Permanent Crisis

Guest Post by The Zman

In the last century, radicals liked to talk about permanent revolution, a term popularized by Karl Marx in the 19th century. The concept involves a revolutionary class continuing to push for its interests despite the political dominance of the bourgeoisie. The working class has to maintain a militant outsider approach to politics, even after the revolution that brings down the capitalist system. Revolution was a process, rather than an event, which operated outside of conventional politics.

In practice, permanent revolution resulted in a death spiral for radicals, as it provided a reason to attack any attempt to maintain stability. The first wave radicals gained power and began to impose order, only to be met by a second wave demanding more radical changes and accusing the first wave of lacking authenticity. Since there is no limiting principle, no such thing as good enough, in radical politics, there is always someone ready with a more radical program than the most radical.

The funny thing about this concept is radicals have never grasped what it means about their program. Karl Marx may have grasped what he was saying, it is hard to know, but he came up with the idea by observing Napoleon’s rise to power. Marx saw that permanent war was what gave Napoleon legitimacy. France was in a permanent state of war with Europe. The alternative to granting him absolute authority to fight the war was the possibility of defeat or even the conquest of France by her enemies.

Therefore, what would give the proletariat legitimacy was a permanent revolution, by which he meant a permanent crisis. If a crisis of capitalism allowed the middle class to seize power, then fostering crisis would provide opportunities for the working class to press their interests. In a way, permanent revolution, at least initially, is permanent instability. Eventually, however, permanent instability is the only justification for radicalism. The crisis must never end or the revolution ends.

Of course, Orwell understood this. In Animal Farm and 1984 we see how the permanent crisis, the ever-present threat of annihilation, was the true source of power for the people in charge. Because of that threat, everything in society must be organized, without question, in defense against the threat. Therefore, questioning these efforts is anti-revolutionary and can never be tolerated. In fact, the hunt for enemies of the revolution becomes a part of the permanent crisis.

What this means is that socialism, at least revolutionary socialism, cannot function outside of a crisis. It is a last resort position a desperate people will tolerate in times of extreme duress. That’s the odd thing about the concept. It is an admission that the radical program cannot exist in easy times. It can only thrive when the people, or at least a large swath of them, are sure their existence is on the knife edge. It also means the revolution can never achieve its stated goals.

This contradiction within radicalism is important to keep in mind when looking at modern politics, broadly inclusive of current events. In America, we have been in some form of crisis since the turn of the century. Under Bush the Minor, it was Islamic terrorism that put us on permanent war footing. The ruling class stripped away most of our remaining rights in the name of fighting this existential threat. America now has political prisoners and a security state that spies on citizens.

In the Obama years, the permanent crisis over Islamic terrorism slowly gave way to a laundry list of left-wing bogeymen. Racism, antisemitism, various imaginary crimes against imaginary identity groups. The rape hoax on campus was a classic example of trying to maintain the permanent crisis. Coeds were supposed to act as if Chad and Biff were lurking around every corner, ready to rape them. Of course, this warranted preemptive strikes against Chad and Biff in self-defense.

The Trump years have been an exhausting series of crises that have formed into a miasma that hangs over society. First it was the Russians “attacking our democracy” then the various show trials and performances related to it. The nomination of a judge turned into a bizarre rape fantasy for the nation’s old hens. Now, of course, we are gripped by the invisible bogeyman called the Covid-19. No doubt, this insidious plague was dreamed up by Snowball and Goldstein.

What the last two decades have been, really starting after the Cold War, is the bourgeois version of permanent revolution. The managerial elite maintain a militant and independent approach to politics, seeing themselves outside of society. They are the revolutionary class that is driving progress by driving the revolution. When they shriek about threats to the democracy, they really mean a threat to the revolution, their revolution, the managerial revolution.

You see one way this is playing out in the inner party primary. The threat of Trump and his Russian allies requires extraordinary measures by the inner party. In such a crisis, the Sanders people cannot be tolerated. All that talk about practical policy and addressing public needs must wait until after the revolution is achieved. In the means time, the party must rally around a dementia patient, who often forgets his own name and shouts at people for no reason.

