Patrick Henry and "Give Me Liberty!" – Lesson Plan This is my face diaper" Mask by Pnwswag | Redbubble

One month ago I wrote an article – Silent Obedient Consent – about our day in Cape May Lighthouse State Park and my disappointment in seeing so many perfectly healthy young people obediently wearing their face muzzles, as dictated by government bureaucrats,  on a bright crisp autumn day in a 244 acre state wild preserve. I found it sad that so many could be controlled so easily by so few.

Since my state has been on lockdown since our escape to Cape May and the weather has been cold, wet and snowy, we’ve been mostly cooped up in our home prison. The fear propaganda campaign has worked wonders, as our traditional Christmas Eve bash with 50 or so relatives and neighbors, was limited to six relatives. Monday, when I saw the temperature was going to 48 with bright sunshine, I insisted we needed to go to the 3,500 acre Valley Forge National Park to take a long walk.

Valley Forge Park Visitor and Tourism Information

We have lived eleven miles from Valley Forge Park for the last twenty-five years. I’m a student of history, so living this close to a national treasure, where a ragtag army of farmers showed tremendous fortitude and courage during the brutal deathly Winter of 1777-78, has been an endless source of enjoyment and learning for me, my wife and sons. The walking trails wind through beautiful rolling hills of trees, dotted with soldier quarters as they appeared 242 years ago.

Valley Forge National Historical Park in King of Prussia, PA

Many an afternoon did we hike up Mount Joy over the mountain to reach General Washington’s headquarters. The museum on the headquarters site is filled with interactive displays describing the tremendous sacrifices made by these men to keep a the hopes of a fledgling country alive. You can’t help but be inspired by the bravery and courage of these men. They left their families and were willing to die for a cause that seemed unreachable. They were willing to sacrifice their lives to gain freedom from tyrannical monarch mandates.

Inventory and Monitoring at Valley Forge National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service)

The park rangers have always been friendly and helpful. We signed our two youngest sons up for a program where we took them there every Saturday and they were trained as recruits in the Continental Army with pretend muskets. It was fun for them and they learned about an important event in the founding of our country. Our three boys were full of energy and we would do the five mile trek around the park every time. They would roller blade, scooter or walk, but we always made two stops. One was the battery of cannons, where they would imagine blasting some redcoats.

The other was a huge climbing tree which we assumed was around in 1778 when General Baron von Steuben was drilling his Continental Army recruits, instilling discipline and teaching them tactics. Picturing the past heroic actions of true patriots is easy to do at Valley Forge. When we could get them down from the branches we would set the timer on our camera and take a picture for posterity.

All of my memories of time spent at Valley Forge Park were positive, until this past Monday. Once again, I was aghast at what I witnessed on a sunny brisk winter day. At first I was surprised at the huge number of cars in the parking lot. Many people had the same idea, as indoor dining has been banned by Generalissimo Baron von Wolf for the last month. Our level of enthusiasm for our enjoyable trek through this national treasure of a park waned immediately as we witnessed hundreds upon hundreds of young people, families, bikers, and joggers fully muzzled, as demanded by covid czar Dick/Rachel Levine and dictator in chief – Tom Wolf.

Family walking with their dog in park and wearing mask - Promise How to keep kids safe during this COVID-19 summer | UCHealth Today

We were going to enjoy our unmasked walk no matter how many compliant sheep we had to pass. Lone bikers, near no one, were masked. Lone joggers were masked. One jogger would pull up her mask when she passed someone and then pull it down after passing. Little kids were masked. Mothers, fathers, teens on dates, and young guys were all masked.

I couldn’t help but think how government school indoctrination had worked wonders on these obedient serfs. Have years of helicopter parenting created such a pathetic generation of infant like rule followers? Are they so willfully ignorant they can’t do the basic research to realize masks don’t work, based on CDC studies and the actual case rates in states and cities with mandatory masking and lockdowns?

Based on my observations, at least 60% of these people, out getting exercise and fresh air (not too fresh with a filthy diaper on their faces), were obeying their tyrannical politicians and bureaucrats, or entrapped in fear by a flu with a 99.7% survival rate. We didn’t have the slightest hesitancy in walking next to or passing others resisters (aka anti-maskers, aka granny killers) who chose to live on the edge by breathing fresh air. I never have a problem choosing not to be one of the crowd and not following the lemmings.

A Fable for Our Time: Why Lemmings Jump Off Cliffs | Arranology

The most embarrassing aspect of our afternoon was when fully masked sheeple would take a wide berth into the grass when they saw we were un-muzzled. They treated us like plague carrying super spreaders. This happened at least a half dozen times. When we passed two young fully masked parents pushing a stroller with an infant sucking on his pacifier, I jokingly said to my wife that I should patent a face mask with a built in pacifier. Too late. They already sell them on the internet. We truly must be living in some dystopian Twilight Zone episode.


If it was in my power, anyone who willingly wears a mask in the fresh air should be required to wear this mask. It would represent the infantilization of Americans during this era of idiocracy.

Pacifier 2" Mask by DCiabo | Redbubble

We have a nation of infants sucking on pacifiers while trapped in their cribs by sociopathic parents/politicians. Infants are incapable of critical thought, must be fed to survive, and diapered at all times. Sounds like the majority of adult Americans today, except the diaper is on the other end.

As we passed maskers by the dozens on the walking path, I found myself wondering if any of these people appreciated the irony of the cowardice and dishonor shown to those brave, honorable men who spent a brutal winter battling bitter cold, snow, starvation, typhus, small pox, dysentery, and the threat of attack from the most powerful army on the planet only thirty miles away in Philadelphia. These men faced death every moment of their existence. Meanwhile, our current army of Valley Forge maskers cower from the phantom menace of a highly non-lethal flu bug.

The Continental Army at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania | Britannica

There are hundreds of statues scattered throughout the park honoring the patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice to create a new nation of self-reliant, strong, independent minded, citizens who didn’t require coddling by a massive overbearing Federal government. They just wanted to be left alone to work their farms, raise their families, and live as free men. Statues to honor our current day “heroes” would look like this.

Pennsylvania plans 'small steps' toward economic reopening; Murphy says N.J. needs federal help, more coronavirus testing capacity

When assessing the state of our nation, it is always a prudent choice to seek out the wisdom of our founding father who led the troops at Valley Forge – George Washington. I think the quote below captures the essence of what has been happening in this country over the last ten months.

The downward spiral crisis in this country is reflected in the apparent trivial submission of a vast swath of the populace to a psychotic belief a thin piece of cloth will save them from a moderately annoying flu that won’t kill 99.9% of Americans. This is a turning point in the history of our country. And not one which will go down in glory, taught in history books as a story of courageousness, fortitude, bravery and common sense.

“The turning points of lives are not the great moments. The real crises are often concealed in occurrences so trivial in appearance that they pass unobserved.” George Washington

If General George Washington was alive today, he would be praying for the end of this societal mass delusion and for leaders who were not cunning, ambitious, unprincipled and intent on destroying everything he fought for during those times that tried men’s souls. The subversion of power by a cadre of extremely wealthy globalist traitors has succeeded beyond their expectations.

The future of our country hangs in the balance, just as it did in the Winter of 1777/78. The question is whether we remain sunshine patriots wearing masks as demanded by the monarchy or will we stand now, shed our masks and fight the tyranny engulfing this nation. The choice is ours.

George Washington at Valley Forge - YouTube

“However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” George Washington

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December 31, 2020 8:17 am

Admin! You are on a roll, baby!!!

LOVED the family pics …. especially the one under the tree. Avalon … man, oh man, she is so pretty!

December 31, 2020 12:24 pm

Wow! What a rebel! You were hiding under your bed when BLM rolled through your neighborhood!
Too funny!

December 31, 2020 4:38 pm

Hahaha funny!

