Our most esteemed TBP patriot, Rise Up, posted this article from the author “sundance”, who posts  here.     It is worthy of its own thread.  Few articles I have read have so succinctly stated how this old man in New Jersey (for now) feels; COLD ANGER!!!  Thank you, Rise Up.

================================== =

I have written a great deal about “Cold Anger”, beginning in 2015, because -in my opinion- it reconciles and explains a lot of the difficult to define energy behind Donald Trump that most surface pundits just don’t understand.  Cold Anger is an internal sensibility. Not visible.

Here’s my word salad buffet of the difficult to define “Cold Anger”, starting with: Why it exists?

— 1)  When Americans see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion …

— 2) when Americans we see that in order to invoke our right to due process, we need to obtain permission from those who rebuke the constitution ….

— 3) when Americans see that justice is determined by those who leverage authority, not in law, but in politics …

—4) when we see that representatives get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and our representatives don’t protect us against them, but protect them against us …

—5)  when Americans see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified; at an inherent and internal level … we know that our own freedom is also at risk.

Most Americans can actually still see the bigger picture. When we carry that sense and then see a President state a very obvious truth that no-one ever dare articulate with brutal honesty:

“You Have Always Been Loyal to This Nation, Now You Finally Have a President Who is Loyal To You”

That statement hits home. It hits deep.

Most Americans go quietly about their business trying to do the next best thing for themselves, their family, their friends and their community. Most Americans just go about living without much discussion; and we don’t try to interfere in the liberty or happiness of others.

But we notice stuff.

We notice the things that are put in front of us that are not fair, even if they are not happening to us. The expectation of fairness is actually very important to us. Construct unfair systems, and we notice. We don’t say anything, but we notice. That deep and inherent expectation holds the key to understanding Cold Anger.

It’s a level of anger far deeper and more consequential than expressed rage or visible behavior; that’s why it is a “cold” anger. A longer fuse per se’.

Cold Anger does not need to go to violence. For those who carry it, no conversation is needed when we meet. You cannot poll or measure it; specifically because most who carry it avoid discussion. And that decision has nothing whatsoever to do with any form of correctness.

— We watched the passage of Obamacare at 1:38am on the day before Christmas Eve in 2009.

— We watched the Senate, then the House attempt passing Amnesty in 2014. We know exactly how it passed, and we know exactly why it passed. We don’t need to stand around talking about it.

— We know what lies hidden behind “cloture” and the UniParty schemes.

— We watched the 2009 $900+ billion Stimulus Bill being spent each year, every year, for seven consecutive years. Omnibus, Porkulous, QE1, QE2, Bailouts, Crony-Capitalism.

We know exactly how this works, and we know exactly why this ruse is maintained. We don’t need to stand around talking about it.  We’re beyond talking, and far beyond thinking that negotiations over the timing of our demise are even worthwhile.

Cold Anger does not offer, nor request, any terms. We accept the entire Senate voted to block President Trump’s ability to use recess appointments in 2017, and 2018, 2019, and 2020. Every. Single. Democrat. And. Republican.

Cold Anger absorbs betrayal silently, often prudently.

We’ve watched the ridiculing of cops, the riots, and the lack of support for laws, or their enforcement. We’ve been absorbing all that. We’ve been exposed to violence upon us by paid operatives of the organized DNC machine. We know this stuff. The media trying to hide it doesn’t change our level of information.

Cold Anger is not hatred, it is far more purposeful. We watched in 2012 as the Democrat party thrice denied God during their convention. The doors to evil enterprise opened by official proclamation and request. Cold Anger takes notice of the liars, even from a great distance – seemingly invisible to the mob.

Cold Anger will still hold open the door for the riot goer. Mannerly. We’ve watched our borders being intentionally unsecured. We’ve watched Islamic Terrorists slaughter Americans as our politicians proclaim their uncertainty of motive.

We know exactly who they are, and why they are doing it. We do not need to stand around discussing it…. we’re clear-eyed.

Cold Anger evidenced is more severe because it is more strategic, and more purposeful. Eric Cantor’s defeat, Brexit, Donald Trump’s highest vote tally in the history of presidential primaries…. or even President Trump’s 2016 victory might aide your understanding.

Cold Anger does not gloat; it absorbs consistent vilification and ridicule as fuel. This sensibility does not want to exist, it is forced to exist in otherwise unwilling hosts – we also refuse to be destabilized by it. Illicit trade schemes, employment and the standard of living in Vietnam and Southeast Asia are more important to Wall Street and DC lobbyists, than the financial security of Youngstown Ohio.

