Why Should We Not Rejoice?

Guest Post by Freed Radical

This is a non-fiction follow up to my story, Grandpa, Tell me about the War. Take a moment to read that if you have not already.

Every Friday you and I both look forward to… The Friday Fail! Heavens to Betsy! People sure do some stupid things. That’s the reason the birth rate is going down, all those skateboarders intersecting railings at ludicrous speed. And you and I sit there and laugh our collective arses off, at the misfortune of Internet dupes.

When we’re done with that – don’t deny it – we cruise over to People of Walmart and point and laugh until we hyperventilate.

Our mommas would scold us. Then turn and snicker quietly.

Next we go read some personals ads or skim a dating site, perusing random profiles. Do people like this really exist? “BBW seeking chubby guy. Yes, I am heavy at 385 pounds. Im also 5’6. I don’t wear makeup, i wear comfy clothes. My mom says i am a slob. whatever. I won’t judge you on what you wear either. looking for guy between 20 and 60, with good teeth, maybe curly hair, and good hands.”

Between 20 and 60? Good hands? Yikes. This is the prelude to one of those exciting wedding brawl videos. Admit it, you love watching those, too.

Come to think of it, we could get a cut of that action here. For 2022, our admin should start a related conservative dating site. Call it The Burning Love Platform. Every ad has this simple form (select the appropriate items):

[SWM][SWF] looking for like minded partner to watch conspiracy videos with. Must also be a [quinqua][sexa][septua][octo][nona]genarian. Must agree with me on all topics. Prefer testy SOB, but will tolerate occasional kindness to animals and long walks on the beach (or boardwalk if you’re in a wheelchair). Pureblood only.

The ensuing conservative wedding brawls would look more like Allen Ludden’s Password, but with more wheezing. Plus exciting marital spats in the forum, with Bible verses.

This last bit is all in jest, of course. We’re too smart for that. But if it did happen, well, those pairs would just deserve each other, wouldn’t you agree?

(But don’t you dare start a flame war by suggesting such pairings in the forum. You kids don’t make me stop this article.)

Schadenfreude is the word, people getting what they deserve, from reckless skateboarding to Internet dating. Psychologists study this feeling of satisfaction at another’s downfall, of course not making any more sense of it than anything else they study. Like every other feeling with a negative reputation, they are rehabilitating our positive mental lift at schadenfreude and trying to dispel the stigma of smiling when somebody gets their due.

Look at cancel culture. When some unsuspecting Hollywood slob has a few photos dug up from the 90’s and gets canceled, everybody loves it! The news anchors are nigh gleeful, even at the cancellation of one of their colleagues on the next swivel stool. Then they, too, get canceled next month.

People on the right try to take the high road and “point out the irony” of a canceled liberal’s sins. But those on the left dance on graves like contestants in a wedding brawl, giving mean new meaning.

In spite of the psychologists’ excuses and redefinitions, I still feel that taking glee at somebody’s failure is unwise, probably for fear it will fray the rope suspending that piano over my head. Superstitious.

What is scriptural, and not superstition, is the demise that is planned for the evil people among us, in all generations. Hard to read the Bible and miss those parts. There is a time when it’s just too late. No notes from the doctor, no excuses from your mother, and no extenuating circumstances are going to count. Cancellation eternal.

Perhaps I’m tempting that piano, but my question is, why should we be concerned at the demise of the evil people of this world? Why should we not be justified to rejoice at the destruction of evil and its effects? Grandpa had his answer, but what about you and me?

To wit, liberals are killing themselves in abortion clinics at a rate of hundreds of thousands per year. Most of those babies would have grown up in liberal, amoral homes, programmed in government indoctrination soaking tanks, taught to kill on liberal video games, trained to submit to the government’s whim and will. Is this a big loss? And if you wanted to kill a hundred thousand liberals this year, it would be tough (that’s 1.63 liberals an hour, 24/7/365), but since the government calls it the liberals’ right, they line up to kill their own babies! They don’t even bother with proper graves, preferring dumpsters or toilets.

Why should I not rejoice that stupid people are selecting their offspring out of the population? Live by Darwin, die by Darwin, eh?

Stupid people are killing themselves with poison injections. So many videos show how people are being injured by supposed vaccines, yet the lines continue to grow. They want to be afraid. There’s a big box store that went out of business at our local mall, and the other day there was a line stretching out the door into the parking lot. Somebody must be hiring. No, it was a line to get your free poison injection! People standing in line for it. “Pfizer with a side of graphene please.” Athletes are clutching their chests in pain, 25 year olds are having heart attacks, and kids are being diagnosed with myocarditis. Silence from the media, and willful ignorance from the vaxxed.

Why should I not rejoice that stupid people are vaccinating themselves into the grave?