January 1, 2021 3:28 am
January 1, 2021 3:38 am

Remember what Benzion Mileikowsky (later Netanyahu) said:

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

Netenyahu: “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off…”

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
December 31, 2020 8:30 am

Amen! The choice is ours but, how do we awaken the zombie sheep. IMHO the only thing we can do is lead by example, “I refuse to comply” will be my mantra, civil disobedience is our tool.
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  Cow Doctor
December 31, 2020 9:52 am

Start with the math. 1 -(1/infection rate)

That gives you herd suppresion. Notice measles is very infectious. Either a disease is very infectious or its not. If this one is like the flu at 2.5 it is. But like the flu there exist cross immunity. That explains the curve.

Your weapon is math and a .agic marker to NPC faces.

  Cow Doctor
December 31, 2020 9:55 am

Why doesn’t someone with some Tech savvy start a webpage for “I survived Covid” testimonials.

A) It would show the fearful Karens that it is no big deal for any young and/or healthy individual.
B) It could be used as a backhanded mockery tool.
C) Thousands could voice their disgust at shutting down schools, businesses, churches for people who are more likely to die or suffer injury from the DRIVE to and from these places than from the Rona.

PS: I was diagnosed positive 3 days ago. I am a 55 y/o male who smokes, tall and lean but not exactly a healthy eater or exerciser ( I don’t eat fast food and I can’t sit still or “relax” though.)
I suspected I would eventually get it since I work in a hospital/nursing home, I still go to church weekly, poker night with the boys 2x month, bi-monthly trips to Atlantic City, went on a cruise in March, a week at Ocean City Maryland in August, New Hampshire in July… only wear masks when “mandated” at work around patients and at the 3-card poker table. Between Christmas shopping, traveling to Virginia 2x and Pennsylvania 1x over the past 2 weeks, Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and at-home gatherings……… I was starting to wonder if I was immune or if Covid even actually existed.

Well at work on Monday morning I was told that 3 people in my dept were positive ( from the Thursday mandatory tests prior) and the other 6 of us had to go to the MDS director and get rapid tests. Two more of us got the double purple lines on the rapid. I suspected I had it because I had an itchy feeling in my nose and eyes like that moment before a sneeze but constant for 2-3 days.

So I’m isolated in the basement den– the TV is small and now my symptoms have progressed to back pain from sleeping on the guest bed downstairs and the old sofa ( why are 7 feet sofas always 6 inches too short to stretch out on for someone who isn’t even 6 1/2 feet tall?).. and all I can taste is “sweet”.
Otherwise, if I weren’t tested I’d just be going to work everyday… that’s right, SCARY RONA could not even make a 55 year old, 30 year smoker, who loves naps , steak and cheese subs, pizza and Italian food sick enough to keep me from splitting up that old dead tree for the woodpile yesterday…….. On the bright side, I get to use 40 hours of PTO that wasn’t going to roll-over anyhow because I had over the max limit for rollover and the end of the year was coming. Two weeks pay to lay at home on my couch bored chitless. If this is “the new normal” I probably won’t retire– what for?

PPS: Jim, my family and I have gone to Williamsburg/Yorktown multiple times and love the old colonial history and costumes/customs.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Cow Doctor
December 31, 2020 12:00 pm
  Cow Doctor
December 31, 2020 9:26 pm

I have never worn a face diaper and won’t. It will be interesting, I have two medical appointments with the VA on February 1st, I will not wear a mask…The appointments are over an elective surgery I should have had last April…

December 31, 2020 10:42 pm

Report back.

January 2, 2021 12:10 am

You won’t get past the guy at the door.

December 31, 2020 8:32 am

I would stay at a nearby hotel on business trips so I could take walks in that park. I forget the name of the hotel (Sheraton?) but it was round. The last time I stayed there it had added a casino. I never went back. I wonder if gambling had something to do with the rot in society now evident. It does seem related.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
December 31, 2020 5:21 pm

Abortion, illegal immigration, gambling and legal weed.

December 31, 2020 8:33 am

Valley Forge in four minutes ….

December 31, 2020 12:18 pm

Many lessons in Jim’s article and Stucky’s posted video synopsis above; perhaps the most important being the call for perseverance. Fourth Turnings wind onward for years along with alternating victories and setbacks.

This is what I was referring to in my “flashlights in the dark” article on how “everyone, sooner or later, will choose their line in the sand… or, rather, what hill they wish to die upon” – and in my last “inevitability” article here about “choosing one’s battles carefully and deliberately” as well as this question:

For those who understand that battles cannot be won simply by playing defense, a question remains: What can be won?

To be sure, currently, it is a different kind of war and the battles are evolving in new ways. Yet, the resolve to stand and fight remains the same – perhaps even with similar percentages of the population as during the nation’s initial birth pains.

Obviously, much has happened over the past 243 years; a lot of water under the bridge. But the actual countdown to the end began in 1913 and, just like clockwork, the steady march toward centralization has continued. The Borg has grown powerful, indeed, but they have not completely closed the circle yet. They are close, however. Perhaps the grandest deception The Borg ever conceived was to cause us to shadowbox against imaginary enemies while they, the true enemy, built their strong towers unabated.

The Borg’s latest offensive is, of course, monstrously mutated strains of Covid. And, even if Trump, in hail mary fashion, were to retain the presidency…. would you put it past The Borg to conjure aliens from outer space?

Regardless, it is a new year and time for new beginnings. Hold on to the good and let go of the dross. But choose now.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 1:37 pm

Speaking of “aliens” from outer space…

Joe Rogan Comments On COVID-19 Relief Bill – “I Have A Feeling 2021 Is Going To Be Strange As Fu#%”

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
January 1, 2021 9:09 am


That’s pretty interesting. I don’t follow Rogan much, but have listened to a number of interviews he’s conducted.

The Jesuit Pope Bergoglio has issued encyclical concerning this very thing, which you may already be aware of. When Trump and Hillary sat at the Alfred Smith memorial dinner…..well. Smith was twice nominated by freemason Roosevelt as the demonrat party’s candidate for president-’24 and ’28

The same freemason instrumental in putting the pagan prophecy (the US seal) on the $ bill….the entire dinner roast:

The 2nd book in a three book series goes into great detail about an expected “alien savior”. Following the first book (500 pg/with fifty plus pages of footnotes) titled Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here, comes

Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R., and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alein Savior

“Christians will not immediately need to renounce their faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of [this] new unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, once the ‘religious content’ originating from outside the earth ‘has been verified’ they will have to conduct a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data”
Vatican Astronomer [Connected with Opus Dei] Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-=== when gods once again comingle with men

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 6:19 pm

“they will have to conduct a re-reading [of the Gospel]…”

Do they even have knowledge of it?

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  ordo ab chao
January 2, 2021 9:26 pm

John Paul II once said so called aliens were likely demons and not space men. FWIW.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 4:11 pm

I just can’t get these lyrics out of my head;

They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can’t kill the beast…

Hotel California

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 5:04 pm

@ Eyes

RE: Hotel California

“Stabbing With Their Steely Knives, They Just Can’t Kill the Beast’ – The Burning Platform – 10/29/2017

…while the beast was decimating the once free nation’s manufacturing capacities while funding wars around the globe, it was also dumbing down the country’s populace, expanding governmental welfare programs, and lulling the majority of the nation’s citizens into a contented slumber via the financial acquisition and consolidation of the nation’s media outlets and entertainment venues. Through a steady barrage of consistent and hypnotic electronic programming, the beast persuaded the inhabitants of the once free nation to abandon their vigilance to the founding principles which made the nation great originally. These principles included the affirmation of rights derived from natural law, honesty, morality, equality of opportunity as opposed to equality of outcomes, fiscal responsibility, and limited government. But in so doing, what was the overall objective of the beast? It was global dominion, of course; and nothing less. However, in order for the beast to achieve its goal of world domination, it first had to completely subjugate the once free nation, its constitution, and citizens, forever…

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 5:37 pm

I copied and pasted directly from a lyrics website.
Fake news.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 6:08 pm

I get it but it brings me here.

