Inside a Chicago Crack House: US Drug Gangs Exposed

How in the world does a society solve a problem this large?

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May 25, 2021 11:27 am

Black female mayor involved in organized cartel-level drug dealing, complete with illegally owned firearms.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
May 25, 2021 1:12 pm

Black female mayors seem a feature of many of these shit holes. No White people or Republicans is another although that is who gets blamed for what stupid Democrats do.

May 25, 2021 11:58 am

I don’t need to watch the video to know the answer to the question “how do you solve this problem?”

It is the same answer that ended virtually the same problems from the 1920s/early 30s alcohol prohibition – FREEDOM.

ONLY a fully legal marketplace for ALL drugs will address the problems we see. Products will be manufactured by reputable businesses, sold by reputable businesses, labeled with purity/potency information that will allow users to carefully dose themselves with exactly what they wish to consume, and companies will be help liable for any fraudulent labeling or products….just like alcohol currently is. And I’m not talking about the way the current “legal” markets in cannabis operate in the various states, where government excess taxation, regulation, permits, protectionism, etc. have made the black market even more favored than before. I’m talking about freedom and market-regulation.

Utopia? Of course not. Are the problems of high people doing criminal things going to stop? Of course not. But guaranteed, the level of crime will automatically drop, as the prices will plummet, people will seek out quality and trustworthy sellers/manufacturers, and the marketplace will suddenly be above board so that disputes can be handled through the legal process and not with guns.

You either own your own body and can do with it/put whatever into it that you see fit (being responsible and being held responsible for your actions at all times of course – so no harm to anyone or their property), or you are the property of the state – a slave.

And before you downvote me or start coming back with “what about this” or “what about that,” consider whether or not the problem you are pointing out is about the DRUG, or the government’s war on drugs and the way people have responded to this prohibition. And this is not about morality. Plenty of reasons to avoid intoxicating substances (of all kinds), but as humans and animals have been consuming them since they popped up on this planet, the reality is that the usage is NEVER going to stop. They have even been incorporated into various religious ceremonies over the millennia, and again should be nobody’s business other than the consumer.

May 25, 2021 1:29 pm

I’m not saying we should kill all the stupid people, but lets just remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out…

May 25, 2021 2:52 pm

My advocacy of legalization is certainly not an endorsement of any government freebies. I think the entire government welfare system should be summarily abolished with ONLY private voluntary charitable giving allowed. So I certainly feel your pain at watching my income be stolen to pay for parasites of whatever form.

As for all the folks coming home from Vietnam addicted to heroin, or the same for Afghanistan, that all comes back to the reasons we were there in the first place, and heroin distribution through the CIA was at the heart of both wars. I have no doubt that plenty of folks would still use if every soldier was stationed ONLY in this country to actually defend this country, but why not try that out and see how much better things might get.

And we have spent many trillions of dollars on the failed war on drugs. We have spent even more trillions creating hundreds of thousands of veterans of pointless foreign wars. Just imagine how much better off the nation would be if these same folks had done something other than go off to fight the CIA’s wars and if all that money had stayed in our own economy helping making prosperous and a place where folks could find work and affordable housing.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 25, 2021 3:40 pm

Mr. L – How many TRILLION$ does the government spent on welfare, both personal and the even larger corporate kind every year?

  TN Patriot
May 25, 2021 3:51 pm

Not sure of how one could pin down an exact number as the corporate stuff takes so many forms. Certainly didn’t mean to leave out the corporate kind, but the discussion was leading down the social welfare payments and buying drugs line. And my comments on “prosperous” or “affordable housing” were directed at a healthy, wealthy economy that sustained itself, not one bailed out by shifting the other costs into handouts in the form of housing or other. I guess the term “affordable housing” has that implied connotation. Basically, if we hadn’t been pissing away all that money on wars, that wealth would still be home for all to benefit from.

