In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this article I examined the power of propaganda and the use of fear to invoke a mass formation psychosis on millions of weak-minded victims of global elitist psychopaths weaponizing a flu as part of their plot to Reset the world as lords of a global fiefdom, with the lowly peasants owning nothing and being happy to be permitted to live. The trillions in debt created by central bankers and debased political hacks, play acting as wise all-knowing leaders, are also part of the plan to crash the global economy and further the aims of these globalist billionaires and their parasitic front men.

The third segment of this unholy trinity has been the engineered civic decay spawned by the traitorous deeds of politicians, who have encouraged the invasion of over two million illegal freeloaders, aided domestic terrorists (BLM & Antifa) in burning and looting our cities for a year, facilitated the teaching of degeneracy to our children, and have pitted family against family, friend against friend, employer against employee, over a Big Pharma experimental therapy that doesn’t do anything but enrich those peddling it, injuring and killing millions, and tearing the last vestiges of our civil society to shreds.

In this fourth and final installment I will try to anticipate what global disorder dynamics will come into play during the remainder of 2022 and beyond, impacting the level of violence and bloodshed before this Fourth Turning reaches its fateful climax. As Strauss and Howe warned 25 years ago, the risk of catastrophe would be high, and a positive outcome was far from guaranteed. We have entered the most dangerous phase of this Crisis, where decisions by dementia ridden puppet presidents, foreign dictators, central bankers, billionaire hedge fund managers, and billionaire software makers pretending to be medical experts, will determine the future course of history.

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The Battles of Trenton and Princeton: Turning Points of the American Revolution | NJ Spotlight News Battle of Gettysburg | Summary, History, Dates, Generals, Casualties, & Facts | Britannica

Normandy Invasion, the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany's control | Britannica This Morning in Metals: USTR releases annual WTO compliance report for China, Russia - Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless, Rare Earth, Metal Prices, Forecasting | MetalMiner

“History offers no guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin. Losing in the next Fourth Turning could mean something incomparably worse. It could mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence – perhaps even our nation – might never recover.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When reading these foreboding words regarding the potential tragic outcomes for this Fourth Turning, it is easy to dismiss as ridiculous and nothing but fear porn. The reason younger generations reject the possibility of all-encompassing war is because the last Fourth Turning ended 77 years ago and most people who experienced the horror of World War II have died, extinguishing any direct knowledge of the conflict, initiating the cycle of war once more. Each Fourth Turning has its own dynamics, catalyzing events, and individuals which propel the crisis towards its convulsive climax.

The U.S. hasn’t been in a major conflict since 1945, only military industrial complex created regional wars, designed to keep the hundreds of billions flowing to the defense industry and politicians in their pockets. War has been nothing but a racket for decades, but Fourth Turnings always plunge the nation into a chaotic life and death struggle, with a grand conflict to determine the future course of history. There are currently neocon chicken hawk warmongers in positions of power, along with bought journalistic whores pushing false narratives about Russia, who aren’t satisfied with peace, pushing for war. This cyclical extreme is destined to lead to war.

“The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning


The global disorder sweeping the world is multi-faceted, but it is all interconnected and can be tracked back to Soros, Schwab, and their globalist billionaire cabal. Never ending war is good business in an empire of lies. When in doubt about the intentions of politicians, world leaders, mainstream media talking heads, and self-proclaimed military experts, always follow the money.

As Smedley Butler proclaimed during the last Fourth Turning, war has always benefited the rich, while young men die on battlefields as cannon fodder. The CIA initiated regional Middle East conflicts, propelled by CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest of the government-controlled media, have kept the hundreds of billions flowing to the military industrial complex for decades and coffins arriving at Dover airbase.

The War on Terror, aka the Racket — Steemit

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.” – Smedley Butler

The current drumbeat for war being disseminated by Biden, his handlers, congressional psychopaths on both sides of the aisle, the neocon media, and Soros bribing “experts” to support war against Russia, is the perfect example of the ruling class trying to engineer a war to add to their fortunes and distract from their vile machinations. George Soros acknowledged, in an interview with CNN, that he actively contributed to the overthrow of former Ukrainian President, and ally of Putin, Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

The CIA and Soros installed their puppet Poroshenko as the illegitimate president, prompting Mr. Putin to annex Crimea, as Obama and his effeminate Secretary of State blustered and did nothing. Meanwhile Biden and his family harvested millions, peddling his influence for financial gain.

RFE/RL: Poroshenko gives high state award to Soros | UNIAN

Soros’ foundation is most certainly funding the disinformation campaign about Putin invading Ukraine at any moment. While the current president of the Ukraine, NATO, and Putin have attempted to defuse the situation and assure the world an invasion is not imminent, the Biden administration and the neocons in Congress and the media continue to beat the drums of war and spew propaganda in an effort bolster the bottom lines of arms dealers and billionaires pulling the strings behind the curtain. The war pigs will always rapaciously feed at the bottomless trough of fiat slop provided by the Fed and feckless whore politicians.

Most of the global disorder is purposely created by the ruling oligarchs, to keep billions flowing into their coffers, while their puppet central bankers keep their printing presses operating at hyper-speed generating the debt necessary to keep waging endless war. War might be a racket, but debt creation is the lifeblood of the racket, and the Fed is the racketeer. The captured corrupt politicians occupying D.C. at the behest of the monied interests who selected them to be “elected” by the clueless dupes thinking their vote mattered, sell their souls to the highest bidder.

Transferring the tax dollars absconded from you at gunpoint (aka the tax code) into the pockets of arms peddler conglomerates can only be done with the acquiescence and succor of Powell and his electronic printing press. The never-ending creation of debt is the lifeblood of war and the root of the global disorder engulfing the world.

Can Russia Win the War of Public Opinion Over Its Aggression in Ukraine? | Columbia News

The hyperbolic screeching from Biden, Blinken, their band of petulant pretender foreign affairs “professionals”, those in the pockets of the military industrial complex, the toadies in the corporate media, and neo-cons who have never met a war they didn’t want to wage, is pushing this country towards conflict with a nuclear power led by a serious man who will not be intimidated by amateurs.

Despite the fact the Ukraine has no strategic interest to the United States, Biden’s handlers are having him threaten, bluster, and ratchet up the invective towards Russia and Putin, as if this is nothing more than a harmless game of Risk they played as kids. Their propaganda efforts are producing the desired effect, just as it has done during the two-year flu fear-fest. Even though there is absolutely no threat to our nation or security, almost three quarters of Americans think we will go to war in the next twelve months. That $770 billion defense budget needs to be spent somehow.

Infographic: Rumors of War | Statista

While the Ukraine situation approaches the boiling point, the focus on China has been diverted, especially with their least watched Olympics in history winding down. China has been at war with U.S. for at least a decade, infiltrating our universities, buying influence in our medical, media, financial industries, positioning Manchurian candidates throughout our political system, controlling media messaging, stealing our military and technology secrets, and destroying our economy with their bio-weapon virus.

This behind the curtain warfare has begun to blossom into traditional warfare, with the posturing and threats regarding Taiwan. China and Russia have been increasingly teaming up economically, financially, and militarily to create a buffer against U.S. global hegemony which has been unimpeded since 1946, the end of the last Fourth Turning. There is a distinct chance America’s crumbling empire of debt will not retain its world dominance when the climax of this crisis ensues over the next five to ten years.

7 Revealing Ways America is Collapsing as Rome Did | by Charles Stephen | Medium

Global disorder encompasses more than just major global war between superpowers, with multiple scenarios involving Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Pakistan, and Iraq capable of igniting a broader conflict and driving oil prices into the stratosphere. The wars fought since the last Fourth Turning have been nothing more than skirmishes, despite the immense death, destruction, and financial cost of waging those wars.

A winner takes all struggle to the death confrontation is what brings a Fourth Turning to its bitter end, with the victor taking the spoils and writing the history, while the vanquished is left in ruins. As we begin 2022 most people are oblivious to the potential level of violence and bloodshed likely over the next few years. Americans were just as oblivious in 1860 and then eighty years later in 1940. The level of anger towards tyrannical government leaders sweeping the globe will be channeled and directed for good or bad in the very near future.

Fourth Turnings occur because human nature never changes. Those who rise to power are always driven by power, control, and wealth. Their egos are large, and they are driven by greed and seeking the accolades of others. Their hubris and influence seeking are often more powerful than their intellect or moral character.

Mistakes in judgement or failure to recognize the intent of their enemies, often leads to disastrous consequences for their citizens. We are currently facing situations on multiple fronts, where having a senile puppet president puts the world in mortal danger. Biden’s calamitous domestic record after one year is leading his handlers to push for a foreign conflict to distract from their imploding domestic agenda and economy destined for recession before the end of the year.

What is The Great Reset? Part 1

Most countries in the western world, along with China & Russia, also have economic problems created by politicians playing the roles assigned to them by Schwab and the globalist Davos billionaires. The cataclysmic actions taken by these spineless corrupt flunkies and feckless central bankers acting on behalf of the Wall Street cabal, have destroyed global economies, extinguished small business entrepreneurs, ignited raging inflation (devastating the finances of the poor and working class), ruined global supply chains, drove energy prices higher, and have insured a global recession within a year.

What do politicians and dictators do when their economies are falling apart? They look for a foreign conflict in order to rally the ignorant masses around the flag. And then someone does something stupid and all hell breaks loose.  When hell breaks loose it’s not the politicians or central bankers who will die in battle, it’s our sons used as cannon fodder to feather the nests of globalist billionaires hiding in their secure penthouse suites or behind high walls with armed guards. Global tyrants in pissing matches are a major driver of global disorder, but when the tyrants start pissing on their own subjects, a new level of disorder is unleashed.

The totalitarian measures being inflicted upon Canadian citizens exercising their freedom to peacefully protest illegal vaccine mandates should be a wake-up call for all Americans. Trudeau and his jackboots are trampling the rights of good people. He has pulled off his socialist mask to reveal himself to be a full-fledged communist dictator, wielding a truncheon against blue collar truck drivers, women, children, and using the full force of his despotically seized “emergency” powers to seize bank accounts and destroy the lives of people who are the backbone of the Canadian economy.

This entire manufactured health “crisis” has been used by Schwab’s acolytes like Trudeau, Ardern, Macron, and the other WEF Global Young Leader graduates, to implement the Great Reset by destroying their countries in order to build back better, where they own it all and we own nothing.

Klaus Schwab's School for Covid Dictators, a Plan for the 'Great Reset'

The western world has been socially engineered and propagandized into enemy camps, with those cherishing freedom, liberty, free speech, and the Bill of Rights at odds with those insisting on total government control, mandates, regulations, censorship, and the use of force to inflict their beliefs upon everyone.

The divide in this country, Canada and across Europe has never been wider, with daily skirmishes across social media, at school board meetings, in workplaces, and increasingly in the streets, is threatening to breakout into full-fledged civil war, with the flames fanned on a daily basis by the treasonous scum in the corporate media spreading lies, misinformation, and malicious contempt for societal norms in order to create chaos, hatred and havoc.

With those pulling the strings of society purposely trying to tear down institutions, invoke the insanity of woke prophets (profiteers), destroy the lives of those who dare stand up to their insane ideology, and using fear to control the masses, only a minority of freedom loving patriots stand in the way of our nation’s destruction.

Ms. Schermerhorn's 5th Grade Class [licensed for non-commercial use only] / American Revolution

It seems clear to me the level of internal and external chaos on a global scale is approaching a crescendo and it will not dissipate before war breaks out within our borders and across the world. With global supply chains already broken, energy and food prices skyrocketing, and shortages of technology components, the fragility of our just in time supply system is in peril. The Canadian Freedom Convoy has inspired millions around the world to resist their authoritarian statist overlords.

Truckers are the lifeblood of our economic system, and if they refuse to drive those trucks our society will self-destruct rapidly. Beating and imprisoning those who sustain your society is not a brilliant strategy, but that is what Trudeau, and his ilk are doing. When the hordes of starving peasants descend upon the gated estates of the ruling class, all of their theoretical build back better bullshit won’t do them a damn bit of good. They have provoked this conflict, but are they sure their police thugs and woke military recruits will have their back permanently?