Revelation 13:3, NASB: “I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;”

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 7:55 pm

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Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
December 31, 2020 7:10 pm

The slumbering giant is actually awakening …. Maybe too little and WAYYYYY toooo late, but I suspect there are some Patriots that are not going to go down without a fight.

This beautiful country has too much going for it even in the face of such daunting and looming adversity that is on the horizon.

May God Bless America as patriots seek to come back to Him at all costs.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 8:23 pm

I will visit that link, Uncola….

The drama plays on in the body politic:

My phrasing it that way means no discredit to the citizen and her story. She sounds legit to me. You mentioned 1913, which made me think of G. Edward:

Maker of COVID Tests Says Pandemic is Biggest Hoax Ever Perpetrated

And, I noticed a lot of videos he recently restored on this site (I’ve never visited redpill u., but I got a diploma while doin red pills in skool). It looks interesting.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

It's probably no news to you, but I posted the video links for some of the snow bound and lock downed……….

January 1, 2021 6:39 am

Exactly it’s the enemy from within that has destroyed america. Once the ww2 vets started retiring from the workforce wallstreet decided middle class christian america time was finished. They would’ve never did their middle class destroying sheet when the ww2 vets were still in the workforce. Now just snotty nosed whiners!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 8:13 am


I’m not sure how I missed that read the first time around, but I must have. Great article, but I would ask if you feel the last three years have made you lean a bit more towards Trump’s real/actor?

I tried to watch the video you linked in a response to ‘Davido’, but the video is unavailable…..I sure would like to have seen it.

In that same response you posted a quote from DRUD:

“They can control information, but not minds. They can control the narrative, but not thought. They control huge amounts of money, but again, money itself is just another temporary con game.”

Haha….updated to read: ‘they can control information, minds, money and even the weather’

Scientists propose putting nanobots in our bodies to create ‘global superbrain’

You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

  ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 7:59 pm

“You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy”.

Says this lost, pompous, demonic & doomed, pretentious fool garbed in this reject costume for an old Star Trek movie he actually thinks is cool.

Hey Schwabby,

Before I comply I will Shoot Your Orcs and Flying Monkeys center mass and Spit in their Faces…and in the End them and You will spend Eternity in Hell.

Haaaaa…look at the great reset brain trust in his Bond movie Doctor Evil costume… we don’t have to mock him…he does it to himself.
comment image&f=1&nofb=1


Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 2, 2021 6:02 am

Hahaha….is he Klingon?

These Lucy Bearers are right out in our face….lol.

I posted a little two min. video down thread in a response to GCP. It’s by the Royal Family of lizard blood, narrated by the warrior prince charles….but here’s the one that pointed out the presence of the other:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–===

Give that one a listen.

Credibility, (I read the Mike Adams exchange) is always an issue. What I know is, that pope he (Tom Horn) said for a year was gonna resign….resigned the very month and year that he predicted.

  ordo ab chao
January 3, 2021 8:56 pm

ordo ab chao,

Ya know when you take a shit and there is a tiny little piece of shit that is Klinging-on to your asshole…and you have to shake your butt to get it to drop into the bowel?

He is that kind of Klingon…just saying.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 4, 2021 1:23 am


Ha…ha, a similar description from a friend of mine about a number of different polly tisshuns…..

Me? I am enraged ! I’ve spoke ‘truth to power’ all my days around this masonic rathole, and will not fair well if the king’s men push much further.

I’m a fool…..and I will rush in where angels fear to tread

Today, I pick up the unanswered question I have placed before the county health admin. office, a county commissioner for my district, and a city commissioner who has apparently discarded my links to rt-pcr testing, CDC’s own site info, the fraud and fear mongering of the local community, including the two weeks to flatten a curve that started on 3-13…..when the occult’s count down began.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

December 31, 2020 6:34 pm

“…would you put it past The Borg to conjure aliens from outer space?”

Do you believe they can clone mammals ? TR4 and a big cloned whatever you want to call it [ with horns ]. How about a thousand of them with a navigator/ laser operator crew? Mothrs hip at L5.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 4, 2021 1:29 am

The kosmokrators that built the borg, ARE the aliens from from ‘outer space’

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<—–=====

December 31, 2020 8:39 am

“I jokingly said to my wife that I should patent a face mask with a built in pacifier. “

How ’bout the Kamala Face Mask?

comment image

December 31, 2020 9:10 am

It’s not a diaper, it’s a muzzle. A muzzle keeps an animal from biting or eating what the owners don’t want it to eat. A muzzle controls an animal, a diaper just contains stuff. A muzzled dog has a hard time barking. You can’t talk intelligibly with a muzzle, the sound is garbled and muffled, preventing coherent or perhaps, inflammatory speech. Calling it a diaper completely misses the point.
comment image

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 9:37 am

Animal cruelty, that’s just going too far.

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 1:13 pm
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 11:17 pm

That’s not training, that’s abuse. Thank you GOD for DOG’s !

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
January 2, 2021 7:08 pm

I love them so much my heart can hardly take it.
Hardly anyone realizes, they’re God’s angels, Sent to be our companions and watch over us.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 4, 2021 1:43 am

I quit a job over the lack of respect shown by the owner for a young girl in his employ who found it too difficult to make it in after losing her 15+ yr companion, a little cocker spaniel..

“A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.” Pro. 12:10

“For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity” Ecc. 3:21

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 1:38 pm


December 31, 2020 3:12 pm

i want a mask with a pic of a spread open vagina on it, then walk around in target, wal-mart or a grocery store with that on all day.

January 2, 2021 7:09 pm

You’re still being controlled then.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
December 31, 2020 8:48 am

That park is a very moving experience when you think about the actual events that transpired there and how beholden we are to the small group of farmers, laborers, and businessmen who were willing to fight for the freedoms we have squandered.

When we were there in October the masked was still a minority. We were in town celebrate my son’s college gradation that had actually happened the previous December. The ceremony was postponed & postponed until it was finally cancelled. The actual campus was locked down because of Rona. The security guard offered to let us drive through but if we got out to take pictures we would be charged with trespassing.

We went to the park and took some great pictures, my son proudly holding his diploma with the arch in the background framing him and his accomplishment. He proudly radiated his happiness. Many non-masked passersby offered their congratulations.

It was such a nice afternoon and beautiful fall day that we used the family pictures for our Christmas cards. I believe that even though Tom & Big Rachel tried to ruin his special day it turned out better because it was more genuine than a contrived ceremony.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Dirtperson Steve
December 31, 2020 8:48 pm

I worked a refueling outage in Surry back in 09. When the outage was over, flew my wife out and we took a ferry across the river to Jamestown. The first vehicle on the ferry, and we sat in the cab looking across the hood at nothing but water…..pretty cool for these two flatlanders.

Only had a week to get back home, and the only plan we had was to visit DC. I can’t describe how it felt-such history ….but the spiritual unrest we both began feeling had us heading towards Culpepper before dark.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

December 31, 2020 8:49 am

Such a good article that is so disturbing on so many levels. How people are such willing accomplices in their own demise frankly, blows my mind. I would think that many of these people have been educated; too bad so few are incapable of reason.

Perhaps the time is past for remaining passive. As those of us who see the horrible hoax continue to remain silent, more have joined the cult by drinking the poison.

