Proud To Be An American?

This is one of the most brutal takedowns of America I have ever read in a single article. And by America the author means … YOU!  My submission of the article does NOT mean I endorse it!  Well … not all of it.  He is correct more often than not.  I wonder … does it still make sense to be a Proud American?  If so, based on what, exactly?



One of the major American propaganda initiatives pretends to measure and judge nations, a stage performance in which Americans, with the invaluable assistance of the Jewish-owned media, hog the only microphone while exercising their presumed right to set the norms of evaluation of the inherent moral validity of other nations and forms of government, and even of national cultures themselves. But most of the standards applied in these exercises of ‘Feeling good to be an American’ are vacuous, measures undefined and largely undefinable, virtually all unmeasurable, and mostly utopian nonsense. We are constantly patronised with foolish claims of ‘freedom’, of ‘democratic values’, ‘rule of law’, the ‘rules-based international order’, or things like being ‘a genuinely free and open society’. The phrases, while appealing, are so general as to be meaningless.

Moral superiority doesn’t come from mouthing platitudes or pretending to utopian values, but from actions. It’s what you are, not what you say you are. I don’t much care what you claim to stand for or to believe in; I’m interested in your actions, which is where the proof resides. These juvenile PR performances consist mostly of Americans wasting everyone’s time in claiming foolish mythical ideals and providing long lists of things they ‘believe’ but never practice, their religious convictions proof of nothing except mass hysteria, especially the parts about democratic values. Americans believe they are ‘good’, but in what way are they, as individuals or as a nation, better or morally superior to a Canadian, a German, a Chinese or a Brazilian? The simple truth, obvious to everyone but Americans themselves, is that they are not superior, and there is compelling evidence they are worse.

When we are discussing the nature of nations, the intrinsic value of their governments and structures, and even of social morality itself, these norms set by the Americans are themselves wrong. The most important distinction for a nation, as with an individual, is its character, demonstrated by deeds rather than platitudes, the major determining feature of which is its attitude toward humanity, primarily reflected in its level of aggression or belligerence – the desire for peace or for war. Most everything else that is important about a nation or a person flows from this distinction, from a character of either respect and concern for people, or contempt and aggression. Though we often define these characteristics in political terms, their basic nature is not political but human, and reflects the character, the human nature, of the people living in these nations. The real measure of a nation exists in the same characteristics we employ in measuring people. We don’t primarily evaluate people based on their politics or religion, or their health, the extent of their assets or their physical strength. All these are mostly irrelevant when we ask, “What kind of person are you?”

Nations have personalities and personality characteristics which serve to define them. Germans are renowned for their precision and respect for quality. Only Germany could build a Mercedes or a BMW. Only the Italians could design and produce a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Only the French could make a 2CV. It isn’t an accident that Italy and to some extent France are the fashion centers of the world. Some nations and their people are imbued with a culture that values group cohesiveness rather than individuality, or naturally focuses on the richness of quality of life rather than obtaining possessions. Some nations of people are interested primarily in money, others in power. Virtue is as important in judging a nation as it is with people. We may be naturally envious and perhaps attracted to people who are rich and handsome or beautiful, perhaps powerful as well. But when evaluating others, most of us are able to look past the external and superficial and pry a little deeper, with our examination focusing first on the essentials of a person’s character.

Whom do we admire in our lives? People who are strong, but good. Superior men and women of great proportion and strong character, those who are not arrogant, mean-spirited or petty, but who are patient and tolerant with those less endowed or gifted. We admire generosity and a kind heart. We despise meanness and boastfulness, as we do jealousy and envy. We abhor violence and violent people, and avoid those easily aroused to anger.

Nobody respects a man who throws his weight around, depending on his physical strength or powerful connections to protect him. Nobody admires a woman who lacks modesty, nor have we any respect for men who are predators of women or who enjoy preying on the weak. Nobody likes a bully or a hypocrite, a liar or a thief. None of us will choose to be in the company of someone who always wants to be in control, who refuses to recognise the needs or wishes of others, and we all know the dangers of a man who revels in power when he obtains it.

Instead, we admire those who exhibit patience and tolerance toward those who are less fortunate than themselves. We respect honesty and personal integrity, an adherence to truth, a high level of maturity. We admire courage and we despise cowards. We admire those with a sense of justice for others as well as themselves, who treat others as they would like to be treated. We dislike and avoid those who are habitual liars, and most of us have a natural and well-deserved contempt for those who lie about others.

So, if we were to assess and evaluate Captain America, how would he rate in terms of moral or any other kind of superiority?

To begin with the superficialities, we would admit he is physically strong, wealthier than many, perhaps handsome and well-dressed, and seems to live in a nice house. But then what? He claims to believe in a god, but freely breaks all of that god’s laws. He is nothing if not a violent person, violence toward almost all others being a defining adjective of his character, and he has been this way since childhood. There is no question he uses his strength to bully and intimidate everyone around him, and he is certainly a predator. Preying on the weak is one of his defining adjectives.

He is also a coward, avoiding confrontation until he can sufficiently weaken an opponent from a distance before attacking, having never demonstrated any interest in what we might call ‘a fair fight’. Like his bullying, his meanness is legendary, and he is nothing if not a Social Darwinist, with his law of the jungle disposition directing virtually all his social encounters. He is not only mean and violent, but he enjoys making and watching other (weaker) people suffer, and has also been this way since childhood. He is generally determined to win at all costs, freely shedding whatever values he pretends to hold. He not only tells volumes of breathless lies, but he uses those lies to first denigrate the characters of those he intends to bully and physically attack, hoping the ignorant will not realise this is his tactic to justify his violence against them. And he is a whiner. He takes by force everything he can, and whines when he can’t.