“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ― George Orwell, 1984


Trudeau, Biden, Macron, Johnson, and lesser tyrants like Newsom, Whitmer, Murphy, Lightfoot, and DeBlasio have used the plandemic as the means to seize power through illegal emergency power declarations and have no intention of relinquishing this ill-begotten authority unless forced to do so by the people they are suppressing and abusing. Schwab and the globalist billionaires he represents trained and indoctrinated most of the global leaders who are now attempting to implement a controlled demolition of western democratic societies and the market based financial systems which had given rise to increasing prosperity until the dawn of this century.

When republics devolve into democracies the seeds of its destruction are planted and when free market capitalism mutates into a globalist scheme of corporate fascism, permanent enslavement or revolution are the only two options for the citizens. Blood will need to be shed before these petty tyrants are rightfully eliminated from power.

Thomas Jefferson Quote: “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the

At this point, the question remains as to how much bloodshed and whose blood will be spilled before this Fourth Turning reaches its historic culmination. The catalyst for this Fourth Turning was, and still is, the self-induced destruction of our financial system by evil men seeking ungodly material wealth on earth. Everything the ruling class has done since 2008 has been to prop up a bankrupt system in order to retain their wealth, power, and control.

They have run out of runway and are about to crash the global economic system. It looks increasingly likely it will happen in 2022, as they have created an unsolvable financial dilemma, which insures a recession/depression and the extinguishment of trillions in faux wealth in the stock market and housing market.

Why the Fed Will Trigger a 2022 Stock Market Crash | They Have No Choice.... - YouTube

Their arrogance and egotistical belief in their own intellectual powers make them think they can pull off this controlled demolition unscathed, while retaining their positions of power through utilizing the levers of propaganda, police state thuggery, military might, surveillance state technology, and certainty the willfully ignorant masses will do as they are told. Of course, the best laid plans of tyrants don’t always pan out as expected.

A global recession, stock market crash, and supply chain implosion will set off an uncontrollable chain reaction which will ignite the global conflagration and lead to civil and global war. We were warned, but most did not heed the portent to prepare. There will be no way to escape what is coming, but we must realize who stands on the side of good and who embodies the evil currently in control of our government, media, universities, military, medical and financial institutions.

Biden Says "I Feel Your Pain", He Means His Pain in Polls - Mish Talk - Global Economic Trend Analysis

“The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

It is easy to dismiss or ridicule the terms good and evil because there has been a concerted effort by the political class and their media mouthpieces to blur the distinction between the two, just as they have done by fostering the belief abnormal immoral behavior should be celebrated and promoted, while normal moral behavior should be scorned and ridiculed. The religious based concepts of good and evil are clear and concise, therefore they do not allow lackey politicians and the true ruling class of elites the leeway to lie, cheat and steal their way to power, control, and wealth. These terms have meaning and usefulness in assessing the character and integrity of those we associate with and those we elect to represent our interests.

The last two years have not been a medical emergency, but a test of critical thinking skills and the ability to discern between liars, thieves, money whores, and the forces of evil versus truth tellers and those committed to freedom, liberty, and the forces of good.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of the bravest truth-telling men of the 20th Century, understood the concepts of good and evil better than anyone, as he was exposed to the excruciating evilness of the Soviet Union and the communist henchmen who carried out Stalin’s evil doctrine of imprisonment and murder. Both good and evil reside in the human heart, and it is our free will which leads us towards the light or the darkness.

Our world has become shrouded in darkness, with evil permeating from every fiber of our WEF indoctrinated leaders and the globalist elites (Schwab, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, running the world. The world is awash in nurtured falsehoods, perpetual disinformation, fake news, fear propaganda, and outright lies. It’s enough to drive a good person mad. We can not bow down to evil. Solzhenitsyn and Orwell saw communism for what it was – pure evil. We must cling to the truth at all costs, no matter the consequences, for our children and their children.

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

32 Disturbing Photos Inside The Gulag Prisons Of The Soviet Union 1984 (1984) - IMDb

“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” ― George Orwell, 1984

As I have laid out, the battle between good and evil has already commenced, with an uncertain outcome hanging in the balance. Human beings and their nature have not changed across the centuries. They are susceptible to emotions and miscalculations. With the level of global disorder at extremes, some world leader is going to make a mistake and initiate the next bloody chapter of this Crisis. That is a certainty. Each Fourth Turning has seen huge technological advancements which make killing and destruction far easier and lethal.

If and when war comes, it will be less likely to be on a traditional battlefield and more likely to be waged by government sanctioned computer hackers paralyzing key infrastructure, the power grid, satellites, the internet, and your linkage to modern day niceties. There will be no Pickett’s Charge or D-Day Invasion. Starvation and freezing to death are more likely than glorious battlefield victories. It is doubtful any of us are truly prepared for the type of war which will be waged. And that’s if some reckless tyrant doesn’t use their nukes, commencing an Armageddon scenario.

Strauss & Howe offered four sobering conclusions to our current Crisis, likely to play out over the next five to ten years. All the exertions of good people, following the path of righteous truth, should be focused on defeating the evil forces, allowing a new High to commence, leaving our children with a renewed republic and hope for the future. It’s all we can do.


  1. This Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing. If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly. For this Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.
  2. The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity. The Western saecular rhythm – which began in the mid-fifteenth century with the Renaissance – could come to an abrupt terminus. The seventh modern saeculum would be the last. This too could come from total war, terrible but not final. There could be a complete collapse of science, culture, politics, and society. Such a dire result would probably happen only when a dominant nation (like today’s America) lets a Fourth Turning ekpyrosis engulf the planet. But this outcome is well within the reach of foreseeable technology and malevolence.
  3. The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation. It could close the book on the political constitution, popular culture, and moral standing that the word America has come to signify. The nation has endured for three saecula; Rome lasted twelve, the Soviet Union only one. Fourth Turnings are critical thresholds for national survival. Each of the last three American Crises produced moments of extreme danger: In the Revolution, the very birth of the republic hung by a thread in more than one battle. In the Civil War, the union barely survived a four-year slaughter that in its own time was regarded as the most lethal war in history. In World War II, the nation destroyed an enemy of democracy that for a time was winning; had the enemy won, America might have itself been destroyed. In all likelihood, the next Crisis will present the nation with a threat and a consequence on a similar scale.
  4. Or the Fourth Turning could simply mark the end of the Millennial Saeculum. Mankind, modernity, and America would all persevere. Afterward, there would be a new mood, a new High, and a new saeculum. America would be reborn. But, reborn, it would not be the same.

What happens in a nuclear apocalypse? | Fox News Toddler Girl Playing In Daffodil Flower Field. Child Gardening. Kid Picking Flowers In The Backyard. Children Working In The Garden. Kids Taking Care Of Plants. First Spring Blossoms. Easter Egg Hunt. Stock

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February 20, 2022 8:10 pm

The western world has been socially engineered and propagandized into enemy camps, with those cherishing freedom, liberty, free speech, and the Bill of Rights at odds with those insisting on total government control, mandates, regulations, censorship, and the use of force to inflict their beliefs upon everyone.

It’s sad that so many of the latter exist in the TBP commentariat.

Red River D
Red River D
February 20, 2022 9:12 pm

WTF are you smoking?

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 12:15 am

“…those insisting on total government control, mandates, regulations, censorship, and the use of force to inflict their beliefs upon everyone.”

That’s us, Karen the one’s here insisting on total government control.

The dumbest stump in the clearcut speaks! LOLOLOLOLLLLL!

February 21, 2022 9:57 am

When everything the American public believes is false is upon us.

February 21, 2022 2:36 pm

Here’s the play book

Start page 18

Page 37 next on the agenda

Technology hackers were also hard at work.
Internet scams and pyramid schemes plagued
inboxes. Meanwhile, more sophisticated
hackers attempted to take down corporations,
government systems, and banks via phishing
scams and database information heists, and their
many successes generated billions of dollars in

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 3:28 pm

Good link, Anymouse….

It’s a must read for those who haven’t. I will go thru it again, as it’s been a while. We’re currently entering the transhumanism agenda:

“In The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis foresaw the progressive abandonment of what conservatives would call “moral law” based on Judeo-Christian values giving way to “the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners” who would decide what men should biologically become. The term “great planners and conditioners” correspond with modern advocates of transhumanism who esteem their blueprint for the future of the species as the one that will ultimately decide the fate of man. A step toward establishing this goal occurred when the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Human Enhancement Ethics Group (based at California Polytechnic State University) released a fifty-page report entitled, “Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions & Answers.”[i] This government-funded report addressed the definitions, scenarios, anticipated societal disruptions, and policy and law issues that need to be considered en route to becoming posthuman. Some of the topics covered in the study include:

What are the policy implications of human enhancement?
Is the natural-artificial distinction of human enhancement morally significant?
Does human enhancement raise issues of fairness, access, and equity?
Will it matter if there is an “enhanced divide” between “new” people classifications?
How would such a divide make communication difficult between “normals” and the “enhanced”?
How should the enhancement of children be approached?
What kind of societal disruptions might arise from human enhancement?
Should there be any limits on enhancement for military purposes?
Might enhanced humans count as someone’s intellectual property?
Will we need to rethink the very meaning of “ethics,” given the dawn of enhancement?[ii]

The “Ethics of Human Enhancement” report was authored by the NSF-funded research team of Dr. Fritz Allhoff (Western Michigan University), Dr. Patrick Lin (California Polytechnic State University [who took major offense at me pointing out transhumanism prophetic issues]), Prof. James Moor (Dartmouth College), and Prof. John Weckert (Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics/Charles Sturt University, Australia) as part of a three-year ethics study on human enhancement and emerging technologies. This came on the heels of the U.S. National Institute of Health granting Case Law School in Cleveland $773,000 to establish guidelines for setting government policy on what could be the next step in human evolution—“genetic enhancement.” Maxwell Mehlman, Arthur E. Petersilge Professor of Law, director of the Law-Medicine Center at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law, and professor of bioethics in the Case School of Medicine, led the team of law professors, physicians, and bioethicists over the two-year project “to develop standards for tests on human subjects in research that involves the use of genetic technologies to enhance ‘normal’ individuals.”[iii] Following the initial study, Mehlman began offering two university lectures: “Directed Evolution: Public Policy and Human Enhancement,” and “Transhumanism and the Future of Democracy,” addressing the need for society to comprehend how emerging fields of science will, in approaching years, alter what it means to be human, and what this means to democracy, individual rights, free will, eugenics, and equality. Other law schools, including Stanford and Oxford have hosted similar “Human Enhancement and Technology” conferences, where transhumanists, futurists, bioethicists, and legal scholars have conferred on the ethical, legal, and potentially inevitable ramifications of posthumanity.”

THE HYBRID AGE—PART TWO: The Scary “Hybrid Age” Foreseen by C.S. Lewis

  ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 11:01 pm

Absolutely one of the most important works anyone ought to have read ( The Abolition of Man ) . Ive probably read it 10 times by now .

February 21, 2022 7:06 pm

because you are the only one that knows. LMAO

Rube Goldberg's Razor
Rube Goldberg's Razor
February 21, 2022 11:22 am

Flak = over target. Thanks, “Anonymous” deep state algobot ad-hominem “argument”. Bombs away!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:01 pm

Must be going for a down vote record, so I added one to help you out

  ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:18 pm

A LOOONG way from the record, but a worthwhile cause, anyhoo.

February 23, 2022 6:43 pm

Do you KNOW the record? Am just wondering, in case you do?

February 23, 2022 7:17 pm

I think it was the Stuckmeister, with something like 700 or 800, maybe more. Him and Llpoh should know.

February 20, 2022 8:14 pm

Does your currency still buy you something?!

Food/fuel/ammo,keep shopping!

When not,start fighting!

comment image

Ride on!

February 20, 2022 9:08 pm

whiskey, tango, foxtrot

February 21, 2022 10:15 pm

comment image

February 23, 2022 6:49 am

She is doing it all on an eighth grade education & factory job in her home town after marrying the boy next door too.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:03 pm

Haha….that’s funny, because it’s true

February 20, 2022 8:15 pm

The part that is so debilitating is that we are powerless to stop the evil that’s in motion. The die is cast and the trend is in motion. We stand before the tsunami that races towards us. All we can do is brace ourselves and try our best to weather the category 5 hurricane that is about to befall us. May God bless us all. We’re going to need it.