I’m searching for solutions and see none. How can we stop being complicit? Not complying seems to be too small of an effort.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 4, 2021 1:49 am

Nice comment, but when you say:

“As those of us who see the horrible hoax continue to remain silent,”

speak for yourself, I’ve been shoutin about the horrible hoax that is called congress for twenty years, and a steady crumble for twenty more before.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——=== who was it that branded the dollar bill with a pagan prophecy?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 8:53 am

Two positives about mask wearing.
Minor compliance keeps the government off our backs while we have bigger fish to fry and they are a deterrent to facial recognition.
Antifa and SWAT teams wear them for a reason and it’s not to stop the virus.
Learn to think tactically not just fight for the purpose of fighting.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 9:23 am

The ability to blend in or be inconspicuous at times can serve a valuable purpose.
Be grey until you really need to be black or white.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 10:36 am

Eyes might be wrong. I didn’t watch this particular one, but the tech has been working on this ability before the plandemic:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-== all just a part of 'the new order of the ages'

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 11:31 am

Get a bigger mask

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 11:58 am

Hoodie, large brim hat, tinted glasses, etc…

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 12:02 pm

People could start wearing a ski mask with shades. Make people extremely uncomfortable in their ovine behavior.

  Articles of Confederation
December 31, 2020 12:25 pm

I wear tactical gaiter, aviators and a hat pulled down as far as possible. Right around VF national park actually, and they get oh so uncomfortable 😉

December 31, 2020 12:54 pm

LOL… I have to comment….

I walked into my bank a week ago. toque (knitted style winter hat) on head pulled low so just eyes showing. and a thin dark blue single layer cloth scarf type thing pulled way up over my nose. just my eyes were visible.

walked up to teller, and said, “last year this time I would be arrested for this” she just grinned and didn’t even comment, like just another usual day in a bank.

People really do flinch when you are dressed like this. they don’t know how to take it.


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 9:02 pm

You sure she grinned?

Just kiddin, I know the eyes say it all…..but with the setting being a bank, I thought maybe the ‘rules for thee and not for me’ were in full display

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<—–===

TRILLIONS$$$$$ just this year. But the emperor may still come thru with 2 large for the plebes..

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
  Articles of Confederation
December 31, 2020 12:47 pm

I like it guys, beat them at their own game.

  Articles of Confederation
December 31, 2020 3:01 pm

I usually wear a knit watch cap or beanie with a black neck gaiter. I have prescription transition lenses and purposely keep my nose showing, but no one really challenges me in the cold weather if I pull it down onto my chin. This sort of wear won’t cut it in the summertime, though.
Going to put up a few bucks for a nice cold weather balaclava. It’s fun LARPing around like a French GIGN or SAS as it bugs some folks while others just shrug it off.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Articles of Confederation
December 31, 2020 3:42 pm

Do you think a 🏒 goalie mask complimented with a skull bandana would be going a little too far

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Articles of Confederation
December 31, 2020 8:57 pm


Haha, winter here and all, won’t have quite the same impact….but I’ve got one and may do it for grins.

I’ve thought about trying to get my hands on one of those old children’s Halloween masks, made out of plastic with a string around your head…remember those?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–===

I'm too old, but more importantly too damn fed up with these lyin' pedos to have any fun with it. I think I'll just keep right on breathin on everybody

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 9:31 pm

Of course I remember them! I’d suggest Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers, and maybe wield a machete.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Articles of Confederation
January 1, 2021 7:52 am

Elmer Fudd packin’ a double barrel …

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 2:58 pm

I wonder if sunglasses too would help?

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 31, 2020 7:16 pm

Agreed. Keep in mind that facial recognition software can be remarkably effective with just the eyes and shape of the head. A mask that can also disguise the eyes and still afford excellent breathe-ability would be ideal.

January 1, 2021 12:06 am

Facial recognition doesn’t matter nearly as much anymore. It’s your gait, your walk. That’s how they can track and ID you now. I’m no expert, but it’s my understanding that everyone’s walk is unique and once you’re in the system it can be cross referenced fairly quickly.

Also, how do I change my avatar on here? Ugh.

December 31, 2020 8:54 am

I very very rarely wear that stupid mask. Only around 45 minutes a month. That is all it takes me to get my monthly supplies in the small city to the south of me. On the way there I sometimes hit a light,and some one will pull up next to me with the mask on. I make it a point to laugh hysterically. Sometimes I even get to see the embarrassment on their faces.However I believe they have no idea. Here in NY one can’t enter super markets without the thing. I will wait until the security person tells me I have to put it on. Arguing is useless.So for that short period it goes on. It has a simple message written on it. “Worn by Force,and not by fear.” It usually brings a chuckle or a smile.Many times a compliment. There are those that give the dirty look,and are about to say something. The look in my eye does let them know. They are only gonna have a couple of seconds to get the hell away from me. The minute I pay(In cash) the mask comes off. I walk out that way.No one says nothing about that. I really get the feeling most folks are sick of it,but have not the courage to change.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 9:42 am

I hear you. I never wear the dirty face diaper. I just walk in and put on my “don’t fuck with me” face, and all is good. Oh, and concealed carry also with my snubby .38 in the back pocket.

Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 7:14 pm

The George Costanza approach … Walk around work with a foul look on your face and no one messes with you.

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 31, 2020 9:46 am

Courage is lacking on all fronts.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  very old white guy
December 31, 2020 1:47 pm

Agreed. Just say no. Print out some of the documents found on this site and start handing them out to store workers who attempt to enforce this completely unconstitutional nonsense. This ends only when we end it.

We only have the rights we are willing to exercise. Please explore the many useful documents contained within that link.

  grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 8:45 pm

WOW – Thanks for the link!!

There is a typo in the URL – it’s

  grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 10:51 pm

Any documents that tell them they can’t kick you out for not wearing a mask?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 1, 2021 5:57 pm
  grace country pastor
January 1, 2021 8:13 pm

Oh…I am so printing this down to hand out!


None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  grace country pastor
January 1, 2021 11:11 am

The asswipes here in Memphis/Shelby County, Tennessee finally figured out how to get around the “I can’t wear a mask due to medical issues” problem (or so they think). Now anyone entering a store has to wear a mask or a face shield. Problem is I wear hearing aids from my service related hearing disability and the maker of the hearing aids, Phonac, states to not place anything other than the temple of a pair of glasses next to them. It causes all sorts of issues like premature battery failure and obstruction of sound amplification. I have emphysema so wearing any kind of face covering is not acceptable. I’ve called several individuals with county government regarding these issues and left a message for them to call me back. So far no one has returned any of my calls. Basically, I can’t shop for fresh fruit, vegetables or meat now due to this stupid ordinance and I consider it to be disability discrimination.

December 31, 2020 12:30 pm

Order take out and go in to pay but do not put on the mask. If they tell you to put on the mask ask them if they want you to pay for the food or not. If they refuse to give you your food, they just wasted $$. I have done this every time I want take out. No problemo.

January 1, 2021 12:49 am


Christmas Eve.

Went into a five chair barber shop no mask…open carry…this was my 3rd time in this place without a mask, but this time the owner (who was cutting hair) politely (and kinda meekly – a gun on your hip seems to encourage polite meekness) asked me to put a mask on after I had taken my jacket off and sat down.

Two guys in chairs had their masks below their chins. Everyone looked at me, I told him in a strong loud voice:

“I have never ever worn a mask because it’s BULLSHIT”.

Big grins split the faces of the two guys with the under the chin masks

He shrugged his shoulders and put his hands out in a whata ya gonna do kind of gesture, and then reached behind him and dangled a mask out for me. Then said: “You have to have one to come in”. His tone was almost pleading.

I said loud and proud: “NO I DON’T”, stood up, slowly put my jacket back on, looked around at everyone with my best Dirty Harry squint, at least 10 guys in the place, and said real loud for everyone to hear:

“Masks are BULLSHIT and I’m not wearing one”.

The owner put his hands up, palms towards me and said: “Merry Christmas”… I said Merry Christmas back, then did my best swagger out the door.

Ten minutes later I was in the State run liquor store…mask less of course, jacket covering my pistol, it was crowded, and a female clerk ten feet away as I came in said:

“Sir, you have to have a mask to come in here, the sign is on the in door”. Of course I saw it and had ignored it.