Certainly, he is a hypocrite, his hypocrisy being so outstanding as to qualify as a defining characteristic of his nature. We see no evidence of a kind heart or a forgiving disposition, and the only product he appears to distribute with generosity is his inherent violence. It is obvious to everyone that he revels in power as does every inferior man. We see overwhelming evidence of his pettiness and immaturity, as we do of his lack of simple honesty and sincerity, insincerity again being a defining adjective of his character. He is often jealous and envious, to the extent he will do all possible to bring down those whose virtues stand out and who appear to attract admiration or respect of others. He is so deluded that in his mind, only he is entitled to respect and admiration, to say nothing of obedience. Justice (for others) does not appear to be in his vocabulary.

He is arrogant and boastful almost beyond description, modesty also being absent from his vocabulary. He boasts often of his high level of education, but he appears to be more ignorant than anyone anywhere. Greed is a most unpleasant characteristic, but this man is greedy in an especially unpleasant way, not only wanting to be rich to the extent that he will beat others and steal from them, but also determined that all others should be poor and should remain poor. He not only wants to be richer than everyone else, but wants no other person to have any riches at all. Superficially, he appears to make exceptions for a few of his friends, but surreptitiously he steals from them as he steals from anyone and, if push came to shove, he would freely use his violence against even them. He is also essentially lawless, violating any domestic or international laws that he finds inconvenient, depending on his physical strength and bullying power to protect him. Plato said it best, more than 2,000 years ago: “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”

Perhaps the most startling characteristic of this man is his capacity for self-delusion. He travels not only his own country but around the world, boasting sanctimoniously of his sterling character, telling all and sundry of his high values, his faith in his god, of his belief in freedom and equality, in what he calls ‘human rights’, and so much more, all characteristics that are patently and evidently non-existent in his actions. He then asks the world to ignore his multitude of criminal actions and judge him solely on these imaginary values he professes. Is the man crazy? Yes, of course he is. A psychotic, and a very dangerous one.

But it’s even much worse than this. Captain America is first and foremost a killer. That is what he does best, and what he has always done, and he treats with utter contempt those whom he kills, especially the small children who are merely ‘bug splats’ to him. To say the man is pathological is to severely understate his mental illness. There are few anywhere in history who has killed as many people as this man, and who has done so as savagely and without remorse, or who glorifies killing as much as he does, writing and singing of ‘glorious battles’ he has had against weak opponents. He exhibits a thoroughly vicious level of criminality.

In early 2014, American writer John Kaminski published an article titled ‘America Minus the Mask: First and Foremost, a Nation of Killers’. He began by stating, “America is a nation of killers. It always has been, from the first Pilgrims who set foot in Massachusetts and later murdered the very people who had saved them from starvation. The entire American population is trapped in a self-delusion that they are heroes, fighting an endless string of evil enemies. But in fact, their targeted enemies have always been innocent people, usually minding their own business, put in harm’s way by their own valuable possessions, which Americans inevitably covet, and will kill anyone to get. The most prosperous and forward-looking countries have always been the best killers, and America, whose budget for wars and weapons exceeds the combined total of all the other countries of the world, is the most prodigious killer country of all time.”

He noted, as I have tried to detail extensively, the intense propaganda campaign begun by Lippman and Bernays, that had Germans eating babies in World War I, and Libya’s Khaddaffi killing his own people, and so many more lies so the Jewish bankers in the City of London could remove an irritant and control the oil and gold. He wrote, “Though the lie is revealed, the outcome may not be changed. This is a portrait of American justice around the world, the legacy that this obnoxious nation of killers continues to unleash upon the world. All the fine words of theologians and philosophers are only meant to cover up the unspeakable realities of Hiroshima (and others) that aim to pare down the population to a manageable level on a plantation run by fellows with whips in their hands.” He ended with this paragraph:

”How proud must Americans be that the US continues to be the war-making giant of the world. All it takes nowadays is a fistful of practically worthless dollars, and the US sucks another prostituted nation into the corrupt orbit of the New World Order. A few of us try to stand up and point out that this is all wrong, but our voices are lost in a tidal wave of irrelevant trivia that is more important to most people than their own lives, than their own well-being. And as new planes are launched and new bombs dropped, our voices are drowned out by the ugly sounds of people gasping for breath and dying, because of our refusal to acknowledge that we ourselves have failed to protest the lies that are killing them. Because of our profound ignorance, our families will soon suffer the same fate of those innocent people who have died because we did not have the courage to confront the lies we were told, and are still being told. America is a nation of killers. If you call yourself an American, you must accept that as the truth, and act accordingly in some way to try to redeem yourself from the thoughtless scumbag that history will judge you as having been. Or at least you will have to do that if you care about anything at all.”

I briefly discussed elsewhere the recent Hollywood movie “American sniper“, based on the true story of a Chris Kyle, an American described as “the most lethal sniper in American history, whose fame spread in all directions, a hero …” This man wrote a book about himself, describing in part how he so much enjoyed killing Iraqis, even young children, watching their mothers in anguish and weeping over the dead bodies of their children. The book became hugely popular, spending almost a year on the New York Times best-seller list. Hollywood made a movie about him that was also wildly popular, being nominated for six Oscar categories at the Academy Awards, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott officially declared February 2 as “Chris Kyle Day” in the state, “in honor of an American hero”. Bronze statues were cast in his honor. One newspaper said the film received “widespread praise among conservatives for depicting an American soldier at his best”.

Chris Hedges wrote a powerful article titled “Killing Ragheads for Jesus”, in which he stated this movie “lionizes the most despicable aspects of U.S. society – the gun culture, the blind adoration of the military, the belief that we have an innate right as a “Christian” nation to exterminate the “lesser breeds” of the earth.” He wrote that the movie opens in a church where the congregation is listening to a sermon about “God’s plan for American Christians”, where our hero sniper, Chris Kyle, will be called upon by God to use his “gift” to kill. Kyle is quoted as saying, “I only wish I had killed more. I loved killing … I loved what I did. I still do … it was fun. I had the time of my life”. Hedges noted that Kyle even got a tattoo of a cross on his arm because “I wanted everyone to know I was a Christian.” The righteousness of killing in god’s name has stalked America since its birth and is as virulent today as it has ever been. If this doesn’t frighten the hell out of you, I don’t know what would. How can you avoid concluding that Americans are totally, criminally insane?