February 20, 2022 9:09 pm

The longer We ‘hold the line’
the more ‘enforcers’ they recruit.

February 20, 2022 11:50 pm

But there are only so many enforcers who will go against their community…especially if they are trying to seize guns or food or family members, in which case a few “incidents” will thin their ranks…

February 21, 2022 8:12 am

Yeah like Canada right? Where were the freedom loving masses? huh? Where were they?

Rube Goldberg's Razor
Rube Goldberg's Razor
February 21, 2022 11:24 am

Ah, yes: the banality of evil.

February 21, 2022 10:07 pm


Very good question.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 12:22 am

I see just the opposite.
The longer the line is held, the more re-enforcements join the cause.
Be brave.

  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 8:13 am

Was the line held in Canada? Stop the propaganda. The “Tree of Liberty”…

February 21, 2022 10:03 am

Yes the line was held and STILL being held… More joining every day…

February 21, 2022 10:08 pm

God I hope so.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
February 22, 2022 12:21 pm

We live in a world of armchair quarterbacks. Everyone is a player, as long as they don’t have to get off the couch.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 23, 2022 5:30 am

Most of us here have gotten off the couch, but it’s hard being alone or in a small group. The people need to wake the F up. We can’t do this in isolation.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 3:51 pm


I have surely been ‘off the couch’ doing what I can. If one lives in a small town like ours (<15m), local elected officials, police chiefs, county health administrators, and county sheriffs are easily accessible. I have visited all of the above, at least once, and most multiple times.

I urge people to do the same……..your online footprints have already earned a spot on the list.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  SemperFi, 0321
February 25, 2022 9:27 am


February 23, 2022 3:19 am


February 21, 2022 11:26 am

There weren’t enough enforcers during the Vietnam draft. In spite of the full might of the military industrial complex in the guise of the US government, it collapsed. Enough people held the line.

February 21, 2022 3:42 pm

Fight smart. Hit them with something hard and heavy from behind.

February 20, 2022 9:11 pm

CC,hang tough,there is a reason why many of us made “purchases”/some long distance interests!

Say to yourself you will no support evil!

Say this out loud!

You Sir,are then a hero.

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The truck goes”Honk!Honk!’

The Canadian Goose also goes”Honk!Honk!”

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
February 20, 2022 9:43 pm

And the C$ is called “The Loonie”.

February 21, 2022 8:13 am

The Canadian Goose was JUST COOKED..DUH

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 12:20 am

Be a warrior. I’m sure as fuck not “debilitated.”
Ammo up and harden yourself for what’s coming.
You can’t avoid it.

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  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 7:55 am

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February 22, 2022 11:57 pm

That’s a Ron Paul sign in the background! Revolution no less!

  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 7:59 am

The warrior replied “at least I didn’t lose my golden fiddle to a hillbilly in Georgia.” FIFY 😂

  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 8:14 am

Just like “Remington” did. Right?

mums the word
mums the word
  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 11:49 am

i want that on a t shirt!

  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 7:04 pm

This is the type of blithering nonsense that gets people hurt. If this ever occurs, you will wish you could put the genie back in the bottle.

February 21, 2022 4:20 am

yeah, i have been as well (probably a lot of us) at a loss for some description of our current mission in life better than ‘hold the line’ and ‘weather the storm’, but it does seem that at the current time, thats the main items on our agenda. we need to stay true to our principles, never compromise, speak truth when we have a chance, but mainly, we need to hang in there as some remnant of free and natural humans. there’s a crescendo of destruction building up all around us. A lot of what we cherish is already being robbed or destroyed and i have a suspicion that a lot more of it, even we ourselves will let go of as time goes on because we’ll have more critical priorities and well be compelled by reality to triage off many more of the things we thought were so important to us. we must not lose our humanity or our freedom or our memory or our history through that triage! we might not have shoes on our feet or we might end up walking a quarter mile each way just to get a bucket of water, we might be hiding out in the boonies having left behind most of our possessions and now have only whatever is left from whatever fit in a backpack.. but for each of us this triage is going to continue. i think some of us are already going through it and honestly for those of us who grew up in the western world’s last gleams of prosperity, it’s a very hard adjustment to make. even if we know we need to make the adjustment it’s not at all easy. we need to remind ourselves, maybe daily, of what is our priority, what is important, so that we can prepare ourselves to drop or let go of anything that won’t make it through the narrow gate. i say this because i myself also need to hear it, again and again, and likely most of our generation do each in our own way.

February 23, 2022 12:07 am

My eyeballs were wanting to fall out on that. Not being critical, I’m no journalist myself.

Some paragraphs, no matter, I’ve known this speak since 2007. It’s now 2022. Just saying…

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
February 21, 2022 6:47 am

Not true.

February 21, 2022 8:11 am

NO God of any sort-nor alien-nor white hate-nor rapture nor ascension (##) will save “Murika”. We are all alone and on out own !

Red River D
Red River D
February 21, 2022 9:13 am

I have an idea.

Why don’t you belly-ache some more?

  Red River D
February 21, 2022 10:07 am

Be nice RR. Poor Michaels dreams of a communist utopia are crumbling and he’s desperately trying to put up a brave face.

February 21, 2022 7:16 pm

That’s staying positive! You might as well go back to being sludge.

February 21, 2022 3:39 pm

God Bless America and when SHTF remember the sonofbitches who sold her out.Do you have a list?

daddy Joe
daddy Joe
February 22, 2022 11:54 am

overthecliff, Someone here said last week “you’re either on a list or you’re making a list”. Sad but true. Patriots are not used to making lists–most just want to enjoy their freedoms that were purchased by their predecessors. But in every country that has ever been subverted by the commies there have been extensive lists backed up by goon squads assigned to “clean up” those lists. Read Solzinitsin; he would say that resistance has to be from the bottom up. Don’t start your list with Schnobs, Gatesofhell, Sorrows, or Bozos. Start with the known, local goons, snitches, and petty tyrants–when the evil empire runs out of these puppets their game is over.

February 20, 2022 8:17 pm

Joe Biden the scapegoat for destroying a country, without even realizing what he is doing. he will usher in the reset. which will be offered as a better alternative to the now wrecked country we live in.

February 20, 2022 9:12 pm

“Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people …
to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The Beauty of being an American Citizen is not the right to Freedom,
It Is the Right to Defiance…..

Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances Rooted in the Magna Carta
The Petition Clause finds its roots in Article 61 of the Magna Carta (1215).
Article 61 provided for the presentation of grievances to the king, and required
the king to redress grievances within 40 days or risk rebellion.
The Magna Carta’s Right to Petition includes, if the right is abridged,
the right to wage whatever war against government needed to get just redress.[3]

February 21, 2022 12:22 am

Oh noes…. the veil fell off before we even got to the fourth turning ( and all that anon said above 9:12pm)

February 21, 2022 1:29 pm

My Cobra gunship is currently out of fuel.

February 23, 2022 12:45 am

Run for “office”.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
February 21, 2022 4:30 pm

I am looking for any evidence that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights is still in effect. Sadly, the Rule of Law was last seen some decades ago, smoking a bong and getting into the dark windowed van of some stranger who was promising candy.

Here’s the facts: As far as working within the system goes, our “rights” don’t mean squat. The courts wouldn’t even protect us from a gang of criminal psychopaths who stole the US election and seized control of the purported US government. The US is so far down the sewer that the ONLY force which has a reasonable chance of restoring our rights is the United States military — and so far, they have shown themselves to be cowards more interested in getting a paycheck and an easy night’s sleep than they are in restoring liberty for all.

February 22, 2022 9:12 am

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK… Chip

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 12:27 am

Then with the losers let it sympathize,
For nothing can seem foul to those that win.

William Shakespeare

February 23, 2022 12:21 am

Didn’t vote you down. Honestly though, have ANY of US thought about running for “office”?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 20, 2022 8:59 pm

I kinda regret spending a Sunday evening staring at a screen, while my husband three feet over also stares at a screen, but when it’s articles like these four, it’s totally worth it!

February 20, 2022 9:04 pm

If I had to vote on 1, 2, 3, or 4 at this point in time I think 3 is most likely.

3. The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation.

As someone who believes this will be our last 4th turning because of unfolding Bible prophecy, and the US is just not a factor in the end of the end…number 3 seems most likely to me.

Powerful read Admin…powerful.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 20, 2022 9:41 pm

We are past #4. My normalcy bias and hope roots for #3, but I think it will be worse, far worse than we can imagine.

I think I will double the amount of tomato seeds under the grow lights tomorrow as a type of displacement behavior.

  Svarga Loka
February 20, 2022 10:14 pm


I believe the September 2019 REPO MARKET collapse caught the Luciferian Globalist Banksters by surprise (I’m positive of that) and they unleashed the Covid Con well before they had actually planned to.

Their hubris, overreach, and laughable over confidence in Tower of Babel technology (to challenge God) is in my opinion an attempt to ‘Bum Rush’ God before their long announced brief prophetic NWO control.

Not that they don’t get their NWO control eventually…that is inevitable…but I believe there is a good chance they will get backhanded by God back onto His prophetic timetable…not stay on their panicked reaction to their entire fiat system collapsing.

But, if I am right that will not stop the decline and balkanization (through many causes) of the US Empire…as we are not a player in the end time of end times in the Middle East.

So to me No.3 is going to happen sooner or later if we are coming into the end of the beginning…and I think that is probable.

Good luck with the tomatoes!

February 23, 2022 5:33 am

The USA is beyond salvation. However, “America” might have a chance. It will come down to some kind of secession, bloody or otherwise. Anyone who still thinks the GOP will save us in Nov needs to look at the senate vote on Friday to defund Biden’s mandates. It failed by 2 votes because Romney and Graham didn’t even bother turning up. The GOP is no different from the Dems. Bring on secession!

February 23, 2022 5:41 pm

Not secession — a full breakup, a la the USSR. The federal government cannot tyrannize us if it no longer exists.

No wonder the Harry Mudd Media have since last summer totally ignored the 30th anniversary of the Soviet collapse. It is the ideal template for what should happen here.

#Former USA

February 25, 2022 1:36 pm

Anarchy! But isn’t that what Antifa is partially about?

Agreed, the GOP is a failure. Can’t get rid of “them” or “them” however. Perhaps “we” get involved at the local level?

  Svarga Loka
February 20, 2022 10:18 pm

And for the first time in history due to the utilization of a tool of the usual suspects, HUMANITY chose #5 and just quit playing their game. The tool is the internet.

What happens if they gave a war and nobody played?

Red River D
Red River D
February 21, 2022 9:15 am

You give humankind way too much credit, BL!!!

More’s the pity — your suggestion would actually work.

  Red River D
February 21, 2022 10:14 am

Hold The Line Red!!

February 23, 2022 5:34 am

If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that the Sheep will do anything their TVs and social media tell them to.

February 23, 2022 11:44 am

Steve, truer words were never spoken.

Most people compulsively project their self-image onto the world around them.

The 97 percenter idiot Sheeple believe the obvious lie that government/celebrity talking heads on TV/iPhone are Gods and they are ‘Looking Out for Me.’ Therefore, they believe “everyone else with and ounce of brains, sanity or morality agrees with me.”

Many of the 3 percenter delusionals on this site believe the obvious lie that “humanity will rise up and save us” or ” Orange Hair deep state traitor will save us” or ” the completely destroyed and ignored constitution/law/judge will save us” or “or our pea-shooters and shotguns will defeat the millions of FBI-DHS-CIA-DOD militarized Swat teams that come to mow us down” or “If we just protest peacefully the UN thugs on horses won’t run us over like they just did in Nazi Canada.”

You have to face reality, not your wet dream wish that other people think like you do.

To survive this 4th Turning you have to 1) join and worship Satan with all your heart and soul as most will (dead is better).
Or 2) You have to know when the Titanic has filled too many chambers with water to be saved and get a life raft. The USA (or more factually the CIA 5 Eyes country jurisdiction of US-UK-NZ-AU-CAN) is ground zero for this 4th Turning disaster – worst choice. And the Schwab 4th Reich Nazis control the EU countries, and CHICOM satan Xi runs China and soon most of Asia. Hopelessly evil.
That leaves little else. But if you want to hide and ride this out, finding that is the task.
Suggestions welcome.