Now, I can go without a haircut, but not without a martini on Christmas Eve. So I said nothing and went home, got my MESH green camo sniper scarf, and went back to the liquor store with it over my nose and mouth. You can see it is just a couple layers of mesh, and easy breezy to breathe through.

As I was picking out a couple of bottles she came up to me and said: “Sir, you have to wear a mask”.

I stepped towards her, and said through clenched teeth: “It is a mask, a face covering”.

She got a little rattled (I think I might of started growling) then she nervously said: “It’s just a scarf”…

Then I loudly said: “It’s a MASK”!

She said “OK…OK” and scurried away.

While I was checking out her and another clerk were checking each other’s foreheads with the little temperature gun, shooting me dirty looks, and the woman at the register actually checking me out acted like I was Jack the Ripper and we were alone in a dark alley.

Now this is in a rural county with hardly any real cases.

Happy New Year Donkey Balls…hold that silver!

January 1, 2021 8:18 am

I am discovering no place is sane. But it’s not the place, it’s the people…I rode your story with you…and cheering for you every step of the way!
We need to buy a town…where only the sane are allowed.

January 1, 2021 8:22 pm

Thanks SeeBee…

January 1, 2021 8:20 pm

Donkey (off subject)…this is just the beginning of the 3rd Precious metals Bull Market since 1971.


Of all the major asset classes, precious metals provided the best returns last year.

• Gold finished the year up 24.6%, but down from its all-time highs of $2,075/oz achieved on August 7th.

• Gold was also a resilient asset. Thanks to its strong start in January (4.8%), when March came around gold held up and only fell 4.4% below the yearly open.

• Silver’s performance over the year was also sterling, offering investors 47.4% returns despite a -34.7% pullback in March.

Here’s a look at how all major asset classes performed over the course of the year:

Asset Class 2020 Return

Asset Type

Silver 47.4% Precious Metal
Gold 24.6% Precious Metal
U.S. Small Caps 18.5% Equities
U.S. Stocks 15.5% Equities
Emerging Markets 14.6% Equities
U.S. Corporate Bonds 9.7% Bonds
Europe, Australia, Far East 5.1% Equities
U.S. Treasuries 3.6% Bonds
Canadian Stocks 2.8% Equities
Commodities -6.6% Commodity
U.S. Dollar -6.8% Currency
U.S. Real Estate -8.4% Real Estate
Crude Oil -21.5% Commodity

U.S. equities and emerging market equities had double-digit returns despite the tumultuous year. Small cap stocks in the Russell 2000 outpaced the S&P 500 by 3%, but also saw a steeper drawdown during times of volatility.

January 2, 2021 7:19 pm

When you stick your gun in their face, they suddenly get respectful.

December 31, 2020 9:28 am

My friend’s store has a sign saying its a mask free zone. There’s no winter flu season. it’s all so idiotic.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 9:44 am

Is there some internet listing of stores that are mask free zones? I would definitely shop there.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 10:51 am

CO2, On first thought, sounds like a good idea. Second thought, the health department nazis would use it to target those businesses unless an overwhelming number of them defied their orders.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 12:02 pm

I didn’t say I wouldn’t shop at those places. I definately would and do so locally. I’m just sayin if we had a list, they would too, so it needs to be set up so they are protected from the health nazis.

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 8:52 pm

Every store I go in is mask-less for me. I don’t give a $#!+ anymore.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 4, 2021 1:56 am

Bravo, Doc

I’m knockin on the health nazi’s door, and I want to know if those elected who hire/regulates him are supportive of the fraud being perpetrated on the American people….

I am rec’d as a trouble maker from simply asking some questions…….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–===

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 9:45 am

Campbell County, VA becomes a First Amendment Sanctuary

  Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
December 31, 2020 11:33 pm

What does that have to do with masks?

January 1, 2021 8:24 am

For one….Freedom of Religion. Masks for many violate their spiritual beings.

December 31, 2020 9:57 am

In AZ, we don’t see people wearing diapers outside–guess our natural slave population is lower than the rest of America…

December 31, 2020 1:52 pm

They do in the retirement ‘cities.’ I was there 2 weeks ago and the old people in those places are scared to death and/or bullied by gangs of Karens into mask compliance.

December 31, 2020 10:24 am
December 31, 2020 10:54 am

I didn’t see or read this “list” , I don’t have the time .
Just ONE question , mr. factual .
You obviously don’t care for our President .
So who would you rather have had at the last election ,
Him , or Hillary , with 63 notches on her gun belt ?
At least PRESIDENT TRUMP didn’t murder anybody to get where he is !

December 31, 2020 11:56 am

Elf the ostrich can’t handle seeing the truth.
Tulsi Gabbard

December 31, 2020 3:08 pm

She’s still just another worthless Democrat.
Try again, sucker.

December 31, 2020 12:07 pm

Ed Snowden for prez! A hero and patriot. Julian assange for vice-prez!

December 31, 2020 12:56 pm

You sure had the time to write a rebuttal. Just because he doesn’t like Trump doesn’t mean he is for Hillary. One has nothing to do with the other and you should know that. I think both suck and the selections haven’t improved one bit. How the he’ll do you know if Trump has killed anyone or not? Damn, elves are supposed to have pointed ears, not heads.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 31, 2020 10:56 am

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

If you don’t want to sit through Ryan’s unbearably long video, just scroll down for all the links to his research. The answer is yes, most likely it does. Because people wear the same ones over and over and don’t understand how to handle them or wear them properly. There are other problems associated with mask wearing.

Why did only 6 people come to your Christmas party? Were they all afraid?

  Mary Christine
December 31, 2020 4:37 pm

Hi Mary Christine, my mom was afraid to have a big gathering. I respected her wishes and kept it small.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 31, 2020 5:27 pm

I never thought I would be glad my parents died when they did. Someone locally put out white flags for all the people that died of Covid as if they were war casualties or something. I guess if you die of something else your death doesn’t matter. At least your mom would see you. There are many who were afraid to see their children or the children were afraid to see their parents. So sad.

Maybe have a post-holiday party with as many as want to attend. Have some fun while you still can.

  Mary Christine
December 31, 2020 9:01 pm

My Mom passed away on March 11th. I got to see her in mid-February in, of all places, Kirkland Washington. The Wu-flu had just created a huge hotspot there. I didn’t get it and neither did she. I honestly believe that Divine Providence saw to it that both the virus and the BLM/ANTIFA riots were not to be a concern.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
December 31, 2020 10:57 am

Yesterday, I experienced an “it’s working” moment. Waiting in line outside a store without my mask, behind all the others with masks, a man walked up behind me to get in line. He was wearing a mask. But then he took it off, and started a conversation with me. “It’s working”, I thought. Being a non-sheep, willing to do a bare minimum of refusing to wear a useless mask, will give others the confidence to do the same, as they long to do. Never give up.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Henry Ford
December 31, 2020 1:54 pm

I’m still waiting but man that would make my day!

Henry Ford
Henry Ford
  grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 6:53 pm

It will happen to you. Soon.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Henry Ford
December 31, 2020 7:03 pm


  Henry Ford
December 31, 2020 9:03 pm

I actually thank people for not wearing the mask. It invariably opens up a conversation, and has lead to some new friendships. At the same time, I have fallen away from some former friendships with those that are too afraid of either the virus or the Karens.

Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
Two if by sea. Three if Made in China.
December 31, 2020 11:01 am

Thank you greatly for posting this Admin.
However deeply saddened by the young people hurting themselves with their compliance, I’ll still remain hopeful while setting a maskless example.
Pennsylvania, where a young dad took a young son to fly in a B-17 at the MidAtlantic Air Show with all the splendid WW2 memorabilia. My boy loved the Who’s On First recreation. Then onto Valley Forge.
A truly Holy place. Thx for the memories.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 11:03 am

You’re a lucky man, Massa Quinn….and you must own a Magic Pen.

