Shining a Light on the Sociopaths in Politics

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man

sociopaths in government

There are at least seven characteristics that define a sociopath, although I’m sure the list could be extended:

  1. Sociopaths completely lack a conscience or any capacity for real regret about hurting people. Although they pretend the opposite.
  2. Sociopaths put their own desires and wants on a totally different level from those of other people. Their wants are incommensurate. They truly believe their ends justify their means. Although they pretend the opposite.
  3. Sociopaths consider themselves superior to everyone else, because they aren’t burdened by the emotions and ethics others have – they’re above all that. They’re arrogant. Although they pretend the opposite.
  4. Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though they’re responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. You’ll never hear a sincere apology from them.
  5. Sociopaths have a lopsided notion of property rights. What’s theirs is theirs, and what’s yours is theirs too. They therefore defend currency inflation and taxation as good things.
  6. Sociopaths usually pick the wrong target to attack. If they lose their wallet, they kick the dog. If 16 Saudis fly planes into buildings, they attack Afghanistan.
  7. Sociopaths traffic in disturbing news, they love to pass on destructive rumors, and they’ll falsify information to damage others.

They’re chronic, extremely convincing, and even enthusiastic liars, who often believe their own lies. That means they aren’t easy to spot, because normal people naturally assume another person is telling the truth. They rarely have handlebar mustaches or chortle like Snidely Whiplash. Instead, they cultivate a social veneer or a mask of sanity that diverts suspicion. You can rely on them to be “politically correct” in public. How could a congressman or senator who avidly supports charities possibly be a bad guy? How could someone who claims he just wants the U.S. to defend some foreign minority possibly be a warmonger? They’re expert at using facades to disguise reality, and they feel no guilt about it.

Political elites are primarily, and sometimes exclusively, composed of sociopaths. It’s not just that they aren’t normal human beings. They’re barely even human, a separate subspecies, differentiated by their psychological qualities. A normal human can mate with them spiritually and psychologically about as fruitfully as a modern human could mate physically with a Neanderthal; it can be done, but the results will be problematical.

It’s a serious problem when a society becomes highly politicized, as is now the case in the U.S. and Europe. In normal times, a sociopath stays under the radar. Perhaps he’ll commit a common crime when he thinks he can get away with it, but social mores keep him reined in. However, once the government changes its emphasis from protecting citizens from force to initiating force with laws and taxes, those social mores break down. Peer pressure, social approbation, and moral opprobrium, the forces that keep a healthy society orderly, are replaced by regulations enforced by cops and funded by taxes. Sociopaths sense this, start coming out of the woodwork, and are drawn to the State and its bureaucracies and regulatory agencies, where they can get licensed and paid to do what they’ve always wanted to do.

It’s very simple, really. There are two ways people can relate to each other: Voluntarily or coercively. The government is pure coercion, and sociopaths are drawn to its power and force.

The majority of Americans will accept the situation for two reasons: One, Americans no longer have a philosophical anchor to keep them from being washed up onto the rocks. They no longer have any real core beliefs, and most of their opinions – e.g., “We need national health care,” “Our brave troops should fight evil over there so we don’t have to fight it over here,” “The rich should pay their fair share” – are just reactive and comforting catch phrases. The whole point of spin doctors is to produce comforting sound bites that elude testing against reality. And, two, Americans have become very pampered and comfortable. They’re a nation of overfed losers, mooches, and coasters who like the status quo without wondering how long it can possibly last.

It’s nonsensical to blather about the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave when reality TV and Walmart riots are much closer to the truth. The rot originates with the majority of Americans, of course. Political candidates spend millions to take their pulse in surveys and polls, and then just regurgitate what the public wants to hear. Once a country buys into the idea that a privileged lifestyle is everyone’s minimum due, that country is on the decline. Lobbying and taxation are replacing production and innovation as the national modus vivendi, but parasites can’t sustain prosperity. The wealth that took centuries to produce is not inexhaustible.

All political candidates decry the upper classes, say they love what’s left of the middle class, and want to shower more goodies on the proletariat.