  Svarga Loka
February 22, 2022 9:23 am

My seedlings are already 6″ tall. Transferred them to the greenhouse to get ready to plant in a couple of weeks. I’m in South Texas so most of our chance of freezing weather has passed. Good luck with your crop… Chip

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
February 20, 2022 10:20 pm

Mark, I agree. I see the middle of the country from the Cascades/Sierras to the Appalachians splitting off from the coastal nut jobs and possibly even joining with the Canadian prairie provinces to form a sane country based on laws and logic. At least that’s my dream.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 20, 2022 10:25 pm

Trapped- Don’t look now but the coastal nut jobs are moving en masse to the south. Ten years from now TN will be a liberal shithole. They are even moving into Alabama, which blows me away.

February 20, 2022 11:05 pm

There are plenty of California plates in my town. Doublewides on a small lot are going for 300.000 and are being snapped up like a fire sale. Gas is at 4.00 bucks a gallon now.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 12:21 am

Wyoming isn’t even recognizable anymore, we’re over run with outsiders who bring their BS with them, from crazy politics to rude driving, we’ve had enough of them too. Too lazy to walk, they almost block the front door of the grocery store with the car bumper, and get upset when told to back the fuck off. Go back where you came from and deal with your own cesspool, you created it.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 12:38 am

Colorado was the reddest of the red states 15 years ago.
Now the lib locusts from California, having ruined their state,
swarm in and ruin mine. Evil vermin.

  Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 4:25 am

two ways to get rid of locusts.
one, after they eat everything bare, they starve to death.
two, fire.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 22, 2022 9:12 pm

I thought Wyoming was like pedal to the metal, no speed limits , “Speed on brother, hell ain’t half full”. Maybe that was to do with “doing speed”, an old bumper sticker I recall. Anyway, just like everyone in Texas wears a ten gallon hat and owns an oil well, the unlimited speed “limit” may have been Montana.

BTW, I thought they was all coming to Texas. Too cold in Wyoming!

Go back from where you came.
– Donald Trump

Note from Nevada
Note from Nevada
February 21, 2022 8:41 am

Same here in rural Nevada. When the Californians get here they want more government,laws, rules etc.

February 21, 2022 1:38 am

We are in agreement there, BL. People are smart enough to leave shitholes. They are however not smart enough to understand that it was they themselves caused the shithole they left to become a shithole, and so they repeat the same mistakes.

Texas is high on the list of places that might well fall left in the next few years. It is being inundated with left leaning techies and folks leaving California, OR and Wa.

February 21, 2022 10:17 am

That’s right Llpoh! They need REedumacation in their new environs. It will be on us if we let their insanity get out of hand..

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
February 21, 2022 9:33 pm

But moving into a red state to turn it blue only works if the red natives let it – that is, under a voting system. But when the Feds turn to oppression, voting will go away – as will any reason to continue playing by rigged rules.
Form communities of like-minded people, and you will find a way to survive, even prosper; and if a gaggle of Antifa fools tries anything, one less gaggle. Shoot, shovel and shut up won’t only apply to “endangered” species – unless you consider Antifa endangered ….

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
February 22, 2022 7:50 pm

Mississippi is debating the elimination of income tax so they can get their share of them, as well.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 20, 2022 10:31 pm

The non liberals I know in this much ballyhooed flyover country and I know lots of them from Texas to Canada, have private lives that make Liberals look like Mary Poppins.

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February 20, 2022 10:52 pm

That quote attribution is incorrect. It was actually Black Science Man who said that.

February 20, 2022 11:56 pm

He’s one of several who used it so efn what does that mean? It’s not incorrect it just wasn’t your first choice but I didn’t ask you. I just posted it, the nerve of me huh?

February 20, 2022 11:44 pm

This asshole rides the #1 spot on my list of people I Hope To God I Run Into

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 20, 2022 11:39 pm


Check this out:

The Good:
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The Bad:
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The Ugly:
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The Extreme Break Up:
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My favoriate – NC back in the CSA!
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February 20, 2022 11:49 pm

And you lose stability with each one of those maps Mark. Unity is the only way.

Pecos River
Pecos River
February 21, 2022 2:55 am

As John Adams put it, “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

February 21, 2022 10:30 am

Come on BL light ‘in up…boys just wanna have some map fun.

Whatever happens I’m putting on my coonskin cap…getting old Betsy the M1A out…and manning the ramparts of the Markamo.

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February 21, 2022 10:33 am

Mark- You walk around like that with coons and Stucky will come after ya with a 2×4. 🙂

February 21, 2022 10:40 am

Plainfield would never swat his ole buddy Edison.

February 21, 2022 7:02 pm

(hmmm…his silence is telling me I may need a hard hat insted of a coonskin cap)

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
February 21, 2022 6:52 pm

Speaking of maps, so we were playing Risk with my grandson who is visiting from Buffalo. Funny map on that board. That’s why I have been absent. I never know when I will see him again when he leaves to go back to his dad.
If this thing can be held together with bandaids and rubber bands until spring ’23 when he graduates HS he can move back with his family that raised him.

  Mary Christine
February 21, 2022 7:02 pm

Here’s hoping.

  Mary Christine
February 21, 2022 7:08 pm


If someone would have told me we would be in 2022 during the last 10 years and TSHTF hadn’t happened yet…I never would have believed them.

Who knows???

It could happen.

Hope it does delay as long as possible…every day is an amazing gift.

Sometimes when I open my eyes in the morning living like I do (like a King from back in the day and I’m just middle class…still – in spite of the middle class causalities) I just laugh.

I hope it is delayed for him and you.

February 23, 2022 8:47 am

Me too…

February 22, 2022 10:53 am

Unity is an illusion and a ruse used by those seeking power:

Freedom exists Outside society

February 23, 2022 5:37 am

There never was any unity. Humanity has always been a 80/20 Pareto split between the Sane and The Crazy.

February 21, 2022 7:58 am

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I’m re-reading One Second After.

February 21, 2022 11:10 pm


After I read it I bought a pallet of freeze dried food in buckets…and four cases of ammo.

February 22, 2022 9:37 pm

Too bad “we” have sanctions on Russian 7.62x54R surplus, the “spam” cans. Now, who started that and who continued that “policy”?

February 23, 2022 7:29 am

After One Second After, I started going to thrift shops for good boots and shoes, and storing meat in jars, as well as toilet paper in vacpacs. Haha. We’ve finally worked our way through them (10 years here!) and I had to go to thrift shops for more (boots, not toilet paper)!

Guess what I discovered? Thrift shop prices are way up for boots of poor quality, made in Vietnam and China. And the ones made in China are not really a pair of boots, just two boots that are the same. The are literally communist boots made from some bizarre Chinese animal I’ve never heard of*.

They are out in the barn for emergency use only because they don’t fit either foot well enough to call comfortable. No wonder they were in clearance for $3.

I went and paid $$$ for good American made leather boots.

*What the hell is naugahyde? I never shot a nauga, have you?

February 23, 2022 6:47 pm

So, has anyone from here ever hunted a nauga for its hyde?

February 23, 2022 8:28 am

Mark and others, I drove into the Amish village yesterday and chatted with one of the elders there. They do not follow the news, but they are well informed by people in their local community who realize the value they’ve brought to the area. They are also well protected.

They are starting field work early and the grove of maple trees draining into their little bags and gathered to cook in the giant stove Mr. Shirk was tending when I first arrived yesterday, hoping to get some of the really good stuff!

I stopped until he put down his skimmer and turned toward me to ask if Mrs. Shirk was in the house. He nodded and smiled (they like it when I observe Amish custom, I think, or they think I’m quaint… either way, it does the trick, which is to get me inside.)

I have video but since My girl… maybe will shame me for posting any of it, I will just tell you it is like walking into the 1800s, I think.

I discovered on that trip that Miriam’s little bunny had died, so I took another fuzzy bunny and sold it to her father yesterday. I did not take my phone with me yesterday.

It seemed wrong. Other things seem wrong.

I believe the truckers in America will be labeled as insurrectionists and ticketed and droned by the military to relay information. My old friend who controlled some drone strikes told me he’d been directed to fire missiles that killed whole families and neighborhoods to get ONE GUY who might be Al Qaida. He’d done it enough to have a mental breakdown while on Active Duty. Retired honorably, with medical cause.

He now has PTSD (guilt-syndrome, in my opinion) and is on all sorts of drugs provided by the VA, including 70 mg Oxy, daily. During the war, he was given Ambien-like drugs to sleep and other meds to help focus on the scope (sounds like Adderal, which is legal meth).

Our military has been gutted of character and replaced by brainwashed and (possibly) drug-addicted mercenaries.

We are in closer contact with neighbors face to face than we have been in 10 years. Counting blessings here.

February 23, 2022 6:50 pm

Am hoping others see what I read and realize our local leaders are making sure the Amish community is protected.

Their bridge is out on the main road.

If I didn’t know the back roads like I do, I wouldn’t have gotten in.

February 23, 2022 8:48 pm

I posted about a former Marine that served in Afghanistan. He lost his right leg. Anyway, I don’t dwell on “personal” stuff about his experience talking with him. His story is tragic enough. He gave a testimony in which he said he had spent his time in Afghanistan killing muslims and that we would not believe the things “I saw”.

I’m almost certain the man felt extrememely patriotic when he enlisted and believed in wrapping foreign interventions in the flag and calling them “defending freedom”. In his testimony he did say , however, he would never “allow” his children (girls) to enlist in the Marines. I don’t know Marines “take” girls , only that I have to think the man does not believe in the wrapping interventions in a flag and calling them “defending freedom”.

Good point on the drugs.

February 21, 2022 9:55 am

I find the last one to be acceptable as well

February 21, 2022 3:04 pm

Mark – thank you for these impressive maps. I vote for the “extreme break up” map at 6-12 months after the conflict begins, then vote for the “my favorite” map as the permanent new map of North America. I’m stuck up north so I’m praying for an Appalachian or CSA country. The problem is the Mississippi River on all the maps. There will be constant battles on the Mississippi River, and will be the worst place to live.

February 21, 2022 7:37 pm


You are welcome buddy!

The Mississippi comment is interesting. I haven’t thought about that. Need to ponder.

I’m in north central NC…extremely fortunate (not by accident) with the area/people directly around me.

Was an early reader of:

Considering it was written in the early 90’s and published in the mid 90’s it is about 75% accurate.

That said the 25% of this purely accurate secular prophecy not mentioned to me is obvious in scripture.

The US as a Superpower in the ‘End of the Beginning’ is going DOWN.

When the US is shattered, Balkanized, broken up (it has been relentlessly invaded since 1965) my job as long as I have breath in me is to take care of and protect my family.

Not only are: ‘All Politicts local’.

The overridding truth is: ‘All secular survival is local’.

February 23, 2022 8:40 am

And knowing who surrounds you by sight is a valuable piece of intel, isn’t it? I’m so glad I met all the neighbors over the years in spite of my husband. This is my introductory line: It is not that we are not friendly; my husband isn’t. But he is a good man and if you need some help, call.

One day, a neighbor uphill lost track of a trash fire and it started coming down the hill toward Bob and Geneva’s home, when Bob was alive. It had quite a ways to go, but my husband stopped what he was doing on the tractor and took the quadrunner and our big hose across the road and hooked our 100 foot hose to their and saturated the brush and ground, then turned and wet down their backyard.

He turned the water off, took our hose and rolled theirs back up and got on the quadrunner and went back to his tractor to finish cutting the field.

Geneva called me and said to tell him thank you because Bob was sick (early days of his cancer) and couldn’t do it, but was a bit worried looking out the back window at the smoke. Then, Nick showed up and then he just left.

I told her Nick is kind of like a superhero, but not friendly.

February 23, 2022 8:53 am

One time, in Oklahoma, Nick was watching cartoons on a Saturday and I was going out to do something at Joey’s school carnival, got distracted leaving our neighborhood and knocked over a guy’s mailbox.

I went home, told Nick what I’d done and he stood up, turned off the television and said “I guess I’m putting up another mailbox and post for the neighbors.”

And, I went to Joey’s school and he took a post we had for other purposes down the street and put up a new mailbox. He never even said a thing to them either.