In all of this, I think we could ask Americans a few questions.

Doesn’t it turn your stomach to know what your government has done in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Libya, and the CIA death squads in Haiti, Nicaragua and El Salvador? How do you feel about Madeline Albright deliberately killing half a million small children to teach Saddam a lesson? If you’re proud of that, what exactly are you proud of? The dead babies? The fact that you could kill them without punishment or retribution? How can you, as a human being, not respond with wrenching disgust at such a person and the people who appointed and supported her? Have you seen the photos of the horribly genetically deformed fetuses emerging in Iraq, Libya, the former Yugoslavia and Vietnam? How can you live with that? How do you feel about your country so freely killing so many millions of women and children in other countries, then lamenting a few children killed in a school in your country? How is your President different from any psychopathic dictator or mafia boss? How can you not be revolted by your own President, government, and country? How can you, as an American, simply turn away and not look at the centuries of evil and misery your country has inflicted on so many innocent nations?

You have always taken great pride in your Presidents and other national leaders, often citing them as evidential justification of your nation’s moral superiority, but most of your favorites like Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy are non-starters, with a long enough list of slime, sleaze, racism, pettiness, cruelty, immorality, criminality, and genocidal instincts to make Attila the Hun believe he was born before his time. A great many of your Presidents, Secretaries of State and Defense Secretaries were certifiably criminally insane. How do you feel about your leaders opening a university dedicated to teaching torture and repression of civilian populations? You take such pride in your democratic institutions, but how do you answer the charge that your Congress is the greatest single body of traitors in history?

Where in all of this do you find a foundation for your claim to moral superiority? How are you as an individual superior to anyone, anywhere? How is your government superior? How are your Presidents and leaders morally superior to the genocidal thugs they instruct at your School of the Americas? Your entire country, from its “democratic” government, to its institutions, CIA, military and corporations, is just one large criminal enterprise. I don’t see how it is possible today to be an American and not be deeply ashamed of my country and everything it stands for – not things it says, but the things it does. It is long past time for the world to stop pampering you, and instead to challenge your mindless claims of goodness and superiority by presenting you with all the dirty truths of your nation, and demand from you an accounting of your actions and crimes.

You pride yourself in being a democracy, government by the people, and claim you are in charge, that you dictate the actions of your Congressmen and Senators, and have the power to replace them at any time. Whether or not these claims are true, you as an individual are responsible for the enormous crimes of your government. You either knew or should have known what your President, CIA and military were doing, and your willful ignorance cannot excuse you. And when you learned of these crimes, you did nothing. You didn’t object, you didn’t speak out. There were no street protests, no millions of letters to the editor that expressed your horror or even disapproval.

In fact, most of you appeared to approve of these acts, priding yourself in being American as you appear to define that term. And in all of this, you are so proud to be an American that you sing yourself to sleep each night with lullabyes about your democratic values. But how dare you boast to me about your democratic values when your hands are dripping in human blood

SOURCE: Romanov on Unz


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 10:55 am

I grew up in a military family. During the 2nd grade dad was stationed at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station when the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted.

I was terrified of being nuked by Russia any second now… my fear stoked by daily air raid sirens and “Under your desk, NOW!” drills.

Only our government, military and my 2nd grade teacher could save us from doom.

Now, after 60+ years of DC ’s false flags, gaslighting, blatant corruption and hypocrisy, all applauded by Congress – I will never trust our government “of, for and by” compulsive liars, grifters and hair sniffers.

I’m terrified that Russia won’t nuke DC and the truth will be completely bleached out of our national fabric. Forever.

These days, the USA sucks ass; the entire world loathes us for every good reason.

Viva Mexico – my new home, a loooooong way from the nearest synagogue when the beak-nosed tribe and their lackeys are torched by Gog/Magog. Currently building a home with wood stove for the dimming.

  Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 11:51 am

I’m with you brother…the Yucatan beckons…

Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 12:04 pm

Sayultia, Nayarit, well-heeled Boomer/Geezer bohemian surf city where quadriplegics can catch a wave.

Actually – on a hill 3 klicks south, overlooking the palm grove of Playa Patzcuaro, where you’ll need to be quick to your feet if you’re going to make the drop on its bone-breakers.

(20.8423302; -105.462374)

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
  Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 12:42 pm

Question for you if you do not mind: I have been told that international travel requires a COVID jab. Is that true? Mexico has a lot going for it — but I’ll be damned if I take a clot-shot.

Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
  The True Nolan
December 26, 2022 2:39 pm

Yes, the jab is required for a lot of international destinations… including the USA (for foreigners) but not to enter Mexico.

October, 2021, nobody needed the jab or a negative test to go to Mexico, but everybody needed a negative test to return to the US.

October 2022, no requirements either way and no masks on the plane.

Mexicans seem to be over the CoVid BS where I am and in beach communities voluntary masking is rare. For an entire month, I only saw one blue-hair blue-muzzled, while she swam no less. Wasn’t scared of Jaws, but gain of function goblins were everywhere.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
  Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 5:18 pm

Thank you for the info.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 3:07 pm

The last time the Yucatan beckoned it got a face full of assteroid.

December 26, 2022 11:07 am

OH YEAH! Fuck this guy. There’s Government and Media Propaganda then there’s people. Some fall for it, some don’t. My American friends and family believe in rugged individualism. Fuck you if you don’t like it. “Captain America” give me a fucking break! Communist cunt!