We get it. We understand. We didn’t create that reality, we are simply responding to it.

The intelligence apparatus of our nation was weaponized against a presidential candidate by those who controlled the levers of government. Now, with sanctimonious declarations they dismiss accountability.

Deliberate intent and prudence ensures we avoid failure. The course is thoughtful vigilance; it is a strategy devoid of emotion. The media can call us anything they want, it really doesn’t matter…. we’re far beyond the place where labels matter.

Foolishness and betrayal of our nation have served to reveal dangers within our present condition. Misplaced corrective action, regardless of intent, is neither safe nor wise.

We know exactly who Donald Trump is, and we also know what he is not. Donald Trump is exactly what we need at this moment. He is a necessary, defiant and glorious fighter. He is our weapon.

Cold Anger is not driven to act in spite of itself; it drives a reckoning.

— When the U.S. flags lay gleefully undefended, they do not lay unnoticed.

— When the stars and stripes are controversial, yet a foreign flag is honored – we are paying attention.

— When millionaire football players kneel down rather than honor our fallen soldiers and stand proud of our country, we see that.

— When a school community cannot openly pray, it does not mean the prayerful were absent.

— When a liar seems to win, it is not without observation.

Many – more than the minority would like to admit – know the difference between science, clocks and political agendas. Cold Anger perceives deception the way a long-term battered person absorbs blows in the hours prior to a pre-planned exit; with purpose.

A shield, or cry of micro-aggression will provide no benefit, nor quarter. Delicate sensibilities dispatched like a feather in a hurricane. We are patient, but also purposeful. Pushed far enough, decisions are reached.

This man has faced opposition that would overwhelm any other President. Our chosen President is constantly attacked by those holding a corrupt, conniving and Godless leftist ideology. It is our job now to stand with him, firm on his behalf.

Donald Trump is an existential threat to the existence of a corrupt DC system we have exposed to his disinfecting sunlight. Donald Trump is the existential threat to every entity who benefits from that corrupt and vile system.

The fundamental construct within decades of their united global efforts to tear at the very fabric of our U.S.A is being eliminated. They too have nothing to lose; their desperation becomes visible within their apoplexy; and they’re damn sure displaying it. As a result Americans have learned to throw aside the sense of discomfort as we bear witness to the evil we oppose.

Eyes focused on the hatred aimed in our direction. We stand firm amid the solace of our number, and NOW we resolve to the specific task at hand.

Cold Anger cannot, and is not, being polled.

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
October 30, 2020 3:54 pm

Well stated. So far the provocations haven’t risen to the level required for resistance for most of us, but it is rising rapidly.

Just Sayin'
Just Sayin'
October 30, 2020 3:54 pm

This is PRECISELY why I warn against a “Race War” or a “Revolution”. They do NOT understand what they are playing with. If/when the ‘normal’ get riled up, all bets are off and there WILL be blood in the streets.

Just Sayin’

  Just Sayin'
October 30, 2020 10:06 pm

The race war is off. Black lives Matter aint even black. Trump has record Black support, we didnt turn out to be that fuckin dumb.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 30, 2020 3:56 pm

“Donald Trump is an existential threat to the existence of a corrupt DC system we have exposed to his disinfecting sunlight. Donald Trump is the existential threat to every entity who benefits from that corrupt and vile system.”

I truly wish I could believe that. Hope you’re hanging in there Stucky.

  grace country pastor
October 30, 2020 4:17 pm

I agree, Pastor. He’s surrounded himself with swamp rats, ran up debt like no one in history and the shut-down was a major blunder. Had he stuck with his hunch and opened on Easter he’d now be far ahead-like Sweden, Japan and others who let this seasonal flu run its course (have you heard of the infection rates of that? No, because it was renamed Covid.)

I do hope he wins, though. Who wants to spend the next 4 years putting up with that shrill, inauthentic harlot? But it’s purely aesthetic, in my view. The only thing that will stop the tyranny is resistance, not voting.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 1, 2020 2:12 pm

Indeed sir and I’m glad to hear it… ?

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
October 30, 2020 4:17 pm

Well said but a few notes. Cold anger plans. Cold anger prepares. Cold anger sets red lines internally that with the crossing of those lines plans go from being made to the enactment phase. Cold anger will not just sit down, shut up and take the train ride. Cold anger will fight with an anger and vengeance enough to make even an enraged Saxon sit up and take notice. In the end there is no placating or negotiation with cold anger, when aroused it becomes an all or nothing proposition, KILL OR BE KILLED.