People generally fall into an economic class because of their psychology and their values. Each of the three classes has a characteristic psychological profile.

For the lower class, it’s apathy. They have nothing, they’re ground down, and they don’t really care. They’re not in the game, and they aren’t going to do anything; they’re resigned to their fate.

For the upper class, it’s greed and arrogance. They have everything, and they think they deserve it – whether they do or not.

The middle class, at least in today’s world, is run by fear. Fear that they’re only a paycheck away from falling into the lower class. Fear that they can’t pay their debts or borrow more. Fear that they don’t have a realistic prospect of improving themselves.

The problem is that fear is a negative, dangerous, and potentially explosive emotion. It can easily morph into anger and violence. Exactly where it will lead is unpredictable, but it’s not a good place. One thing that exacerbates the situation is that all three classes now rely on the government, albeit in different ways. Bankruptcy of the government will affect them all drastically.

With sociopaths in charge, we could very well see the Milgram experiment reenacted on a national scale. In the experiment, you may recall, researchers asked members of the public to torture subjects (who, unbeknownst to the people being recruited, were paid actors) with electric shocks, all the way up to what they believed were lethal doses. Most of them did as asked, after being assured that it was “all right” and “necessary” by men in authority. The men in authority today are mostly sociopaths.

What To Do

One practical issue worth thinking about is how you, as someone with libertarian values, will manage in a future increasingly controlled by sociopaths. My guess is poorly, unless you take action to insulate yourself. That’s because of the way nature programs almost all creatures. They all share an imperative: Survive! People obviously want to do that as individuals. And as families. In fact, they want all the groups that they’re members of to survive, simply because (everything else being equal) it should help them to survive as individuals. So individual Marines want the Marine Corps to survive. Individual Rotarians want the Rotary Club to prosper. Individual Catholics leap to the defense of the Church of Rome.

That’s why individual Germans during World War II were, as has been asserted, “willing executioners” – they were supporting the Reich for the same reasons the Marines, the Rotarians, and the Catholics support their groups. Except more so, because the Reich was under attack from all sides. So, of course, they followed orders and turned in the neighbors who seemed less than enthusiastic. Failing to support the Reich, even if they knew it had some rather unsavory aspects, seemed an invitation to invading armies to come and rape their daughters, steal their property, and probably kill them. So, of course, the Germans closed ranks around their leaders, even though everyone at the top was a sociopath. You can expect Americans to do the same.

Americans have done so before, when the country was far less degraded. During the War Between the States, even saying something against the war was a criminal offense. The same was true during World War I. In World War II, the Japanese were all put in concentration camps on groundless, racially based suspicions of disloyalty. During the early years of the Cold War, McCarthyism was rampant. The examples are legion among humans, and the U.S. was never an exception. It’s even true among chickens. If a bird has a feather out of place, the others will peck at it, eventually killing it. That out-of-place feather is deemed a badge of otherness announcing that its owner isn’t part of the group. Chicken Autre must die.

Libertarians, who tend to be more intelligent, better informed, and very definitely more independent than average, are going to be in a touchy situation as the crisis deepens. Most aren’t going to buy into the groupthink that inevitably accompanies war and other major crises. As such, they’ll be seen as unreliable, even traitors. As Bush said, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.” And, he might have added, “The Constitution be damned.” But, of course, that document is no longer even given lip service; it’s now a completely dead letter.

It’s very hard for an individualist to keep his mouth shut when he sees these things going on. But he’d better keep quiet, as even H.L. Mencken wisely did during both world wars. In today’s world, just keeping quiet won’t be enough; the national security state has an extensive, and growing, file on everybody. They believe they know exactly what your beliefs, desires, fears, and associations are, or may be. What we’re now facing is likely to be more dangerous than past crises. If you’re wise, you’ll relocate someplace where you’re something of an outsider and, by virtue of that fact, are allowed a measure of eccentric opinion. That’s why I spend an increasing amount of time in Latin America. In truth, however, security is going to be hard to find anywhere in the years to come. The most you can hope for is to tilt the odds in your favor.