December 26, 2022 11:15 am

Seems the author hit a nerve. Over the past 3 years I am starting to wake up.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
December 26, 2022 11:21 am

Feel the love.
The power interruptions the country just felt will be getting more frequent. The collapse is on.
The deep state will throw out some dandy groups of killers to terrify the locals, swat teams by any other name could sound so sweet.
Been saying prayers, but my hands are covered in the blood of innocents doing my countries bidding. Warm now, but winter is coming. Only God can have mercy on us, do we really deserve it?

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
December 26, 2022 2:43 pm

Mon, December 26, 2022 at 10:09 AM EST

4 power substations vandalized in Washington state, over 14K lost power

The substation attacks unfolded Sunday between 2:39 a.m. and 7:21 p.m. local time, authorities said. In all four episodes, the saboteurs broke into the fenced-off power stations and deliberately damaged equipment, according to the sheriff’s office.

Officials initially said three power stations were vandalized, but early Monday morning they said a fourth substation was damaged in a deliberately caused fire near the city of Graham, cutting power to homes in Kapowsin and Graham.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
December 26, 2022 5:56 pm

You missed the most important piece of information: that the attacks were the work of right-wing extremists … truly … honestly … we’re putting together the ‘story’ about it right now … 

  Anthony Aaron
December 27, 2022 7:49 am

commies always accuse others when they are the ones taking action.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Oldtoad of Green Acres
December 26, 2022 8:23 pm

“Only God can have mercy on us, do we really deserve it?”

We most assuredly do not, and He offers it nonetheless. God is good.

December 26, 2022 11:27 am

What distinguished America was that for the first time in human history the government they created placed restrictions on governmental power. That has long since gone away. The author is correct. America is now just another slave colony. But there still is a residue of liberty alive in all good Americans. The energy of Ron Paul’s presidential runs proves that hence a spark of hope.

December 26, 2022 5:33 pm

It never went away . . . it was never there:

“Hans-Hermann Hoppe,. . . argued that no constitution could restrain the state. Once its monopoly of force was granted legitimacy, constitutional limits became mere fictions it could disregard; nobody could have the legal standing to enforce those limits. The state itself would decide, by force, what the constitution “meant,” steadily ruling in its own favor and increasing its own power. This was true a priori, and American history bore it out.”

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”
― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

It is an illusion that the state will ever restrain itself. It must be abolished – beginning in the human psyche..

December 26, 2022 5:45 pm

Excellent points. Patric Henry and others understood the overturning of the Articles of Confederation in favor of a constitutional republic was an English coup to retain control-eventually.

December 26, 2022 11:35 am

I’m extremely proud of being an American. The occupied DC/Criminal Cartel government has nothing to do with America.

Why should we not be proud of being American? WE have nothing to do with, nor control over the Zionist controlled military or government. Those who don’t like being American can move, it’s a big world, pick a place and GTFO.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 26, 2022 12:30 pm

Depends who “we” is. Roughly half (or more) of our fellow citizens are entirely fine with censoring “misinformation” and happily believe 90%+ of the bullshit the government spews. They think the FBI was bad when it spied on MLK, but it’s somehow better now. The CIA was bad when it killed JFK, but it’s somehow better now. No it’s not. It’s the same/same. The rainbow flag people are the same as the blue-yellow flag people. They may be in the minority where you live, but where I live and in most of the population centers THEY are the majority. Democracy is no longer a credible governing goal.

  Iska Waran
December 26, 2022 1:37 pm

Democracy is NEVER a credible governing goal, Iska. The most patriotic, UNDERLINE patriotic, people I have ever known were some Cubans transplanted here in KY. Their patriotism and love for Cuba was f’n off the charts. Cuba is the worst example of a slave plantation shithole if there ever was one but those folks truly LOVE their country. They drape the Cuban flag in their homes and speak of THEIR country as their mother. You don’t understand that, Iska.

Those Cubans can’t be Swiss, German, Irish etc. even if they move there because they are born and raised Cubans. Shit hole or no shithole., ABOVE ALL they are Cuban. I am American, it is my culture and southern Americans still love their country even as it is occupied. I fully expected to be downed on this thread, I consider it a badge of honor.

BL here.

December 26, 2022 4:14 pm

I am truly saddened that Americans would down vote their countrymen who still have pride in the history and culture of this country. Only Yankee varmints would do such a thing as they proved their hatred for their fellow Americans in the south as was carried out in the CW.

Me thinks the south should rekindle plans to leave them on their own with their Zionist overlords and DC at which point we expel all who were not southern born, including all migrants to live above the Mason-Dixon line.

It’s a sad day….. Don’t look for me to give you quarter or have your back in SHTF situation. Who needs ya? Certainly NOT the south.

December 26, 2022 5:40 pm

“Only Yankee varmints . . .”

“Once one concedes that a single world government is not necessary, then where does one logically stop at the permissibility of separate states? If Canada and the United States can be separate nations without being denounced as in a state of impermissible ‘anarchy’, why may not the South secede from the United States? New York State from the Union? New York City from the state? Why may not Manhattan secede? Each neighbourhood? Each block? Each house? Each person?” ― Murray N. Rothbard

Rothbard was a NYC Jew.

December 26, 2022 7:20 pm

Yes Anon, Rothbard was a NYC joo, and without any doubt it was the Freemason jooish satanic cult that fomented the CW. (((They))) would love to see division in this country, which is why we have these articles and people down you for being proud of where you were born and raised.

Ya know, it’s generally Yankees and Zionist lackeys who write the “End of America” or “Proud to be American?” hit piece articles. There are some southern sellouts but as a general rule, this crap comes out of liberal Yankee strongholds in the north.

I don’t really care what you f’n think.

December 26, 2022 9:21 pm

there is much documentary evidence substantiating that point. city of london jews financed north and south, and even sent that piece of shit judah benjamin to sabotage jefferson davis’ government.