What was there to say?

A superhero, just not friendly. Hahaha…

February 23, 2022 9:38 am

Sounds like a stand up guy!

February 23, 2022 9:57 am

I rewarded him for the mailbox.

I shared that song on my Facebook page I’ve been feeding shares from TBP. I never comment there but I’ve got over 99 notifications I’m ignoring and I’ve just share a pack of my father’s old flood photos from the 1920s to remind people that the engineers always said one enormous flood could wipe away everything they’d done to drain the swamp in Southeast Missouri. Especially, if an earthquake got involved.

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It is why I live in the Ozarks instead of the flatland.

It is an interesting piece of American History most do not know.

Little River Drainage District


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:10 pm


I’m settin’ it up for a swing at the bell ringer. Heading downthread to find TS

  ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 6:53 pm

Ya missed again, didn’t ya, Ordie! God love ya for trying, but that Mr. Thistle be one sneaky commenter.

teo toon
teo toon
February 21, 2022 5:13 pm

The breakup of the U.S. leads to colonies controlled by Mexico and the European powers. Britain gets its colonies back.

  teo toon
February 21, 2022 11:19 pm

teo toon,

I don’t think Britain ever really lost their colonies for long.



comment image?w=675&ssl=1
If you look hard at this picture you will see Jack Nicholson

‘Wild Bill Donovan’ and the Creation of the CIA and Five Eyes by the Pilgrims Society to Control America

February 23, 2022 9:02 am
  Trapped in Portlandia
February 21, 2022 7:56 am

Mine too.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 21, 2022 8:47 am

My family made the decision to stick it out in upstate NY. Mainly because we are rooted in a very rural area far away from a city and filled with like minded people. The politics of upstate NY are from NYC, which is 400 miles from us. The population of NY has shrunk and it is a lot of city liberals moving south because they hate the weather. The weather has been a great way to keep the libs away from us. While it is not my problem, I still apologize to the southerners who have to deal with the arrogant fucks that moved their from NY/NJ. I don’t need to warn you as you already know, but avoid those people at all costs they are as ignorant as they come. I hope if there is some kind of geographic division, that rural upstate NY and surrounding states like New Hampshire and Maine come together, perhaps with Pennsylvania, and form an Appalachian territory of some kind. As for NYC…they will be doomed. Many will go south because they can’t survive the cold winters of the northeast. Most will die on their way.

Red River D
Red River D
February 21, 2022 9:22 am

“…Most will die on their way…”

Has traffic on I-95 gotten that bad?

  Red River D
February 21, 2022 9:32 am

Well, it has always been that bad. But they will probably starve, or most likely be shot. Or maybe freeze to death. I just thank God they won’t come north! Then again, maybe FEMA will save them.

February 21, 2022 11:26 pm

“Most will die on their way.”
The rest take very few steps upon arrival.

February 23, 2022 6:00 pm

IMHO the best scenario for NYC is a breakup, each borough becoming its own city. IIRC Staten Island is quite conservative (and ~75% white); it would prosper like crazy. Heck, the Yankees and NYCFC would likely move there just before the Bronx burns to the ground.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 23, 2022 11:50 am

seccession wet dream = not facing reality = 2×4 to the face and “gee, why didn’t I see that coming”
BTW if you still live in Portlandia, you are a mouse licking the hungry snake’s fangs.
Good luck with that.

February 21, 2022 4:23 am

#2 coming up ahead.

February 20, 2022 9:06 pm

Yikes, I’m exhausted.
Please entertain a concise summary,

Those who feel they have the most to gain,
will fall to those that have nothing to lose.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 20, 2022 9:38 pm

I think the US will break apart into separate geographic regions, like that Russian guy suggested many years ago (forgot his name).

February 20, 2022 9:41 pm

The last thing we need in this country or Canada is to let (((THEM))) divide us. Stay UNITED, Vaxxed or Unvaxxed, no matter the political arm of the UNIPARTY you used to align with, we need to be one against this evil.

If the usual suspects want war, let them hire mercs for we will not send our kith and kin. Going forward, if it is not in the best interest of HUMANITY, curse it to hell.

Pray for our country, and Canada.

February 21, 2022 11:17 pm

The most obvious fact in this 4th Turning (and it has been obvious since at least the 1990s) is that there is no “We” in AmeriKa, on ANYTHING.
BL – try your insane theory out by trying to convert a mask Karen to your “we” delusion (this Behar-is-God contingent is about half of AmeriKa now),
Then try to convert an idiot jerk “i’ve got mine so everything is fine” country clubber RINO (they are voting CHICOM whore election-stealer Gov. Kemp to victory in the GA primary for f*ck sake, that is 20-plus pct of AmeriKa) to your “we” idea.
Then try to sell your “we” fantasy to iPhone addict dweeb millennials/LGBTQs -you will get the blank stare of a zombie or the sneer of an idiot who thinks he is Einstein).
How about the 25 pct of all voters in TEXAS (I made it as easy as possible for you) who were not born in this country. LOL. etc.

Oh and your FBI now lists you as a domestic terrorist if you even mention that you are a “we” the people constitutionalist, or a ‘nationalist’ (which is such a dirty word that if you are white and utter it on TV you are lynched ).

Here is a reality check. There is no “we” in “ameriKa”
“Your” country is not yours anymore and it hasn’t been for all of this century.
Wake up!

February 23, 2022 3:17 am

Too much denial among populists. Maddening.
I loved America but know a dead corpse when I see one.
The ancient Romans executed people by binding them face to face with dead bodies.

February 23, 2022 9:43 pm

I’m thinking Texas is going to be in for a big surprise. Think Rick Perry. How many people in Texas voted for that guy through his tenure as governor. Governor Rick Perry, Bilderberg meeting attendee. Rick, Trans Texas Corridor(s). Rick, public-private partnerships, right out of the Davos playbook.

Working about 16 years on the BNSF corporate headquarters campus in Fort Worth , Texas, I recall a presentation given about public-private partnerships, this during the controversies of Rick Perry’s TTC which incidentally was a brainstorm of former Texas state legislator, Ric Williamson out of Weatherford , Texas and a crony with Perry at Texas A&M University, long time “friends”.

Working at BNSF the company would periodically have guests giving presentations on any number of subjects. A group was going to give a presentation promoting public-private partnerships. My coworkers and myself were always given an opportunity to attend these presentations, normally only about an hour long during normal business hours. Of course “we” could not all attend as someone had to man network operations desk I worked. Knowing what kind of bs this public-private partnership was about, although no one listened to what I knew about this stuff, I volunteered to stay at the desk and told the others go ahead, it’s only for an hour and I’ll yell out for reinforcements if anything we monitor totally craps the bed. They just wanted to get away from work for a while and “socialize” with their buddies in other departments.

February 20, 2022 9:54 pm

Nice finale. A tidy and Powerful wrap-up.

I am in agreement with mark about #3, for the same reason.

What else is there to say, except Bravo!

I’ll let it splash around for a bit and see what comes up.

Oh, yeah. 🙂 Feel free to again deep-6 those prick anonymouses that talk shit to only stir shit in a non-STM way/agenda. My two cents.

edit: Just sent the link to my nephew.

Pecos River
Pecos River
February 21, 2022 2:57 am

I sent this link to my sister. She’s been ‘going along to get along’ & got the jab very early on. So far, she can’t comprehend what’s going on, or she refuses to even consider that this might be happening. Very sad.

February 21, 2022 8:00 am

I saw that you garnered another centurion award yesterday! Congrats! Will be watching for this one today!

February 21, 2022 9:27 am

I see that the C-spot was unheralded. Think it was urse doran. For Shame!

February 21, 2022 8:08 pm

Urse Dorango needs to learn some of the TBP rules of etiquette or else we might start calling him Urse Maroon!

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:13 pm

TS….I just stop by a Ghost Post as I try to set it up for you two to duke it out for the 300 prize.

Is this up in your neck of the woods?

  ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 4:26 pm

Ha, Ha… beat ‘er to it.
Nope. Eastern Oregon High Desert, Harney County.


ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 6:21 pm

Haha….looks like you should be able to see them from there.

I forgot you had said before it was the Burns area. Googlemap said it was like 6 hrs, which surprised me. It also said there were 2800 people in the whole county in 2010 consensus……that’s the kinda crowded I could deal with. Pretty crooked sheriff if I recall.

I can’t remember the ranchers’ name that went to jail ….Hammond? Did you know them?

  ordo ab chao
February 23, 2022 7:25 pm

Yep. Good friends with Dwight.
I don’t think Ward was so much crooked as young, inexperienced to the political shit and in way over his head. The previous sheriff, Glerup, bailed just before all of the Refuge crap went down and Ward was left holding the bag. Always seemed a bit suspicious to me.
Closer to 7 or 8k, but still less than 10k. Most are in the Burns/Hines area.

February 21, 2022 9:25 am

Nephew replied that it was like someone printed what he has been thinking. I thought he would appreciate it.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
February 20, 2022 9:58 pm

Given our proximity (11 mi.) to a major armed forces training base and two major ports (60 mi. NE & SW), anything nuclear means we are dead meat.

My $$$ is on #3. And, that might not require an international conflict. If the Dems can’t cheat enough and lose both houses significantly, there will be immediate riots. Plus, several “moderate” Dems might switch a la Strom Thurmond. But, they’d be horrid RINOS.

February 20, 2022 10:04 pm

You aced it Admin.

February 21, 2022 12:53 pm

So did you , Thaisleeze.

February 21, 2022 3:55 pm

He almost always does.

February 20, 2022 10:08 pm

The Fourth Turning is a remarkable lense to view events through, ever more percient as we approach climax. Thank you for bringing it to so many for so long.
Pointing the light at Private Western Banking Elite and their Chinese toadies is always appreciated, it needs to become a mainstream narrative.

February 20, 2022 10:23 pm

Excellent, and Thank You for the time and research you put into this article (well, all 4 actually).
Christians see things a little differently but it really is more Cause and Effect which changes, not the way it will happen. We, also, see a different ending as discussed in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. God is “Sovereign.” Meaning, simply, He can call The End of The World (or a re-establishment of The World) as He wants and chooses. It sure is going to be an “E-Ticket” ride though.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 12:33 am

Yeah, right. Whenever trying to explain reality to a Xtian, they start ignoring you, that doesn’t apply to me on account of my Jesus Insurance Policy. I’m special.
The planet is scattered with the bones of special people.

Rock Creeker
Rock Creeker
  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 1:57 am

I call the Wind River Range home. How ’bout you?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
  Rock Creeker
February 21, 2022 2:11 am

Upper end., dubious little place too.

Rock Creeker
Rock Creeker
  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 9:44 am

We are up there often at the museums. The kids enjoy it.
How long have you been on TBP?

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
  Rock Creeker
February 21, 2022 12:44 pm

Maybe a year, come over from WRSA.
I worked at the town museum, led a few hikes to the tie hack and bomber sites.

Rock Creeker
Rock Creeker
  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 1:07 pm

We are at the southern edge of the range. Just keeping watching all the nuts from CA and CO keeping coming in.
Been on TBP since 2010 time frame or so. It is good to get a real feel for the others out there.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
  Rock Creeker
February 21, 2022 8:33 pm

I know the Rock Shop, made the blueprints 20 yrs ago, and have hiked to the old sawmill/cabins in Rock Cr. Same area?
You know Todd G. CWC?

Rock Creeker
Rock Creeker
  SemperFi, 0321
February 22, 2022 12:46 am

Yep. We are down by Wild Bill. We have some land down here and are hoping to build this spring. Todd is not ringing any bells.

We spend a lot of time on the creek. Lot of like minded people who don’t take shit. Hope you have them up on the northern range too.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 23, 2022 3:21 am

The Bible is full of Christians dying too.
Jesus died to start the church. It makes sense we won’t be spared.
Servants are not better than the Master.

February 23, 2022 5:40 am

Christians are too passive. That’s why no-one is relying on them to get us out of this mess.

February 23, 2022 10:00 pm

You must not live in Texas.

February 20, 2022 10:32 pm

A lot of meat on that bone, Admin…Great Job, as always

February 20, 2022 11:24 pm

Whoever the author is, he cut through all the delusional bulls*t and told the big picture truth.