Welfare recipients are subsisting on chips and diet cola, getting fat, getting diabetes, breeding gang members, many of them not living past 50. Their neighborhoods are sewers of crime. More welfare dependents are being imported across our southern border every day. They are all slaves of the state, funded and kept in bondage for only one purpose, to vote D.

Why should I not rejoice that welfare slaves are eating, shooting, and voting them themselves to death?

People trust the medical establishment without question, being loaded up with a dozen prescription drugs, each of which is prescribed at the end of a thorough 15-minute consult with a physician. The mother of a friend of mine was on so many prescription drugs that she was having bouts of spontaneous projectile diarrhea on the family sofa. They weaned her off the Rx’s and she got better, but the sofa moved to the curb with a “FREE” sign. Most people are not so lucky, and keep taking the pills until they are dead.

Why should I not rejoice that life’s trusting suckers let doctors and pharmacists heal them to death?

Europeans are inviting in Muslim hordes from failed fascist countries in the Middle East and Africa into their cities, and their daughters are being gang raped as a result. Violence against European gays by Muslims has been happening for years already, and it won’t be long before trans people are being launched from the tops of Paris buildings. Probably already happening, but censored. Gay marriage courthouse records will become death squad hit lists. The Islamists have no allegiance to the white elites who are loosening immigration policies and surrendering European culture, and Mr. Soros and Mr. Schwab will eventually endure bleeding from the neck as infidels. It cannot end any other way.

Why should I not rejoice that the evil of Islam are killing the evil of Europe?

The woke are spreading gender confusion to the point that men are feminized and women are masculinized, neither in any shape to procreate, becoming sterile with their “treatments.” Certainly not in any condition to be Godly parents. Hormones in the water supply and chemicals in our food extend the effect (or caused it in the first place). The woke media promotes this until we’re all living a Babylon Bee article, like with the transgender swimmers clash at the University of Pennsylvania. Who could make this stuff up?

Why should I not rejoice that liberals are gender confusing themselves into oblivion?

Liberals are even shooting each other on movie sets. Why should I not rejoice that liberal Hollywood elites are shooting themselves?

Why should I not rejoice that evil slays the wicked?

I was thinking of putting a bumper sticker on my car, something simple like, “THEY’RE LYING.” A prod to awaken somebody on the edge of consciousness. But that’s not too likely. I could do more for the cause of freedom with these bumper stickers:









That would do more to hasten the return of freedom than the awakening of any liberal to the truth.

And with the passing of each liberal, evil shrinks.

The interesting thing about all this is that I need do nothing, really, not even print a bumper sticker. Not even rejoice. They are killing each other with their policies, their welfare payments, their abortions, their pedophiles, their GMO food, and their government funded fake medicine and fake science. Killing each other, without my help. They demonstrate in the streets for the right to kill themselves. Euthanasia is legal in many countries, and is championed by the left. Abortion is their sacrament. Certainly there are government plants in every liberal group, advising, arranging funding, ordering pallets of bricks, orchestrating deaths. There are plants on the government payroll in every hospital and research facility (called doctors), denying lifesaving treatments to the sick. With government money behind the deaths of liberals, their days are numbered as a subspecies of humanity, without my involvement.


If you have read this far, then I must tell you that the questions above, while perfectly valid, are rhetorical. Maybe not for you, but they are for me, and my implied answer is, No, I take no pleasure in any death, falling piano or not.

In spite of schadenfreude, there’s a conflict within me. My enemies are killing themselves. Death still sucks. My heart still breaks when I see young people wasting their lives on lies and tattoos and fake vaccines, and drug overdoses. Abortion grieves me most, because the child is innocent and defenseless. There are other areas where the tyranocracy is killing itself, for example, with rising police and military suicides, and that is a crushing tragedy, even if it is weakening tyrants.

Never in my youth did I think that liberals would be killing themselves by the millions, they are so bag of rocks stupid. Every one of them had an opportunity to love freedom and embrace their full potential. But no. This is like the 20th century’s death camps, but with easy chairs and big screen TV’s, and death.

If you cannot acknowledge the tragedy of this mess, you might be dead already.

Opposed to this evil, I have worked to save some of these people, but I realize it’s ultimately a failing effort because there are so many idiots abroad in the world. The mess just has to play out.

This article sure took a turn for the dark side. Apologies. That’s why I first wrote the story about a future Grandpa looking back, to give it some perspective, and even (gasp!) hope. But on the bright side (if there is such a thing), I think we are winning in the long term because the liberals are committing mass suicide. I’m not doing any grave dancing, but it sure is interesting to watch. Once the full effects of the “vaccines” and “boosters” kick in, it will probably be too late for this whole generation. Conservative and self-reliant individuals and communities will survive, but the landscape will be littered with the bodies of liberals who died at their own hands.