December 26, 2022 7:53 pm

Make sure you kick out the freemasons, too.

December 26, 2022 8:02 pm

The Germans kicked them out and look how f’d up they have become. Maybe its a combo Freemasons/Banks/Central banks? What do you think?

December 26, 2022 9:19 pm

oh that the south would rise again.

December 26, 2022 7:28 pm

You can’t have a country without a nation and you cannot have have nation without a homogeneous people. It is that simple. This so call country is just a fake shadow hovering over the abyss. It is a giant refugee camp.

The only things I am proud of are my ancestors who built it and my few fellow countrymen who remain true to faith and tradition.

December 26, 2022 9:23 pm

that is why the wef-jews are sending foreigners into western countries – to replace them and make them completely subservient to satan’s city of london.

the public sucks
the public sucks
December 26, 2022 5:28 pm

To quote George Carlin “when you have stupid ignorant citizens you have stupid ignorant leaders”.

December 26, 2022 7:03 pm

the author confuses the cancer with the patient. the cancer is the khazarian zionists who control the government, yet the people refuse to excise the cancer. cia, fbi, dhs and all the rest are jewish kgb, nkvd.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
December 26, 2022 11:36 am

Cutting right to, and then clear through, the bone.

Refreshingly honest; tremendously horrible and sad.

  Aunt Acid
December 26, 2022 11:40 am

Propaganda, git u sum.

Gary Olson
Gary Olson
  Aunt Acid
December 26, 2022 5:41 pm

But, one sided. Non-government organizations provide international assistance in disasters far in excess of any other country in the world.

December 26, 2022 11:43 am

This ULTRA-NATIONALIST is Not proud to be American !
The entire fed/corp/gov system is captured by FASCISTS and over half of population have been reduced to SERVILE-SHEEPSLAVES !
Only a PURGE……a RECKONING to remove the pus-filled rot will restore my pride.

December 26, 2022 12:16 pm

This Empire will end soon enough. When it dose, there will be you and I. This world is corrupt to it’s core. I am an American, I am not defined by Government or institutions. One major objective of the NWO is to make us hate our heritage and our country. I don’t hate either. That’s why my heart breaks for her. Are we the people good? Define that for me in context of the big picture. This façade will end and God willing I will be standing right here on my piece of this world on my beloved land, America.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 1:06 pm

It has been stated politics is downstream from culture (Breitbart).

I would add culture (heritage) is downstream from history. A culture/ heritage is enlivened by the remembrance of its history.

The iconography of memories – stories, artwork, songs, statues and language are the nucleotides of the history- culture – politics dna

history – culture – politics

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell

The common narrative, now corrupting history, is a spell upon the masses just as the words of a witches’ spell has the most power when heard and received by the ears of the hexed.

  gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 1:20 pm

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell

I wonder if George could have envisioned the elimination of the very nature of humans….

The LGBT War on Womanhood has resulted in another update to the Newspeak Dictionary. The same prestigious Cambridge Dictionary that recently redefined the word “woman” into meaninglessness now proclaims that most people find the noun “female” offensive outside scientific writing

In utopia, the divorce between sex and procreation will be complete, along with the eradication of male and female.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 2:31 pm

The narrative is lie… “most people find the usage of female offensive”. No most people do not. Spellbinding.

Diogenes' Dung
Diogenes' Dung
  gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 3:09 pm

gadsden – I’m curious if you’re flying an Alabama flag. My dad’s folks came from Center, AL, 30 miles from Gadsden. What was left of them settled there after Sherman burned them out of Georgia.

For them, a trip to Gadsden was “Go’in to the ‘Big City'”.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
  Diogenes' Dung
December 26, 2022 5:55 pm

Alabama is good. I’m in the Sunshine State of Mind.

Enumclaw Olympian
Enumclaw Olympian
  gadsden flag
December 27, 2022 10:33 am


I misspent my 20’s in Neptune Beach getting hammered at Pete’s Bar and fired every time there were waves to surf.

Elmore Leonard and Carl Hiaasen, two of my favorite authors, rose to literary fame by creating the most unbelievably crazy Florida characters who were pretty much average for the Sunshine State.

The only place I’ve lived where I felt I felt normalcomment image

  gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 3:11 pm

Nobody with sufficient testosterone is ever going to write such a ridiculous sentence in a dictionary.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
December 26, 2022 9:09 pm

i find the usage of female wonderful.

December 26, 2022 9:49 pm

Geez Boogie, I say basically what you said and they come after me with pitch forks.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 8:02 am

Exactly. Not Commies. Fucking Nazis! We’ve been conquered from within by fucking Nazis!

December 26, 2022 11:46 am

Do Russia and China next.

December 26, 2022 12:10 pm

THAT right there is why the US will sink into oblivion. Don’t look at just how bad we are and how much filth and rats we harbor and feed, look at russia and china. See, look over there at how bad they are, we need to bomb them.

Not awoke, but dumb shit

December 26, 2022 12:45 pm

So when do you start kicking ass and taking names. Once you get it started we can all join in. Then we can all celebrate our self righteousness. He’s not saying to bomb anyone. He just sees past the good guy, bad guy thing. Government sucks, the bigger it is the harder it sucks.

Enumclaw Olympian
Enumclaw Olympian
December 26, 2022 3:16 pm

Embrace the big hard suck or gooberment willcomment image you

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 26, 2022 12:34 pm

Take the log out of your own eye first. At church yesterday the pastor called Putin an evil dictator. Right. He wants what’s best for his own people – which is why he has 80%+ support, while the White House resident and dubious winner of the 2020 election hates most of his fellow citizens. And somehow Putin is the “dictator”.

The Communist Party of China enjoys popular support because it’s brought hundreds of millions of its own people out of poverty, while our own government has encouraged our replacement and hollowing out our industrial capacity.