No fake D vs fake R delusions. No idiocy about how these tyrants are just ‘incompetent’ or ‘confused’ or ‘need persuasion’. No self- worshiping, obfuscating, ‘academic-smell-my-ivory tower-farts’ blather in Latin like Strauss & Howe about terminus and saeculum. No.
Just the truth.

Epic evil now owns and runs EVERYTHING. And its power is far more globally extensive, intricately organized and technologically advanced than Hitler, Stalin and Mao could ever dreamed of having.
– The CIA brainwashing outlets like FOX CNN Reuters, AP, ABC-Disney, Viacom-CBS, NBC CNBC all in the bag for Soros, endless war, Bank-FED-monoply Fascism sold to rubes as ‘capitalism.’
– Satanic drug pusher Pfizer literally owns and runs the government: the CDC, the FDA, the Senate and House leadership (Mike Crapo deserves a special place in hell BTW), the entire deep state, father of the death jab Trump, Biden etc. etc etc.

And the author’s main point is right. The DOD finally decided that their blatantly fake war on(for) terror game was up (and their 3500 pct ramp up in heroin production has already fed Big Pharma’s mass murder of seniors).
So, they handed the largest arms and air base transfer gift in history to CHICOMs and Taliban.
And now they need new targets to destroy.

The new DOD-DHS-FBI-CIA targets for destruction are:
1) Americans, who are now being tagged as ‘enemy combatants/terrorists’ en masse in threat hierarchy manuals.
2) Russia, of course, because a) Putin is not a LGBTQ fanatic and b) he is a nationalist not a globalist and c) Russia is the war target that ALL globalist elites: Neo-Con RINO Nazis; Marxist Dems; Soros-Schwab 4th Reich Nazis; the CIA media; and satanic monopolies like Google, AMZN etc can agree on. ALL of them want war with Putin so they will get it sooner or later.

February 20, 2022 11:31 pm

The author is Admin, the site owner.

February 21, 2022 8:06 pm

He is indeed “The Mighty Quinn”, great writer & one helluva Human.

February 20, 2022 11:24 pm

An interesting thing happened on the way to the fourth turning…….

Can I hear a Amen for SOLIDARITY?

February 20, 2022 11:47 pm

“Great men are almost always bad men”..Lord Acton…

February 20, 2022 11:52 pm


Here is what we know as a certainty: When the grid goes down, 90% of the population perishes the first year. Anyone still left alive is 100% focused upon one of two things – food production or the nuclear power plants that are running amuck.

My prepping now is focused on very basic things that look an awful lot like camping gear mixed in with a few high-tech items like drones and night vision.

February 21, 2022 12:04 am

We are the extreme minority Nickle.

February 21, 2022 12:58 am

Hiya Flea – per my comment below to BL, when the shit really hits the fan, the 150 million non- whites are gonna be a real handful. Those of you well away from any major center will have the best of it, but boy howdy will the monkeys really play up throughout the nation. Every big city would be Mogadishu if the power or supply chain goes down.

February 21, 2022 7:32 am

it will be mogadishu for a few weeks. then it will be cannibalism. then it will be rubble. when the dust settles and grass starts growing on the rubble, crews will come from time to time to dig up and scavenge useful items, especially metals.

February 21, 2022 9:48 am

Hi Llpoh, nothing I really want to be right about for sure. You’re statement if it stopped at just those 150 million would be the good news. Now for the bad news. They have deep pocketed sponsors with plenty of experience in full spectrum warfare from the primitive(White Toyota pickups full of Mercs. in black Jammies with .50 cal. MGs) to the latest in IT and Drone warfare.
We have no leaders or plans that were not provided by these deep pocketed sponsors. Why are we using their rulebook or playbook to revolt?

It’s my contention that there has never been an organic spontaneous revolt or revolution by the masses since before the English revolution including the French revolution and American revolution. Someone or someone’s with deep pockets and an agenda has been behind every revolt and or civil war of any consequence for centuries now.

We have two ways out that I have little faith in ever being attempted because it would require pulling the plug on everything we’ve ever known in our lifetimes. You’ve studied history, you tell me what odds you would give of that happening.

February 21, 2022 4:02 pm

Llpoh, those cities are gonna be real bad for a while. Then the city dwellers will get real weak from hunger. Whatever you do do not trust anyone with dark skin.

February 21, 2022 8:35 am

I think there is a third thing and that is defense. If those of us well prepared folk make it that first year I think that is a good accomplishment. I have incorporated high-tech (and pricey) items into my preps as you have, for the sake of security. Defense is my biggest priority right now. Between stored food and food I can grow/hunt me and my family are set for the long haul. But we need to protect it. The drone idea is good I have been able to survey my whole property with one. Also added motion detection, etc, etc. Of course nothing beats a good dog (or two) to keep watch.

February 21, 2022 10:01 am

I got a $300 drone that would have been a game changer in Iraq.

February 21, 2022 10:46 am

Yea, I may get one soon as well. Makes sense.

February 21, 2022 11:23 pm


I know nothing about them…could you put up a link?

February 20, 2022 11:53 pm

I hibernated for a couple months, and finally decided to peak out and see what is happening. Then I read this. I am now going to go buy a few more boerboels, restock a bunch of non-perishable food, paint my doorjambs with lamb’s blood, and hope this shit passes me and mine over.

Admin, you really know how to cheer a guy up.

February 20, 2022 11:57 pm

Llpoh- You are in worse shape in Oz than we here in the US, so I think you should stick to that plan. I don’t see much hope on the horizon for Australia.

February 21, 2022 12:29 am

As seems usual these days, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

February 21, 2022 12:42 am

Says you Loopy, I read that there was some nasty business in OZ and NZ within the last week or so by the commie leaders that were inspired by Castreau in Canada. It backfired equally as bad and was blacked out on global news feed because Klaus shit his Depends and had a meltdown. His students are permanent FRIDAY FAIL pin ups. I have forgotten more than you will ever begin to understand/know.

February 21, 2022 12:51 am

Yes says me. You are a mental midget by and large. Let me distill it down to one little factoid that even a pea brain like you should be able to understand.

Oz is 90+% white. We have no slums, none, zero, and hence we have no slum dwellers. None. Zero.

The US is 55% white. It has loads of slums, and hence loads of slum dwellers.

In a true shit hits the fan scenario, which of those scenarios will be better? Which society will better handle a severe fallout?

The idea that the US is a better place in a shit hits the fan scenario is absurd.

The 150 million non-whites in the US will be most unfortunate for the US when the shit hits the fan. They will run amok in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine.

February 21, 2022 1:18 am

Sure thing Llpoh. There are loads of welfare rats on the dole in OZ, Centrelink is the .gov name for it. Oz does make people keep the trash picked up around housing that is in poor to very poor condition and there are a great many derelict houses . Ya’ll just don’t call a pig a pig sometimes.

February 21, 2022 1:22 am

Half our population are not “people of color”. You are gonna love that when the shit hits the fan.

Where do you get the stuff you spout? You ever been here? You have family here? I visit the US regularly. I lived there most of my life. You on the other hand get your Oz info from Idiots Weekly it seems.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
February 21, 2022 9:30 am

China will take Oz for the raw materials.
Amelika will make a nice garden to feed the CCP.
Rodesia could feed all of Africa, Zimbabwe cannot feed itself. Celebrate diversity.

February 23, 2022 7:21 am

Oz is Stalingrad if you were a German in August 1942.
Agreeable weather, impenetrable defense and exposed flanks.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 2:29 am

Most Americans live in denial of reality. The majority of them are living off the merits of previous generations, I know many 30-40 yr old who actually believe they won WW2, yeah, imagining they are the greatest generation and never once in their lives got off the couch. Everything is always ‘we’.
Stealing someone else’s thunder is a quick way to a smackdown. And it’s coming.
My father was a WW2 combat vet, and I’m VN era, it’s hard to listen to the youth take credit for things they know nothing about.
Same goes for those in denial of statistics, the whites are being outnumbered every day and yet they think they’ll just sweep the board clean of any vermin that irritate them, all the while still sitting on the couch.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 4:24 am

Semper – yup, right you are.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 10:14 am

Previous generations are the ones who let it go to shit. It was like this when we found it, but delusional previous generations went to their graves without any awareness at all.

I am an Iraq vet and any credit for those foolish wars can be kept by those who want it. .

  SemperFi, 0321
February 22, 2022 10:07 pm

SemperFi , no disrespect , sir, whites, well, I happen to know a former Marine, white, that served in Afghanistan. He stepped on an IUD. It’s freaking sad man. He’s missing his right leg, you know, he’s got the artificial “leg”. He’s married to a woman of “color”, she is of “color” “from” Hawaii.

This man could have committed suicide. He tried drugs. He tried alcohol. He was involved in “Wounded Warriors”. The man has seven beautiful daughters from a woman of “color”. The man gets up in front of the congregation of God worshipers which I’m a part of and speaks of the miraculous wonder of Christ Jesus. I simply don’t “get” this “color” thing.

February 23, 2022 7:35 am

exactly bucknp!

Thing I don’t get is people who are fixated on race, whether on the left or on the right, tend to view whiteness the same way.

Even one drop of colour for them, left and right both, makes that person, a person of colour. Their purity laws seem even moar extreme than the Nazis they beseech and claim. Even Herr Goebbels of Final Solution fame was willing to write a hall pass for someone who was less than 1/8th Aryan made.

February 23, 2022 10:19 pm

“OOPS”, embarrassed…IED

February 23, 2022 10:29 pm

I know. Guess I’m sort of stuck in the middle and my “motto”, keep the powder dry not only for the “radical left” but the “radical right” as well.

This country is in hell right now.

February 23, 2022 8:28 am

Here’s your none zero nada numbers

comment image

February 21, 2022 12:53 am

There was nothing major in Oz the last week or two. There was the Canberra protest, which had all the effect of a fart in a hurricane. The type of crap you read said there were a million protesters. What a joke – there were maybe ten thousand. I don’t pay attention to NZ news – they are not even a blip on our radar.

February 21, 2022 7:34 am

if we had a safe cave to hibernate in for, oh, say, ten or fifteen years, then we could ride this charlie foxtrot out from a distance.
somewhere, though, i am pretty sure, it is laid out in black and white, that nobody gets to sit this one out. one way or another, we’re all going through this mess. it will be what separates the wheat from the tares.

mums the word
mums the word
February 21, 2022 11:57 am

someone gave me this plaque to nail on my front gate–hope it works: “Turn mine enemies eyes away from me O Lord, that they seeth me not, and passeth by”

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
February 21, 2022 12:39 am

What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind.

William Shakespeare

February 21, 2022 12:52 am

It is easy to dismiss or ridicule the terms good and evil because there has been a concerted effort by the political class and their media mouthpieces to blur the distinction between the two, just as they have done by fostering the belief abnormal immoral behavior should be celebrated and promoted, while normal moral behavior should be scorned and ridiculed. The religious based concepts of good and evil are clear and concise, therefore they do not allow lackey politicians and the true ruling class of elites the leeway to lie, cheat and steal their way to power, control, and wealth. These terms have meaning and usefulness in assessing the character and integrity of those we associate with and those we elect to represent our interests.

In the end, it distills down to truth versus deception, good versus evil, and free will. Political dissident and author Alexander Solzhenitsyn said the battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man. Author and theologian C.S. Lewis claimed evil comes by the abuse of free will. Lewis also asserted that a good person understands both good and evil but a bad person understands neither – mainly because good people have experience fighting evil but bad people don’t.

Pecos River
Pecos River
February 21, 2022 3:11 am

9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians: 9-12

February 21, 2022 10:15 am

Of course evil comes from the abuse of free will, where else would it come from?

February 21, 2022 2:07 pm

One man’s abuse is another’s pleasure. Who or what decides? More questions: Can one stop a monster without becoming a monster too? How?

February 23, 2022 10:33 pm

Bullshit. The punishment for murder is death, not the other way around.

February 21, 2022 1:00 am

BTW – I think possibility #3 has largely already come to pass.

February 21, 2022 1:13 am

I’m optimistic. I think we’ll be fine with #4.
The idiots in charge are fully unaware of how powerful the “rest of us” are. Who cares what technology and firepower they have.
If Jim still is around in 2032 with TBP – let’s talk then. Everything will be okay. No way “armageddon” is happening again.