  Foot in the Forest
October 31, 2020 2:20 am


Nothing but the truth.
Nothing but the truth.
October 30, 2020 4:41 pm

A good article , well articulated .Cold anger of the silent majority has been building for years and could explode at any time, releasing all that latent anger.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 30, 2020 4:57 pm

Whatever we must eventually do, let us do it coldly and without emotion. Cleaning a toilet is not a pleasant job but it must be done. There is no need to attack the filthy throne with rage or pity or anger. Just clean it. Adam Schiff, call your office.

October 30, 2020 5:16 pm

Amen! Well said and we are here and we will not submit to the hatred of the left.

October 30, 2020 5:45 pm

Two months prior to the 2016 election, all the polls indicated a guaranteed win for the Harpy. But as time progressed, I began to wonder if there were previously untapped voters who would come out in support of Trump.

I remember engaging in an online debate with that smug Canadian government employee (the one who used his regular first and last name), who was arguing that the election was all but over; that the Clinton administration was a done deal. During that exchange, I claimed it would be the previous non-voters “who came out of the woodwork” that would lead Trump to victory. Of course, back then, it was merely hopeful speculation, but it turned out to be true – or at least enough folks in the the right areas assured the Trumpster an electoral college win.

Undeniably, for many Americans, this Tuesday represents their chance for revenge. It’s an act they can once again perform peacefully, and they will primarily vote with cold anger over the following Democratic Party operations (and in likely order of emphasis):

Urban rioting
Covid lockdowns

Many others, however, are seeking revenge another way. They are voting against Trump… because…. Trump.

Now here’s an interesting question: Had there been any indictments of the usual suspects (i.e. – Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Hillary, Strozk, the Ohrs, Rice, et al… even Barry himself) would that have helped or hurt Trump at the polls this Tuesday and why?

And then there’s the question of Biden. Remember how he was propped up with duct tape and dental floss via the unprecedented events during the Iowa primaries earlier this year?

So first Biden and then Covid.

Next, Alzheimer Joe chose an ice queen with the personality of an annoyed Karen as his running mate; a woman previously, and universally, rejected by Democratic Party primary voters.


Regardless, at this point, the answers to any questions are immaterial. This is because a majority of American voters have already decided; and all that remains now is for the rest of them to finalize their selections on Tuesday.

It’s going to be real interesting to see what happens next.

And after that as well.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 30, 2020 8:51 pm

‘Undeniably, for many Americans, this Tuesday represents their chance for revenge.’

That’s where this American was at the last election.

“….. have helped or hurt Trump at the polls this Tuesday and why?”

A world where the belief that your vote matters is foreign to me, but a visit there would include a view from the lofty heights of virtue; bringing the presumption that it would have helped…..honesty is the best policy.

I try to look at everything thru a supernatural or spiritual lens, and I still get a bad feeling about the whole charade that has been the “American Dream”. Enter into the world of politics, and it’s blaring evidence, to me, the construct of DC itself produces those who serve the father of all lies, who will appear as an angel of light, a savior of mankind…

I remember when T4C gave me a word of encouragement as I attempted to address the Q phenom…a psyop. Went fairly deep into the little ‘g’ gods, I don’t recall exactly. I do remember telling her that if I was still around, we’d go down and pull the lever for another Trump Try.

Ironically, (?) I saw her post directly below yours….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-====

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff; Red Emphasis added]

"The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare." [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff , Forward by Reynold E. Blight, 33rd Degree, K.T., Illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, 32nd Degree, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, Virginia, p. 48; Emphasis Added]

Cold Anger?

Was it Freud who said depression was rage turned inward?

Two decades now.

  ordo ab chao
October 30, 2020 11:09 pm

Ordo- I left you a reply in the EC thread.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 31, 2020 4:06 am

I saw that BL, and I left you a couple of paragraphs in response a few hrs later, mostly cryin about my rehab…. failed to tell you the following was good news for sure

“….increased my raw fruits and vegetables and a couple other dietary tweaks
Early this year I had the same screening tests done and it was gone, no blockage at all.”

I’ve been real active my whole life, smoked for over 40 yrs. My post surgery respiratory numbers were higher than most non smokers. All told, I’ve had three different cardiac cats tinker with me ticker….all rendering a similar prognosis: ‘if you do everything right-diet right, don’t smoke, get exercise, avoid stress-there’s no reason you can’t see another 10 yrs with relative ease’

I’ve done nothing right except for the exercise…I get more than I want of that. I did adjust my diet a bit-stash a bigger bag of m&ms in the frig.