  Iska Waran
December 26, 2022 1:19 pm

You’d best get out of that church…an alternative: Watch the live feed every Sunday at 2:30 pm MST. Also check out the archived sermons.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
December 26, 2022 2:13 pm

Exactly “awoke”. Look what Hitler did to Europe, and to his own people. That’s “precision” for you. Look what Mussolini did in North Africa, and to his own people. Look what Stalin did to Eastern Europe (remember Ukraine), and to his own people. Look what Mao did to Asian and to his own people. Look what France did in Algeria and Vietnam. Look what Japan did to the Ainu in their own country, and to other Asian countries during WWII. Look at the people in those countries (I have listed) who aided and/or supported the slaughter of other human beings. They are all butchers. Look at how Great Britain ruled during the 19th and early 20th Century. Tell the Zulu’s and the Boer’s how kind and gentle the Englishman is. The US has a terrible governing body at this time, and a good number of its people are educated idiots or welfare rats, but there is a core of this nation that strives, not always successfully, to do what is good and right. Man is, and always has been a violent animal. DEAL WITH IT. Some of us in the US know how violent and arrogant our government has become, and some of the criticism in the article is well-founded, but to paint all Americans with the same brush is unfair and says more about the writer than it does about the people of this country.

December 26, 2022 11:48 am

When we started as a nation we were moral…then came the politicians, corporations, banksters…all owned by the little hats. Not to oversimplify it but the Christian heritage of the U.S. was reasonably intact until after WWII when Operation Paperclip aided by the Satanic Intelligence communities supported the Nazi infiltration of our culture and fueled the rise of the MIC. In retrospect we need to understand who started the downfall of humanity? The Jews made the mistake of killing Christ and then let the Khazars call themselves Jews…both bad decisions. The Khazar Jews now own you and view you as cattle and wish to physically own you…so shut up proles and take your punishment.

December 26, 2022 12:16 pm

I think you blocked something out in 1944

Maybe this will help.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
December 26, 2022 1:04 pm

Right. I spent Christmas day with 2 West Point Grads. Should I send them this?

December 26, 2022 6:11 pm

Well aware and beside the point. What happens during war can’t be rationalized, what a government does to it’s population during peace time is grounds for action.

December 26, 2022 12:24 pm

The most important distinction for a nation, as with an individual, is its character, demonstrated by deeds rather than platitudes…

Indeed. We are known by our actions (more than our words), Stuck. And time reveals outcomes; one way, or another.

Thank you, as always, for another thought-provoking post – here on the Platform that Burns (away any jingoistic B.S., that is)

December 26, 2022 1:24 pm

Not since the last century, have I been proud to be an American (and THAT world I come to find was faker than a 3 dollar bill.)


It is ALL WE DO………….(I Have Lived Too Long)

AND we SWALLOWED THE JONESTOWN KOOLAID by taking the Death Clot Shot……

Next STUPID question?

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
December 26, 2022 1:55 pm

Oh, wow. There’s so much wrong with this article… I usually don’t comment with a wall of text but I can’t help myself this time.

First, the author openly pin-points that America has been hijacked by a Jewish world order and has been subjugated (by rich foreigners) under Jewish values. Our country and the Western world were NOT founded under Judaism. Only an estimated 2.4% of Americans (assuming those numbers aren’t exaggerated and over represented the same way as the LGBTQ+ community) are Jewish. Then the author goes on to blame Americans and the American identity for all the problems in the world when our leaders sold us out to foreign Jewish special interest groups (i.e. World Jewish Congress).

My biggest criticism of the “blame the Jews” crowd is they never read the fucking Old Testament. Some haven’t even entirely read the New Testament either. They read a copy-paste version and pick out the feel good quotes while missing the broader context of both stories. They know what the problem is but can’t properly articulate it.

Judaism was founded by a murder and a member of the Egyptian ruling family. His god intentionally harden the Pharaoh’s heart into refusing to “let Moses’ people go” (as if he fucking owned them) and killed the first borns of Egypt (a human and animal sacrifice). He convinced a group of people to trade one form of slavery (physical labor) for another form (mental conformity). Then Moses wanders around a fucking desert for 40 years and is annoyed by dissenters asking the ancient equilvant of “are we there yet”? When people are finally getting fed up with him he disappears to a Mountain retreat where his god tells him they’re the chosen people, gives them some rules to obey such as don’t kill people, and then tells him he’s got some sweet ocean front property for him. Only problem is that property is already inhabited and they’ll have to kill all the people on the land including women, children, and the elderly.

When they arrive in Judea they send out spies who convince a prostitute to betray her own people for clemency.

Great fucking story, right? That’s the origin story for the founding of Israel. I’m not even going to get into the mess that was Abraham life such as how he was a liar who pimped his wife out to the Pharaoh or tried to kill his own son as a human sacrifice.

In the New Testament Jesus was born to a virgin teenage girl (virgin meant she was sinless in that context) and conceived by God. He wasn’t conceived by a human father because it was believed generational sin was passed down the male bloodline. Meaning Jesus would’ve inherited all the sins of a human bloodline. His human father Joseph was from the Davidic line and his bloodline was believed to be the rightful heirs of the Kingdom of Judea. His bloodline was driven out and exiled when the Babylonians conquered Judea. When Jesus was born they had to go into hiding because Herod’s power was threatened and he ordered the mass killing of babies.

Jesus was later temped by Satan for 40 days and 40 nights by all the riches and power he was entitled to by being heir as the first born of Joseph who was heir to the David bloodline. He refused Satan’s temptations and remained sinless.

