As Ukraine Unfolds – No Nuclear War Just Yet– but “Better Safe than Sorry” – PROTECT & SURVIVE – Plan B — Letter from Great Britain [03-19-22]

My book “The Financial Jigsaw” has now been accepted and published at my academic network.  Scroll down and Hit:  ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book:   I will be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  “I signed on as the clown, and, by golly, I’ll keep up my end of the bargain.” – Chris Farley  NB: “For the unsophisticated speculator, investing in junior gold mining companies is fraught with risk. While few have made vast fortunes betting on companies that go on to hit the literal mother lode, most stand little chance of realizing notable gains. The sector is both challenging to grasp from a technical perspective and filled with all manner of hucksters willing to say and do whatever it takes to separate amateurs from their money.” Some powerful advice:  It’s worth a thought because you now know that the Banksters will take you money at the drop of a hat (witness Canada and Cyprus 2013 before that)

BREAKING NEWS:   On Tuesday: “The Telegraph has [reported] “[The] West made terrible a mistake with Putin, says PM” – Boris Johnson says the Russian ruler should have been properly punished for the 2014 takeover of Crimea.”  How delusional can our PM be (and his coterie of MPs)?  Because he failed to mention Nugent’s coup in Ukraine in the same year which ignited this whole miserable affair in the first place!  And my British friends wonder why I want out of this crumbling, rotten-to-the-core, apology for a country which was once the envy of the world?  Read on for compatible views of a fellow Brit who has reached the same conclusion as me.

AS THE UKRAINE WAR appears to be extending, from the intended Lightning Blitzkrieg, to a prolonged war of attrition reflecting Syria’s disaster, this stunning explanation about what’s really going on in Ukraine is the best analysis I have found so far and matches that of  ‘The Slog’ I posted in last week’s Letter.  I was so impressed that I sent it on to my MP in the forlorn hope that our representatives in Westminster might just get this message of truth.

The author is a fellow Brit with a similar jaundiced view of his country of birth as mine; he says: “Rob Slane dwells in the Country Formerly Known as Great Britain, now known as ‘The Quagmire. He is married to the very best wife imaginable and so far they have been entrusted with the upbringing of 6 free-range little Slanes.” I can’t beat his reproductive achievement, but I did eventually have 4 beautiful children and now 9 grandchildren. His ‘About Me’ drew me instantly to his writing and I have not been disappointed:

In these days of ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ perpetrated by HMG’s ‘Nudge Unit’ it is crucial for those of like mind and independent spirit to find each other for mutual support and encouragement. Rob opines: [Having] confirmed over and over again that it has become clear what a nasty, nihilistic, intolerant quagmire secularism Britain has become. So set about playing his own small part in defying the secularist Goliaths in their bleak, hopeless and cheerless landscape”. [Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset]

Yet even now we are growing a powerful group of ‘like-minds’ here in Bruton, established on the enlightening concepts of UBUNTU, to encourage the building of a counter-culture, an emerging New Economy in opposition to the Globalists’ Great Reset plans of digital serfdom slavery.

NB: Rob Slade is the author of The God Reality: A Critique of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, and A Christian & an Unbeliever Discuss: Life, The Universe & Everything. He has regularly contributed to The Conservative Woman and the Canadian magazine, Reformed Perspective. So as a bit of an eclectic, you might say, he also blogs on a site called TheBlogMire:

BUT TO UNDERSTAND what is really happening in Ukraine an appreciation of the historical context is essential and Rob Slane achieves this in spades: “I still don’t quite understand how this all fits in with the two year Globalist PsyOp that ended abruptly on 24th February – the same day as the Russian military operation started, as ‘coincidence’ would have it – [I don’t think so IMHO it was almost certainly planned] – but mainly because the experience of trying to write rational analysis in the midst of propaganda that would have made the editors of Pravda blush is no easy task. As a patriotic Englishman who writes on such topics because he believes this once green and pleasant land is now run by terminally foolish clowns and Globalist ideologues who do not govern for the people but in the interests of others. [And, I must add: The Banksters who own and run everything in this world]