The old radicals understood something about the class war they promoted. Marxist intellectuals understood they lacked the stones to fight for their cause. These were soft men who lived soft lives. The working class, on the other hand, had lots of tough guys comfortable with violence. The bourgeois class was also full of soft men, comfortable living the liberal lifestyle. In a genuine class struggle, they would not stand a chance against the working class. They would not fight.

The managerial revolution, on the other hand, is led by radials, who make many of the same assumptions. The difference is there is no working class. They destroyed it by auctioning off the industrial base. Instead they will use their power over institutions, like the police, the security apparatus, finance and so on, to intimidate the middle-class into going along with the program. The permanent crisis legitimizes endless intrusions into daily life by the managerial state,

There are two problems facing the permanent managerial revolution. One is the people running it are increasingly incompetent. The fact that the inner party is reduced to using a husk of man as a shield against Trump, a guy detested by the outer party, speaks to the lack of competence in politics. Within living memory, Trump would not have won a single primary, because the party would not have allowed it. Biden would never have been allowed to run, much less be installed as the nominee.

The other problem faced by the managerial class is something all revolutions face at some point in their evolutionary cycle. That is, crisis is exhausting. For the radicals, part of the appeal is the endless interpersonal shenanigans. For normal people, the endless drama of politics is tiresome. The permanent crisis required to sustain radical politics, to keep the revolution going, is exhausting. Oddly, the reason Biden became the nominee is black people got tired of white people drama.

The thing is, the permanent crisis has another flaw. It channels the natural energies of a people away from industry and community. The permanent revolution becomes a bonfire onto which is thrown the social capital of a people. For the revolutionary, society is the sum of men, exclusive of their inner connections. They place no value on the social capital they burn for revolutionary fuel, because they see no purpose in it. To the managerial class, society is just kindling.

We are getting a glimpse of this with the Chinese Flu. The federal state is paralyzed by the growing incompetence of the managerial class. State and local responses have been incoherent, because the normal social capital that would animate such a response has been largely destroyed. You cannot have a community response when there are no natural communities of people. Clusters of strangers in temporary developments named after what was knocked down to build them are not communities.

This is something the paleocon theorists could not see. They understood the birth and development of the managerial class, but could not imagine its demise. It turns out that the end point of the managerial revolution is the same as all radical projects. It consumes what it needs to exist and is eventually overtaken by incompetence. Late empire America is now ruled by self-absorbed stupid people, incapable of performing the basic duties of their office. The end is inevitable.

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March 12, 2020 1:54 pm

Mr. Z’s understanding of Marxism is anachronistic. “Classical” marxism died with the USSR. The new breed springs from Gramscianism and the Frankfurt School, which in turn has morphed into “hegemonic” theory and such as analyzed as early as 1985 by Laclau and Mouffe, who rely on other “intellectual luminaries” such as Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser… Household names, right? You’ve likely read their work, right? Wrong. Nevertheless, they’re important figures in the evolution of revolution, which must indeed be permanent so as to draw more and more misanthropists and misfits into the revolutionary hegemony to be imposed on the normal folk.

I read as much of these folks gobbledygook as I can stomach so that perhaps I can write a coherent essay explaining just how dangerous these people and their ideas are. The basic premise is “uniting the tribes” (LGB…, trannys, “people of color”, feminists, migrant transplants…. Diverse and quarrelsome subgroups of the maladapted, often quarreling among themselves, but capable of being brought into a hegemonic force that disrupts the unwary host societies to a degree Gramsci never imagined. After all, the Marxian class categories are no longer relevant and the long march through the institutions has reached its goal. But for a certain class of societally maladapted “intellectual” , the revolution can never end because their bottomless rage against normality can never end.

Beware these folks, beware becoming complacent because you believe them to be utterly unreasonable and therefore doomed to failure. They are more and more the population of the future. “We are the world!” They will be in time unless and until a concentrated effort is made to stop them and “change the narrative” as many are fond of saying.

