We Don’t Need No Stinking Vaccine For COVID-19

Authored by Jeff Harris via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

A Glaring Omission

With the 24/7 media circus coverage of Covid-19 I find it particularly interesting that there is an obvious glaring omission of some extremely important facts relative to dealing with a virus, especially one that is allegedly so virulent like this one. Yes, I read all about the critical need to shelter in place, stay inside away from other people, wash your hands constantly, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, wear your face mask and by all means observe social distancing if you MUST venture outside for food!

Then it’s repeated ad infinitum that the ONLY hope we have of ever returning to a semblance of normalcy is to have a vaccine to protect us! Then to add some drama to this narrative the media highlights their death-o-meter scoreboard with the implied threat that you’ll be next IF you don’t obey the rules as dictated by the “experts”.

But what is assiduously avoided at all cost is any reference to our most potent defense against any virus; our body’s natural immune system. Try as I might I couldn’t find anything about this first line of defense on the World Health Organizations (WHO) website or Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website. It’s as if it doesn’t exist and is completely irrelevant.

If these organizations were genuinely concerned about the health of citizens they would obviously discuss the vital role a healthy immune system plays in protecting us from illnesses. But since they don’t its obvious some other motive is at work, at least to me, and I strongly suspect to other critical thinkers as well.

We now know from the science and data that over 90% of the people exposed to Covid-19 have no symptoms at all or at worst a mild cold. The flu vaccines we have are only effective 30% to 60% of the time and the bugs change regularly so a vaccine that worked OK last year may barely work at all this year. Let’s learn some more about our body’s immune system.

Virus protection without a vaccine

There is an enlightening article on Web MD titled: “How to use Your Immune System to Stay Healthy”. That’s a pretty straight forward title now isn’t it? Early on Bruce Polsky, MD, interim chairman department of medicine and chief division of infectious disease at St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City says:

“We are endowed with a great immune system that has been designed evolutionarily to keep us healthy.”

The article goes on. . .

“The immune system is your body’s natural defense system. It’s an intricate network of cells, tissues and organs that band together to defend your body against invaders. Those invaders can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, even fungus, all with the potential to make us sick. They are everywhere-in our homes, offices and backyards. . . “

The truth is no amount of social distancing, hand washing or face mask wearing is going to eliminate our exposure to these various bugs. That’s why we were created with this amazing first line of natural defense.

Here’s more from Web MD . . .

“The immune system can recognize millions of different antigens. And it can produce what it needs to eradicate nearly all of them. When it’s working properly, this elaborate defense system can keep health problems ranging from cancer to the common cold at bay. . . “

Wow! That’s pretty amazing stuff isn’t it! According to Web MD a properly functioning immune system can “keep health problems ranging from cancer to the common cold at bay.” So why isn’t this “science” being included in all the other health recommendations we’re being bombarded with daily? It seems to me that any “expert” worth their salt would be talking about the importance of a healthy immune system to stay healthy.

But there’s more . . .

The Web MD article noted that failure to eat a healthy diet, sitting around not exercising, not getting enough sleep and chronic stress can all lead to a compromised immune system. To quote Dr. Polsky again:

“. . . Lifestyle aspects are very, very important.”

So if our lifestyle is very, very important to staying healthy as the good doctor says ask yourself this question? Based on the Web M.D. article virtually all the results of the lockdown serve to weaken our immune systems. The stress of unemployment, constant harping about infections and rising death rates, lack of exercise and now a crack in our food distribution system all are known to weaken the human immune system.

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June 13, 2020 8:02 am

Wonderful article. Sanity and common sense from Ron Paul, once more. Thank you for posting.

William Williams
William Williams
June 13, 2020 12:26 pm

This article is a direct product of white privilege, and must be repudiated.

  William Williams
June 13, 2020 3:18 pm

Do you disavow. Do you disavow. Do you disavow.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
January 24, 2023 4:38 pm

Negroes are obese and unhealthy because of “Food deserts”
Cuz whitey.


  William Williams
June 13, 2020 6:51 pm

White skin, breathing air, eating. Shit just living is now white privilege. Your bullshit narrative can kiss my lily white ass. If you call my breathing white privilege so be it now fuck off. If you have a problem seeing white people or knowing we exist then come do something about it, fucknut…..the white rage in this one is growing….