Jesus was ultimately betrayed when Judas (a member of the elite ruling class who didn’t know Jesus wasn’t of David’s bloodline and refused Satan’s temptations) realized Jesus had no intention of overthrowing the Romans by starting an Maccabees style armed revolution. Instead his revolution was a spiritual revolution that advocated love thy neighbor and forgive your enemies. The Jewish elite warmongers and money changers (priests) would never accept that because it would end their chosen status. Jesus was arrested, given a show trial, and murdered by his own people. But what Judas didn’t realize was because Jesus was a sinless soul he was the ultimate sacrifice during Passover. This spiritual sacrifice undid all the generation curses of sin and everybody was freed from Moses’ law (a curse). People would no longer be forced to sacrifice animals by holy gatekeepers to cleanse their sins.

That’s the origin story of Christianity. Completely different from the Jewish origin story.

The Jews would ultimately be defeated by the Romans in 70 A.D. during the Siege of Jerusalem after the ruling class betrayed the Jewish Zealots (who wanted to overthrow the Romans and restore Jewish rule) and when the priests in the temple ran out of animal sacrifices.

American’s origin story was founded on “We The People” overthrowing an oppressive empire and decreeing all men were created equal in the eyes of God and thus granted rights by God. Those rights included freedom of speech, property, and self-defense. The right to rule themselves instead of by a bloodline of elites or priesthood hierarchy.

All these origin stories have meaning and either the author doesn’t know the difference between them or is purposely glossing over them to diagnose American as the originator of all the ills of the world.

  Stephanie Shepard
December 26, 2022 2:14 pm

Our history did not start in the late 1960’s when the Zionists flipped on the green light to take complete control. We are a people with a history and a culture that should be preserved. By whatever means we rid ourselves of these parasites ,or be it through divine intervention, it will happen.

  Stephanie Shepard
December 26, 2022 7:12 pm

” member of the Egyptian ruling family” Was Adopted. Old Testament a repetitive ‘Crime & Punishment’, subtle variations on a Theme. Musta been the origin of…”Some people NEVER learn”

PLENTY of good. Stuff & People. Exemplary.

STILL goin’ on to the present day. Daniel and Revelation? Cliffs Notes. Hard to decipher “Ye Olde English”…many explanatory, legit sites, IMHO.

VERY easy to make sense of the current trajectory.

  Stephanie Shepard
December 26, 2022 8:11 pm

Thx Stuc…I mean Stephanie. VERY helpful.

  Stephanie Shepard
December 26, 2022 9:53 pm

Larry said quite clearly that only deeds matter, not talk. Known by your fruits and all that.

If you sit on your hands while evil is perpetrated; morally, spiritually and in law you have given it your consent. If you pay tax to murderers and hypocrites you have endorsed their actions.

When you declare that “they” (jews) have all the power and you have none you have created that reality.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
December 26, 2022 2:01 pm


  Long Time Lurker
December 26, 2022 2:20 pm

LTL- Mericuh military is not for the defense of Mericuh. It is the preferred army of the Zionist banksters, and is owned and operated by ((( them))) while being funded by the US Fed. which is owned and operated by (((them))).

What’s your point?

December 26, 2022 4:05 pm

OK, enough of Larry Romanoff. I bow to nobody in my hatred of many things happening in our country and I would never sugarcoat our history, including the brutal and illegal invasion of the South in 1861-65 (Southerners were not trying to “overthrow” the U.S. government, it was not a “rebellion” or an insurrection; it was a separatist movement not unlike our War for Independence or the Irish War for Independence – anybody care to call THEM traitors?)

Yes, there is much in our history that is far from noble or hornorable. We have indeed done our share of killing and innocents have suffered at our hands.

True, as far as it goes.

But Romanoff is a 24 carat, gold-plated jerk with about as much historical perspective and knowledge as AOC, Maxine Waters, or Little Richard.

For a Russian or other European, or an Asian, or a Muslim, or an African, to cast stones at us, should be a cause for us to laugh out loud.

Only a nincompoop with no understanding of world history could write such a mess of drivel.

Further comment is unnecessary. The man is a horse’s ass, and a shit-smeared one at that.

December 26, 2022 4:30 pm

I prefer naming the “Civil War” ( a complete lie) to the Second American Revolution.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
December 26, 2022 8:25 pm

The War of Northern Aggression is what we call it down here in Carolina.

December 26, 2022 5:50 pm

Romanoff is an American.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
December 27, 2022 10:27 pm

I know that, which makes his horseshit worse.

December 26, 2022 7:17 pm

“The man is a horse’s ass, and a shit-smeared one at that.”

So not a fan of The Unz Review?

or Winterwatch?


Southern Sage
Southern Sage
December 27, 2022 10:29 pm

I am a big fan of both, but not Romanoff

December 26, 2022 10:10 pm

“Only a nincompoop with no understanding of world history could write such a mess of drivel”

Summary of points made in article:

1. US has a jewish controlled media which promulgates lies and propaganda
2. US addresses other nations from a position of false moral superiority
3. Each nation possesses a distinct “personality” or set of national characteristics
4. US demands respect, does not earn it
5. US is a bully and beats up on easy targets
6. Warfare is the US’s primary output
7. Chris Kyle was a psychopath/murderer
8. The american people give consent to their leaders’ atrocities.

Larry is right on the money and Americans themselves are notorious for having little understanding of the rest of the world. Your ad hominem attack is further evidence of his claims

December 26, 2022 10:53 pm

the author fails to recognize the zionist occupation government. it is their deeds which should be the object of opprobrium. citing the zionist press is castigating a scape goat – though a thoroughly evil one.

the real problem comes at number 8 but with rigged elections by foreign governments, the people have not given consent. the jewish occupation government has created votes for its candidates, in collusion with ccp.

December 27, 2022 8:20 am

He owned an import-export business. Was his alias Art Vandalay?

The public sucks
The public sucks
December 26, 2022 5:16 pm

I have zero pride in this hellhole. What is there to be proud of? A fake Pedo “president”? A government that hates it’s own citizens? A stupid cowardly populace who doesn’t seem to care? This place stopped being something to be proud of a long time ago.