I would also point out that I was writing about atrocities committed against Ukrainians years before it became fashionable to do so. However, unfortunately it seems I was supporting the wrong Ukrainians — the ones nobody cares about — in the Donbass, who have been killed, terrorised and forced to leave the country by their own brutal Government for eight years, with some even deliberately burned alive by the neo-Nazis formations that apparently don’t exist.  It is part of a sequence of events that was set off years ago, particularly in 2014, which were clearly destined to reshape the world. As I wrote back in September 2014:

That sequence of events has a long history, but behind it all is an ideological fanaticism that overtook certain elements of the Western powers – and I’m thinking here in particular of the cult known as neo-conservatism (the name is a misnomer as they have their roots in Trotskyism, not conservatism) – who saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as an opportunity not for peace and stability, but for the establishing of a US-led Globalist hegemon, with “Full Spectrum Dominance”, as one of their number once put it.

NATO was a military alliance against the Soviet Union, and since then it is a military alliance against Russia. This is undeniable, and it gives rise to two questions. Firstly, why was it deemed necessary to continue this alliance at a time when Russia itself quite obviously desired to be on good terms with the West (despite the pilfering of the country during the so-called Shock Therapy of the 1990s)? Secondly, since the alliance remained and was quite obviously aimed at Russia, isn’t it obvious and indeed reasonable that they would see it as a threat?

Amongst other foreign policy realists, the great US diplomat, George Kennan, observed the following about NATO expansion towards Russia:  “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the founding fathers of this country turn over in their graves.”

In 2014, where we find what was perhaps the most blatant coup d’état in history, when the US and EU conspired together to foment regime change in Ukraine. The coup itself relied heavily on neo-Nazi groups such as Pravy Sektor, whose leader at that time, Dmytro Yarosh, stood on the stage in Maidan Square in Kiev and, flanked by some sinister looking Nazi goons, informed the crowd that his organisation was rejecting the deal brokered by the French, Germans and Poles for a gradual and peaceful handover of power, and that if then President Viktor Yanukovych hadn’t vacated his premises by the following morning, they would depose him — violently. The rest is history.

One of the first things the new illegitimate regime did was announce a ban on Russian as an official language — despite the fact that it was the predominant language throughout most of the East and South East of the country, where the majority of people were historically, culturally, religiously, and linguistically Russian.

We certainly haven’t been told the whole reason for the current invasion, and I’m sure there’s much more to come. Because ultimately this is not really about Ukraine, but about an inevitable conflict between ideological fanatics and stone cold realists, with the poor Ukrainians sadly caught in the middle of it. I want to finish this piece with seven very brief points, some of which I may return to in the future:

AND IN ADDITION this comment by “flash” at TBP this week has all the hallmarks of an insider’s honest prediction:

“The Americans are planning a false flag operation in Ukraine. The word is that they plan to use chemical weapons in Ukraine, probably Kharkov where I’m located right now and the word is that they want to use chemical weapons because NATO and the United States have said that chemical weapons are a red line and if anybody uses chemical weapons they will invade.

Now the reason that they’re saying this is because the mainstream media in the United States is claiming that the Ukrainians are winning this war against Russia and that the Russians are just outmatched and out of desperation, the Russians are going to use chemical weapons and that’s why we have to stop them, we have to go in there and be the cavalry. You know, the white hats riding in on our white horses and show those evil Ruskies that chemical weapons are a no-no.

Well, this is a big lie. Right now the Russians are winning this war and winning it decisively. The fact is that the Ukrainian army’s command-and-control system is completely broken. The Ukrainian forces do not have an overall defensive strategy; for all intents and purposes, each unit is on its own. The Russians have successfully surrounded Kiev and Kharkov, the major cities. They’ve also surrounded and are in the process of pacifying Mariupol, so in the end, the Russians are winning. And most important of all, the Russians seem to have completely surrounded, and are currently, in all likelihood, annihilating the 60,000-strong army of the Ukraine which is currently in eastern Ukraine.

Not many people are talking about it but you should pay attention to that, that’s really important, because those 60,000 men represent the cream of the crop of the Ukrainian armed forces and they are surrounded. Not only are they surrounded, there is no possibility of them being refueled or re-supplied so it’s only a matter of time to overwhelm them, overrun them, or annihilate them. It’s as simple as that….”