The best way to do that is by diversifying your assets internationally. Allocating your wealth into real assets. Linking up with sound, like-minded people who share your values. And staying alert for the high-potential speculations that inevitably arise during chaotic times.

Editor’s note: Unfortunately most people have no idea what really happens when a government goes out of control, let alone how to prepare…

That’s precisely why New York Times best-selling author Doug Casey and his team just released an urgent new PDF report that explains what could come next and what you can do about it. Click here to download your free copy now.

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October 30, 2019 4:52 pm

Stopped reading after the 19 Saudis statement

October 30, 2019 10:52 pm

You’re bragging?

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
October 30, 2019 10:59 pm

I had a similar reaction. I went from reading to perusing. Total garbage. What these ‘virtuous’ (no doubt Christian) intellectuals fail to appreciate is the adaptive advantages that ‘sociopaths’ have. Let’s just call people we don’t like Evil. That’s easier than actually analyzing the situation and adapting to strategies that actually work, either by imitation or re-contextualizing their strengths from pros to cons. Watch the dumbasses burn in Cali: no helping them, you other dumbasses. Trump was elected by the Left, free testimonial advertising. The truth is that the Gospel is self-sacrifice, and that’s why the West is dying and deserves to die. Sad, that many down votes for such a minor negative assessment from Lebowski. Eat this, geniuses. What fighters you are. Unlike your clicks, the Pentagon clicks do something and win. You didn’t let it get this far. You jammed it down my throat with patriotic glee. Weep for real soon, my dear friends. California is coming to a state about you.

  'Reality' Doug
November 1, 2019 11:05 am


Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
October 30, 2019 5:04 pm

Even the very “finest Politician” (oximoron) is attracted to politics. Worst still is the psychopaths. ie; clintons ,bushwackers,the drone bomer etc. Are prevalent. I wish I had the power to take them down.

October 30, 2019 5:25 pm

I read along naturally suspicious of what people write until this popped out:
” During the early years of the Cold War, McCarthyism was rampant…”
After the Soviet Union collapsed, and the KGB files were opened, it was proven that the Soviet Union had elements in the U.S. Government, proving that McCarthy was right all along.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 30, 2019 6:27 pm

Hell, the entire Cold War was a scam top to bottom.

Not to mention no-talent Jim Morrison’s dad -> the Admiral who hoaxed the Gulf of Tonkin and started the Vietnam war.

This has all come out of the public record!

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
October 30, 2019 6:56 pm

Joe McCarthy, One of the finest men to ever to live. He exposed the communist jew scum in the US gov.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
  Jack Lovett
October 30, 2019 11:52 pm

I spent a lot of time checking and sniffing the breeze.

I could not find any major faults with Joe, his actions, or his legacy.

October 30, 2019 5:33 pm

Anything written, touted by Doug Casey or Simon Black I disregard out of hand.
Very oily guys.

October 30, 2019 9:05 pm

That faggot can afford to relocate anywhere,never had a family.Hope he has a bf.

October 30, 2019 6:02 pm

I’m with Doug. I’m diversifying my assets internationally. I sent my fishing poles to South America, my tools to europe and my GI Joe action figures to Lithuania. Bring it on, bitches. I’m set…..

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
October 30, 2019 6:25 pm

We are never and I mean never going to begin to address our problems util we can be truthful about the human condition. Human beings are a species made up of numerous subspecies- breeds if you will, like dogs or cattle- and the mixture of these breeds into common cultures is doomed to failure.

That’s about it.

Continue to pretend that we’re all fungible, or endless friction, violence, chaos and oppression.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
October 30, 2019 10:02 pm

Postmodernists believe they can redesign the human condition on their terms. Others have tried, but not with the destructive zeal demonstrated now. Hubris will show up at some point.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
October 30, 2019 10:10 pm

Indeed! If a people get rid of their perceived enemy, then they will start nitpicking each other . The cause of it would be the failure to work on themselves first and foremost.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
October 30, 2019 7:02 pm


Israel closes all embassies worldwide TODAY!