They’ve got my blood so thin I nearly need stitches if I scrape myself…..

Follow up visits have resulted in a stress test, heart cath, screwed up medical billing procedures, double billed, annual large deductible reset, prior approval requirements, appeals for denial of payments………..AAAAARRRRRRGGH !

My doc’s a hell-uv-a guy, looks like a 75 yr old surfer that stands about 6′-5″……..he now just tells me to have a smoke-but keep it to just a few times a day if I can, lol

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<———====

"I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me"

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
  ordo ab chao
October 31, 2020 10:23 am

I personally know several individuals who have never voted before. They have told me that they registered this year and have voted for Trump because as you noted:

Undeniably, for many Americans, this Tuesday represents their chance for revenge. It’s an act they can once again perform peacefully, and they will primarily vote with cold anger over the following Democratic Party operations (and in likely order of emphasis):

Urban rioting
Covid lockdowns

My gut tells me Trump is going to win walking away, but I think he’s going to be forced to invoke the Insurrection Act to quell the Color Revolution. Times are going to get very interesting.

October 30, 2020 7:32 pm

I kept a copy of the Cold Anger post when I first found it a few years ago on TBP, and that lead to Sundance and the Conservative Treehouse. I refer to it now and again when I’m tired of the fight and losing hope that the evil people in this world will be made to stop and be held to account.

With the continued escalating corruption and march ever forward of the globalists in all parties who run and are ruining Canada, sometimes cold anger is all that can sustain you from falling into despair.

October 31, 2020 3:29 am

As convenient as it is to say that there is this small group and that small group that is coordinating all of these nasty events and changes around the world it does seem to be happening at an inhuman level. What I mean is have you ever been in a small group and had everyone agree on how something should be done? Now certainly this group of nefarious souls committing all of this evil must be in the thousands or tens of thousands or more with hundreds of millions of minions.

I guess where I am trying to go here is if we spend time and energy putting our thoughts and fears into all of this bullshit going on does it change things or make us feel better? For me it just leads to anxiety and despair. I know the world is massively screwed up but at the end of the day the only thing I can do is take precautions as best I can and enjoy the time I have with people I care about.

One thing I enjoy doing is laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. When I see people masked up going in stores I laugh. When I happen to be talking with someone who makes comments that alert me they have no idea what is going on I laugh(usually inside). Most of the things we are told are not true so why take it serious?

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 31, 2020 9:12 am

You must laugh A LOT!

October 30, 2020 8:08 pm
Bad Brad
Bad Brad
October 30, 2020 8:58 pm

f*%K off, Spam boy. And straighten out that carpet bagger, Mittens Romney
if you need something to do.

On The Beach
On The Beach
October 30, 2020 10:18 pm

The mormontard has it all figured out. He saw it in a vision.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
October 31, 2020 6:09 am

The only thing I would change in this essay is the use of the word fair. Life is not fair! With that in mind I replaced fair with the following:

“We notice the things that are put in front of us that are not just (fair), even if they are not happening to us. The expectation of justice (fairness) is actually very important to us. Construct unjust (unfair) systems, and we notice. We don’t say anything, but we notice.”

October 31, 2020 10:08 am

For me at least, The 4 step was, the hardest yet
Stuck for years, a road realized, by parsing the anger, from contempt.
What once burned hot, now subsides, leaving something, I can accept.

October 31, 2020 3:19 pm

at times acceptance comes from honesty. other times it looks like openness and hope. and always it comes through the willingness to do whats best now. being humble and having acceptance are the same. keep going. more joy and wonder are right ahead.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 31, 2020 11:54 am

“Cold Anger does not gloat; it absorbs consistent vilification and ridicule as fuel”

Like a diesel engine, the fuel builds up and pressure is applied until it spontaneously ignites. A lot of fuel and a lot of pressure in the world right now.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
  TN Patriot
October 31, 2020 7:31 pm

Kinda like the old Oliver 1850 that I used to use to pull the Bale Wagon picking up hay. Had to spin that engine a little bit but suddenly she’d Roar to Life!

November 1, 2020 10:35 am

My prediction. Trump wins by landslide. They cannot find or harvest enough ballots. They will move to cheat blatantly and then get caught. After weeks of legal maneuvers and Msm telling the lie they will get caught. They will then move to make the virus again important to crush the economy. Masked vs unmasked will be the new black vs white. They will try and destroy our economy. And fo us on 2022 elections. They will continue rioting until military is called in. Governors and mayors will be removed forcibly by military.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 1, 2020 1:38 pm

My Cold Anger is running about 210 F.