MY WEEKLY Substack Letter is sub-titled: ‘PROTECT & SURVIVE’ for a reason. It was first used in the 1970s as the title of a booklet rendering critical information for the British people in the event of a nuclear attack. Produced by the British government between 1974 and 1980, it intended to advise the public on how to protect themselves during a nuclear attack. The campaign comprised a pamphlet, newspaper advertisements, radio broadcasts, and public information films. Here’s what the Mail Online had to say a few days ago:

“When Russia’s president Vladimir Putin put his country’s nuclear forces on high alert last week, many feared the devastating consequences if the weapons were to actually be used.  The escalation in tensions was roundly condemned and provoked memories of the decades of the Cold War – when the world teetered on the brink of nuclear conflict on several occasions.”  [I remember it well and had planned my own bunker on my smallholding at the time].

“Amid the stand-off with the Soviet Union in the 1970s, the British Government produced a public information campaign that advised ordinary Britons on what to do in the event of a nuclear attack. The ‘Protect and Survive’ series included the eventual publication of a pamphlet in 1980 that detailed the effects of nuclear fall-out, outlined how to plan for survival and advised what to do in the hours and days following the use of nuclear weapons.

Britons were told to prepare a ‘fall-out room’ in which they would need to store enough food and water for two weeks. They were also advised to bring the likes of kitchen utensils, a portable radio, toilet paper, a bucket and a first aid kit.

Shortly after the leaflet was released, expert critics said the advice would not be helpful. One said the protective measures were ‘illusory’ because people would immediately ‘panic’ in the event of a nuclear attack.  

The leaflet was issued after relations with the Soviet Union had taken a turn for the worse when the country’s then Dictator Leonid Brezhnev launched an invasion of Afghanistan in 1979″.

Of course, thank God, it was never used but I think it is time to revive the concept because the coming months and years are going to be no less traumatic for many of us unless you start to prepare now and make your Plan B, because having this means living your life without fear. Read on:

Plan B is especially important for my wife and me as we plan to return to Cape Town towards the end of this year – geopolitics permitting. I plan to recreate, in South Africa, a local economic model which we are currently building in our group of special contributors here in Bruton, UK. Here’s where to find my ‘Organic Preppers’:

You CAN survive. We are all survivors, and we can give ourselves a better chance to prevail. We need to prepare to the best of our ability, understand the scenarios, and try not to lose our focus in a cloud of anxiety and stress.

If you’re like a lot of folks, you may be feeling pretty overwhelmed right now. Take control of the things you can and try to focus on the basics of survival. There are many things going on that are completely beyond our control, and spending your time endlessly watching the horrors and speculation is not productive. Spend your time preparing or spend it doing things that bring you peace. Don’t let yourself get sucked in.

We are offering this printable guide at “name your own price” to make it affordable to everyone. If times are hard, pay as little as a dollar. If you are in a position to help out the website, you can pitch in something extra. Either way, we appreciate your support” Read:

COLLAPSE MONITOR:  It is clear that an economic inflationary depression is unfolding combined with the risk of WW3 if a ‘No-Fly-Zone’ is invoked by NATO over Ukraine. The MSM have obsessed over the Ukraine military actions and left the economic risks on the back-burner. In my upcoming Letters I will attempt to correct this omission by focusing on some of the most important global economic conditions which impact all of us regardless of what happens in Ukraine.

“But this recession will be extraordinarily unique. Not only will it occur while inflation is at a multi-decade high, it will be the first U.S. economic contraction to take place while the Federal Reserve had its target interest rate at or near zero percent.” Here is an overview:

THE NARRATIVE BATTLE:  The Covid agenda continues to be pushed strongly throughout the West thus it was a great relief for me to read that my Australian colleagues had produced an ‘Open Letter’ detailing everything that has been wrongfully promoted over the last two years.  It has saved me a great deal of work bringing together all the relevant information about the whole scamdemic scenario. [Spoiler: this is a long read and is medically technical in parts]:   This is a notice to the Authorities of a Red Line warning– after reading such there will be no excuse that “they didn’t know “or “I was only following orders”.  PLEASE SEND THIS ON TO AS MANY OF YOUR CONTACTS AS POSSIBLE