February 21, 2022 1:31 am

The rest of you include 150 million black and brown and yellow folk (you won’t have to worry about the yellow folk). But the brown and black part of the “rest of you “ are going to be real fun when things get serious.

signal lost
signal lost
February 21, 2022 1:22 am

When I walk by my pantry food storage, or my hydroponics or other things we’ve been doing to prepare as best we can, I say, ‘None of these things will save me’.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
  signal lost
February 21, 2022 2:33 am

Your greatest survival tool is between your ears.

  SemperFi, 0321
February 21, 2022 5:50 am

Feet are also pretty good tools at times. Survival is often related to running away. During the tsunamis, there were those that stood and watched the water recede, and there were those that followed instinct and beat feet, and many of those survived.

The flight reflex is often very helpful.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 21, 2022 7:54 am

[paint my doorjambs with lamb’s blood,]

That one cracked me up…

[Feet are also pretty good tools at times.]

More of that down-to-earth common sense…

I saw the same reports about those huge crowds that BL mentioned, and also how the crowd was dispersed with some emf crowd control ‘boom box’..?

It’s like my buddy that utubes all of his info called and said just last evening. Talking about one of those ‘biblical end times’ videos that showed a bunch of birds suddenly dropping from the sky. He watched it several times and noticed many had hit obstacles like bldgs, poles; fell to the ground and back up again. Said he decided it was some video voodooo shenanigans….which I’m naturally suspect of because of technological abilities to deceive nowadays….

  ordo ab chao
February 21, 2022 8:19 am

I read later that the big flock of birds were fleeing from a raptor that was coming from above. The flock apparently dove en masse away from the raptor, got too low, and a lot of them hit objects – poles, wires, buildings. Who knows what is true, but that is what I read actually caused the deaths of those birds.

Apparently they played Barry Manilow which the youngsters hated.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
February 21, 2022 9:25 am

haha….more fake news.

It has been determined the birds were caught in the down-wash turbulence from a fleet of Russian attack helicopters moving at hypersonic speed.

It’s always the Russians

Old School Counselor
Old School Counselor
February 21, 2022 6:44 am

Rebirth needs death. Death of culture. Death of bad ideas. Death of lies. Death of immorality. I will stop there.

ursel doran
ursel doran
February 21, 2022 7:06 am

“It was the WEF on March 21, 2020 that assured us “lockdowns can halt the spread of Covid-19.” Today that article, never pulled much less repudiated, stands as probably the most ridiculous and destructive suggestion and prediction of the 21st century. ”

February 21, 2022 7:22 am

The Fourth Turning is just another of many historical models. It uses generalities but never specifics. It’s more akin to a fortune cookie or horoscope: “You will meet an interesting person today”. They are simply overlaying historical patterns on today’s world. What they write is not wrong, but neither is it original nor unique. It’s repackaged.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 21, 2022 8:38 am

It is repackaged in much the same way that Jim’s 4 articles are the best summary of the world we live in: a brilliant and concise synopsis of the human condition and a road sign for fellow travelers. It is the truth condensed, like an espresso for coffee drinkers.

If you don’t like it, just don’t read it.

  Svarga Loka
February 21, 2022 11:28 am

How do you know if you like something if you don’t read it?
Why do you assume that I don’t like it?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 21, 2022 5:00 pm

I was driving for 2 hours today and thought about what I wrote, that it maybe wasn’t the best way to get my point across. My bad, sorry.

What I meant was: you might be right that what Strauss and Howe wrote were just old ideas rehashed, but that is like saying that the Mona Lisa was just the same paint as other painters have used before, or saying that Mozart did nothing original because he used the same notes and orchestral sounds as others before him. What is special about their writing, in my opinion, is that it made it crystal clear to anybody what the era that we are living in right now means, and how it relates to other epochs beforehand. They used the old paint to paint a masterpiece, so to speak.

To me, at least, it was eye opening to read what Strauss and Howe had to say. And it was Admin who introduced me to their ideas, so I am thankful for that, too.

When you wrote that you did not think it was new or original, I thought that it sounded like you were not fond of it (that it what I assumed).

  Svarga Loka
February 21, 2022 11:29 pm


February 21, 2022 7:34 am

Reality takes it away again…
Was hoping for four but it’s looking like three.

February 21, 2022 8:04 am

‘Darth’ schwab? one of many soldier termites emerging from the mound.
Think God has a plan.

Matthew 24:6 King James Version And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

February 21, 2022 10:26 am

Admin- We DO have an enemy and it is government of the corporate illegal kind. Join us, we are rallied around exposing the evil and FREEDOM. Stop thinking old school, we are the new Sheriff in town!

February 23, 2022 5:49 pm

In ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, Martini (played well by Danny de Vito) was in the loony bin because he compulsively hit the same idiot button over and over again. When he played blackjack and got to perfect 21 he still said “hit me” and washed out.
BL – Your OCD mental illness, compulsively pressing a non-existent “we” button over and over again may be curable, but it starts with a simple step:
Define “we”. If “we” are the new sheriff in town and “we” are rallied together against evil, WHO comprises “we” exactly?
Count heads. Who is in the idiot “we” column ?
Join “us”? Who is “us”?
BL (or should I say Martini), the cure may be simple, you may just have a multiple personality disorder while chanting “we” into a mirror, so try stepping away from the mirror and look out the window and count how many troops you have in your “we” army.
[BTW you can subtract anyone who voted for CHICOM puppet Joe, or for Deep State con man Orange Hair because they all voted for freedom-hating evil, or for a con artist for evil who picked Fauci to death jab us at Warp Speed]. Subtract non-voters who can’t spell their name in any language and your “we” army is near zero.
And watch ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, Danny de Vito played you perfectly.

February 22, 2022 9:54 am

Great concluding article Jim. Enjoyed all four… Chip

February 23, 2022 7:21 pm

Something similar, from George Kennan in 1987:

“Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial complex would have to remain substantially unchanged until some other adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the American economy.”

February 21, 2022 8:24 am

The only way out of this is to not comply and convince as many others as you can.
This will only hold the status quo perhaps, but also save lives.
Live to fight another day.

Giving up is to quit talking to other people, wearing a mask or testing when it’s free choice (like flying), etc. Here’s one: tell people you’d rather they didn’t fly in to visit because mask wearing is slavery.
Are you still wearing a mask of your own free will?

ursel doran
ursel doran
February 21, 2022 8:24 am

Central banks are now insolvent, and the EURO central bank has been since it was formed.
C.B.s and governments printing up their debt based fiat currencies and selling them to each other and booking them at face value has been going on since forever.

Now with the world’s debt totals at $300 Trillion and Mr. Market raising the interest rates along with some of the C.B.s where and when will the defaults begin is the burning question.

February 21, 2022 9:01 am

Excellent essay, admin. Yes the PTB are corrupt. Yes, they’re evil. And yes, they create the money that corrupts and controls the ignorant wannabe’ capitalist.

Locally, life is good. Housing is going gangbusters. Government is hiring . Everyone is driving $80,000 trucks and living in granite countertopped castles with $30,000 RVs parked in the garage and a $200,000 motor home for weekend mud-bogging dominating a chunk of their 100 X 100 living space.. No one wants seems to the notice the darkness slowly creeping into their peripheral vision.

They’re all good capitalists i.e. debt slaves living the American dream and anyone saying otherwise is a negative POS and should be damned to the lower levels of hell. We all must speak and thing positive thoughts for the word magic to work, (See Scott Adams for willing fortune to happen) and those who don’t suffer banishment from polite society.
My state government retired, newly McMansioned housed, clot-shotted cousin tell me that he understands government broke it, but only they can fix it and they will.

My Federal employed clot-shotted, living large, niece tells me that everything is great and millennials gentrifying urban crack town America is the source for all out new found wealth, so take your booster and quit complaining. All is well.

But, I digress.

Getting back to my point that money is the greatest tool of evil ever created. I wonder, due to rumors of taint surrounding convoy leaders, specifically associated with Sorro’s funding, if the truckers’ protest hasn’t been co-opted by the money changers to break about the chaos, by breaking the supply chain. It fits the money changers’ objectives perfectly. Break the chain, create chaos, starvation leading to armed conflict which as we all know only good people employed by a benevolent government can force a solution to.

Who is BJ Dichter a.k.a. Benjamin Dichter?

Who exactly is behind the FREEDOM CONVOY 2022?!

This is exactly what happened during the Great Depression era. Government destroyed crops, livestock and the free market, only to step up and save the people with bread lines and make work programs. I knew plenty members of the greatest generation that would physically attack your for disparaging Roosevelt and his watered down American version of the Great Leap Forward .

One thing that is still not clear is to what ends are these means? If it’s One World government, then what will be the seat of Power and who will rule ?

Bolsheviks built that too.

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February 21, 2022 9:21 am

The short and bitter.

Government creates misery.
Government saves us from misery.
The people go YAAY


February 21, 2022 10:27 am

Flash- It’s a new day my brother, no more wash, rinse, repeat.

February 21, 2022 10:45 am

Are you expecting divine intervention soon ?

February 21, 2022 10:53 am

Yes, I have seen it recently in Canada. Did you not see it? We are legion, they only have fear.

February 21, 2022 12:53 pm

No, not that I don’t applaud the effort, I did not. Happy dancing and bouncy castles won’t cut it. Divine intervention will also come with divine justice. You’ll know it when you see it.
Karl explains…

” I will not forgive the people who did any of this or went along with it so long as they breathe because not only did they do all of the above they’re still doing it and not one word of apology or act of penance has yet been seen — nor do I expect it to be. Indeed if your Christian then to be forgiven a sin you must not only admit you sinned but also, to the extent possible, make restitution to those you screwed, even if it results in the utter destruction of both yourself and your family. Exactly zero evidence of any of that is on offer today.

As such I will forgive only their corpses and I don’t give a crap how they become one.”

February 21, 2022 1:40 pm

Flash- If you refuse to see the divine light of truth cast on these commie vampires in Canada, I can’t help you ‘O blind one.

February 21, 2022 5:46 pm

You read yet you do not comprehend. Why you’re an idiot, no doubt.

February 21, 2022 11:17 pm

I’m not the only one who saw the light shine on the cabal in Canada Flash. Keep trying, you MIGHT catch on eventually.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
February 22, 2022 9:35 am

Two best things about it: forced the monster to come out into plain sight, and also, for everyone else to see how MANY we are. Those two things will prove to be very helpful to know in the years to come. There is no doubt about those any more.

February 22, 2022 11:43 pm

Our Man In Ottawa: Who Is Benjamin Dichter?
One Man Who Crossed Paths With Him In 2014 Tells Us His Harrowing Story.
By Celia Farber

Sorry if you’ve already dissected this article. If not, I suggest you take a look at it. It confirmed a lot of my suspicions. But I have to warn you: it’s depressing.

February 21, 2022 10:03 am

Thank you as always for this article and the others you’ve provided over the years. Your articles have always had a certain bluntness and anger in them that eerily puts me at ease. It’s unfortunate what has happened to this country and I believe as you do that we are at the end of the road. 2022 will spark a moment in history that will ignite all the other problems that only seem to be laying dormant around us. I pray for humanity and my children.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
February 21, 2022 10:04 am

Thanks for these four great articles. By the time all this done we won’t recognize the world, but your articles have been and will continue to be one of the best available roadmaps.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
February 21, 2022 10:51 am

We are facing a multifaceted social reengineering campaign as stated by the writer. If successful it will not end well for humanity. Trudeau’s tactics will be replicated around the world. We can resist, it takes courage, vigilance and a willingness to experience adverse consequences for standing up for our convictions. We are the consequences of the decisions and choices we’ve made. You can choose to resist think for yourself and be true to your principles or you can choose to comply, conform and bow down to to the overlords and their oppressive agenda.