On the 8th, we journeyed up to the king’s castle (county seat) to pay our annual tribute (property taxes/tags), and dared to enter unmasked. The only two out of about 6 when we entered, but as we stepped forth to lay our treasures down, the serf count was at 15, all standing on their own little circles.
I heard one man say to another as he was leaving the tag-paying line to dutifully wait in line for his turn to pay property tributes “I guess I just own too much property”… which I replied from half way across the room….”A man never can own too much property-our problem is too damn much government!”

Shock and awe looks from the plebes as we exited.

Went down to Dillon’s last night with the wife just to grab a couple things. Looked like about 3/4 of the people were masked. We rounded one corner, saw 4 teenage boys all unmasked coming our way. I stepped aside, stood at attention and presented a rigid left handed salute (as is a little custom of mine). I held the salute as they passed, thanking them for “their courage”

They all knew what I meant, not much older than your boys in the picture.

The only place I’ve worn a mask was the annual ‘wellness’ physical required for insurance thru my wife’s employer. The young PA stepped into the exam room, looked straight at my wife and said “thank you, I now you had something to do with Mr. Muzzleface making an appearance”.

As we left, she put her arm around me and whispered “thank you so much”. I told her, regrettably, she would have to pick a side to be on-real medicine, or medical tyranny.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 1:57 pm

You are one of a kind sir ordo… 😊

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 3:45 pm

Greetings GCP….

haha…that was said to me (minus the sir ordo part) just last evening when we went to the farm supply store for some cat food for our newly adopted little pain in the neck…..

As we were leaving the store, one of the elders from the Lutheran church I left greeted us with a little chuckle and a ‘forget your mask?’……….about 10 min. later he told me “you’re one of a kind, I’ll come by your place.”

I replied to him “don’t let the grass grow under your feet old man (he’s 5 yrs younger), I’m tellin ya time is runnin short.”

I’ve had conversations/contacts with commissioners, both county and city, the county health administrators office (he seems to be ducking me) trying to push for one answer to one question: what is the cycle threshold?

I’ve been reading a bit on the machine in their office, an Abbott ID NOW. Sounds like a fast food type delivery of a pcr test to this little pea brain. They pencil jockey the stats, change medical definitions and practiced medical history, bla bla bla.

Each I have contact with are crystal clear where I stand !

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

Edit to add: I'm about 10 min in on the video SeeBee posted below. I'm thinking I know where it's headed, but I try to at least skim over what gets posted on here, but rarely have I run into something the eschatological studies haven't already revealed.

Is there scripture that I am unaware of, that speaks to the issue of the little g gods being a figment of imagination? Or, does it say somewhere that evil spirits were no more after the cross?

When this whole plandemic started, and Trump used "invisible enemy", the mockingbird media pushed the "death count", then Trump started pushing vaccines.

A move to promote fear, looking to big gov. and pharmakia for salvation from the 'invisible enemy'.

  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 6:30 pm

Ordo- I did not use the face diaper upon entrance of any establishment I entered while on my Christmas vacation. NOBODY said a word to me per usual. My advice to the weak hearted, try it you’ll like it.

Part of my journey had me in Nashville, TN on the day of the motor home mishap that blew out cell phones over many states. You have to love a talking terrorist piece of shit motor home that warns 15 minutes ahead that there will be an explosion.

Anyway, proud to hear of your diaperless entrance into gooberment territory, keep up the good work. Remember bra burning in the 70’s for women’s rights? What do you think of mass face diaper burning for human rights?

Happy New Year To All!

December 31, 2020 9:11 pm

The Hasidic Jews had a huge mask burning in the middle of the street in Brooklyn some months back. The police went in with nightsticks to break it up.

December 31, 2020 10:30 pm

Doc- We could just bring bigger sticks, what do you think? Is it time for a mask burning?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 7:02 pm

“Is there scripture that I am unaware of, that speaks to the issue of the little g gods being a figment of imagination? Or, does it say somewhere that evil spirits were no more after the cross?”

While things certainly from Gods perspective changed shortly after the cross, I am totally unaware of any references to the fallen ones ceasing operations. “And also after that…”

The only thing that’s changed perceptibly (at least from where I live) is the occurrence of miracles. Not all miracles are of God of course. There was a lot of bizarre evil spiritual activity when Christ walked the earth. After His ascension such things (mostly?) seemed to have gone “underground”.

When the body is taken up, such will resume with great fervor and the vast majority will believe it is God doing it. Nope, gods…

Praise the Lord for salvation and may your 2021 be amazingly calm and peaceful… 🤠

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
January 2, 2021 5:39 am

Mornin, GCP….

I am totally unaware of any references to the fallen ones ceasing operations. “And also after that…”

Maybe some, ‘underground’……..”reserved in everlasting chains under darkness” lol.

It’s those ‘also after that’ critters that are runnin’ things here-for a little while longer.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====== when gods once again comingle with men

Watch this little two minute vid by prince charles….notice the Re and Set division they have purposely designed:

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
January 2, 2021 11:08 am

Think I’ll Re:Volt against such ideas.

Shotgun Trooper
Shotgun Trooper
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 9:58 pm

Couple of us used to left-hand salute new lt’s back in the day. Only one noticed. Naturally, he was the best lt we had over several years…

December 31, 2020 11:08 am

Thanks for a piece that deftly weaves proud history, happy memories, and deep despair.

I don’t watch TV much, and I never watch mainstream news except a little Fox now and then. Lately I have been in a situation where ABC news, Los Angeles local as well as national, is regularly viewed. I have concluded that the media have moved past propaganda: they are now literally HOUNDING the people about Covid. All that is pushed is fear, fear, fear about the illness and joy, joy, joy about the vaccine. Always the dramatic lead to the broadcast. Fauci speaks forth. Tragic stories featuring weeping relatives of dead COVID victims are played as ads about every 15 min. You’d think this is the first time in the history of mankind that people get sick and die.

There’s enough research out there now to prove that areas with highest requirements for lockdowns, distancing, and masks have the highest rates of infection transmission (California being a current perfect example). This is apparently a national secret, along with any suggestions about improving an immune system. The narrative is set in concrete, and it shall not be cracked.

I find it a fascinating study in propaganda and mass delusion. What a success story. I am not hopeful about the future, especially for people like us. But we all know 2021 is going to be better, right?

river view
river view
December 31, 2020 11:59 am

Thank God the park I go to (near Ohio/Ind. border) the masked are very few. COMPLETELY IDIOTIC. I won’t wear one to the store – this is what I wear! (had a store “greeter” go after me to “give” me a mask – I pointed to my hat & kept shopping…over 70 female)

river view
river view
  river view
December 31, 2020 12:11 pm

btw – from what I’ve seen the DEATH RATE in the US not changed much – except that deaths from pneumonia and other causes have DROPPED. THAT is the point I think should be POUNDED.

  river view
December 31, 2020 12:37 pm

God bless you.

December 31, 2020 12:03 pm

A very long time ago, there was an empire, that had become bankrupt, fighting foreign wars, and back at home the people had begun to loose faith in the ability of the empire.

So, the rulers looked back into the ancient Babylonian mystery religions, and decided what was needed was a new religion to give the people something to focus on, and allow the empire to once again control the population.

The rulers realized that all the current religions were now contextualized versions of all the previous religions, so they knew they needed something with a little more kick, it needed an icon, or some sort of physical presence, like the old mystery religions.

So, they asked their top scientist to develop a plan, and utilize all the money they had spent developing biological weapons over the last 50 years, and unleashed a rather harmless, yet effective culling virus to target the un-productive portion of the population, this was called “the campaign of fear” and in line with this, they produced a set of ineffectual rules to placate those of weak education or intestinal fortitude, where it was decided that a cloth mask, would be the icon, the physical presence of this new religion, based completely on corrupted “Big Data/Big Science”.

