mouth shut! The thing is, in a small village, everyone already knows that and as a result, I suspect I won’t hear much unless my son or my grandchildren tell me about it. My grandchildren, being 1/16th Guaraní (indigenous), although completely European in appearance and upbringing, are nonetheless “legitimized” in the “mestizo” credential department, so I don’t worry too much about them and their future in such an increasingly insane world..

“Fight, fight against the dying of the light”!

August 16, 2019 4:04 pm

I live in one of the more “diverse” parts of town and if I wasn’t bombarded with it constantly by the media , I wouldn’t even know what all this “racism” and “lgbqwxyz” was about. Another manufactured crisis by not black people ( you know , the not black people that own the media ) to undermined America’s cohesion.