A PLEA FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD“IF I DON’T KNOW – I CAN’T ACT” – Information and knowledge should be free to everyone. Those less fortunate, who are unable to pay, are often those most in need. MAKING A DONATION will spread knowledge and understanding far and wide and empower humanity to keep the peace:

UNTIL NEXT WEEK:  Tell Your Truth– Gently; Don’t Comply – Gently: Laugh At Them – Gently:  SPREAD THE WORD:  YOUR DAILY COVID NEWS (

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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March 19, 2022 9:29 am

A comment from “Dr. D” at The Automatic Earth on a video by Gonzalo Lira….

Gonzalo Lira. This is exactly what I’ve been gathering from the war, and from what any normal, non-insane (that is, non-Western) army would do there, if you follow the very simple path of crediting what Russia has said, what their goals are, and what they need to accomplish…

Ukraine was massing an army to finish the genocide of ethnic Russians in Donbas. That’s why Joe was signaling the false flag that would kick that off. Russia was massing so they wouldn’t get invaded, would have a lot of refugees there. Instead, of course, Russia – having tracked the Nazi, murdering, ethnic-cleansing Azovs through the whole Ukrainian military over the last 8 years, even down to facial ID and fingerprints – invaded the day before Bandera Day and therefore bottled up most of Ze’s army in about an hour. They of course were dug into Donbass, but positioned for offense pointed south at the time, and not prepared to have half the Russian cavalry in their rear with rocket attacks.

Same was true in other locations. Obviously Ukraine doesn’t need much army to stop Poland, so the army were all near the Russian border. And since Russia was invading to stop the total genocide anyway, they invaded at some of the other points and flat-footed the remaining army, surrounding it. All supplies cut off. Then? Why be in a hurry? We don’t want civilian casualties. We let them, encourage them, draw them, try to make them shoot off their besieged artillery, waste their bullets, and eat their rations. When those are gone, oh well: The war is over. Then Russia matches them against their 8-year database and shoot the bad guys in the head at a military review, which is standard practice, I think. This leaves the standard Ukrainian army, the usual dog-faces as well as some white hats, intact.
And that’s exactly what has happened. So far at least.

Debt Rattle March 18 2022

March 19, 2022 9:36 am

Another interesting comment from Vox Day….

A lot of the misinformation – as opposed to intentional disinformation – being broadcast across the West can be more correctly interpreted and understood if you consider some of the implications of the statements being released by the Russian Defence Ministry.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

▫️ The grouping of troops of the Lugansk People’s Republic with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces liberated more than 90 percent of the territory of the republic.

▫️ Currently, the units of the Lugansk People’s Republic are eliminating scattered groups of nationalists on the southern outskirts of Rubezhnoye liberated settlement.

▫️ In the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue their successful offensive in the northern direction. During the day, they took control of Zolotaya Niva, Novodonetsky, Novomayorskoye and Prechistovka. The advance was 16 kilometers.

Ignore the rhetoric and the various factual claims, which may or may not be true. What do you notice about the specific military elements that are being discussed?

The significant element worth noting here, in my opinion, is that the main offensives are being conducted by the Republican militias. The Russians aren’t even utilizing their second-line infantry against the best Ukrainian brigades in the east, except apparently in Mariupol where the formidable Azov Special Operations Detachment has been surrounded by Russian regulars.

The Russian military is offering artillery, air, and sea support to the militias, as well as air defense, but they are not engaging their armor and infantry forces on every front. This reliance upon the militias for the ground offensive may account for what Western observers consider to be suboptimal tactics and higher-than-expected casualty rates, as well as the observation that it is mostly older, outdated tanks and APCs being destroyed.

The Significance

  Austrian Peter
March 19, 2022 7:31 pm

Thank you for the (undeserved, in my opinion) kind words. I merely try to find thoughts and opinions that I believe deserve attention and which support or enhance the article.

These are hard times for many people. Please continue to lead by example.