All who wore the mask were protected, those who did not where labeled heretics, and eventually rounded up and removed from society, labeled as victims of the virus.

Sounds familiar, don’t it?

December 31, 2020 12:14 pm

Effing brilliant, you must be really angry Admin, totally understandable, the rot is pervasive across the whole political class which enables them to act thus. Bastards, all of them.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 31, 2020 12:40 pm

Keep up the fire! Another barn burner, Jim.

  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 31, 2020 9:16 pm

What’s the rest of your call?

Foxtrot Romeo Alpha

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 5:53 am

I think that’s his son’s name…..

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-====

December 31, 2020 12:56 pm

A great article, Admin, appreciated it. Sadly, with 9/10 being sheep I fear the worst. The masking has given us all a very visual clue to seeing just how huge the problem is. Morons to the left of me, morons to the right.

Mad Mike
Mad Mike
December 31, 2020 1:11 pm

I’m betting there is an adult mask where the pacifier is a penis.
Gotta give ’em practice blowin’ the man.

December 31, 2020 1:53 pm

If this video does not WAKE EVERYONE Up to the diabolical ends these evil bastards are planning ….NOTHING WILL. I am surprised nobody in the audience laughs out loud when they are pretending this shit could be used for good.

Jim, you and Avalon have a handsome family indeed. If you were around during the days of Henry VIII, maybe he could have borrowed some of that “man power” you have.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 5:14 pm

I’m about 22 min. in SeeBee. So far, nothing much new to me. This is the same sort of stuff Elon Musk (who I don’t follow at all) has been working on. IMHO, it’s all an offshoot on the drive towards transhumanism.

DARPA is the devil’s playground, and I have been aware of their diabolical deeds.

This paper was approved for release 20 yrs ago, “Summary of know remote viewing experiments:

I’ve posted boo-koos of videos on here showing how this all ties in to an end to The Age of Grace (aka,The Age of Deceit), few have ventured a response to them….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

"If this video does not WAKE EVERYONE Up to the diabolical ends these evil bastards are planning"

I agree with your entire post, but as I see a 'conspiracy' behind most everything, I bring into question this statement:

"Jim, you and Avalon have a handsome family indeed."

On the surface, it would appear such as you say. Upon closer examination, looking at the evidence that has been provided through his various articles, I feel there is more to the story-like the possibility that Avalon was blind from birth. Perhaps there was prenuptial talk of an inheritance to come, or vast land holdings….or sumpthin?

I hope some people check it out, most drive right by my videos because everything to me builds around the battle against Jesus Christ.

'you can lead a horse to water, but ya can't make em drink'

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 5:15 pm

I’m trying to figure out why the DARPA report I linked to won’t show up…?
It didn’t post here, either. Not a heck of a lot in it, but all the same, I’ll try posting a link to the site where I found it:

  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 5:38 pm

I must say the term “remote viewing” is fairly new to me…but it’s been showing up more and more across my computer screen in articles and numerous podcasts. More to dig into…..

  ordo ab chao
December 31, 2020 5:33 pm

OAO, you gave me a smile. I needed it after watching that video. I do understand it’s not the first time at the rodeo for many. If the woke ain’t awake yet….they will soon be jerking the throttle of their master’s mechanism whenever master is tired of jerking it for itself.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
January 1, 2021 6:19 am


I sound a bit like a know-it-all with the “nothing much new to me” part….I’m just meaning that I’ve heard/watched/read material from eschatological scholars and etymologists that have discussed these almost sci-fi level of possibilities years ago.

And, the Higgs Boson particle, aka the god particle, was found to exist on July 4, 2012 (coinky dink date?)…CERN, opening gateways to other dimensions..

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<—–====

Happy new year …

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
  ordo ab chao
January 2, 2021 9:37 pm

When the last universe is accessed and the last unopened door opens, He will be there and say “What took you so long, dumbass?”

December 31, 2020 10:23 pm

Thanks SeeBee. My rescue squad started to receive vaccinations today. I had already stated that there’s no way in hell I would take it. This video just makes me a thousand times more convinced – no vaccines for me – ever!

My body – my choice!

January 1, 2021 8:02 am

Doc, I live in a residential building where the staff is being “coerced” into taking the vaccine once it is available to them… Only two out of the entire staff know what’s going on…they are black men and don’t buy into any of this..especially BLM.. I am the only ally in a building of over 300 residents…and trying to share with them what I think will be helpful…we meet in the friggin’ stairwell to speak…CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. Accept the offer on condition, evidence is provided no harm is possible to their body, mind, soul and spirit….No evidence…offer not accepted.

January 1, 2021 4:54 pm

Good to hear from you. I will not accept any vaccines unless and until the liability exemption is completely removed and both the persons and corporate entities can once again be sued for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance.

Happy New Year and hope to see you again on July 4th!

December 31, 2020 2:03 pm

If Washington were alive today , he would have already led a rebellion against the federal government and stirred up the locals in every state. There would be necktie parties for our oppressors from sea to shining sea.
But we are now the home of the chicken , and the land of the slave.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
December 31, 2020 2:54 pm

Excellent piece as usual. Thank you.

December 31, 2020 3:21 pm

Isaiah 3:12 is still in effect today. We tolerated women ruling over us and now they are squandering the freedoms we once had and inherited from our founding fathers. And make no mistake about it, the dangers America faces today are many times more potent and dangerous than the British Redcoats that George Washington faced in his day. Primarily because today’s enemies have a technological advantage with cameras, computers, transportation, weapons and numerous others to enhance the destructive powers of modern feminism and homosexuality which the majority of society has been trained to embrace. I don’t like painting such a bleak outlook for the future of America, but folks, I’m telling you that you can’t even imagine the horror of the consequences that are coming as a result of America’s sin.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
December 31, 2020 5:01 pm

That final quote from George Washington was so prescient. I look at the little weasel bastards who rode the Tea Party wave to office and now sneer and mock people who just want a fair investigation of the blatant obvious fraud. They know it was stolen and they approve because it benefits them and their tiny clique at the expense of all their constituents. They are proving in real time they hate us or at best, care nothing for us and our families and communities. God help us all, it is time to go full Franco on these for whom no word can contain sufficient deprecation and condemnation. Who will be our Cincinnatus?

December 31, 2020 5:24 pm

Just imagine what will happen when TPTB convince the masked that they need to eliminate the unmasked.

Numbers are not on our side.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
December 31, 2020 10:27 pm

In the Pacific, my uncle was on overwatch with a Browning 1919 belt fed (M2 Ball) machine gun. Below was a six man squad armed with M1 Carbines in a fighting hole. Each man had a pile of 15 round magazines in front of him. 200 Japanese launched a Banzai charge against them and the six Marines killed them all. Numbers do not always matter. Cool resolve is a force multiplier.

Ray Jason
Ray Jason
December 31, 2020 6:06 pm

Fine writing, Jim. Heartfelt, insightful and persuasive.

December 31, 2020 6:52 pm

I love it when Admin gets the juices flowing. No one anywhere hits the mark like he does. If people had listened to him all those long years ago. maybe the world would be different. That is too much to have expected, of course. Awake late is, however, better than awake never.

Thanks, Admin.

December 31, 2020 9:39 pm

And to you and your family.

Hey, Avalon, I have pondered that photo of you, Jim, and family, long and hard, and compared it to my family photos, accompanied by some serious head scratching.

I mean, in each photo there is a beautiful Princess, three lovely children, and, well, us.

So, all I can say is Jim and I are two very lucky men. I am glad that such fine ladies as you and my missus went beyond skin deep (had to look through a bit of fat in my case as well, I am afraid), to see what lay beyond.

May you and yours prosper in this new year.

January 2, 2021 3:58 pm

You are too kind. Happy New Year!