  The public sucks
December 26, 2022 7:20 pm

“What is there to be proud of?”

But, but…b.s. (barry soetoro) & big mike?

  The public sucks
December 26, 2022 8:07 pm

I think that’s the goal…to shame us.

December 26, 2022 8:27 pm

Glock- Would you shame a cancer patient for having a cancer in their body? We are guilty of not throwing out some commies and banksters. Like bad alcoholics that have been on a bender for a long time, we can sober up and take care of bidness.

December 26, 2022 11:54 pm

Of course not. Of course I hope we can “throw them out”. What’s our odds?

I’m saying they want Americans to badmouth ourselves. It fits into the One World Government goal.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
December 26, 2022 5:48 pm

“No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power! When the oppressed man finds no justice, When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals with fearless heart to heaven, and thence brings down his everlasting rights, which there abide, inalienably his, and indestructible as stars themselves. The primal state of nature reappears, wherein man confronts his fellow man; and if all other means shall fail his need, one last resort remains—his own good sword. The dearest of our goods we may defend, From violence. We stand before our country, We stand before our wives, before our children!

We want to be a single band of brothers, Never to part in danger or distress. We want to be free, as our fathers were, And rather die than live in slavery. We want to trust in the one highest God, And never be afraid of human power.”

– “The Rütli Oath”, Friedrich Schiller’s “Wilhelm Tell”

From an excellent article by one of my favorite researchers/writers on the web, Cynthia Chung …

Be sure to read the articles cited in this piece … 

Germany’s Stockholm Syndrome

December 26, 2022 7:30 pm


December 26, 2022 7:32 pm

It’s what you are, not what you say you are.

And what you are is predicated on what you do.

Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field. Genesis 3:18
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:17

Or as the great twentieth century philosopher Forrest Gump opined:
“Stupid is as stupid does.”

December 27, 2022 3:18 am

confusing the ‘american’ empire, with america. conflating two totally different things.. conflating them deliberately to erode the virtue and respect of the american, by loading all the oppobrium of the empire onto him. that empire crawled onto the back of the american and rode his muscle to rule the world- after that empire had sucked the british empire’s blood and marrow dry and successfully climbed onto a new host and discarded the old – it’s an empire of bankers and antihumans, who worship power and machines, and who hate anything that goes contrary to their vision of absolute power for them and absolute subjugation for the rest of the universe. actual traditional american society, what you saw in the flesh and blood living world up to the middle of the 19th century and what has been under pressure ever since but still somehow survives in fragmentary and brutalized form (but could manage to recover!) , is quite the opposite of enormous oppressive empires.
the enemy knows that one of his important battles is to keep those actual americans from even understanding their own heritage. if they forget it, if they lose their consciousness, how can they ever even begin to return to their roots? like with other peoples elsewhere that empire of the machine seeks to cut every nation off from its own history and culture.
do not yield to their pressure. they’re desperate because they dont have many more chances at this, they know it’s now or never.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 8:30 am

That’s just bigoted! lol !


Freddy Uranus
Freddy Uranus
December 27, 2022 7:45 am

Killing: It’s what empires do.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 7:57 am

Romanov on Unz can suck the “democracy” right out the head of my dick! FUCK ALL you assholes running around calling America a “democracy” ! It never was and never will be. Too many fuckin’ Nazis for that to ever happen.

You always get the Government you deserve. Uncle Sodomy has led you far down the primrose path, idiots. Wake the fuck up!

  The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 12:52 pm

I’m in agreement about America not being created as a democracy, as yes, the design was as a constitutional republic. Unfortunately the PTB have almost completed the transformation away from all the principles of a constitutional republic straight into the arms of the two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.

The idea of “By the People for the people…” has been almost completely replaced with “we have to pass the bill to see what’s in it…” thanks to all “our” wonderful “elected” representatives that only represent themselves and their privately owned corporate parties also known as the Uni-party.

Many of us are awake as to what’s going on, and I don’t mean the woke crowd. The problem is that there isn’t a good way to get organized in any beneficial way at this time so there is that. We just need to stay alert and be aware and do what we can (sand in the gears) in the interim.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 27, 2022 3:02 pm

This is not going to be resolved by organization. It’s going to be solved by an organic process governed by the Laws of “fuck around and find out”.

Hell on Earth is just another word for chaos.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 27, 2022 9:10 am

Good Lord, deliver us…from all who think like them.

December 27, 2022 2:51 pm

The High! Everybody love a good worker…The Low… Sometimes even the best of the best have personalities that we might ignore based on good behavioral efforts that confront the persons up bring… but at last we suffer the carnage of international Greed and the Money changers that steal the fruits of our labor as Americans. The infestation of the conical infrastructures of neo-con imperialistic capitalism and it’s roots in the New World Order Mafias international Freemasonic Illuminati Marxist anatomy finds its totalitarian foundations in the Zionist Judea-Christian narrasistic mythological mind sets. Believing that reason and logic is something that has magical qualities fare from the wisdom of great philosophers that thought us that religion was and is a diver protoplasm of “Stupid is as Stupid Does” The end around of false beliefs and the deadly games of the supernatural war machine…

This articles commentary we all should heed, as we watch the republic commit suicide and genocide in the delusional
self-serving political dictum of egotistical superiority of the powerful elites… These are not Nationalist, but socialistic capitlaistic perverts filling their bank accounts and their personal self styled egomania!

December 27, 2022 3:09 pm

Aard- Oh yeah, well just don’t ever say you love America. Fly over people still say it while hiding in their closet. Just don’t say it out loud FFS.

December 27, 2022 11:06 pm

Good tip… on a fly by to say hello!

December 27, 2022 11:14 pm

Hey Ghost! I trust Christmas was extra nice with the baby at your house?