May 25, 2021 2:46 pm

$200 a day for drugs that, if legal, would cost $10? There are companies that currently manufacture 100% pure versions of every drug that is currently “illegal.” They produce them and sell them to laboratories and diagnostic test kit manufacturers who need material for controls and calibrators for their testing. The same drug that costs $100 a gram on the street, costs $5-10 from these companies…and that is even with all the BS DEA paperwork, license, etc. you need. And the people who are currently profiting from those markups would all be out of business, or would find it to no longer be profitable, should all drugs suddenly become legal and be available from reputable businesses for fair prices.

And indeed, many might see these lower costs as a reason to use more. That indeed might result in more deaths at first. But it is also possible that once the taboo is removed, use might even drop, or certainly the same usage would no longer require theft from others or other acts of crime to support the costs. It is also reasonable to assume that if all sorts of drugs were available, less harmful alternatives might be chosen for purchase instead. States that have “legalized” cannabis (purposely in quotes as it is just another regulated racket), have seen significant drops in both prescription and “illegal” drug use. Quite clear that the current system is an abject failure. EVERY drug was 100% legal before the 1920s, and addiction/abuse issues were handled by the family, the medical system, and societal support structures (churches, etc.). Again, not utopia, but what the video shows is what prohibition ALWAYS breeds.

May 25, 2021 8:25 pm

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! You are spot on with this comment and your comments below, well presented.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 25, 2021 11:59 am

Hey – today is the one year anniversary of George Floyd’s death. In commemoration, they’ve already started the celebratory gunfire at “George Floyd Square”

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Iska Waran
May 25, 2021 3:45 pm

Iska – It sounded like a real shootout going on. I feel sure when they get to the bottom of it, they will find it was those dastardly Amish folks again. I hope you give Little Mogadishu a wide berth in your daily travels through the area.

May 25, 2021 1:19 pm

I had the exact same thought when I watched some of “The thirty blocks of squalor.”

It’s not a problem at all. It’s a predicament. There is no solution, just adaptation. Until it burns out.

May 25, 2021 2:17 pm

The war on drugs is just a war on liberty. Prohibition will always do more harm than good. When anyone tries to regulate what one can do with ones own body, then all are either slaves or masters, but none are free. That is absolute fact.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 25, 2021 3:33 pm

Most of these problems can be tied directly back to LBJ’s (Not So) Great Society programs that essentially removed the father from the household, impoverished the single mom and relegated her to Uncle Sam’s Plantation. All she had to do was pump out kids and the government would give her a place to stay, medical insurance, food, spending money, utilities, etc. Local charities would also provide additional food and clothing. Men were not allowed to live with their families and became creatures of the streets, sleeping here and there and impregnating multiple women so the women could get more of Uncle Sugar’s benefits.

We are now seeing the 5th generation of welfare kids being born to moms who are too young and should be enjoying their teenage years, while they finish school. Instead, they have dropped out of school, spend their nights partying while their mom watches the little ones, just like their grannie watched them when their moms were out partying. it is the never-ending cycle of poverty. All that is required is to not marry the child’s father and to turn out to vote every couple of years or give their permission for someone else to vote for them.

I remember the black families from the 50’s. Fathers and mothers raised their kids together. They went to Church, taught their kids right from wrong and to respect authority, just the same as my folks did for us. Things were segregated, but even that was beginning to crumble in the small town where I lived. Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have both written extensively about how the government killed the black family and created a permanent underclass. Nobody wants to listen to them, but they prefer to blame whitey for their problems as they live their life totally dependent on government handouts.

  TN Patriot
May 25, 2021 3:53 pm

And prohibition (and the black market it creates) makes for an easy route to “prosperity” for folks without guidance.

May 26, 2021 9:04 am

Hollywood has NEVER presented a true version of reality.

May 26, 2021 1:45 pm

“How in the world does a society solve a problem this large?”

Jesus has saved a lot of lives.

May 26, 2021 1:57 pm

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