January 2, 2021 3:59 pm

Oops that’s from me

December 31, 2020 6:55 pm

Admin- Saw this article in the featured section on BLACKLISTED NEWS. I’m not sure if that is good or bad, just the messenger. Congrats on another fine article.

December 31, 2020 7:14 pm

I live in WV and watch Pittsburgh news daily. Obviously the complaint wearing of masks in PA has not stopped the spread of the virus as the guy in a dress tells us about the increase in cases daily. I have no problem donning a mask for a short time if I need to enter a business with a number of people present – the refusal of many in WV to wear masks anywhere is probably contributing to the increased cases we have in some towns. But wearing a mask while outside doing yardwork, walking alone, biking, etc., is absolutely ridiculous.

December 31, 2020 8:32 pm


Read the box. Masks do not stop viruses.

December 31, 2020 7:29 pm

I’ve gone from baffled to bemused watching the same situation. Currently living in what is basically a wilderness setting of the far north and guess what I see? Masked mad men/women recreating outside while sucking in their own CO2 instead of the pristine air that is literally surrounding them. In our local news the restrictions are being lifted because CCP/Biden is about to seal the deal and colleagues are rolling up their sleeves to happily alter their DNA. Jokes on us to think we could outsmart the Chinese with thousands of years of warfare history…..I honestly don’t know where to go from here:(

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 7:33 pm

The left has been working tirelessly for decades. Our work is just beginning.–america4.pdf

County sheriffs play a huge role. Get to know yours well.

Grace and peace to each and every one of ya. WE’RE in this together in our own individual spheres of influence.

  grace country pastor
December 31, 2020 9:34 pm

Thank you for this link. It’s a great site.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
January 2, 2021 1:19 pm

We had a good one, until last election the local boy retired and this new one is “fbi trained”, which is what got him elected over his rival-a younger deputy that was born and raised in the county. Mrs.’fbi trained’ man is employed as the Director of Economic Development with the county.

The freemasons have controlled this local area/government for a hundred years……..

I’ve been needin to go pay him a visit, and should have a couple weeks ago when we were at the castle.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–==== money talks

December 31, 2020 7:55 pm

There Are Over One Million Illegitimate Votes In Three States Alone That Would Give the Election to President Trump If Addressed

December 31, 2020 9:18 pm

“You can’t help but be inspired by the bravery and courage of these men.”
That ragtag bunch of freedom fighters have been replaced by an army of idiotic “Karens” suffering from malcritical thinking…

December 31, 2020 10:05 pm

Salon Owner Files Lawsuit Over Oregon Governor Threatening to Have CPS Take Her Kids for Defying Lockdown

December 31, 2020 10:07 pm

Excellent article, grew up in Wayne maybe 7 miles away and enjoyed VF Park as a youngster. Highlight had to be the Bicentennial as a 9YO. Embarrassing what we’ve become as a society since the 70s let alone the 1770s.

January 1, 2021 2:15 am

I have a bitter idea. Demand Faucteeth be hanged. That’ll start what you want. FREEDOM.

January 1, 2021 7:10 am

“entrapped in fear by a flu with a 99.7% survival rate”

Population of the New Jersey: 8,882,190
0.3% of that: 26,646
Number of covid deaths in New Jersey: 19,191

So 72% of people in New Jersey already got it, according to you. They shouldn’t be getting many more cases by now, herd immunity and all that. They had 4,498 new cases just yesterday, a high number, though it’s been declining a bit from a recent peak.

Your options, as I see it, are now:
1. Ignore the math.
2. Claim that death numbers have been inflated.
3. Change your beliefs about survival rate.
4. Predict confidently that the current wave in New Jersey is going definitely down and will not go up again.

I’d guess your preference is option 2. But you’ll have to present some reason that explains the peaks of excess deaths we have been seeing at the same time as the coronavirus waves. Perhaps not impossible for people talented at making snakes bite their tails, I know.

January 1, 2021 8:57 am

Well, we have another moron join the fray. Riddle me this, dimwit – how many of those deaths were attributed to the virus that were really deaths from other causes? Dying with is not the same as dying from.

How the fuck do such cretins manage to find this site?

January 1, 2021 9:57 am

Wasn’t Doly a cloned sheep?

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 1, 2021 8:37 pm

I can’t believe you remember that. I thought only I had a head full of useless trivia.

Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
Harrington Richardson: FIRE ONE 1/2/21 12:CST
January 2, 2021 9:52 pm

The official numbers from “the government” state that only 6% of deaths are 100% from Wuflu aka Covid-19. So thousands of deaths from heart, cancer, COPD, diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, on and on, who had it or had it and were asymptomatic are counted. Traffic fatalities have even been counted. In many cases the flu had nothing to do with the death while of course in some it was a contributing factor. Number 2 is VALID.

Bruce Wilds
Bruce Wilds
January 1, 2021 7:45 am

Another great article by Jim Quinn. I just went back and added one of his quotes from George Washington to an article I wrote some time ago. I hope he doesn’t mind.
The article is about how some events out of nowhere suddenly turn out as watershed turning points in our lives. The link to that article is below. May all of you and yours have a happy 2021.

Ted R. Weiland
Ted R. Weiland
January 1, 2021 8:47 am

Today’s messianic police state is but one of the consequences of today’s whirlwind America’s reaping resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers when they replaced the Bible’s immutable moral law with their own capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution):

“[B]ecause they have … trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind….” (Hosea 8:1, 7)

“[Y]e made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines [and/or legislating according to] the commandments of men.” (Matthew 15:6-9)

Today’s America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind (including today’s police state and its insane lock down and mask mandates, impossible under a biblical government) resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today’s hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today’s whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

  Ted R. Weiland
January 1, 2021 10:39 am

I’ll pass.
Thanks anyway.

January 1, 2021 2:51 pm
Sarah Sovereign
Sarah Sovereign
January 1, 2021 10:09 pm

Hey, cool! I grew up about 25mi from VF. Always enjoyed the obligatory annual public school field trips in the 80’s, and the rare treat to go there on our own for a family outing.

So… how does one reconcile -making- another reconsider their mask use, without forcing their own perspective? Genuinely- if we are going to offer to engage in an informed discourse with someone of an impassioned and presumably differently-informed view on the topic, we must first agree on the terms and basic ground rules. So: who wears a mask to that debate? All, one, none?

Not only have the mandates stripped us of our agency, but removed our cultural expectation of being able to negotiate these small, short-term verbal contracts.

January 2, 2021 12:36 am

Appreciate your perspectives 100%. Thankful that much of the Missouri Ozarks has not mandated a mask ordinances, however Branson in Taney County (just east of ours) does.

Blessings you your sweet family.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
January 2, 2021 11:29 am

Is this recently relocated marbletown norm?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
January 3, 2021 11:40 am

The I don’t need no stinking goat shelter permit norm?

January 2, 2021 7:27 am

I regret that I have but one mask to remove for my country.

January 2, 2021 11:35 am

No offence but it’s only you saying masks don’t work because you offer no like of the CDC saying it.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 2, 2021 6:03 pm

Jim, I wish we had a pinned section here for the Maskerade type of info. I can’t tell you how many times I go a-hunting for the medical studies, etc., PROVING that bandannas, surgical masks, and Face Diapers of greater porosity than N95 are completely ineffective.

Then again, it’s become a religion at this point. I just don’t see any way of arguing religion with the Maskholes. I don’t think I’ve ever had it succeed?

Very very sad.

January 3, 2021 9:03 pm

mememinedumbeddownpropagandizedbrainwashedmaskhole…offense intended…wake up and smell the bullshit.

Take off your mask and REVOLT…stop submitting and American Up!

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 2, 2021 6:06 pm

More importantly, Gov. Noem is delicious. I’d hop on one leg and bark like a dog for her. I wonder if she needs any work done around her house.

She got married at 20. Surely she needs some help around the ranch?