I wonder, what are the elites planning when the population is reduced to 500 million? Most of those people are going to be hardened conservatives, tough as nails, and will have fought for survival for a decade or two. They are not going to put up with the elites’ plans, and the effete Ivy League snobs who have never swung an ax will find themselves on the receiving end of swinging axes. The elites are unintentionally employing natural selection to ensure our survival, cull the liberals, and seal their own destruction. Stunning incompetence, just stunning. And the sun will rise on a new world, flushed clean of Cloward and Piven. That’s my New Year’s prediction for 2050.

But feel free to slug it out in the forum regarding the details.

In the interim, we must not let the tyrants wear us down. Do something: Build a community of freedom loving people. Train, learn, teach, and grow. Build a loving family, a whole new one if your old one has wandered into the sheepfold. Get tight with God. Don’t let them distort our principles or steal our joy. Focus on truth, knowledge, history, culture, and love. Raise children of substance who know the value of a hard day’s work. We shall not be stripped of our identity! We are survivors and victors. Now that’s something to rejoice in.

The story I wrote about Grandpa, it’s about you.

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January 20, 2022 7:19 am

Excellent article and all the points that I’ve been pondering for years.

Mike Moore
Mike Moore
January 20, 2022 7:19 am

Lovely and loving! As one just days into my 81st trip around the sun, I cannot imagine a better gift than this article as companion for the trip. Thank you Admin, and bless you!

very old white guy
very old white guy
January 20, 2022 8:13 am

The “elites” will be long gone before the population ever reaches a low of 500 million. They will have been wiped out by hard people who refuse to be starved, poisoned, imprisoned, or any other damn thing the “elites” think they have planned or are prepared to do.
As far as self destructive behavior, no empathy from me, they can have at it.
I did enjoy your recap of all the insanity.
I have found getting old quite liberating.

January 20, 2022 8:28 am

Once the full effects of the “vaccines” and “boosters” kick in, it will probably be too late for this whole generation.

I keep hearing this. Any chance someone wants to tell me WHEN exactly this is supposed to happen?

I still don’t know anyone who has been…oh nevermind.

January 20, 2022 10:17 am

I keep hearing this. Any chance someone wants to tell me WHEN exactly this is supposed to happen?

I just saw this on The Automatic Earth today. Somebody’s estimate of the timeline…

comment image

Debt Rattle January 20 2022

January 20, 2022 7:08 pm

I just saw this on The Automatic Earth today. Somebody’s estimate of the timeline…


January 20, 2022 8:58 am

“Get tight with God”. Some good advice right there.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
January 20, 2022 2:05 pm

Indeed Jimbo.

Romans 5:6 KJB… “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.”

He died for ungodly me.

January 20, 2022 10:08 am

“Never in my youth did I think that liberals would be killing themselves by the millions, they are so bag of rocks stupid.”

Have you ever thought about how our side thinks the controling authority is trying to kill the stupid vaxxed sheep leaving behind the least controllable group to be “controlled”? Do you not think they know they can’t control you? Just like the covid mandates don’t make sense, this doesn’t make any sense either.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 20, 2022 10:59 am

They have something planned for us, but have not unleashed it yet.

AK John
AK John
  TN Patriot
January 20, 2022 2:38 pm

Make up the most F*****up list you can, and it’s probably already on it.

January 20, 2022 10:52 am

Yes, the leftists are killing themselves off.
But, leftists reproduce by brainwashing YOUR children.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
January 20, 2022 11:11 am

You’re an awesome writer, Freed, and agree with your take on liberals. But, I also think you’re giving conservatives way too much credit.

January 20, 2022 12:07 pm

I Loved It … all the way from The Burning Love Platform — Too FUNNY — to evil killing the wicked and on to liberals committing mass suicide. Another winner!

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
January 20, 2022 2:07 pm

Thank you Freed Radical. Well written, engaging and a proper conclusion. Might as well just rejoice! These things just have to work themselves out. The only cure for this kind of stupid is more stupid–till they stupid themselves to death. Stopping it is as futile as stopping the tides. We may not enjoy the means, but as you say, the end will be better. Your last paragraph is the best. Let’s live and make popcorn while it all plays out.

January 20, 2022 4:25 pm

Proverb 24:17 & 18

January 20, 2022 4:49 pm

I’ve always wondered about the Sanger side of abortion. Not that I feel it’s right but rather the consequences of the 13% being a lot more than 13%

January 21, 2022 11:14 am

I’m guilty of the “point and laugh” response to the gender confused and the obese. But actually they really are both victims – overloads of endocrine disruptors, and estrogen mimics have done the job of chemical castration. Estrogen has its own signature fat pattern – think hips, thighs, and boobs; and that’s what I’m seeing everywhere I look. The poor lumpen proletariat didn’t know that junk food, gmo’s, fragrances in everything, and an addiction to inactivity would do this to them. They just knew it was cheap easy creamy comfort food.
I suppose this slow kill method wasn’t working fast enough, so they trotted out the vaxines.

January 25, 2022 12:15 pm

Stand back, and watch the Lord, His wonders to perform!