Dung Beetle (EC)
Dung Beetle (EC)
  22winmag - w/o tagline
October 30, 2019 9:36 pm

It says the foreign service workers are on strike. It’s not the end of the world. If teachers in Chicago go on strike – then it’s the end of the world.

22winmag - w/o tagline
22winmag - w/o tagline
  Dung Beetle (EC)
October 30, 2019 10:44 pm

I’m not buying that excuse.

Not with the benefits that come along with shutting the world out during one of the more fucked up episodes in Israeli politics.

Netnyahu is supposed to be out after 25+ years in two weeks.

He was originally supposed to be out Oct 2 (one week into the impeachment farce).

  22winmag - w/o tagline
November 1, 2019 11:29 am


Vote Harder
Vote Harder
October 30, 2019 7:58 pm

Anatomy of a sociopath:

In a statist society, the laws are a collection of opinions written down by sociopaths who have managed to either win popularity contests or murder their competitors and enforced at gunpoint by thugs in costumes. The implication of the phrase “it’s the law” is that this state of affairs is both necessary and proper, rather than inherently illogical and immoral. Also implied is that the law is somehow sacrosanct and immutable, which is clearly false because the aforementioned sociopaths both frequently alter the laws and routinely disregard the laws they make for everyone else.

Pull This Pin
Pull This Pin
  Vote Harder
October 30, 2019 9:00 pm

I wonder what the world would be like if people like you had a chance to run it. Total lucidity of thought, straightforward appraisal of REALITY for all to see. There will never be any return to what we would define as normal unless and until the vast majority of us wake up, see things for what they are and then follow what is apparently the only avenue left open to us: to eliminate every single one of the socio and psychopathic monsters that have managed to gain near total control over our hearts, minds and lives. We may be headed in that direction.

  Pull This Pin
October 30, 2019 10:16 pm

Most people would rather be the (debt) slaves that they are than do the hard work of living in the present and being responsible for their own life. Until there is a shift in consciousness things are going to be ugly.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
  Pull This Pin
October 31, 2019 12:55 am

The best humans have done is to have a very weak helm of state: The Dutch Republic/Federation and the early American Republic/Federation. The infrastructure is now so technologically advanced that centralized control is as unavoidable as organized dumbasses. California is correcting itself, lol. Dumbasses don’t thrive if they can’t forage as a privileged herd in the lap of luxury. What I mean is that NOT running things is to a large extent the best way to run things. Local, local, local.

October 30, 2019 8:10 pm

Sure, socio/psycho paths seek power, but how would you behave if shoehorned into a political role? The weaknesses of the western political class are a manifestation of the intellectual failings of the public. Politics is the way it is because people are the way they are, to paraphrase Plato. The problem is not good person versus bad person, it’s the fact there is no such thing as objective truth.

It’s easy to point the finger at everyone else but if you were in a position of power would you freely surrender that power, or not use it in a coercive manner if you believed it was the right thing to do?

October 30, 2019 10:17 pm

Exactly, nature abhors a vacuum.

Dung Beetle (EC)
Dung Beetle (EC)
October 30, 2019 10:19 pm

Surprised your head hasn’t imploded.

October 30, 2019 11:02 pm

“…but how would you behave if shoehorned into a political role?”

If a man has allowed himself to be “shoehorned” into a position of coercive power over others, he was either weak or immoral. or both. beforehand.

'Reality' Doug
'Reality' Doug
October 31, 2019 1:00 am

Your earthly abdication guarantees misery on earth. I hope you are not a husband. Wives are better at husbandry, don’t you know. So are sociopaths.

October 31, 2019 9:29 am

“6. Sociopaths usually pick the wrong target to attack. If they lose their wallet, they kick the dog. If 16 Saudis fly planes into buildings, they attack Afghanistan.”
I believe this misdirection is the single greatest scam the GW Bush / Cheney admin pulled off in all of US history.
The Patriot act followed with the expansion of the surveillance state. Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.