March 12, 2020 2:36 pm

You have no idea.
Read Del Noce’s only recently translated “The Crisis of Modernity” to understand why we, i.e. all Western countries, are today like 80% Marxist.

Del Noce’s last essay before his death, from December 1989, was titled “Marxism Died in the East Because It Realized Itself in the West.”
And I’ve come to grasp he is entirely correct, which collapsed three quarters of my life-long understandings and beliefs.

If you really want the Red Pill on thruth and values to live by, read his book.

March 12, 2020 2:51 pm

Thanks, I’ll see if I can find it. Sounds as if it’s along the lines of Leclau & Mouffe, but I’m convinced the information age has put a spin on all this that the post-gramscians and hegemony theorists haven’t taken into account. “Twenty first century socialism” comes closest, imo. Marx is now irrelevant.

March 12, 2020 3:53 pm

Although Del Noce never explicitly states such, I’ve come to understand that Marx concocted the strongest revolutionary mix, even though he often used parts of previous writers such as Feuerbach.
But from a Petersonian/Jungian viewpoint, Marxism is the archetype of revolutionary thought.

(Definition of archetype: a story or situation which you cannot make worse anymore, by exaggerating.)

March 12, 2020 6:13 pm

So much hi-flyin’ bullshit. TPTB don’t give a rat’s ass about ideology. Marxism like all the rest is merely a tool used to debase, demoralize and destroy Christendom. Coupled with Libertarianism, Socialism, Fascism,Monarchism, Anarcho-Capitalism, muh free market ,Volunteerism,Syndicalism, Hinduism,Buddhism, Shintoism, Islam, Judaism, Kabbalaism, homosexuality, feminism, transgenderism, otherkin ,drugs, pornography, academia , public education and tolerance and diversity , the Western Christian never knew what hit him . The decades long war against the Christian family has been a blitzkrieg . Christian America never knew where the blows where coming from next, and neither which defense to mount. Regardless the swarm attack , it only had one leading source Christ hating source.

The power to influence lies directly with the power of the purse. Ideology doesn’t mean jack shit sans the funding of the fools who promote it. Marx included. Give up the pedantics . It’s only useful to divide and conquer. Tribe up or die.

March 12, 2020 10:49 pm

If you’re not trolling, give us your definition of what puts Christianity above all else you mention.
Because “I know it when I see it” is not sufficient (anymore) in these times.

March 12, 2020 10:57 pm

Jesus Christ has been sufficient for over two thousand years without which their would be no Western Civilization.

March 13, 2020 4:22 pm

Christianity is dying in the West. Which means we’re done.
You seem to be a tiny piece of the problem, not of the solution.

March 12, 2020 3:55 pm

I found it in Spanish, but here in Argentina it’s U$D 52 a copy, so…

Glad you found a work that’s meaningful to you. Actually, I do have an idea or two, but tend to be less quick to arrive at conclusions. My guess is we’ve read many of the same books. One you’d likely enjoy if you read Spanish is El libro negro de la nueva izquierda by Nicolás Márquez and Agustín Laje (2016); don’t know if it’s been translated. These two young men are really on the ball and have inspired me to kick around an idea.

March 12, 2020 4:14 pm

In Spanish?
Del Noce was Italian, and he was very connected to France so I would think some/most of his works were translated to French, but beyond that I have to assume it wasn’t translated into any other languages.

Only Italian-American professor Carlo Lancelotti made the translation of Del Noce into English his side work/project, and therefore made the essence of Del Noce’s work accessible in English, just a few years ago.
Book ($20-35):


No sorry, I can only read English, German, and with some difficulty French.

March 12, 2020 7:13 pm

“I have to assume it wasn’t translated into any other languages.”

Incorrect assumption:

March 12, 2020 10:53 pm

As my Spanish is lacking, do I interpret correctly that this book was published in 2017?
That puts Spanish speakers roughly in the same camp as English speakers then.
(As Del Noce’s essays were mostly written around 1980, so it’s saddening to see how those were not taken notice of already decades earlier.)