  Junious Ricardo Stanton
February 22, 2022 10:05 am

Trudeau’s tactics were a test. Same as January 6th reaction. Same as the stealing of 2020 election. All of these are tests to see just how far (((they))) can push the populace… Chip

February 21, 2022 11:11 am

I think we will end up somewhere between number 2 and number 3. One thing for sure those of us alive in 2028 wont recognize the world from today. Some of us good folks will be forced to do evil to confront evil in the coming troubles…. great series Jim God Bless

Billy Bob
Billy Bob
February 21, 2022 11:49 am

Compliance is the enemy that allows the tyrany. A total work stopage until the globalist scum are removed from power is required- NOW. p.s. I’m the same guy who, over 2 years ago now, began to say, comment, post, text, ” The covid scam is terrorism and those who promote it are terrorists”. 2 years ago there was sufficient evidence that covid was a scam. Each day since then even more irrefutable evidence has become public. Yet, the cowardly compliant, continue to embrace the hysteria. No more, no more !

  Billy Bob
February 21, 2022 1:12 pm

That blade cuts both way. Shut down the JIT system and as people are deprived of creature comforts and food, shit will happen. No doubt Deep State has run this game too.

February 21, 2022 1:55 pm

It works every time Flash. No food in the stores and no gas at the pumps and TPTB have a real shit storm to deal with, at which time they always give in. “The Bigs” don’t like losing money selling their goods, the chips and beer are their $$$$ stream. They don’t give a damn about labels, commie or free trade they still rake in the cash. You can bet your old saggy ass that there will be Coke/Pepsi products fully stocked even after a nuclear exchange, those shelves are always full. In the midst of massive dissent, TPTB want the sheep to get their daily dose of phosphoric acid in soft drinks to shorten their lifespans.
That is the only exception I have noticed.

What exactly DO YOU support Flash? Inquiring minds want to know?

February 21, 2022 6:03 pm

The money changers, after a century of of wholesale wealth transfer, culture, faith , and family debasement and gaining total control of the Federal government, including the military are suddenly going to pack it up without a fight because a few thousand truckers blocked some shipping routes ?

The same Deep State demons who convinced a nation of idiots to wear masks 24/7 and take lethal clot shots because a 99.9% survivable flu virus will use that same mass media to propagandize supply chain shortages as the fault of those evil domestic terrorist truckers.
When the children haven’t had anything to eat for 4 days and parents are watching them waste away, whilst the media blasts domestic terrorist truckers starving your babies on every MSM outlet, who do you think will be blamed.

I just hope you don’t look as dumb as your comments suggest. That’d be bad.

I support God and one nation under God. If only your mind was an inquiring as you like to pretend. Sometimes I think you glow.

February 21, 2022 6:14 pm

“The Bigs” don’t like losing money selling their goods, the chips and beer are their $$$$ stream. They don’t give a damn about labels, commie or free trade they still rake in the cash. ”

You really are an idiot. Have you not been paying attention to all the woke propaganda spewed by every Western corporation on earth ? Have you not read of the trillions in bail-outs distributed by our benevolent government to prop up every mismanaged corporation on the planet ? The customer base is secondary. Their master has a money printing press.

February 21, 2022 10:17 pm

The joos and the multinational corporations work equally well in Commie countries as democratic republics (if that even exists anymore). General strikes work every time as it cuts off the flow of their $$$ and creates a situation out of their control. NOTHING dumb about that, WTF. Central bankers work well in any “ism”, all of that is BS for the sheep.

I don’t glow shit for brains, I asked a serious question. Why are you opposed to general strikes? What do you support, what do you think humanity should do? Get muh shots and just watch Fox News? What??

February 22, 2022 9:51 am

You’re just spewing nonsensical gibberish. Read for comprehension , unless you’re just here to glow.

I have no qualms against a general strike, but the leaders of this movement, if they’re not co-opted already, need to understand that this is as much a psychological game as a physical one .

This mistake has been made by truth tellers throughout history. The front action against the Great Satan is important, but the rear guard action protecting the flank from the easily manipulated mindless minions is even more so. The truckers need their own Edward Bernays . Propaganda for the Right is not an option. It is a must.

Supply shortages , especially when it comes to food will be propagandized and used against the truckers. If you can’t understand that, then I can’t help you, bozo.

McCarthy thought just telling the truth was enough too.

When Senator McCarthy began his campaign against traitors and enemy agents in American armed forces and government, the colonel [in the CIA] took it upon himself to warn the Senator that he drastically underestimated the power of our domestic enemies and would be ruined, if he persisted in annoying them . McCarthy, who may have doubted the estimate of the forces covertly arrayed against him, replied, “No the America people will never let me down.”

Prof. Revilo P. Oliver
America’s Decline: The Education of a Conservative

Charles Lindbergh – America First Speech -1941
We have not led you on by subterfuge and propaganda. We have not resorted to steps short of anything, in order to take the American people where they did not want to go.

What we said before the elections, we say [illegible] and again, and again today. And we will not tell you tomorrow that it was just campaign oratory. Have you ever heard an interventionist, or a British agent, or a member of the administration in Washington ask you to go back and study a record of what they have said since the war started? Are their self-styled defenders of democracy willing to put the issue of war to a vote of our people? Do you find these crusaders for foreign freedom of speech, or the removal of censorship here in our own country?

The subterfuge and propaganda that exists in our country is obvious on every side. Tonight, I shall try to pierce through a portion of it, to the naked facts which lie beneath.

Veterans March On Washington 1932

How it began:
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How it ended :

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People would rather believe the big lie, if it gives them an enemy than can exercise they’re rage demon on, because the ugly truth can often be so uncomfortable as to become avoidable at all costs.

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February 22, 2022 10:17 am

God you are dense. Let’s try again, WHAT…..ACTION…..AGAINST….THIS …..WOULD…..YOU…..SUPPORT? I am not arguing about who’s and what’s what, two days now Flash, what do you think can be done about this situation….damn?

February 22, 2022 2:11 pm

You never asked that question before, glowtard, but as I’ve repeatedly said, I applaud every protest effort they truckers have made.. I merely pointed out potential pitfalls . I know you like to see your inane gibberish in print, just stop pretending to be anything but obtuse.

February 23, 2022 10:48 am

Obtuse………..You just figured out in the last couple years there is a UNIPARTY, I have been warning of this oppression for years since I got here. Just get your digital ID and serve your masters Flash.

I assumed you would understand,that I asked what do you support (action) to avoid this enslavement. I support a complete shut down, some here just want to shoot it out, you never give an answer. Fence sitting is just fence sitting. France has been protesting on weekends for years, I think Macron and the rest of the French cabal understands their point, that becomes worthless over time. The only two options to inflict pain on (((THEM))) is to shut down commerce or violence (they will win if the citizens choose violence).

This is not a ploy, it is truly the complete enslavement of humanity, there will be no buying or selling without a digital ID. The break away humans will be killed off as they colonize. THIS IS AS SERIOUS AS IT GETS Flash. It is, I believe, the biblical mark of the beast.

Obtuse is sitting around waiting to sign up for muh Digital ID. You have to decide on a cure for our problem , better now than later, the longer we sit around and blather about who is the problem or what is the problem will only bring us closer to the completed uyghur system.

February 21, 2022 12:48 pm

Fantastic set of articles. This is exactly what I have been warning people about for years without fully understanding the fourth turning. I spent 33 years in the war business (21 active duty and 12 as a defense contractor teaching others as an instructor). I retired 2 ½ years ago and turns out I would have been fired this year for refusing to take the experimental jab had I stayed. Many of the military members that remain on active duty have now been compromised and have proven that they will do anything to save their jobs and careers when they were forced to obey an “unlawful order” and take part in a global medical experiment.

Between being weakened and having their immune systems compromised and now proved to be willing to follow unlawful orders from their leaders, we are in big trouble. All those that resisted and refused this jab (knowing very well it was an unlawful order and violated the constitution) will be separated by 22 July 2022. I fully expect our weakened, woke, and blindly obedient military to be illegally utilized within the U.S. borders and turned onto the American civilian public as soon as this year (or whenever the global financial system does completely fall apart).

It is hard enough to prepare for acts of God, famine, drought, hyperinflation, and social unrest, now we not only need to prepare for global war, we also need to be prepared for battling with our own military. Don’t believe me? How many Canadians would have ever guessed the Mounties would turn on Canadians even a few months ago? Raise as much of your own food as possible. Stock up on those supplies and foods you can’t grow yourself and be prepared for battle at a moments notice. Be Your Own Bank (BYOB).

February 21, 2022 1:08 pm

The jab was the litmus test. My active duty officer ( major) took it and his wife. No questions asked. I wouldn’t be surprised if their kids weren’t clot shotted too.

People that will line up to sacrifice themselves to Mammon will not having any qualms about sacrificing US.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
February 21, 2022 3:35 pm

The Adams quote about moral people says it all. If you have police and military units full of people who never go to church, never had CCD or Sunday School, you have exactly the wrong people in key roles.

February 21, 2022 2:11 pm

“prompting Mr. Putin to annex Crimea”

Please enlighten the audience:
– Did West Germany also annex East Germany, in 1990?
– Was the creation of Kosovo an annexation of former Serbian territory?

February 21, 2022 10:01 pm

M is like a bad smell. Just when you think it is finally gone, the wind changes.

February 21, 2022 10:28 pm

He wandered over here from Kensington Ave. in Philly.

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February 23, 2022 10:36 pm

It is not hard to remind myself I am blessed, out here in the country, but this makes it easier.

February 22, 2022 2:54 pm

That was about the answer I expected; and fawned on by the usual butthurt screamers.

22 July 2010
Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo – Advisory Opinion – The Court finds that the declaration of independence of Kosovo adopted on 17 February 2008 did not violate international law.

Good luck trying to make a case the Krim isn’t covered by the same court ruling…
or now the LDNR.

February 21, 2022 2:24 pm

Operation Lock step 2010

Page 18

The pandemic blanketed the planet — though
disproportionate numbers died in Africa,
Southeast Asia, and Central America, where
the virus spread like wildfire in the absence
of official containment protocols. But even
in developed countries, containment was a
challenge. The United States’s initial policy of
“strongly discouraging” citizens from flying
proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the
spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but
across borders. However, a few countries did
fare better — China in particular.

During the pandemic,
national leaders around the world flexed their
authority and imposed airtight rules and
restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face
masks to body-temperature checks at the entries
to communal spaces like train stations and
supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded,
this more authoritarian control and oversight
of citizens and their activities stuck and even
intensified. In order to protect themselves from
the spread of increasingly global problems — from
pandemics and transnational terrorism to
environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders
around the world took a firmer grip on power.

February 21, 2022 3:24 pm

Well, I have read most of the replies. The one thing I am banking on, which the Leviathan will not be able to get out in front of, is the increasing death toll among the jabbed. When it really, really takes off and little Johnnie and Janie are room temperature because their clueless sheeple parents drank the purple Kool Ade, then the FEDGOV and its minions will have much more to worry about than “white terrorists.” Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

February 21, 2022 4:15 pm

“The global disorder sweeping the world is multi-faceted, but it is all interconnected and can be tracked back to (((Soros))), (((Schwab))), and their globalist billionaire cabal headed by (((rothschild))) and his father the devil.”
There – fixed it for ya.

February 21, 2022 4:41 pm

The idea of the goodness of man and his freewill delivering him from tyranny will kill more people and send them to hell than Biden, Putin, Johnson, Trudeau, Covid and Nuclear war, all put together. It’s even more devastating than Hillary Clinton with a microphone.
There is nothing free about Man apart from Jesus Christ, and that includes his own will. He is hopelessly enslaved to his own evil passions and stupid deceptions until he is set free by Jesus Christ alone and any belief he has in another man setting him free from tyranny or human goodness will hopelessly enslave him and ultimately kill him.

teo toon
teo toon
February 21, 2022 4:57 pm

Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s [would be masters] willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
So much gaslighting to shift the blame from the psychopaths and evildoers to the people have no say.

February 21, 2022 5:13 pm

This stuff works (psychosis) because I know some people that took the JAB even though I warned them of all the consequences including death but they still took it anyway.

Nobody has bothered to HANG the traitors up there even when they commit TREASON and are traitors. HECK, they vote them right back in.

I’m just a handfool of guy warning to create the 2nd Amendment Militia as REQUIRED that would STOP all of this nonsense and all I get is (Cricket sounds).

So yeah, this psychosis stuff works.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
February 21, 2022 5:31 pm

Has anyone mentioned that “there’s a bathroom on the right?”