June 13, 2020 9:04 pm
June 13, 2020 8:18 am

It’s obvious that the “coronavirus” epidemic is a sham of the highest proportion. It is totally political in nature, with “blue state” governors perpetuating business-damaging “lockdowns” in their respective states.
Both professional and political arrogance is responsible for the present state of the world economy and world population as well.
A common annual “flu virus” was promoted as a “pandemic” by the “smartest” and “best and brightest” people in positions of power, both in the USA and in the rest of the world. It’s actually a “plandemic” foisted on the American public to bring down the Trump administration. It will fail…
These “best and brightest” convinced political “leaders” to impose mandatory business closures, “lockdowns” and “quarantines” on healthy populations, which is contrary to every common sense and scientific principle.
These “business closures” were not imposed “across the board”, but were picked by political hacks as “winners and losers”. Liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, lottery retailers, and certain “big box” home improvement and sporting goods stores were permitted to remain in operation, while churches and just about all small businesses were forced to close.
In some states, the political arrogance was so great, plant nurseries, seed distributors, and other businesses were deemed “non-essential” and forced to close. Even “big box” stores were prohibited from selling lawn and garden supplies. Many restaurants were also put out of business by these clearly unconstitutional edicts.
Imposing “quarantines” and “lockdowns” on healthy people does nothing to insure public health, and in fact delays necessary herd immunity.
Public health is further damaged by business closures, especially small businesses whose owners rely on continuing business as a means of making a living, both for themselves and their employees.
A major problem is that these “best and brightest” and political “leaders” are so arrogant that they refuse to admit that “they screwed up, big time”. Instead, they “double down” and inflict further pain on the public by refusing to insist that “they were wrong”. None of them will pay personally for their arrogance, stupidity, and just outright dishonesty and criminality.
All one has to do is look at the “coronavirus hospitals” that were created to handle the “overflow” of coronavirus patients which never materialized. These “hospitals” were a waste of taxpayer dollars and did absolutely nothing to promote public health.
At the same time, local hospitals were required to cease admissions, even for those of an emergency nature. Although not specifically stated, people with real health problems were covertly “encouraged” to avoid hospitals at all costs because of the phony “coronavirus” claims.
Health professionals are also responsible for the current state of affairs, also refusing to admit that “they screwed up, big time” as well, and continue to insist that this annual flue is a “pandemic”.
Then we have the “heavy hitters” with money, such as Bill Gates and Stephen Fauci who claim that they have “solutions” to our (artificially contrived) health problems. Gates is so arrogant the he feels that he can get away with genocide by using mandatory vaccinations to “cull” the world population.
Gates “vaccination” programs in third-world countries failed to adhere to good medical practices, and the Nuremberg principle that “informed consent” must reign supreme in the administration of all medical procedures.
Gates’ “vaccination” programs introduced polio into children in India for which he and his program were banned from the country. Gates’ African “vaccination” programs surreptitiously introduced sterilization and birth-control compounds as part of their vaccination program without gaining “informed consent” from the recipients.
According to these moneyed types and even “health care” officials, we are to be branded, tagged, and treated like cattle with no means to make informed choices about our health or health care decisions.
Wearing masks and “social distancing” are no different than the “security theater” that we experience at airports with the TSA.
It’s “medical tyranny” at its best and scientific dishonesty at its worst.
There are no valid reasons for “mask-wearing” or “social distancing” for healthy people. “Lockdowns”, “business closures”, and “quarantining” of healthy people is being used for “control” and nothing more. The “powers that be” are desirous to see “how far they can go” to get the world population to accede to their demands.
Fortunately, there are a lot more of us than there are of . We (still) have the power of the internet to bypass the “filters” that they put in place to keep us from seeing their “real” motives…..

June 13, 2020 8:55 pm

The two most odious Newspeak phrases the Left has created. and so blindly accepted without a second thought, are “New Normal” and (hands down winner) “Sheltering in Place”. As a response I have a tee shirt “Old Normal” and working on the rebuttal “Sheltering in Disgrace”.

June 13, 2020 12:24 pm

Healthy people do not deliver profits to bigPharma and the western medical cartel. The only explanation needed.

June 13, 2020 2:58 pm

Fauci’s drug of choice is remdesivir which costs $1,000/pill. Oxycloriquene costs 64 cents. Connect those dots.

June 13, 2020 6:54 pm

He owns the patents on remidesvir look it up

June 13, 2020 6:49 pm

If i get vaxed that means i am immune. Why are they already putting the narrative out there they can force vax you and if you refuse they can ticket, fine and jail you? If an idiot wants the vax then they have nothing to worry about. Those that refuse vax they decided to take a known risk, just like driving a car, flying in a plane, eating fat, smoking, scuba diving etc. The people better fight forced vax with armed armies or we will become serious sheeple slaves allowing the that power. You better be thinking if you are gonna get raped and become a slave or are you gonna fight for your liberty. But sitting back doing nothing letting this happen is your damned fault and you certainly deserve what comes your way and you better not bitch once. If you are a do nothing you are complicit and I wish you outlive your children, bless your heart.

June 13, 2020 9:07 pm

I will go down firing before they vax me.

June 13, 2020 8:46 pm

By the by. Your amazing immune system is also your #1 defense against cancer, which like the ole Devil is always at work trying to get a foothold. Do two things: Get plenty of Vit C and D. And under no curcumstances do or believe anything preached by the mainstream media.