March 13, 2020 5:05 am

Something isn’t working with the reply section: your last reply doesn’t appear, or I’m missing something. Yes, this edition of the book was published in the Spanish translation in 2017, but it may have been published earlier. Print runs for books of this type generally run about three thousand copies, so there’s no telling if there were an earlier edition without doing further research.

1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
1/20 is the new 9/11 (EC)
March 12, 2020 5:38 pm
March 12, 2020 5:36 pm

yeah, read marx’s 10 communist planks and see how far down the rabbit hole we really are, then add the pure evil of the state and it’s war for profit, it’s a wonder WW3 hasn’t happened already, but it’s coming

March 12, 2020 10:55 pm

Yep. But the second-round thought then should be:
wait, what are those socialism/marxism lovers then still fighting for?

March 12, 2020 3:11 pm

Regardless the the hair splitting pendatics, Zman is 100% correct. As soon as the people began to wake up and assett a little common sense based independence from government propaganda, the criminals in control manufacture a made-to-order crisis, one in which the people must act now or perish.

The America First Committee , 800,000 strong against the US entering WWII is a prime example. Once the Bolshevik pwnd whore FDR pressured Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor, the America First Committees’ anti-war voice was quickly drowned out by the mass of easily manipulated idiots screaming for vengeance. It fucking works every time. There is no antidote for stupid. Just this weekend my brilliant highly educated brother and sister in law were bloviating on how they were glad the people of Iran got Covid 19 and when I asked why , they had no response. That’s the power of propaganda,right there. Stupid people are a cancer on civilized society.

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March 12, 2020 4:04 pm

“As soon as the people began to wake up and assert a little common sense based independence from government propaganda…”

I wouldn’t hold my breath, particularly with the indoctrinated, who make up a large proportion of the US population, large and growing larger as those who grew up reading die off. This is true in all of the West now.

March 12, 2020 6:22 pm

Duh. The event in the sentence was past tense. I’m not holding out any hope for the consumer unit to suddenly awaken from their mall rat feeding frenzy. I’m merely saying that this is what needs happen and a few times in the past it almost did. Outside of divine intervention, humanity is ass screwed beyond saving itself. All we can do now is watch the West slowly slip into chaos and pray for a miracle.

March 12, 2020 4:21 pm

Even if they wake up, where do they get the common sense from afterwards?

It’s a little like Neo after being unplugged from the Matrix: “You’ve never used them before…” [in that case referring to his muscles, but you get the analogy…]

March 12, 2020 6:25 pm

Neo was a character is a dull ass, overly hyped movie,with one long special effects scene that went beyond tedious. You watch too much TV. Go outside sometimes.

March 12, 2020 11:01 pm

Yeah, the special effects or character framing really refute(d) all underlying deeper meanings and concepts, such as ‘seeker’ [for truth] or the harsh realization that pretty much everything one believed in had been lies.

But I’m sure I’ll get back to you whenever I need some bullshit troll advice.

March 12, 2020 6:27 pm

“diverse and quarrelsome subgroups of the maladapted” and “their bottomless rage against normality”


aren’t these the ones that elected the halfrican….twice

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 12, 2020 7:01 pm

I can describe Marxist theory in one sentence-

It is the politics of the ugly, lazy, stupid, criminal, and the psychopath.

That’s it. It is predicated upon the jealousies of those who have none of the gifts and twice the hunger of the average man. Revenge as a vehicle for an equality of suffering.

March 12, 2020 2:02 pm

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Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
March 12, 2020 2:53 pm

” Oddly, the reason Biden became the nominee is black people got tired of white people drama.”
“Clusters of strangers in temporary developments named after what was knocked down to build them are not communities.”

I am impressed! Helluva post. Thank you.



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March 12, 2020 4:27 pm

The ship will be sinking and flash will still be asking for a hug.

March 12, 2020 6:29 pm

ha ha ha …No thanks. Hugging is how Corona Chan swept Italy.

March 12, 2020 6:51 pm

A hug? Maybe Heimlich.

March 12, 2020 11:23 pm

Don’t let EC slip his tongue in there now.

March 12, 2020 11:25 pm

Why would I do that? You are a sick puppy.